The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 614

Chapter 507: : Confess

After mocking the innocence of the natives of the earth, the aliens discovered the bewildering behavior of the natives of the earth.

After waiting for more than ten days, they shipped a large amount of steel from the earth, and they actually tried to wrap up their city! ?

The Inhumans made a louder laugh. Their movements never depended on the gate of the city. Could the earthlings scare them by covering their city?

Although they think it is ridiculous for the Earthlings to do so, the Inhumans are still organizing the Earthlings to surround their cities. After all, they have to see the appearance of those Earthlings who are in a state of devastation!



Everyone was making up for the sound of the explosion.

With their strange superpowers, the aliens destroyed and sabotaged the progress of the project, and after their victory, they repeatedly urged the earth to send their compensation quickly and get out of the moon by radio.

The people of the United were unmoved and worked day and night, trying to wrap up the city of Inhumans.

You blow up my machine, then I’ll send more machines! The steel you threw, then I’ll get it on the spot.

All the machines are test machines, they are all test data, and they will smash their mining machines in the face of these unlucky things.

Time passed slowly, and the aliens gradually felt bored. They still wanted to get compensation and be happy for a while. It was really boring to face the cold steel every day.

After the patience was exhausted, the aliens became more and more lazy, and no longer did anything to the combined engineering machines, let them fiddle, and finally after the city was sealed, they would come out and destroy them, and let the people of the earth know that the aliens The ability is invincible!

After having a bright target, the aliens did not attack the mine, but only occasionally ran out to cause problems for the unmanned engineering robot.

But one day, after an alien stuck out his body and blasted an energy bomb on a project, everything around him changed!

There are no engineering machines, no steel ball cages, only large-scale projection robots, and real engineering machines that are evacuating in the distance.

The stunned blond man looked around, and around their city, at some point, a huge metal device had appeared.

It seems that those are not really no construction projects, but deeply hidden projects.

So, what is this?

This alien is not very clear, but no matter what it is, it is absolutely right to destroy it!

The hands were brewing, and when he was about to destroy the machine, the ground suddenly rumbled, and the sudden vibration made this alien unable to stand still, and his body fell under the light gravity environment.

Then the dazzling flames engulfed him, and he was too close to the thruster…


The violent vibration shocked the Inhumans in the Inhuman city. They walked into the high-rise buildings and looked out, but looking at the unchanging starry sky, he was a little puzzled as to what happened.

Only a handful of people in the city controller of Attilan understood what was going on. They were horrified to discover that the entire city was being pushed away by the propellers and was gradually moving away from the moon!

This time, the high-level aliens who have been sitting firmly on Diaoyutai panicked. Originally, they were just asking for some survival resources. The repeated turmoil of the earth caused them to move their homes several times. I can’t even take this breath.

But now…

The city they live on is about to be pushed away!

Happy birthday!

“Start the thrusters and return to the moon!” An elder made a decisive decision and turned on Attilan’s thrusters.

Although the propellers of Attilan City are activated, Attilan is a circular city. The maximum thrust point of the thrusters is the center of the bottom, and the steering is all aided by energy offset and small thrusters.

Such a design is destined to only make the city fly straight, and there is no way to achieve a strong deflection.

And what Union installed for the city uses the propellant fuel of the speed of light engine. Needless to say how strong the thrust is, the shield energy cover of the city is also powerful enough, so when designing, it did not consider too many problems at all. Keep stacking, just throw this unlucky thing to Mercury.

Jointly supervising each other, they did not do anything inhuman. Since the city shield of the Inhumans is so powerful and can remain intact in a vacuum, they should just throw this thing to Mercury.

Although the environment there is not good, what’s the matter with their group of mining?

Although the destination was Mercury, the Inhumans who couldn’t get out of the flight orbit after turning on the thrusters were completely panicked. They could only see the sun getting closer and closer, and they didn’t even know that the place they would fly to was Mercury.

They sent aliens to stick out of the shield Li to try to destroy those thrusters, but they were horrified to find that there were shields on these thrusters!

A thin layer of thermal energy shield resisted the external attack, but the strength was not high. The Inhumans worked together, and finally destroyed one thruster, leaving 31 remaining.

Although only one was destroyed, the Inhumans were happy that at the current speed, it was not a problem to destroy all the thrusters before reaching the sun.

But just when their blood was boiling and they were about to do a great job, a light-speed spacecraft appeared, dropped a brand new thruster, and disappeared instantly.

Under the control of the intelligent program, the propeller replaced the original destroyed propeller and continued to start the glorious work!

The Inhumans were all dumbfounded. They stared blankly at the direction in which the speed of light spacecraft disappeared, and then frantically destroyed the propellers like crazy.

But every time they destroy a thruster, a light-speed spacecraft will appear, replacing the destroyed thruster with a new one, and so on, there is a lot of metal garbage in the sky.

This garbage has not been wasted. It is made of new alloys and has a special spacecraft for recycling. The parts can be returned to the furnace after dismantling them!

As such a tug of war unfolded, the more the aliens destroyed, the more angry they became.

Finally, after destroying the thirty-fourth thruster, they collapsed, wailing and begging for mercy, their lives are long and they are pretentious, but they don’t want to die like this.

Although they can give up the city, it is tantamount to courting death. They have seen a lot of the weapons of the earth people during this period of time, and occasionally go to the earth to inquire about it. It is the same every day. Abandoning the city is definitely death.

If you don’t give up, you will die…

Then simply surrender and keep the city that has lived for so long…

In the United Hall, the delegates looked at the city that was flying towards Mercury. Although all of them did not change their faces and their expressions were relatively reserved, their hearts were all dark.

Yes, we do have real losses, but so what!

You are barefoot, but I, who wear shoes, can step on your face with boots stained with *, how dare you step on * with your feet!

But it didn’t take long to watch the excitement, a radio signal from Attilan reached their ears, and they immediately started a new meeting.

Li Wei was still staying in Tony’s big villa, watching the news on the news about the city of Attilan on the far side of the moon. The arrogance of the Inhumans was beaten to the ground.

Now the news is all about the interior pictures of the city of Attilan. A group of inhumans lined up, with a smile that was uglier than crying, accepting the arrival of the robot army.

In the face of repeated provocations and destructive aliens, almost no one would sympathize with them, except for some so-and-so ideologues who made their brains foolish.

When the propeller took the flight to Attilan, Li Wei also watched, and almost died with a smile.

These aliens are essentially a group of experimental subjects. They think they have lived on the moon for so long, and they are still looking at the earth from the perspective of World War II. They are really just a group of people who cannot see the times.

He saw it as a joke.

After the Inhumans confessed their counsel, they were stationed by the United Army. The interior of the city was not as strong as the shield. After a big baby was transported in, all the Inhumans were honest.

Scientists settled in collectively, preparing to study the special technology of the Inhumans. Even Tony was attracted by the Inhumans, but after reading it, he came back disappointed.

The automatic door opened, and Tony came back outside wearing a casual suit with a stinky expression on his face. Seeing the only person in the living room, he came over.

“Hey, Li Wei! Can’t you do me a favor? You and I created these things together, don’t you want to take care of them?”

Li Wei’s body was soft on the high-end sofa, and he put on a lazy look to Tony, and said with a smile: “Didn’t I already provide technology, technology is a stake, but I don’t do business, you don’t want to drive me away! ”

“Oh!” Tony also slumped onto a single sofa, closed his eyes and shook his head, without answering, he chose to ignore the question, and changed the subject: “Do you want to join the Avengers?”

“That broken organization hasn’t been disbanded? Any soldier wearing a powered exoskeleton can press Steve to the ground and hammer, why do you still think about that?” Li Wei rolled his eyes.

“Then Steve can wear it too!”

Tony was right that Levi didn’t want to discuss this with him.

Think about the time, according to the information sent by Master Gu Yi, it seems that in the next two days, it will be the time when Thanos’ men will do things, but Gu Yi didn’t say when.

It’s just a few days…

“Don’t mention that, you have to prepare these few days. There is a tall man with purple skin who is going to send someone to earth to do something.”

Li Wei is the most talented person Tony has ever seen, and the most mysterious person, but a magician can create a light-speed engine that crosses the epoch.

He also brought the earth to the road of rapid development, full of mystery, and he always wanted to invite Li Wei into the Avengers.

It was an organization that gave him a new lease of life, and Tony wanted to give it a try even though there was still a lot to deal with.

But before he said a few words, some shocking news popped out of Li Wei’s mouth, which made Tony sit up straight from the sofa and asked nervously, “What’s the situation? Tell me more about it?”

Master Gu Yi doesn’t care about Li Wei’s affairs anymore, and Li Wei himself doesn’t care about spoilers anymore.

He said everything he knew, and Tony scratched his head in anxiety.

“You mean, a cosmic overlord is going to come to the earth to grab something, and finally is going to make half of the life in the universe disappear?”

Although the news was unbelievable, Tony still believed it. After all, Li Wei was a mysterious guy, and what he said was not wrong for the time being.

“So is the purple potato essence panicking, or is there something wrong with his brain? In the solar system alone, if the technology reaches the standard, several planets suitable for life can be created. The entire galaxy has endless planets, even if the population expands again. Continue to expand outward, what does it think?”

Yes, Tony’s smart brain can’t understand Thanos’ brain hole and motive at all.

This is not something Li Wei should care about. He shrugged and said, “Who knows? Maybe to please death and press a bitch?”

Cough cough!

There was a coughing sound in the void, which made Li Wei agitated, but soon returned to normal.

Zemu Xingxin reminded him that death is a **** in this batch of universes. As an outsider, he will be paid attention to. If the death **** is unhappy, will he be hanged…

“How can you make me sleep!” Tony, who had been pondering for a long time, smiled bitterly. Now that he knew that a cosmic overlord brought his army to fight the earth, his anxiety increased again.

Li Wei still didn’t care, “I can hypnotize you.”

“Forget it, does the purple sweet potato spirit’s fleet have an energy shield? Do you think the combined power of the entire earth can defeat him?”


Although Thanos in the movie is a fool who brought a fleet to Earth for melee combat, even the Qitarui army is more reliable than it, at least they use long-range weapons.

But to say whether Thanos would be so stupid in reality, he really wasn’t sure, and could only give an ambiguous answer.

Saying this, Tony knew that Li Wei was not sure. He racked his brains to think about it, but he couldn’t imagine what kind of abilities the Overlord of the Universe had.

Moreover, it is a very stupid behavior to speculate on different civilizations with the lack of imagination of people on earth.

After thinking about it, Tony can only compare it with the city shield of the Inhumans that has appeared recently, regard it as an imaginary enemy, and develop a super weapon to fight against the overlord of the universe.

Looking at Tony who was leaving worried, Li Wei touched his chin, thinking of Lao Gu Yi and her mirror space.

If you create a mirror space, then use the time gem to distort the time inside, and transport the production line to this mirror space where the time has been After the weapon is ready, it can be transported out. Can it be pulled in one second? Send an army?

This kind of brain hole made Li Wei suddenly happy, and extended along this idea. If the mirror space is used to throw garbage, the earth will be clean, or if all factories are moved to the mirror space, the air of the earth will soon be sweet!

The application prospect of the mirror space is really good. I will have to talk to Tony another day to see if his smart brain can analyze it by scientific means and get a channel to communicate.

Tony has been attracted by Thanos for the time being, and he has no time to realize this idea.

Soon, Li Wei shrugged and continued to watch TV.

He only needs to watch the play now, and when Thanos comes over, it’s even more fun to watch!

Although he already knew the approximate time of the arrival of Thanos, Li Wei did not expect that the air defense alarm and various information would bombard him the next day. His eyes turned to the universe, and a ring-shaped spaceship had appeared!

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