The Infinite Uchiha

Chapter 128 Arrival



Heavy rain.

A vacuum zone suddenly appeared on the still bustling crossroads. The tourists passing by didn't care at all. They still went back and forth in the aisles, laughing and playing.

However, when passing the relevant areas, they all chose to avoid and ignore...

The figures that appeared in the middle opened their eyes one after another. Fang Xiu took a look at the surrounding environment and was a little surprised. He really didn't expect the Lord God to choose the downtown as the initial landing point.

——Looking at the reaction of the natives, the reincarnationists obviously don't have to worry about revealing their whereabouts at the beginning.

Countdown five minutes!

At this moment, the Lord God's protective shield still protected everyone like a thin film, and the virtual clock that only the reincarnationists could see was constantly flashing.

"It's rare for the Lord God to do something human. He didn't supplement the rookie who dragged his feet in the team battle world view." Tang Tian sighed.

Through the light screen, reports about KOF97 can be seen everywhere on the huge TVs around, and there are also a large number of promotional posters of participating teams.

——The world view of the King of Fighters is very interesting, similar to a hodgepodge. Various powerful ancient martial arts schools are just the basis, and there are also superpowers, gods, etc.

It is worth mentioning that the level of science and technology is also highly developed, especially in the field of cloning. Even if the timeline is at the end of the twentieth century, it is still not inferior to some cyberpunk worlds full of high-rise buildings and full of science fiction.

"The node is before the fighting competition."

"We don't have an invitation letter, which means we have to find a way to get an entry ticket or sign up as soon as possible."

Haida and Ye Mei spoke one after another. Judging from the propaganda around them, the competition is obviously about to start.

At the end of his sight, Fang Xiu, who had learned through observation that the Shazhou team had landed in the Ginza business district, locked a line of words from countless flashing billboards:

The king of fighters 97.

In addition, a large statue of the popular female idol singer Athena Asamiya is hanging nearby. Putting aside her fighting power, this sweet-looking beauty is indeed one of the highlights of the King of Fighters 97 competition and is also the official designated publicity staff.

From the Superpower Team!

Learned from the Chinese master Zhen Yuanzhai!

When the characters passed, a long-haired beauty wearing a white dress and black tights seamlessly appeared on the massive screen.

The whole person is not made up, but it is this simplicity that highlights her temperament.

"Kagura Chizuru."

Emil looked up and murmured: "The organizer of the King of Fighters 96 and King of Fighters 97, and also a popular fighter and one of the owners of the artifact."

Things like lip reading are definitely special skills in the eyes of ordinary people, but the weakest members of the Shazhou team have already shed their mortal bodies.

With her strong nerve reaction speed, everyone has already known that she is announcing to the public that she will still participate as a player and successfully find two other teammates to meet the official competition conditions.

In addition, the information of some participating teams is also released to the outside world.

The whole process lasted about two minutes. Due to the factor of loop broadcast, Kagura Chizuru did not disappear, and the image entered the loop mode, which seemed to bring more heat to the competition.

"According to the rules, only 32 teams are eligible to enter the King of Fighters main competition. In addition to the old faces, outsiders who want to get a place must sign up for the elimination match starting tomorrow."

According to Kagura Chizuru, the nine teams are indeed familiar to the reincarnations, and they can be called old faces that have never met. They are:

Japan Team, Fatal Fury Team, Art of Fighting Team, Fury Team, Psycho Warrior Team, New Female Fighter Team, Gold Team, 97 Special Team, New Face Team.

In addition, in addition to the above nine participating teams, she also announced that there will be two fighters who will participate as individuals.

They are special players who do not occupy a place!

Their names are Iori Yagami and Shingo Yabuki.

The reason is that both of them have passed the individual preliminaries and can participate in the main competition. As for the specific process, it will be revealed when the competition opens in five days.

The former needs no further explanation. Even after ten years, he is still a popular character. The latter... is a bit mysterious.

Shingo Yabuki, in the opening animation where every inch of space is valuable, the camera even exceeds the three kings and the 97 special team of the same period, and he is even on par with Iori Yagami in the selection screen!

But in the official setting, he doesn't look like someone with high expressiveness.

——As a student at the high school where Kyo Kusanagi is, Shingo Yabuki saw Kyo Kusanagi's wonderful performance in the KOF96 competition on TV. With great admiration for him, he found Kyo and hoped that he could accept him as an apprentice.

Kyo Kusanagi, who was very bored in school life, thought that he might be able to find some fun, so he agreed on the condition that Shingo would buy him fried noodles and bread every day.

Although the former did not teach seriously, Shingo still learned a lot of Kusanagi-ryu's moves by his talent and hard work. In addition, he also innovated and created some new moves, and added the word "outer style" before the names of the moves. Unfortunately, this angered Jing, so he had to change "outer style" to "my style".



As a special contestant, you must have some skills, not to mention that the world view is likely to integrate the expressiveness of Hong Kong comics.

"I hope we can meet a few weak teams that make up the numbers and easily advance to the top four." Tang Tian imagined, "Easily pass the main task,"

Hearing this, Fang Xiu glanced at this guy and said seriously:

"This trial only requires two members."

The competition system determines that the Shazhou team must select three of the strongest players to participate and compete with local fighters and two other teams of reincarnations.

——For a team with normal configuration, even if there is a gap in strength between them, it will never be as serious as Shazhou. They can completely start a multi-line combat mode and establish two or three small teams to avoid bad luck and encounter local strong teams early.

For this point, other people can naturally figure it out and have no objection to it!

After all... every time a member dies, the collective points will be deducted.

His eyes swept over.

"There is no need to hold any hope for the three guys who just came on the field."

Thinking in his heart, his eyes swept over the seniors.

Who can be used?

It would be good if he can hold the scene for a while!

"I can."

"The spider totem has initially awakened, and I bought a lot of props. I think I can show up on the field."

Emile and Tang Tian asked for the battle at the same time.

Fang Xiu looked at the burly man and asked, "Have you opened the second-order gene lock?"

"I have fulfilled my mission." Emil said arrogantly.

He claimed that he had secured the second place in the Shazhou team.

Haida breathed a sigh of relief, "I can do it too."

"In the last trial world, I didn't help much. I just collected some spiritual materials from heaven and earth and divided them equally. Team battles... can't be missed again."

Ye Mei followed closely and expressed her attitude.

In fact, being humble means being put into the captain's exclusive space. Whether it is a win, a narrow victory, or a defeat, it is all determined by the performance of others.

In addition, if you return to the space alive, the main line benefits may be fully retained, but the team battle benefits will definitely be handed over to the hard-working teammates to ensure basic emotional fairness.

—— Seniors are not newcomers. They never want to miss any opportunity to obtain resources and strengthen themselves.

Facing the eager eyes, Fang Xiu made a slight change:

"Then divide into two groups and sign up for the selection competition first."

"Emile, Tang Tian, ​​Haida, the three of you form a team."

"Ye Mei, plus my Shura Dao, the leader of the Beast Dao, Benboerba, form a team."

"As an aid member, I will appear at important nodes to prevent the ridiculous situation of all being eliminated."

"After officially contacting other reincarnation teams, those who do not perform well... enter the exclusive space to repair and wait for good news."

There are settings for [Teammate Aid] and favorability in the game. When selecting the character or arranging the order of appearance of the characters, you can check the favorability between the characters by pressing and holding the heavy punch key, and it is divided into three states: yellow (favorable), white (no feeling), and red (dislike).

After being selected as the team battle worldview by the main god, the rules become-each team, in addition to the three official members, can choose whether to add an aid person according to their own situation and needs, and replace the official members at any time to prevent the occurrence of special conditions.

It is also to increase the uncertainty of the game!


Emile consciously took on the responsibility of the team leader and nodded solemnly.

Haida benchmarked Ye Mei.

It is difficult to say who is stronger and who is weaker.

Can Tang Tian be on par with the mysterious Shura Dao?

In addition, there is also suspense about myself who has opened the second-level gene lock and integrated multiple power systems compared to Benboerba...because the animal path can achieve energy superposition and temporarily superimpose the strength of the other six saints together.

——Even the captain can be used as a supply source to deal with various emergencies.

"Come in."

As he said, the three newcomers with extremely low presence were sucked into the core area of ​​the space of the original ball without explanation.

The purple bamboo is like jade, and the knots are crystal clear.

The spiritual medicine growing in the forest is not very old, but the quality is not low in the eyes of the three newcomers. The ancient peach tree located beside a spiritual pool makes them swallow their throats subconsciously. They dare not imagine what it will be like when the fruit is fully ripe, and what kind of improvement it will bring after eating.

Of course, they didn't dare to mess around and mess with the captain's backyard. First, they still wanted to stay in the Shazhou team and didn't want to disappear passively like Lin Qi. Second, there were six huge monsters stationed here.

Jinpeng, Niu Mo, Jiaolong... are undoubtedly the six of the seven great saints in the world of A Chinese Ghost Story!

"It's great to have strength."

"Legend has it that the heaven has collapsed for many years, but he still found an opportunity and transplanted it here. It is estimated that he paid a lot of price."

"Why do you care about these? The environment here is very good. To describe it with oriental concepts, it can be called a paradise. Let's practice. If we can return alive, we will be slaughtered again."

A woman and two men whispered, not caring whether they would be monitored by the master, because after a short time together, they could see that the captain was essentially a tolerant person, as long as he didn't act like Lin Qi.

At this time, the main god card protection shield disappeared.

In a corner not far away, a man who was soaked all over was staring at the giant LCD screen in front of the building, which was broadcasting the list of players for the King of Fighters tournament.

In fact, Iori Yagami was about to leave, but the content of the broadcast made him stop.

"... The Japanese team will be played by Kyo Kusanagi, Benimaru Nikaido and Goro Daimon, as well as Iori Yagami as a seeded player."

The moment he heard his name, Yagami smiled.

On the one hand, he was amused by Chizuru Kagura's arrangement, and on the other hand, he secretly disdained that his old enemy Kyo participated in this stupid tournament again.

At this moment, the strong hatred almost caught Iori Yagami's soul again - with the end of the last conference, the familiar yet strange woman often laughed at him in his dreams, and the influence brought by Cang Yan corroded his body all the time.

"Kyo, in this fateful battle, between you and me, who will die first?"

Thinking, a cat's cry brought Iori Yagami back to reality.

His eyes became soft.

"From the perspective of metaphysics such as the protagonist's halo, the new face team with the blood of the gods is not the most difficult."

"The Japanese team has won the title of King of Fighters for many times. Among them, the perennial repeater Kusanagi Kyo holds the family artifact, the golden broom head, the slightly coquettish Nikaido Benimaru, and the calm character, who actually wears wooden clogs when fighting."

"These three guys should be the top figures in Japan. After all, they won the first, second and third place in the 1993 All-Japan Alien Fighting Competition..."

Through the noisy crowd.

There is a sound that is accurately captured by the ear.

As the protective shield was removed, several members of the Shazhou team strolled on the streets of Tokyo, but there was an extra Shurado Lynch in the team - his Mangekyō Sharingan was shining brightly, and the outer circle was the Samsara ripples. He walked in the front without saying a word, and had a strong aura.

In Tang Tian's words, he really had the demeanor of a big brother. It was a pipe dream to say that he could completely deceive the hostile forces, but at least he would make them misjudge the situation to a certain extent.

"If nothing unexpected happens, the weakest team should be the Jin team, the so-called Korean team, composed of Taekwondo master Jin Jiapan, criminals Chen Guohan and Cai Baoqi..."

The voice was stuck!

The chatterbox Tang Tian walked along the crowd, and when he saw a certain figure, he was like a goose with a stuck neck, unable to flutter.

Iori Yagami?

——The nemesis and good opponent of the protagonist of the King of Fighters series of games, Kyo Kusanagi, and another protagonist of the Orochi chapter.

——Strength is comparable to that of Kusanagi Kyo, he is good at fighting techniques that can manipulate purple flames, and he is the one who guards one of the three sacred treasures, "Yasakani no Magatama"!

Along the way, there are countless native COS with a peculiar red hair style, a preference for alternative clothing, a moon wheel representing the Yagami family emblem painted in the middle of the back of his shirt, and a red leather belt between his legs.

Unfortunately, they are all very weak and lack the unique temperament of a strong man, so that the genuine Yagami Iori is recognized at a glance - his figure is lonely and arrogant, as if he is away from the secular world.

Even though he clearly sensed that a team of powerful fighters was approaching, he still did not choose to turn back, and continued to bend over, suppressing the violent power in his blood, and holding food to feed a stray kitten.

There is no doubt that Yagami Iori has good control at this stage. The cat, who has a certain perception of malice, eats food while looking up and rubbing his hands.

Want to fight?

The protagonist of the Orochi chapter is definitely worth measuring.

The thought flashed through his mind, and Fang Xiu finally rationally chose to give up, because this was not a regular trial world. If the real fire was triggered, it would accelerate Iori Yagami's frenzy, which would only cause the two sides to fight each other and allow the other two reincarnation teams to benefit...

Regarding the exchange of the public resource pool consisting of two A-level side plots and a B-level side plot, the next chapter will describe it. It's not that I forgot, and I won't use the deus ex machina to suddenly point it out at a critical moment. I want to get to the point as soon as possible, so I chose to describe it later.

ps. The holiday is over. I will go home tomorrow to update more and make up for the owed updates. Thank you all for your support.

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