The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 8

Chapter 8: : Claw Form

There is also a place that makes Li Wei very puzzled. After the cells in the body are compressed to the limit, he can guarantee that he will hit the ground at an unimaginable speed from a height of hundreds of meters, and the air generated by a thin layer of airflow will vibrate after landing. But it wouldn’t let him get hurt in such an impact.

When several helicopters surrounded him, Li Wei could only retreat temporarily, dodged the dense metal barrage, and rushed into a nearby building.

The Black Watch’s plane lost Li Wei’s target and began to climb, not daring to stay between the buildings.

They once hunted down Alex, and the other party would often destroy the helicopter by throwing giant objects or suddenly flying kicks. They suffered repeated losses, and they had to act cautiously in the face of this ubiquitous attack.

Black Watch is a big business, and the soldiers are not afraid of death, but no matter whether it is equipment or soldiers, they can’t stand the consumption of dying every three days.

Now that they have been notified, if they feel they are in danger, they can evade or retreat first without being punished.

Li Wei didn’t have much interest in fighter jets. After seeing the helicopter of the Black Watch preparing to climb and retreat, he slipped away from the back door of the building, preparing to go deeper into the infected area to hunt for infected bodies.

But not too far away, there was a violent crash from the sky. Looking back, a helicopter collided with a car, and it was falling from the sky at this time.

After a while, another car flew up and smashed another helicopter.

The helicopter’s climbing speed suddenly accelerated. The third car that flew from the ground did not shoot down the helicopter, but fell on a nearby building and smashed a building.

Seeing this scene, Li Wei knew who wrote it.

At the current stage, apart from the ability of him and the super soldiers of Black Watch to throw cars at will, there is only the protagonist who killed the prototype, Alex Mercer.

Although he knew that Brother A was nearby, Li Wei had no intention of saying hello.

This world is very different from the game, more real, and the virus does not spread as fast as in the game. More than a month has passed, and the virus has only eroded one-fifth of Manhattan, according to TV shows. Statistics show that about 21% of citizens are infected.

But whether this data is correct or not, the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees the wisdom.

Li Wei didn’t go to Alex, but Alex came to the door.

When he was advancing towards the depths of the infection zone and assimilated nearby infected bodies, Alex gliding between the tall buildings, using the explosive speed of the gas compressed by the cells, instantly smashed in front of Li Wei.

The flying dust made Li Wei wave his hand helplessly, and then looked at the hooded man who stood up slowly.

Alex also looked at Li Wei, and they looked at each other for a moment. In the end, Alex couldn’t hold back his breath. He took two steps forward and stretched out his hand, his expression was a little excited to meet his confidant, “Hello, my name is Alex Mercer, maybe we’ll have something in common!”

Looking at Brother A, who still seemed a little “young” at this time, Li Wei finally stepped forward and stretched out his hand, “Li Wei, a native of Yan, we don’t have many topics in common.”

Now Alex is still entangled and confused, and he has substituted himself into the role of “Alix Mercer”, but he has deep doubts about his own existence, saying that he is an anti-hero , it is better to say that he is a middle-two disease patient who has fallen into self-doubt.

I want to destroy everything in Black Watch, but I can’t see where the source is. Even the supreme leader who killed Black Watch in the end doesn’t know the truth behind everything.

Alex in the first part of the game is a person who is struggling with self-doubt. Brother A in the second part can really see the essence of things, but he restricts himself and stares at Manhattan. One-third of an acre of land, don’t go directly to the peanut village to make a scene.

If you go directly to the peanut village to make trouble, it is estimated that many things are not important, or you go directly to “assassinate” those who participated in the plan, invade Wall Street, and see if those foolish critics dare to continue the experiment!

With Brother A’s unpredictable assimilation and camouflage ability, these things are almost easy, but he just doesn’t do it!

After Li Wei wanted to understand the key to the prototype world of torture and murder, he could no longer look directly at the plot in the prototype of torture and murder.

Facing this matter, Alex, who was still a little confused, his attitude was lukewarm, he just wanted to save enough energy to go home as soon as possible.

“You… did you escape from the laboratory too? When I saw you last time, it seemed that you had only just acquired such… abilities.” Alexis has been in awe of Li Wei since meeting Li Wei three days ago. I have been thinking about it all the time, thinking that Li Wei is the same as myself.

But Li Wei’s attitude towards him didn’t seem to be very friendly, it didn’t reach the level he imagined, which made him calm down from the excitement.

Li Wei looked at Alex and nodded, “Do you mind talking while you walk?”

“Uh… Of course!”

Then the two walked and chatted nearby. Li Wei told Alex about his experience, and Alex also told Li Wei about his own experience. The confusion in his voice almost hit his face. .

Alex extracted a large part of the information from the recovered memory, and restored a large part of the information. He used to be an employee of Black Watch, but because of his sense of justice, he stole the virus stock solution and was ready to report it. Smash the bottle containing the virus stock solution in the subway.

In the end, he came back to life and lost a lot of memories.

“I’m chasing the memory I lost, and I’m going to destroy everything in Black Watch!” Alex lowered his head, watching his hand slowly turn into a pair of huge claws, with a gloomy expression.

Li Wei, however, looked at the huge paw with high interest, it was very handsome, and he wanted to fix it too!

“Cough! Alex, let’s exchange arms!”

“What?” Alex, who was still moved by himself, looked at Li Wei suspiciously and asked uncertainly, “Arm?”

Li Wei nodded, rubbed his hands slightly and smiled: “You know, we can acquire new abilities through assimilation, why don’t we exchange arms, you have me, I’ll take care of you~! Black Watch Revenge, isn’t it?”

Apparently he didn’t expect Li Wei to have such a strange idea, UU reading Alex stopped for 30 seconds before nodding, “So are you willing to help me? ”

“Black Watch has to be removed, you know.” Li Wei did not give a clear reply, and used a very clever word to prevaricate the past.

Alex automatically understood that because Li Wei agreed to his proposal, the expression on his face eased a little, he nodded, his left hand changed back to its original shape, and the left arm fell off with a single stroke of the giant claw in his right hand.

How cruel!

Li Wei was shocked by this scene, and he cut off an arm without even blinking an eye!

He couldn’t do it. After hesitating for a while, he finally reached out to Alex and asked him to cut.

At this time, Alex’s severed hand had grown back. Seeing the left hand handed over by Li Wei, he shook his head and said, “No, we are all the same.”

Li Wei picked up the severed hand on the ground, assimilated it, and absorbed pure energy into his body.

Good guy!

One arm is more than a dozen infected bodies, as expected of Brother A who has been wandering outside for almost a month!

Wei Wei felt the change in his body, the black and red tentacles of his hands squirmed for a while, and a pair of sharp claws that were exactly the same as Alex’s previous appearance appeared.

The appearance looks a little bit more hideous, because Li Weiyou has remodeled it according to his own preferences, and the appearance is even more hideous than that of Rix.

A pair of giant claws collided, making a metallic symphony, a burst of sparks flickered, and there was no wear and tear.

According to the biomass density of one arm, his current strength should be similar to Alex’s, or even higher, perhaps because of the differences caused by different viruses.

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