The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 11

Chapter 11: : State Of Emergency

After Li Wei boosted the energy of the key to 81%, continuing to devour ordinary infected bodies had no effect, and only a little ultraviolet radiation and hunters could recharge the key.

He left the infection zone. In fact, he left because a large number of tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, along with a large number of Black Watch and the Federation’s joint forces, suddenly drove into the infection zone, reducing the range of his activities infinitely.

Clinging to the window of a certain building, staring at the hail of bullets and the crushing of the steel behemoth below, Li Wei had the feeling that he was watching a blockbuster war movie, but the current scene was more unpretentious.

The visual impact is also greater. This is a picture that is difficult to make with special effects in a movie. The sound of the Land Overlord tank rumbled is deafening, and the sound of artillery is shaking the buildings everywhere.

For some unknown purpose, the army began to clean up the infected area on a large scale. There is a great momentum to kill all the infected bodies. It may be some order.

It is absolutely impossible for the parade to make the participants behind it make concessions, unless the situation has reached an irreversible level, causing the parade to riot, otherwise the moderate parade adds a little damage, and the biggest loss is still the parade. the mob.

Rich people in America have ample reserves, and they will never worry about whether they will run out of food, but poor people will.

These demonstrations without the organizers and assistance behind them will not last long, and their livelihood will disappear in at most a month.

According to this inference, Li Wei did not believe that such a big move by the military was because of the parade.

After looking at it for a while, he turned and left the building, dodging the armored troops on the street, preparing to go to the safe area to inquire about the news.

After turning over the infected area from one side wall, the number of pedestrians on the street decreased significantly. Most of them were soldiers on the black watch. Without disturbing anyone, Li Wei returned to the rental house where he had been hiding for a few days.

But the apartment building was as quiet as it was being evacuated, with a creepy feeling.

Going up to the third floor, Li Wei saw Room 401 with the door open. The guitar player disappeared. The small room was empty and the items were messy. If it wasn’t visited by thieves, it could only be because of an emergency. The owner moved out of here.

Li Wei walked in and took a look. In an obvious girl’s room, many things had not been cleaned up yet. The wardrobe was rummaged through, and there was no trace of infected body invasion.

Suddenly, his ears moved slightly, and he heard some sounds in his ears. Li Wei left Room 401, turned around and continued to go further into the corridor. Halfway through, he stopped in Room 409 and listened for a while, it seemed to be the sound of the radio.

Raised his hand and knocked on the door. After the sound fell, the radio seemed to be turned off.

Li Wei knocked on the door again, and a response came from inside.

“I said I won’t move, don’t let me go out of the house, unless you want my old life!”


Li Wei’s expression became a little weird, and he shouted loudly: “Old lady, I’m not here to tell you to move out. I’m from room 422. We only met in the morning. Can I ask you something?”

The voice inside was silent for a moment, as if he was thinking about Li Wei’s question.

Moments later, the sound of rubbing footsteps sounded, the door was slapped open, the wooden door was pulled open a small crack, but the door was still connected with an anti-theft chain.

A wrinkled face appeared behind the door, her turbid eyes looked out, and she saw Li Wei standing at the door, dressed in a straight suit, the old lady seemed a little puzzled, “Who are you?”

“It’s me. I said hello to you when I went out in the morning. Do you remember? Do you know where everyone in this apartment went?” Li Wei was not impatient, many old people were like this, he Leaning down, he shouted his question loudly, wanting to let the old lady hear it.

“Damn it!” The old lady seemed to be startled by Li Wei, her head shrank back, and her hand seemed to cover her chest, “Old lady, I’m not deaf yet, do you want to scare me to death! When I see the suit, I think of those The **** who made me move, **** it!”

Li Wei was silent for a while, then lowered his voice and asked, “Old lady, is someone here to let everyone move out?”

Knowing that Li Wei was not from the Federation, the old lady put down a lot of vigilance and told him what happened after Li Wei left.

It turned out that not long after Li Wei left, people from the government came here to let the people here temporarily move out and let them all move to the Xicheng District of the city.

The reason is that the virus has a risk of spreading, and anti-virus measures are about to be launched, and the danger may spread here, so people here must be moved to Xicheng District.

Li Wei only believed part of it. After saying goodbye to the old lady, he returned to 422, turned on the TV, found local news, and wanted to inquire about some information.

The host of the news channel made a statement and solemnly declared that Manhattan has entered the highest state of emergency. The army is ready to take over the city. All citizens will be evacuated from Manhattan in the near future. If necessary, nuclear weapons may be used to destroy Manhattan.

The picture of the USS Ronald Reagan appeared in a high-altitude perspective. The USS Ronald Reagan, which was loaded with nuclear warheads, deterred all the mob who fished in troubled waters.

After the federation gave a clear answer, all the parades in Manhattan have disappeared, and the whole of New York is watching the federation’s handling of the incident.

From these scattered information, which can only be trusted in part, Li Wei got a bad signal, the situation may have been out of the control of those behind, otherwise they would not be able to use nuclear bombs so aggressively.

Turning off the TV, he looked at the clock on the wall and found that it was already three o’clock in the morning. The gunfire was still going on outside. The old lady of 409 kept swearing and shouting that the army would not let her rest.

Alex and him agreed on a time of 7:00 in the morning, but he should go to Brother A to find out what’s going on now.

It has been almost ten years since he last played the prototype of torture, except for some general plots, UU reading www.uukanshu. com details are simply forgotten.

Knowing that a nuclear bomb may come to Manhattan, Li Wei is also a little uneasy. He can’t withstand a nuclear bomb now.

A small missile is already reluctant, and when a nuclear bomb is encountered, everyone will evaporate.

Breaking through the window and gliding away, Li Wei entered the infected area again, and the smell of gunpowder and blood in the air became stronger.

Li Wei leaped between the buildings, turned on the stealth mode after approaching the battle zone, and began to lurk in the shadows of the devastated buildings.

After seeing a helicopter pass by, he took a run, jumped out of the window, smashed his body on the side of the helicopter, and his arm directly adhered to the side of the helicopter.

With a thud, the helicopter was slightly skewed by the sudden impact. Fortunately, the pilot was quite experienced, and the helicopter was stabilized by pulling the joystick a few times.

Then the frightened driver and co-pilot turned their heads and looked at Li Wei, who was leaning on the side of the hatch window and looked at them with a grin.

“Hey hey~ boys!” Li Wei stretched out his hand with a smile, grabbed the hatch of the helicopter directly, lifted the hatch of the helicopter, stretched out his hand and pinched the driver’s neck, and with force, the scarlet on his body The flesh and blood grew on the left hand, and it devoured the pilot in an instant.

“Call for support! Eagle No. 6 was attacked… uh!!” The co-pilot shouted for help on the public channel and began to unfasten his seat belt, but the next moment his neck was pinched so hard by Li Wei that he could no longer speak out.

“Everything is normal, false positives~!”

Li Wei’s body slowly climbed up to the scarlet flesh touch, his face including the clothes on his body, the next second he became the driver’s appearance, even his voice became exactly the same, and the corners of his mouth grinned in a bad arc.

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