The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 612

Chapter 505: : Weapon Test

Since countries have fully formed their space fleets, they have always wanted another wave of Chitarians to invade. At that time, they can actually test the quality of the newly manufactured weapons and equipment.

It is a pity that the Qitarians are not Chinese cabbage, and it is difficult for the earth under the shelter of Asgard to encounter foreign invasions. Except for the cosmic refugees, who will come to the earth?

But it didn’t take long for them to wait, and the target jumped out on its own!

A special city has appeared on the far side of the moon, with a large area and energy flowing on the surface. It is a shocking but not completely shocking space city.

The most important thing is that the appearance of the people inside is no different from the earth, which means that the people inside may be people of the earth.

Although all countries are surprised, they have seen a lot of big and small things in recent years, but they did not hold on to this special city until the mines in the United States were smashed, and a video was captured on their faces.

Representatives from various countries watched the video message for three days and three nights without realizing why they dared to do this.

They don’t even mean a bit of diplomacy. They are all people who look the same. They are not unreasonable. At most, they are just asking you to bleed some blood before joining the big cosmos plan.

Why in the end?

Although I don’t understand it, all countries have agreed to show off their muscles first, so that the next negotiation can take place.

The joint fleet of Wuchang and many small countries moved to a hundred kilometers above the city of Inhumans. From a distance, it looked like a dense dot of dots. After pulling it in, you could feel the rough appearance of the first batch of deep space battleships. The impact of pragmatism.

No matter which country it is, in the first round of the space race, the primary criterion of the fleet is practicality. When practicality is solved, it is the issue of aesthetics.

These battleships are too large, and there is no need to color them at all. Each of them maintains the original silver-gray color of the new alloy. A large number of modular splicing marks make these battleships full of punk style.

The color tone is almost the same, but from the appearance and functional design, people can still distinguish the ownership of the battleship.

The American fighters maintain a square and rectangular design, and some warships even refer to the design concepts in certain games.

Maozi’s warships are much more heroic. Their warships are also the largest and the heaviest, and the barrels of the guns are also settling out, constantly stacked together, like a pyramid.

The appearance of Rabbit’s battleship is indeed not too surprising. The overall appearance is columnar, and there are not many gun barrels sticking out, like a parallel pagoda. They also have the largest number of battleships.

The other battleships will not be explained much. The styles are basically similar. The number of all the battleships added up is almost two hundred.

The biggest is Maozi’s Victory, which is more than 120 meters long and 40 meters wide. There are not many people on board, but there is definitely enough ammunition.

The technology of the light speed engine is very mature. Although many scientists from various countries have not been able to understand it, this does not prevent them from knowing what to do and what effects they can achieve.

It’s like a battery. Although ordinary people don’t know how the battery is made, they can pull the battery out of the remote control and install it on the toy car.

The gravity system supporting the light speed engine makes going to space a task that anyone can accomplish, so the space fleets of various countries can be formed so smoothly.

At this time, after the negotiation of the fleets of various countries, they sent a small spaceship, and after approaching the city of Inhumans, they dropped a two-meter-long drone, and then quickly returned to the fleet’s array.

The drone unfolded in the universe, sprayed tail flames and flew to the edge of the city of the Inhumans, and the camera captured the inhumans watching the aircraft on the edge of the city.

The drone unfolded the holographic image screen, and repeatedly broadcast the video of several representatives to the Inhumans, and transmitted the sound to the city of the Inhumans by radio.

“Please send negotiators to attend to negotiate the dispute over the lunar mining area!”

The Inhumans were surprised when they saw the picture on the screen, but they quickly recovered their expressions of watching a good show.

Naturally, they also heard the sound of the radio, but none of the Inhumans responded to it.

The higher-ups of the Inhumans are even more disdainful of this.

After shouting for more than ten minutes, a young alien stepped out of the shield, pushed with both hands, and blue energy waves flew towards the drone, blowing it to pieces.

“Ha ha ha ha!”

After doing this, the alien quickly retracted into the shield, and then laughed with the onlookers.

Seeing the expressions on the faces of these people from the surveillance screen, the representatives of the United Nations looked at each other again.

Representative Maozi leaned back on the chair and said in a doubtful tone, “Why don’t we test the weapon?”

People looked down at their devices, then nodded.

“Then, start voting!” The neutral moderator initiated the vote.

One vote against, one abstention, and the rest voted in favor.

The reason for daring to do it directly is that the cities of the Inhumans have already found records in the history of the earth. In addition, the shields of the cities of the Inhumans are a very special technology, and scientists want to study them.

On the far side of the moon, the combined fleet began to expand in all directions, and the distance to the Inhuman city Attilan was also close to the range covered by artillery fire.

The aliens who were watching the play with a smile could not help but get nervous when they saw this scene.

Although they have confidence in the shield of the city of Attilan, after all, this shield has been running for countless years, and it is impossible to guarantee that there will be no accidents.

While everyone was watching nervously, the first round of tentative blows came.

Hundreds of small missiles escaped from the magazine, and the light of the missile’s flickering flame thrusters smashed into the shield of the Inhuman city.

Bang bang bang!

Everyone automatically made up the sound of the explosion, and after the flickering firelight disappeared, the shield only emitted a small amount of ripples.

Seeing this, the Inhumans breathed a sigh of relief, and began to smile and point again.

The commanders of the Combined Fleet were not surprised After all, this was only the first round of probing attacks, and the ineffectiveness was already expected.

Then came the test of the new missile!

The new type of missile exploded, the shield was still unaffected, and the Inhumans hiding in the shield made a wild laugh.

Weapon testing continues.

Then came a more powerful missile, which exploded, but the effect was still nothing.

Most of the energy generated by the explosion is absorbed by the city shield, and such an attack is only replenishing the shield with energy.

The fleet commanders discussed it and decided to test it with pure energy weapons.

The plasma cannons were charged one after another, and various colors of light penetrated between the gaps in the barrels. Then, hundreds of beams flew out of the barrels and blasted towards the city of the Inhumans.


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