The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 589

Chapter 484: : “Fikenius”

The latest website: “Huh! Pay the wallet?” Li Wei’s mouth twitched, revealing the smile of a crooked dragon king, and his expression vividly explained what it means to be beaten.

The three Nicos immediately wanted to go crazy, and went up to prepare to tell Li Wei the last word.

Li Wei also had the same idea. If he took a step forward, he would be violent.

The embarrassed fat man in the corner couldn’t bear to look any longer. He picked up the broken glasses and dripped his head with a look of crying.

He probably thought in his head that today’s events were really bad luck.

“Stop, this city is under my protection, and this situation is not allowed!”

At this moment, there was another discordant voice inserted above everyone’s head, along with a white filament that was sprayed out.


The white filaments were sprayed out at a very high speed, and when the three Nigos raised their heads, they precisely caught the hand of the man holding the gun.

Under the action of kinetic energy, Nego’s pistol flew out, and his hands were tied together, and then the three Negos uttered a few annoyed curses.

“Damn it, it’s the pajama boy!”

“Damn Spiderman!”

“Damn lunatics running around in the sky, no one cares!”

The person who likes to spray white silk everywhere is the city’s new superhero Spider-Man!

Li Wei looked at Spider-Man, who also looked at him, and then the magical white blindfold shrank automatically, reminding him of a classic melody.


He forgot the subsequent words, but he remembered the melody surrounding these two Spider-Man names.

I have a big fuck…

Shouldn’t this be Marvel?

“Heroic citizen, your good-for-nothing Spider-Man has arrived, you and this gentleman, you are all safe~! Don’t thank me, this is my duty!”

Spider-Man said all the jokes he could think of, jumped on the walls on both sides of the alley several times and came to the ground, and then guessed that it was on a pool of sewage.

Seeing this, Li Wei couldn’t help but say, “It’s very troublesome to do laundry secretly every time I go home!”

Civilian superheroes, their suits got dirty in the process of fighting crime, are they going home to do laundry, or there is a classic plot.

Deadpool and Spider-Man run into each other at the laundromat, then sit and chat for hours?

“Oh! I took my spare clothes to the laundry, thank you for your concern!” Little Spider heard the words and gave the lazy answer.

Then, Li Wei couldn’t help but ask: “Then will you carefully check your clothes for hair loss, and not be afraid of getting the hair to verify your identity?”

The little spider froze when he heard the words, and after shouting loudly, he shot a few clumps of spider silk towards the hands and feet of the niggers, and then trotted.

“Thank you for your reminder, Mr. Brave, I still have something to ask you to call the police!”

Spider-Man is like a gust of wind, coming and going in a hurry.

Only Li Wei held his hands helplessly in place. He thought there was a difference between reality and movies, but he thought too much.

As far as Marvel is a place where black technology is flying all over the sky, the detection technology should be very good. If it can’t be detected, it is only possible that someone wipes the **** of the superheroes.

“Yo, hurry up and call the police, I also want to eat quickly!” A Nige on the ground shouted in a familiar way, like an old man with vicissitudes.

The fat man who was robbed has already stood up, took back his own things tremblingly, then looked at Li Wei hesitantly, and said, “Are you going to call the police?”

“Call the police?” Li Wei returned to his senses, looking at the three **** squirming and cursing on the ground, with a cruel smile, “Of course not!”

Three minutes later, the fat man screamed and fled the alley, walking awkwardly, as if he had seen something horrified.

After a while, Li Wei came out with a few more crumpled dollar bills in his hand. After counting it, he spit directly. Before this, it was not enough to find a scalper to set up a fake identity.

There was no way, Li Wei gave up on making money. After all, in this strange world, if he wanted more money, it would be better to directly break into the heroes.

When I go in, there are people who want anything. Tony’s big **** is a newcomer’s ATM. Almost all of the countless fans that Li Wei has read are written like this.

No money? Find big shit!

No identity? Find big shit!

no woman? Still looking for big shit!

He is Marvel’s own son, a cursed man!

And it is still unclear whether this is the movie universe, if it is the comic universe, maybe even he has to kneel.

The invincible Uncle Tun can kneel countless times, so how can he be even more unbearable if he is so small?

If the world level is determined according to the power level, Marvel is indeed considered to be advanced. There is even an ancient god’s head in the interstellar space that is mined day and night. He is very curious about whether there are hidden organic substances. If there is, he will analyze it. , is it a step closer to becoming a god?


In the fantasy, the Lese key jumped out in front of his eyes.

Finally, the key withstood the oppressive force from the world, regained freedom, and popped 3 arrows!

The direction the arrow points to is the guidance from the key, not to collect the elements leading to the advanced world, but to repair the props.

Repairing the props, and there are three, Li Wei immediately thought of the Marvel relic, the space gem, one of the infinite gems, and the time gem.

These two gems are in common with the restoration items that the key has collected in the past, and he really can’t think of the last one.

Maybe it’s another item. After all, there are so many strange relics in Marvel that even local people don’t necessarily know.

The three arrows point in different directions. One of them points to the east, and the other two points are confusing. One is in the sky and the other is in the ground, so there is no way to lock them.

If this restoration item is the Infinity Stones, then he seems to be naturally standing on the opposite side of the superheroes who are extremely suspicious.

And he also wanted soul gems, so that Zemu Xingxin’s efforts would not be in vain. Anything that could improve the strength of his soul was worth fighting for.

After the goal is determined, the next step is the specific implementation.

The idea is very good, but when it comes to the implementation stage, Li Wei is in trouble again.

He is now standing on a pedestrian street in Queens, and he doesn’t know where to go for a while. Although he can go to the east, shouldn’t he first contact the superheroes to get in touch?

After all, in this world, the protagonists are those superheroes, which have a bonus of automobile transportation. If you suddenly jump out like a third-rate villain and say you want to grab gems, it is estimated that you will be killed by black technology.

The same is true in Wakanda. Biotechnology must be very advanced, and it may be possible to create ghosts that don’t even exist in aliens!

Faced with such a problem, Li Wei is worth pondering.

One thing he can do, though, is figure out the current timeline.

For other works, he can’t guarantee 100% clarity on the current timeline, but at Marvel, he once inquired about the best viewing order, and knew exactly what path the storylines of Marvel movies follow.

Newsstands are the fastest way to get information. Li Wei searched for a while in Queens before he found an old-fashioned newsstand.

The owner of the newsstand was eating melon seeds and watching the small TV on the wall.

Li Wei wanted to buy two newspapers and magazines, but after watching the content on TV, it’s amazing, isn’t this the representative of superheroes!

Portraits of Captain America with and without a battle suit were put on the news channel, and a male host was expressing a rich expression and flexibly telling an appalling thing in sign language.

Legend has it that America’s conscience, the big-breasted American team, actually betrayed the Federation and attacked the top White House officials. Now the Federation has designated it as a super criminal and launched a global hunt.

Of course the American people will not be frightened by such nonsense. A whole generation of Americans grew up listening to the story of Captain America.

In their hearts, Captain America is like a utopia, which is based on kindness from childhood to adulthood, and is an idol that is absolutely not allowed to be tainted.

At this moment, the owner of the newsstand was full of anger. He slammed the table hard and cursed: “Bastard! Those propaganda machines distort the truth! How could Captain America betray!”

After taking the table, the newsstand owner noticed that there was a customer standing in front of him, but instead of asking Li Wei what he wanted to buy, he asked, “Ah, do you believe this news! This is what those people fed us. Shit, I’m fed up with the fake media!”

Li Wei can be very happy. Through this news, he has determined the timeline of the current Marvel universe, Captain America 2, and the plot of the Winter Soldier.

When the interest came, he said casually: “Fake news! We should capture the peanut village and regain our right to speak!”


“Okay!” The newsstand owner applauded, his neck was like a red-hot iron, and he seemed to be in a state of excitement.

After listening to Li Wei’s words, he felt the blood that he had not had for many years. After walking out of the small door on the side of the newsstand, he pulled down the shutter and left, leaving a message for Li Wei: “I’ll give you a discount another day, I’m going. Parade!”


Li Wei watched the newsstand owner go away, and his mood gradually changed from joy to doubt. Are these people so keen on demonstrations?

In fact, he underestimated the influence of Captain America in the Marvel world. As a key figure in the end of World War II, after Captain America was frozen, he was used as a profit-making tool by businessmen who could sell twisted ropes.

Do your best in life, and gongs and drums after death!

The original popularity of Captain America and the embellishment of real stories quickly became the idol of all American civilians in that era of waste.

Comics and movies have been circulated and remade many times. He is the best embodiment of the American spirit. The concept of superheroes is derived from the comic books of Captain America.

Driven by strong economic interests, businessmen in capitalist countries have made Captain America a spiritual totem and become a part of American culture.

This man, who has become a spirit in everyone’s impression, miraculously survived during the New York War and saved the citizens from dire straits.

Once again, the public opinion was boiling, and the popularity was covered up by the superheroes of the new era. I didn’t expect that Captain America would suddenly appear and “compete” with the superheroes of the same era!


Now American high-level officials and media people actually say that Captain America is a traitor, and they still want to surround and suppress Captain America?

The long-term distrust of the elite has finally spawned a big parade, and this time, even Iron Man don’t want them to stop!

“False news!”

“False news!”

The marchers rushed towards the municipal building while holding up signs and chanting “Fikenius”.

When passersby saw the banners held by the parade, they joined in one after another.

Li Wei didn’t get involved in the parade, and he had a big problem on his side.

A circle of golden sparks appeared in front of him, and a monk with a khaki hood stepped out of it and came to him.

The monk threw off his sleeves, and a pair of thin hands emerged from the sleeves of the robe, the hood was lifted, and a bald head appeared.

A very shiny bald head, a kinder face, and the breath of a strong man.

Not only Li Wei, but even Zemu Xingxin ran out and made a vigilant defensive posture.

Li Wei sighed inwardly. Sure enough, what should come will always come. If the big **** is a new mobile phone, then Master Gu Yi is a novice supervisor.

She may not appear, but if she does, it will inevitably be accompanied by a series of troubles.

He is already starting to feel a headache now, and he is ready to run away immediately when the situation is not good.

Master Gu Yi didn’t seem to be able to figure out where Li Wei came from. He looked at Li Wei, and then at Zemu Xingxin, who was in a spiritual state, and asked, “Where are you from?”

Li Wei didn’t want to think about this question, and answered casually: “From the starry sky.”

“You have a lot of messy aura, I can feel it…” Such an answer could not deceive Master Gu Yi, she twitched the corner of her mouth, and her hands began to light up with golden light.

It is impossible for her to sense the fluctuation of the dimension of the plane. This method of crossing the barrier is unheard of!

Li Wei has both the smell of evil spirits, the smell of neutral gods, the smell of kindness, and the smell of great villains, like a chaotic aggregate.

Li Wei sighed inwardly, and sure enough, what should come will always If the big **** is a new mobile phone, then Master Gu Yi is a new supervisor.

She may not appear, but if she does, it will inevitably be accompanied by a series of troubles.

He is already starting to feel a headache now, and he is ready to run away immediately when the situation is not good.

Master Gu Yi didn’t seem to be able to figure out where Li Wei came from. He looked at Li Wei, and then at Zemu Xingxin, who was in a spiritual state, and asked, “Where are you from?”

Li Wei didn’t want to think about this question, and answered casually: “From the starry sky.”

“You have a lot of messy aura, I can feel it…” Such an answer could not deceive Master Gu Yi, she twitched the corner of her mouth, and her hands began to light up with golden light.

Master Gu Yi didn’t seem to be able to figure out where Li Wei came from. He looked at Li Wei, and then at Zemu Xingxin, who was in a spiritual state, and asked, “Where are you from?”

Li Wei didn’t want to think about this question, and answered casually: “From the starry sky.”

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