The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 568

Chapter 466: :Help

Facing the four people with different expressions, Li Wei stopped and said with a smile, “I’m here to help.”

“Thank you, but we don’t need help!” Captain Ando’s suspicion was obviously very important. As an excellent spy, he wouldn’t just listen to other people’s nonsense.

Especially a stranger who suddenly came to the door and said that he wanted to help, wouldn’t he think it was abrupt and stupid?

He couldn’t possibly agree!

Li Wei also knew that this kind of behavior was very abrupt, but he was sure to persuade Captain Amdo to rely on the Force!


An invisible force was released from Li Wei’s hands. It was not the Force, because he didn’t understand the Force. This was an advanced usage of Ghidorah’s gravitational rays, which combined the new abilities naturally developed by the biological magnetic field of the motherland.

With an invisible hand, I squeezed Captain Andor’s neck lightly, creating the illusion that I would use the principle, and then persuaded verbally.

“No, you need help, and you can totally trust me.”

The same tightness in his neck made Captain Ando tense instantly. He wanted to swallow his saliva to relieve the pressure, but he didn’t dare to let his neck move too much, for fear that the neck would be broken in the next moment.

This was an unprecedented experience, and he clearly understood what Li Wei wanted to express.

Li Wei is a Jedi Knight, or an ordinary force user, and there is no way that he will cooperate with the empire that chops off the head of the force user.

The truth is this, but Captain Amdo is still very unhappy. This kind of semi-threat cooperation is very unpleasant!

Yes, Captain Andor decided to accept Li Wei’s help. After all, a Jedi Knight, or Force user, is an unimaginably powerful aid in a stealth operation. With well-equipped weapons, a Jedi Knight Can kill a spaceship!

This may play a vital role in the war for the liberation of the galaxy, and more importantly, they are about to embark on a mission of life and death. If the force users in front of them are really willing to help them, their operation will be successful. The probability will be greatly increased!

In an instant, the pressure on the neck was released.

Captain Amdo changed his vigilant attitude, stretched out his hand, and introduced himself: “I’m Amdo, this is Qin, you are welcome to join us!”

Qin and Master Ye, who were on the side, didn’t know Li Wei’s operation, and they felt very inexplicable when they saw Captain An Duo’s face suddenly change.

However, Li Wei denied a little mistake in Captain Ando’s words, “No, no, Mr. Ando, I didn’t want to join the rebel army, I just wanted to help, I’ll leave when I’m done, and whether it’s over. , I’m not sure. Also, you can call me by my name, Livy.”

This sentence seems a bit inexplicable, but Captain Ando, with his years of espionage career, still understands a little bit. Li Wei is actually here to assist them in their affairs. After finishing a certain thing, he will leave.

He won’t leave until things are done.

With the assistance of a Force User, they can do a lot of things. It just so happens that the things they are about to do are extremely crazy and difficult, and they are definitely useful for Li Wei!

“Li Wei? What are you going to do?” After listening to this conversation, Master Ye felt very strange, “What about your companion?”

Li Wei explained it again, “She has hands and feet and can do things by herself. I’m just doing an experiment. You guys continue to do what you want to do. If you need help, you can tell me. In time, I will leave!”

Now they all understand!

It is the practice of the Jedi Knights!

Those goofy guys do do all sorts of weird things, but most of them are fine.

After Li Wei’s intervention was finalized, Captain Amdo didn’t want to waste any time, and took people into the spaceship parking area somewhere and left the planet.

And Zero, who stayed on this planet, was also talking with a certain robot dealer at this time.

The Yavin No. 4 satellite, which is a satellite of a huge gas planet, is a rare plant planet, and the headquarters of the rebel army is located in the Yavin No. 4 star.

Captain Ando’s spaceship returned all the way and came to this planet to make the final preparations.

Yes, they have been planning and preparing for several days, and now they are about to embark on the journey.

There was no need to report to the commissioners. After driving the spacecraft back to Yavin 4, Captain Andor took them and a group of fighters to a captured Imperial cargo ship.

Piloted by a former pilot of the Empire who abandoned the dark and cast “Ming”, he is about to head to a military planet in the Empire.

They will find the Death Star blueprint in that place, and from the blueprint, find the Achilles heel hidden by the Death Star’s chief designer, and destroy the entire Death Star in one fell swoop.

Although a cosmic monster beat the Death Star to run away a few days ago, it was because the opponent was too strong. If they were replaced by their rebels, they would definitely end up being chased by the Death Star.

They have no room to struggle. Take Yavin 4 as an example. If the Death Star discovered this planet, jumped over, and ran down, the entire planet would explode directly. What else would they resist!

The chairman and the generals did not agree to send a large army to attack the well-defended Imperial military planet to steal data. They felt that such a loss was too great, and there must be cheaper ways to destroy the Death Star, such as sneaking in to install explosives.

For another example, let others figure out a way!

No matter how powerful the Death Star was, they could find it immediately and escape, and the shells would definitely not fall on their heads.

Captain Andor’s spaceship slowly landed on the tarmac. Several crew members wearing orange vests were guiding the direction. There were many starfighters parked on the empty airport.

The type of these fighters is very aerodynamic and more suitable for combat in the atmosphere, which is much stronger than the eggshell aircraft of the Sea Snake Gang.

After Captain Amdo got off the spaceship, he instructed Qin to run into the stone wall with a few words, ready to report to the people who organized the death It’s not too late!

Last night they attacked the planet where the Death Star design team was located, and coupled with the spies’ temptation one after another, the Empire would sooner or later discover their purpose, and when they were vigilant and strengthened their defenses, it would be too late!

Li Wei observed the rebel base on Yavin 4, and could see that those busy maintenance crews were all with a certain firm belief, at least on the surface, it could not be seen that they were a group of careerists. Instead, it is like an idealist who is tricked by some ambitious people to sacrifice.

The Galactic Empire was jointly decided and formed by all the members of the great civilization, representing the ideas of the noble class of the entire galaxy, and the newly introduced interstellar laws are also more inclined to expand the power of the nobles.

Want to go up against a bunch of guys…is it really that easy to sit in?


While he was thinking about whether there was anything wrong with the IQ of the leaders of the resistance army, an ordinary female voice came from his side.

Turning around, it was indeed a piano.

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