The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 623

Chapter 516: : Superheroes Are Busy

The war in America received the attention of all nations, and received full support from the outside world.

At present, the war is only maintained in the United States and the neighboring countries of the United States, and the battlefield is not on their own land. In order to prevent the battlefield from spreading, all parties in the alliance have lent a helping hand to the United States.

Several naval aircraft carrier battle groups are ready to go to the United States, and intercontinental missiles are being fired back and forth. All factories are making ammunition and weapons in three shifts. No one wants to see this war on Earth lost.

Most of the aliens in the Marvel world can be killed with gunpowder weapons, and those that cannot be killed are just not powerful enough.

Thanos can be scratched on the cheeks by Tony’s heavy blows, and to fight Thanos, in fact, it is enough to use ultra-high-power anti-equipment electromagnetic sniper guns.

However, there should still be a lot of discrepancies between reality and the movies Li Wei knows, so I can’t guarantee that we can really use the most powerful anti-equipment electromagnetic sniper gun to break the defense of Thanos.

All the people hiding in the subway station in New York City were sent away by Levi and Strange together. Now there are only soldiers of the National Guard and a small number of citizens who did not go to the shelter in New York City.

It is difficult for them to save these people, because the entire city, including the sky above it, has been submerged by the soldiers of the Thanos Legion.

In order to prevent the more than 100,000 vanguard guards gathered here from running around, the troops remaining in New York had to create a target to attract these monsters to attack them.

Agent Hill commanded such a large-scale melee, exhausted, and repeatedly asked the US military for help to no avail, causing a splitting headache.

In the midst of such a large-scale war, all the heroes hidden in the magical city of New York had to stand up to destroy the aliens.

A group of heroes who had appeared in the Great War in New York reappeared, such as a blind lawyer Daredevil, who was fighting with alien visitors with two sticks, and used his super hearing to find where the citizens needed to be rescued .

On the roof of the Stark Building, when all the staff entered the interstellar era, Hawkeye still insisted on using his bow and arrow, but the arrow was a little more work.

At this time, he was wearing a pair of tactical goggles with auxiliary aiming, and shot arrows one by one, specifically picking out the individual aircraft that flew over the building. If a troop carrier wanted to deliver elite soldiers, he would also Will shoot several explosive arrows to destroy the troop carrier.

The side wall of the top floor of the Stark Building opens a one-person entrance, where robots constantly fly out from the inside, and occasionally broken robots fly in from the outside for repairs.

This is the Iron Legion that Tony secretly made, all controlled by Jarvis. After Li Wei reminded him that Thanos was about to invade the earth, the scale of the Iron Soldiers changed from a small family of fifty to a large scale. Thousands.

It’s a pity that on a battlefield with hundreds of thousands of people, these two thousand robots are just a drop in the bucket.

At this time, Tony put on his armor and was scanning the ring-shaped spaceship floating in the sky and shooting down, trying to find a way to destroy it.

At this time, his mood seemed to return to the time of the New York War, and it was even worse. The current situation could not be solved by triggering a certain key item. This was a real war.

He really regrets it now. When he made the steel battle suit, what he thought was to treat it as his own toy and play the role of a superhero to save the world.

But the strength of the individual is so weak when facing the legion. If every soldier wears exoskeleton armor, they will definitely not fight as hard as they are now.

It’s a pity that it’s too late to say anything, he can only try his best to do what he can, and find a way to win this war.

But how can war be so easy to fight?

“Bruce! We all need the Hulk!”

After determining that the ring spaceship could not be solved by the battle armor, Tony no longer wasted time, transferred the anti-Hulk armor from the satellite, and asked Bruce who was in an underground laboratory somewhere for help.

A Hulk may not be able to help much, but at least it can relieve the pressure in a certain area.

Bruce, who was in an underground biological laboratory somewhere, looked at the chaotic scene on the surveillance screen with pity, his face was full of pain, mostly for the innocent who died.

Tony’s request for help was expected, but in such a war, what’s the use of letting Hulk go out?

He covered his head with his hands, and there was no anger in his heart, only powerlessness and confusion.

But he quickly thought of something, raised his head suddenly, and looked at the black test tube that was tightly sealed behind the glass wall.

Recalling what Li Wei once said to him, ‘Maybe it will be the key to saving the world! ’

Bruce Banner bypassed the messy desk, walked to the window, looked at the dark red flowing liquid, and murmured, “Black light…”

“Hey! Mr. Stark!”

A voice that was still immature after being filtered by the mask came. Tony, who was wearing anti-Hulk armor, turned his head and saw a man in a strange red and blue tights just landed on a smashed car. superior.

He looked at Tony as if excitedly, but the enthusiasm cooled down at a speed visible to the naked eye, and said dejectedly: “Mr. Stark, although I really want to ask you for an autograph, I can tell me that these foreigners When will the stars disappear?”

Tony looked at this little guy who was wearing tights and ran out. Listening to the milky voice, he was obviously young.

The face hidden under the uniform frowned and said, “Go to the air raid shelter for the child, there is no way to take care of the child here!”

Hearing the words, the strange child in the red and blue tights pointed to himself in surprise, then gestured back and forth with both hands and said, “Ah, no! I can help! Really, look!”

After all, the strange child looked up at the sky, just in time to see a single-soldier aircraft that was not very fast passing by, he immediately ejected the spider silk from his wrist, stuck to the aircraft, and wanted to pull it down.

But he failed, and the aircraft took him into the sky with the car attached to his feet.

“Wow ah ah!”

call out!

A miniature bomb caught up with the and blew up the aircraft, and rescued the strange child in red and blue tights.

After Peter Parker landed, he saw a group of pioneer guards rushing out from the street corner in front of him. Just as he made a move, a golden light of energy swept across the pioneer guards, blowing them upside down.

Peter turned around and saw Tony driving the anti-Hulk armor to his side. He wanted to explain, but saw a small thing flying out of Tony’s hand.

After catching it, he saw clearly that it was a miniature headset.

“Put him on, although I don’t want my child to go to war, but you have this ability, and now is an emergency…”

Under the suit, Tony’s voice trembled slightly. He really didn’t want to say that, especially when he saw Peter take off his mask and put on a headset.

That face, it is estimated that he is only a high school student of sixteen or seventeen years old. As a result, he will set foot on the battlefield and experience a cruel war.

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