The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 81

Chapter 80: : Jagged Technology Is So Terrifying!

“The Infinite Journey of the Prototype of Torture (

Li Wei kept swaying his body fluids nearby, letting them erode the surrounding steel walls at will, and pieces of mycelium sprang up like mushrooms after rain, constantly spreading on the walls of the spaceship.

The tiny virus can also shrink itself until it can squeeze into the steel wall and roam every corner of the ship.

The speed at which the black light virus erodes the walls is not very fast, and the metal material used by Jagged Blood is far better than the one on Earth. It is difficult to replicate the miracle of a building wrapped in mycelium in ten minutes in this prototype world of torture and slaughter…

Black light viruses will never lack appetite, because they can get energy from almost any object, fiber, metal, plastic, organic or inorganic, which can help the black light to spread, gnawing between different objects, only fast and slow Issues need to be considered.

The process of black light eroding the battleship is quite secretive, but the Predator, who has mastered nanotechnology, still discovered these viruses that penetrated into the battleship.

Dendal was also very straightforward, dispatching a batch of nano-robots to the engineering department, and asking them to use nano-robots to fight that biological virus.

Nanotechnology is a cutting-edge technology even in the universe. The nanotechnology of the Jagged Clan can almost be regarded as the strongest in the Fan Universe Alliance. A few members of the Jagged Royal Family even have a set of well-crafted nano-armor.

This technology is a miracle in the eyes of any cosmic force. The fast equipment and portable weapons of the nano armor are even hundreds of cosmic years ahead of the Fan Cosmic Alliance.

Nanorobots have many functions, from treating physical diseases to waging a war in the microscopic world.

All the precious nano-robots were put into use, and these tiny and hard-to-catch robots were densely arranged together, forming walls one after another, blocking the erosion of the battleship by the black light virus.

At the same time, the twelfth commander-in-chief harpoon has led 2,000 Predator soldiers to block all the entrances and exits at the end of the battleship. In the lower layer where the infected bodies have never set foot, a transparent barrier has also been laid, and the corrosive blood dissolves. After passing through the metal floor, it will be blocked by the barrier.

Almost all the places where the virus may leak have been blocked, but they still need to study the virus clearly.

The scientific research department made a request, and they needed a living body for the experiment.

Dendar gave permission, but they had to keep the work site next to the barrier and couldn’t bring the experimental body to the core of the battleship.

The eyepiece is the chief biologist, but he is not indispensable.

The reason why he is the chief is just because he has made outstanding contributions in a certain aspect, and his qualifications are up to standard, but this does not mean that other scientists are not as good as him.

From the monitoring, Dendall saw the embarrassed appearance of the eyepiece hiding in the instrument. It is understandable. He is a researcher himself, and his energy is not on the battle. It is understandable to escape.

But his armor has been destroyed, and he has inhaled those viruses. He should soon become those monsters, right?

After losing two right-hand men one after another, Dendall can only sigh at the vastness of the universe, which will always give people some ‘surprises” at certain times!

Li Wei didn’t run around blindly inside the battleship. He had the memory of many famous warships, and he still had a partial understanding of the interior of the battleship.

After the infected bodies left the combat readiness room, they were controlled by him and dispersed to the area near the combat readiness room. The black light virus that penetrated into the battleship sealed off all the areas leading from the combat readiness room to the outside, and the energy supplied to the combat readiness room was also blocked. cut off.

The high-definition detection methods of the Predators all failed. The energy core of the battleship was in the middle of the spaceship. The black light virus was blocked in a small area by the nano-robots. It could not pass for a while, so it was impossible to cut off the energy. to create chaos.

Some of the infected Jagged Blood ran to the blockade area of the Harpoon Corps responsible for isolation, and received friendly greetings from the shoulder guns.

The self-exploding infected body was shot and killed by the shoulder cannon before it reached the effective damage range.

The pus and blood corroded the floor, and both the lower and upper layers had been blocked by the energy barrier, and all places that could enter and exit were blocked.

Staying in a certain room, Li Wei had itchy teeth. He thought that Lao Zhudeng would block all the entrances and exits, but he didn’t expect that even the black light virus would be able to block the corrosion of the wall, and he couldn’t get past the wall. It was outrageous!

That is the penetration at the micro level, Jagged Technology is so terrifying!

The most convenient method was gone. He could only use the second plan, which had a lower success rate, to return to the combat readiness room from different directions with a few infected body iron blood, which was very fast.

He was going to let the small battleships parked in the combat readiness room bombard the mothership. Although he knew from Darwin’s memory that the outer armor of the battleship could withstand the impact of meteorites with a diameter of one kilometer, the black light virus could Make a hole in those places.

After the black light spreading to the depths of the battleship was blocked by the nano-robots, these viruses have penetrated into the outer armor of the battleship. The number of nano-robots is limited, they can only block the black light from penetrating into the depths of the battleship, but cannot prevent the black light from corroding the warship area. Outer armor.

Dendall also knew about this. The number of nano-robots was limited, and the infection area could not be controlled within a certain range. If the spaceship was destroyed, he could only send a signal to the Jagged Mother Star for help.

Gollum~ Gollum!

There was a viscous sound of bubbles in the quiet combat readiness room, and the eyepiece climbed out of the instrument. The process was a little laborious. The inside of the machine was too narrow, and it was difficult to get out if you hid in it.

It took a lot of effort to pull out the upper body of the eyepiece. After taking a few steps back, he accidentally stepped on a part of the robot under his feet, which almost made him fall.

Fortunately, the whole people of the Jagged Family are martial, and the researchers also have a few brushes. Once the eyepiece hands are on the ground, they can stabilize the body and not fall.

The surroundings became pitch-black, and only the sound of grunting viscous liquid made people uncomfortable. After swiping the eyepiece on the personal terminal a few times, the lighting function was When the terminal emits light After the light illuminated the nearby area of more than ten meters, he, who had a good psychological quality, was also scared to take a few steps back. He suddenly stepped on a broken arm and fell down.

In my heart, I was so shocked by what I saw that it was hard to attach, and I didn’t even care about my embarrassment.

The originally spacious combat preparation room was now completely covered by scarlet mycelium. One after another, dark red bulges with a diameter of two meters continued to vibrate, and grunting voices came from them.

The eyepiece switched the terminal’s lighting function to high beam mode, and frantically scanned the combat readiness room back and forth, murmuring, “Impossible! It’s impossible!”

From the time when the infected body savagely wounded people, to when he emerged from the instrument, the span was not even an hour, and the combat readiness room seemed to have been completely replaced. .

Such a huge change cannot be created by a life with a simple structure like a virus!

The subversive picture made the eyepiece almost crazy, and suddenly he felt a tightness in his chest, and an uncontrollable cough came out of his mouth.

“Cough! Cough!”

After the breath calmed down, the eyepiece knew that he was infected…

He didn’t want to die, so he hurriedly searched for intact supplies. The precision instruments that should have been carefully protected were violently overturned, and items were picked out from the supplies.

After finding all the equipment to be used, the eyepiece went to the mobile workstation in the corner. Because the mobile workstation is quite basic and important, he arranged the mobile workstation to park in the corner at the beginning, and luckily it was not damaged.

The eyepiece injected itself with a dose of stimulant to wake up the drowsy brain. He pulled a whole box of raw materials and started working with the infected meat he just cut.

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