The Infinite Uchiha

Chapter 78 The Laws that Traditional Immortal Heroes Must Follow

One-horned king.

A thousand-year-old demon with condensed dragon blood, also known as the demon king, can use the magic of the sky and the earth!

Through soul searching, Fang Xiu saw the scene of this guy's attack. He was much stronger than the Fusang ghost king in the Hong Kong ghost world. The body of the dragon he transformed into was extremely powerful, and it could crush a lonely mountain more than 500 meters high -

It is worthy of being a python spirit. The death strangulation in his instinct will not disappear with the upgrade of blood.

"There are so many descendants of the dragon."

After listening to the intelligence sharing from the captain, Tang Tian casually complained, "It feels cheap."

But he was not surprised. After all, in his own mythology system and various strange stories, dragons are indeed famous for their prosperous offspring.

Carp leaps over the dragon gate.

Snakes can transform into dragons.

A turtle can have a dragon horn on its head.

In the world of A Chinese Ghost Story, the national teacher Pudu Cihang, who was marked as the mission target by the main god, can also return to his ancestral dragon, and his level is not low. It is estimated that he is about to transcend the definition of Jiao.

"This is the effective information that this ape pioneer can provide."

After easily collecting the original information, Fang Xiu thought about whether to go to the door himself or continue to wait for the hot-tempered unicorn king to come to the door and die.

As for why he was sure that it would come, it was naturally judged through the memory fragments of the pioneer officer. For some reason, this group of monsters acted in a particularly reckless manner, commonly known as iron-headed kids, and their tempers were very hard!

"Then let's just kill them?" Emil, who twisted off the heads of monsters with violence, suggested, "Anyway, since we came to this world, we just kill all the way and bring peace to the world."

When Fang Xiu saw that he was so eager to improve, he immediately had the answer in his heart: it was probably because he saw blood, the ferocity of the werewolf bloodline was further stimulated, and he wanted to show himself too much to prove that his strength was still in the second place in Shazhou.

"Forget it, let's collect the spoils first."

"This world is not peaceful, I wish there was a nest of monsters hidden in every mountain, there are plenty of opportunities to fight."

As he said this, Fang Xiu began to stick to his newly formed habit, and the vines seemed to come alive, twisting and emerging from the ground, absorbing the essence of blood and flesh, and then gathering on a short tree.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat.

In any case, the ape pioneer has been practicing for five hundred years, and the prototype of the monster pill has appeared!

The essence of blood and flesh was directly converted into nutrients, nourishing the small tree about one person tall, and the pill-shaped black monster pill hidden in the ape monster's body, which had been shattered by Fang Xiu's fist, was also unable to resist the wood escape plunder.

In a blink of an eye, a thumb-sized fruit similar to dark red unfull grapes took shape.

"It's small, as expected."

"When the nutrition is sufficient, use the demon king as will produce good fruit."

At this moment, Fang Xiu, like a simple old farmer, casually took the shriveled fruit to his hand and looked at it, then swallowed it into his mouth.

This scene shocked the still immature hearts of many newcomers a little bit - the demon shouted to eat people, steamed and fried, all of them were serious.

As a result, in the blink of an eye, he became fertilizer and grew a demon fruit...

This guy is really the grandfather of the tree demon!

Lin Qi, who was clamoring and ready to break the jar, felt that he could not adapt to it - is the so-called main god space really so bloody and cruel?

And fortunately he did not say his thoughts, otherwise he would definitely be despised by the seniors.

When eating vegetables and tasting fruits, why don't you think about the fertilizer on them? Like the green farm vegetables sold at high prices, they are directly poured with manure.

In fact, Tang Tian, ​​who had vaguely guessed the newcomer's thoughts, didn't care about the large amount of flocculent flesh and blood tissue still left on the ground, and began to search for spoils.

——The weapons of the little monsters were really ordinary, almost all of them were made at random, and some of them were directly robbed of dung forks, which were of little value, but the elite monsters would mix some special materials in their weapons, which could be collected first and put into the ring, and then let the main god help remove impurities and retain the essence after returning.

The only thing worth paying attention to was the two giant hammers of the ape pioneer, which could collide with the captain's fist without deformation, and was considered to be included in the category of magic weapons.

"Who of you wants to use it? Just take it."

Feeling the slight increase in physical strength, Fang Xiu said casually, "This thing is worth about two or three hundred reward points in the space."

Beating the body without superimposed ninjutsu, but not even leaving a mark, the quality can be seen.

For him, when it really comes to fighting, the things condensed by the jade of seeking the way are obviously more powerful. If it is still difficult to lock in the victory, consider using the gourd of beheading the immortal!

The newcomers looked at each other, looking at the solid giant hammer that was several times larger than the millstone, no one stepped forward to take it.

No matter how rubbish it was, it was still a magical weapon, and the weight was not something that ordinary humans could bear!

"Forget it, my peach wood sword is both hard and can break evil, there is no need to take such a large thing."

After quickly collecting his own spoils, Tang Tian picked up a giant hammer that was completely disproportionate to his height, threw it a few times casually, and looked at Emil, "It's quite heavy, monsters probably have a primitive preference for pursuing the weight of weapons."

The person who best fits the temperament of this weapon in the Shazhou team is the big werewolf who has been strengthened by surgery.

John and the two female members also looked at Emil, and the meaning was self-evident.

Seeing this, Emil, who was holding a half-broken vajra, did not refuse. He thought this thing could be used as a backup weapon, and put it directly into the cheap space bag on his waist.

After such a battle, the newcomers were greatly enlightened and no longer dared to morally blackmail the seniors. They became completely quiet and waited for the situation to develop.

After all, these guys were really ruthless and killed people without blinking an eye - most monsters maintained humanoid forms before they died!

Especially the two beautiful women, whose methods were more bizarre than each other. One manipulated them to kill each other and stood by to watch coldly, while the other was like a ghost, killing the monsters lightly.

In the eyes of most newcomers, even if the seniors could be called human beings, they were still morbid guys with mental illness.

Only a few potential stocks... had the same idea in their hearts: the rules of space must be very cruel, which forced people to transform in the relevant direction.

In fact, they were chosen at the wrong node. After all, the level of Panxianxia was too high, so that as one of the parties involved, watching the situation develop scene by scene, beyond the limit of imagination, they gradually lost their sense of reality.

"Who is it, where did the tree demon come from dare to lead people to invade the territory of this king!"

In the oriental worldview, the most classic scene is presented - from childhood to adulthood, there is no end for generations.

The unicorn king came very quickly. Fang Xiu had just finished cleaning up the battlefield and distributing the benefits when a special roar came from afar.

Dragon roar?

Even Fang Xiu had never heard of it before. Objectively speaking, it was indeed a bit majestic.

"Let me out. I have realized the true meaning of magnetic field rotation and I am in need of a suitable opponent!"

The world inside the body.

The one-tailed Shukaku suddenly shouted impatiently, like a vicious dog that had been imprisoned for five hundred years.

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