The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 604

Chapter 498: : Whispers Of The Devil

The latest website: Bruce Banner rubbed his hands and rubbed his hands, and baked it under an ultraviolet lamp, and finally completed the disinfecting work under Li Wei’s half-smiling eyes.

Li Wei said: “Don’t worry so much, the virus is under my control and will not easily destroy the world.”

Bruce Banner smiled honestly and then asked, “Then why did you give him to me?”

Shouldn’t this kind of dangerous thing be thrown directly into the sun and burned, he dared not study viruses.

“I’ll give it to you, of course it’s for your research!” Li Wei reached out and patted Banner on the shoulder, approached him, and asked him to face a red test tube that was placed in a transparent storage cabinet, and said with all his temptation: ” Do you want to solve Hulk’s troubles? This virus has infinite potential, even stronger than Hulk’s blood! Maybe you can find a way to eliminate Hulk from the genetic level in it!”

Banner frowned when he heard these words, but he shook his head and shook his head again and again, “No no, it’s too dangerous, I can’t do this! The union has regulations prohibiting dangerous biological research, I can’t…”

Dr. Banner’s refusal was expected by Li Wei, but as a scientist, it is very important to prescribe the right medicine. The brain of a genius is always different from that of ordinary people.

He pretended to sigh, and then pulled Dr. Banner to the edge of the workbench. There was no important data on the interface. After being swiped by him, all of it disappeared.

Then Livy shouted into the air, “Jarvis!”

“Hello Mr. Li Wei, what do you need?” Jarvis’ voice came from the hidden speakers all around.

“Call out Tony’s plan, you know what I mean?”


Artificial intelligence is convenient. Without Li Wei explaining it, Jarvis has already called up Tony’s plan for mankind to enter the interstellar age and displayed it on the transparent screen.

Bruce Banner in front of the screen narrowed his eyes when he saw the title, took out his glasses from his jacket pocket, put them on, and started reading carefully.

The plan is very long, and Banner’s reading style is very mature. He read the plan of about 30,000 words in only ten minutes, and couldn’t help but admire.

“Tony is really a genius, it’s just a pity that we can’t see such a future…”


A meaningful laughter came from Li Wei next to him, which made Banner focus on him again, with a puzzled look on his face, not understanding what he was laughing at.

Livy laughed that Dr. Banner had been attracted, and then said: “This is not the future, but the present!”

Under the more puzzled eyes of Bruce Banner, he entered the connection, and with his permission, opened the experimental record of the light speed engine and the information of various black technology products that he and Tony had secretly rubbed together recently.

“This is the moment!”

After Li Wei’s low voice, Bruce Banner was completely shocked by the data and experimental data.

Looking at the celestial video data and data that the light-speed spacecraft Explorer 2 brought back from the solar system, Bruce Banner seemed to see a brand new future right in front of his eyes.

He felt in a trance and wondered if he was a little out of step with the times, and could he still be a scientist walking in the forefront of the world?

Why does something like a light-speed engine that only exists in science fiction appear in front of his eyes, is it true? !

“Dr. Banner!”


Suddenly, Bruce Banner was awakened, returned to reality, and saw Livina’s half-smiley expression.

“Do you want to see Explorer 2, he’s parked in Tony’s hangar.”

Bruce Banner swallowed a mouthful of saliva, then nodded suddenly.

The brilliance of the portal appeared in Tony’s laboratory in the suburbs. Tony, who was burying himself in writing the plan, glanced up and saw Li Wei and Bruce Banner walking out of the other end of the portal.

He temporarily put down his work, because Bruce Banner came, and Tony saw a top tool man!

“Banna! Thank goodness you’re finally here!”

The excited Dr. Banner was also excited when he saw Tony, he went up to hug Tony, who hadn’t seen him in months, and then frowned embarrassedly: “You don’t smell very good, it’s been a long time since you took a bath. ?”

“Go to **** with the bath, I’m creating the future now, are you interested in joining!” Tony smiled happily, pulled Banner to the edge of his workbench, and shared a screen for Banner to understand the current progress .

As for Li Wei, they were already very familiar with this laboratory. To him, this laboratory was like going home. Naturally, it was home, so there was no need to entertain him.

Bruce Banner looked at the paper material for a while, feeling a little boring, he said a little embarrassedly: “Tony, can I take a look at the Explorer 2 spacecraft.”

Tony didn’t take his eyes off the screen, and had already entered the working state again, “Let Li Wei take you there. If you wear protective clothing, you can still travel to Mars.”

The smiling Li Wei took over the small task, waved to Banner, and took him to the hangar.

The hangar where various engineering parts are piled up is quite huge, but none of those bits and pieces are as dazzling as the 18-meter-long behemoth in front of them.

Banner saw the shuttle-shaped spaceship that was painted in festive red and local gold, his eyes almost burst into light, and the movements under his feet could not help speeding up a bit. He walked to the spaceship and saw the door of the spaceship. Don’t know how to get in.

At this time, it was Li Wei’s turn to appear. After awakening the intelligent system of the spacecraft, Bruce Banner entered the spacecraft as he wished.

Li Wei followed closely, and after making Banner put on protective clothing, the hangar door slowly opened, an interstellar journey that said he would leave.

After an instant appreciation of the vastness and beauty of the solar system, Bruce Banner’s heart was completely convinced. He saw the general trend of human beings moving towards the interstellar. Science fiction is no longer a fantasy…

Before returning to the voyage, Li Wei persuaded Dr. Banner, who was in high spirits: “Dr. Banner, you have also seen that this kind of spacecraft has already reached the level of mass production at a cost, and the virus I gave you is actually a human being. The key to unlock the interstellar age!”

Bruce Banner was a little confused when he heard the words. He didn’t know what to say?

Why is a virus that can destroy all mankind the key to mankind’s march towards the interstellar age?

“You may not feel it, but if ordinary people rashly enter the universe, their bodies will be damaged by radiation, not to mention the alien operations and mining that may be carried out in the future. They don’t have a good body like Steve. , are they competent?” After reminding Bruce Banner, followed by Amway, “Don’t think that the virus seems to be dangerous, in fact, it was once placed on the laboratory table as an original sample of a body-enhancing agent. , There are many successful cases, and I brought its nemesis, that is, the milky white mucus, the substance in it can completely kill the virus.”

Bruce Banner understood what Levi meant, but he was still hesitant.

“Don’t hesitate, as the top intellectual on earth, don’t you want to promote the progress of human civilization and let the history books leave your name? You asked Tony to build a research institute of the highest level, and the experiments are controlled remotely by robots. It’s up to you! Whether human civilization can go further is just in your mind!”

The whispers in his ears were like the temptation of a demon, and Bruce Banner’s forehead kept oozing with sweat, and his fists… hardened!

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