The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 636

Chapter 528: : Travel Also Needs Rest (End)

“Have you had enough?”

Just as all the members of the Fulian rushed to the street, a charming and angry voice came from not far away.

Li Wei looked, and unexpectedly, it was Natasha.

Natasha walked over with her hands in her arms, with a sullen expression on her face, stood in front of Li Wei and asked angrily, “Have you had enough fun! Why do you want to do it!”


Barton pulled the bow behind him, aimed an explosive arrow at Li Wei, and nervously called Natasha’s name again.

With the tacit understanding of the two of them for many years, they should understand the meaning of calling names.

Li Wei is obviously blackened and turned into a big boss, you are still going up to provoke, aren’t you just courting death!

Survive, and then discuss the solution later is the correct solution!

Li Wei ignored Patton, but looked at Natasha with great interest. With the blessing of her powerful agent skills, even if the mind gem and soul gem were combined, it was difficult to discover her true thoughts at the first time, so he He tentatively threatened: “Hehe, do you think I’m joking? Hehehe!”

After a few sneers, although Natasha still did not change her face, her heart had begun to panic, which could not escape the double snooping of the soul gem and the mind gem.

So Li Wei was even happier, raised his right hand, touched his index finger and middle finger, and showed it to Natasha specially.

This time, Natasha finally couldn’t bear the pressure of life in the entire universe and broke the defense.

“No! What do you want to do!”

“What do I want to do?” Li Wei’s voice was very frantic, and the voice spread throughout New York Harbor, and the union who was monitoring here at all times also heard it.

“none of your business!”



A white light snapped his fingers and temporarily blocked everyone’s vision.

In the next second, the infected bodies scattered all over the earth began to disintegrate into ashes and drifted away in the wind. The troop carrier that was still falling from the sky also disappeared. The soft green light enveloped the dead soldiers, and the injured body quickly recovered.

Tuo’er, who was smashed and vomited blood, felt that her body was wrapped in wonderful energy, and her injuries were improving rapidly. The pain in the last moment was like an illusion.

The power to modify the rules of the universe, repair the population of an Earth, and destroy the Thanos Legion, is just too simple!

Such an ability can only be explained by “God”, not an alien like Thor, but a true God in human understanding.

Tony’s armor was repaired, and he flew back after realizing that the situation was not right. People who died in this war were resurrected one after another, and even those whose bodies were blown up have regained a body.

It was like a miracle, like a dream.

That’s for the best, except that the damaged buildings haven’t been repaired.

When Tony and the others returned to New York Harbor and did not attack Livy again, when Thor stood up from the ground again, he summoned his axe, and Tony learned about the situation after snapping his fingers.

Natasha finally fell to the ground with a limp and glared at Li Wei.

Everything was restored, except that Captain Marvel was still in space with his eyebrows raised, and the matter was solved perfectly.

“Fuck!!!” No matter how good Team America’s cultivation was, in the midst of the ups and downs of life, he couldn’t help but scolded what he thought was the most vicious swear words.

“Fake!” Parker was the same, no one stopped him from swearing this time, after all, everyone’s mood is like this.

Too **** up!

Li Wei changed back to his original appearance, laughing recklessly, bearing the angry eyes of everyone, but in the end, they laughed again and slumped on the ground.

If you play like this without your heartbeat, you will have no friends if you play like this!

After beating and scolding each other, they focused their eyes on the Infinity Gloves again.

This glove is the magic of reversing cause and effect. It is too dangerous and must be properly kept!

“Gem? I’m sorry, I have to take this!” Other matters can be discussed, but Li Wei has to decide on these six Infinity Gems!

Hearing this, Tolton became unhappy and shouted almost without thinking: “Hey! Midgardians! Space gems are Asgard’s treasures!”


Livy gave Thor a death stare.

Thor’s expression didn’t change, but he immediately changed his tune: “I am the king of Asgard now, so I will give you the gem, my friend.”

Li Wei was very satisfied. As for what Thor was thinking, he couldn’t control it.

Strange, who was paddling the whole way, wanted to say that the Time Stone was also a sacred item of Kama Taj, but after comparing the fighting strength of the two sides, he still dismissed this nonsense idea.

Earthlings will never forget this day!

Two days later, Li Wei and the people of Fulian said their final goodbyes, opened the portal and left New York.

After stepping out of the portal, he appeared at the top of the highest mountain on earth, where he could see the white sea of clouds.

And Gu Yi was already here waiting for him.

“It’s beautiful, isn’t it!” Gu Yi looked at Yunhai, but didn’t say anything else to Li Wei.

However, Li Wei didn’t like Gu Yi’s style very much, and scolded: “Don’t do all this work for me, hurry up and finish it, so I can hurry up and stay away from you lunatics.”

Gu Yi: “…”

The power of time and space converged, and the void connecting multiple Marvel universes formed from the front of the ancient one.

Li Wei stood on the spot and did nothing, Zemu Xingxin had already finished casting the spell, paragraph after paragraph of mysterious and complicated, indescribable dimensional coordinates were instilled.

Following the empty diversion, it was introduced into the magic circles of the Supreme Mage of countless Marvel parallel universes.

Under the impact of divine power connecting the entire multiverse, the dark dimension clinging to the Marvel multiverse began to be split and replaced by new coordinates.

Dormammu in the deep dark dimension noticed this and was a little surprised.

Aren’t those annoying Supreme Masters very taboo about him, this time he made such a big move!

After carefully examining the changes, Dormammu’s stagnant heart couldn’t help but be shocked. These people… actually want to push it into a new dimensional world, and that dimensional space is even stronger than the Marvel multiverse.

It Dormam feeds on dimensions, what is the difference between this behavior and active feeding!

The ecstatic Dormammu shouted, “Is there such a good thing?” and plunged into the new dimension space with great cooperation, completely separated from the Marvel multiverse.

After completing this, the Supreme Masters stopped casting spells, as if nothing happened, but they knew that changes in the universe would come soon, and they would also be settled by Qiuhou…

“Okay, our deal is over!” After completing this feat, Li Wei directly opened the cross-border portal with the key. He glanced at Gu one more time, and his eyes were contaminated.


When Li Wei disappeared, Gu Yi shook his head slightly with a chuckle on his face.

When Li Wei left the place and was in a special different dimension, he checked the key that changed again.

After absorbing the time and space gems, the key has evolved to the extreme and has been able to travel through time and space at will. Although it still takes time and waiting, the rules of travel are no longer restricted.

He saw the world record strips he had been to flickering slightly, indicating that it could go back to those places.

Li Wei looked at it very complicatedly, and half of his body also appeared on his shoulders. He also looked at the key curiously. Zemu Xingxin, who was in harmony with his soul, could also see the key and control the key.

Now he has the ability to return to his homeland. On a distant planet, there are no special abilities, no top technology, only endless classes and endless pig’s feet rice.

Looking back on the various experiences after obtaining the key, it is full of exciting and blood-sucking experiences, fighting against nature, against strangeness, against aliens, and against monsters.

In fact, it’s good to be a little bit plain sometimes…

“Let’s go back and take a look… just take it as a rest in the middle of the journey.” Li Wei took a deep breath, and his heart that had not fluctuated for a long time couldn’t help but look forward to it.

Opening the cross-border portal, Li Wei lifted his foot and came to a small single room less than 50 square meters.

This is his home before crossing!

The first time he came back here, he ran back to the room and turned on the computer to check the time.

However, what shocked him was that the time here was still the same as the date he traveled through, only the time was pushed back two hours.

After so many years in other worlds, he returned to the original world after only two hours?

Li Wei used his pulse ability a little bit, scanned the whole city, made sure that his ability was still there, and then he fell into the state of a sage who was feeling life.

hum! hum! hum!

At this moment, there was a continuous vibration from the drawer of the computer desk.

He opened the drawer and found a Nokia phone inside.

After a little recollection, Li Wei remembered that this was a contact phone provided by the company. It was used by a smartphone before, and this phone was useless, but his smartphone was damaged in the world of torture.

Then he picked up the phone and had nothing to do anyway.

There was a man’s voice on the other end of the phone. The voice was sullen, and he asked in a sullen tone: “Li Wei! Why is there no signal when I call your mobile phone?”

“Uh…my phone broke.” Li Wei couldn’t tell the truth, so he could only perfunctory. He also remembered that the voice was the manager of his sales department.

“Forget it, don’t talk too much, just put on some nice clothes. The lady Wang who bought a villa last time said she wanted you to have a meal with I’ll pick you up later, this Whether or not Yue can eat meat is entirely up to you! Don’t give me the chain!”

Li Wei scoured his mind, and the dusty memories gradually returned, and he was shocked and said: “Fuck, Miss Wang is three hundred pounds, and she can eat with her? What are you kidding! ”

“Hey…” The manager also seemed to know that it was very embarrassing, but for the sake of the unit’s performance, he could only persuade him: “If you want to open up, Xiao Li, as long as you have a meal with Miss Wang, you can get it next month. A commission of 200,000 yuan will only suffer a little loss at most, if you can’t get along with anything, don’t get along with money!”

“Hehe, sorry, I really can’t do this job, I’ll resign!”

After finishing the last words, Li Wei hung up the short message and lay down on his cot, and then Zemu Xingxin giggled and condensed.


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