The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 630

Chapter 522: : Thanos

Unreasonable is unreasonable, but the emergence of the biochemical army really caught the superstar by surprise.

Thirty minutes have passed, and the superstar has no time to pay attention to conditions and gems. She is relying on high-tech weapons and a strengthened body to fight against the biochemical monsters that pounce on her.

The underground parking lot she was looking for was used as a temporary command center, but after being suddenly attacked, she was trapped inside.


The offensive of the Thanos Legion has been hindered like never before.

The infected soldiers flying in the sky are under deliberate control. When they meet soldiers, they can at most reward them with a paw, and let the virus transform those soldiers into lower-level miscellaneous soldiers, so as to achieve a state of fighting for war.

Banner alone resisted the falling Thanos army, and the fronts that spread to the outside world only fought against other countries once, and were taken over by the army of infected bodies that came from support.

United was amazed, staring at the army of infected bodies that suddenly appeared, and used various channels to inquire about news, hoping to know the origin of this army of infected bodies.

Nick Fury was arguing with the high-rise just a moment ago, but now he is standing on the top balcony of the Stark Building, staring at the flying monsters in the sky in a daze.

Countless troop carriers were shot down by the army of infected bodies, burning black smoke on the streets, and the biochemical soldiers inside were infected by the virus. When they came out, they had already turned into the shape of Banners.

The full-scale counter-offensive began. In the three-dimensional battlefield, the biochemical army continued to advance into space. Countless troop transport ships and ring-shaped spaceships were destroyed. The special pipes on the feet of the strange-looking infected body spurted blue energy flow, driving him to continue to move towards the space. Fly into space.

Under the anti-gravity blessing of the biological standpoint, the infected body can easily break through the atmosphere and enter outer space without flying around the earth.

The space environment can’t stop the black light monster. Compared with the size of the spaceship, the infected body is almost negligible. Like termites, it got into the giant battleship of the Thanos Legion and destroyed the Thanos Legion from the inside. of living force.

Such a feeling…

In the sky above Central Park, Banner, through the mental network, saw the almost invincible army of infected bodies beat the enemy to the ground, and his face also showed a distorted expression that seemed to be smiling instead of laughing, like crying instead of crying.

His complexion changed several times, and finally he slowly stabilized, refocusing on controlling the army of infected bodies to eliminate the invaders.

“This is one person who can defeat a thousand troops?” Natasha sat on a perfect bench in Central Park, raised her legs, and looked up at Banner in the sky.

“Yeah… look, how powerful Banner is now.”

Beside her, Li Wei looked at Banner in the sky with a smile. He could feel that Banner’s soul was being influenced by too many simple spirits. Power madman.

Originally, black light did not make people mad, but the madness was the spirit of madness, and the feeling of ruling over the world without me.

If he can’t control his own heart well, Banner will eventually get lost in the power.

The current black light virus has undergone many changes, and it has been contaminated with a little mystery, and it has the ability to affect the soul.

Li Wei transferred this damage to the almonds. This small effect is a big tonic for almonds, so it is almost equal to no effect.

But Banner can’t do it. Hulk has been pulled out by Almond. Now Banner is just Banner, and the mystery in his body has disappeared.

The Hulk is not simply the product of an accidental experiment. Its source is the **** of the Marvel universe. It is the son of the lord of hell. One of the comics also draws how the Hulk blows everything up in hell.

Looking up for a while, Natasha lowered her head and rubbed her eyes. She couldn’t help breathing out a breath and asked worriedly, “Banna becomes like this, and there will definitely be a lot of trouble after the war, think about it a little bit. I have a headache. Li Wei, what are you going to do?”

“What to do? Why do you ask that?”

Li Wei also retracted his gaze and looked at Natasha beside him, who was staring straight at him at this time.

After a while, he suddenly smiled, because Natasha’s eyes seemed to penetrate the disguise and saw him directly.

“Okay, I lost to you! I didn’t plan to do anything, I was just going to leave.”

Without deliberately covering up his thoughts, Li Wei was not surprised at all when Natasha saw it.


When Natasha heard the words, the corner of her mouth twitched, and her eyes seemed to say that it was not what I expected.

Natasha attaches great importance to the grace of preaching and teaching, and the power of magic gives her a sense of new life. In the past, when fighting, she often felt that human beings have limits, but now, magic has allowed her to break through this limit.

Because of these, Natasha is very grateful to Li Wei, and occasionally jokes with him, which is a sign of recognition.

In her opinion, Li Wei’s identity has always been mysterious, so mysterious that Li Wei opened his face in the next second, saying that he was an alien, and she would not be surprised that he would fly to the M78 nebula soon.

Leaving is already under speculation.

Li Wei also knows Natasha’s thoughts very well. After all, he has obtained the memories of many people. He can see through the thoughts of most people and said with a smile: “Continue to travel, go to new places, and see new ones. The scenery, if you’re in a good mood, won’t come back for a long time, this is the last time we meet.”

After answering the question in one go, Natasha didn’t react much, and looked up at Banner in the sky again.

After a long time, she said, “I hope you can see the beautiful scenery, right?”


After the brief exchange ended, the situation of the battle suddenly changed.

The soldiers and battleships of the Thanos Legion launched a suicide charge. Under the deviation of several times the number, the biochemical army showed a bit of decline.

Both felt a little strange, but they quickly learned from the headset how the situation had changed.

In the New York Harbor that Li Wei was very familiar with, a portal surrounded by blue fog suddenly appeared, and a purple bald giant nearly three meters tall walked out of it.

It seems that he is not quite used to the light above his squinted the smallest organ on his face, his eyes.

Coincidentally, the little spider wandered to the gantry hanging and saw the scene where the purple potato essence appeared.

During the short 30-minute intermission, as an auditor, he happened to read the information on Thanos, and at this time he could not help exclaiming in the communication channel, “Oh!!! I seem to have seen Thanos, he looks like So tall, he really wears a glove on his left hand, and there are four shining stones on it! Ah, he found me!”

“Shet!” Hearing Peter Parker’s tender voice, Tony immediately turned the armor and mobilized all the steel soldiers to support.

After all, that is the overlord of the universe that Li Wei has repeatedly emphasized, the exaggerated existence of personal Weilitong.

Others who knew Thanos also moved in the direction of New York Harbor.

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