The Interstellar Male God

Chapter 249 - Appalling

Therefore, they always think this way, but they never thought that one day, someone would stand up and tell them “the system is not inevitable, he is just an auxiliary tool, the real way is to go out on their own. of”.

“But now there are a lot of people who have achieved major achievements in doing things consistent with the type of the system, and those who violate the system are doomed to failure. Do you have a rebellious mentality to promote the unimportant statements of the system like this?”

In fact, at this time, many people have forgotten that Luo Lingxing is a person with no system from beginning to end. Perhaps in everyone’s eyes, Luo Lingxing is developing too fast and the momentum is rapid, so that everyone always forgets that he has no system. This is going on.

Of course, not everyone forgets.

“Did you want to preach the system’s unimportant remarks because you don’t have a system?”

“Are you going to challenge the traditional and the country?”

“…” The questions of reporters are sharper than one, and severer than one. Even these reporters have forgotten that this is a start-up ceremony, not a personal interview, but nobody cares about these, because they really did not expect There will be people who make such terrible remarks. If this news is released, it will definitely be the headline.

Ye Luohan stood beside Luo Lingxing, covering his small hands with big hands, giving him silent support and strength, but the eyes that looked at the reporters were as deep as black holes full of danger, as if he would be inhaled if he accidentally among them.

Luo Lingxing was not afraid of these reporters, but said firmly: “I am not preaching the non-importance of the system. I have to say that the system is very important. He can also help people accomplish many things that cannot be done by individuals, but it is not Necessarily, if everyone ’s favorite career happens to be in line with the system, then everyone is happy, but some people ’s choices do not match the awakening system, but they have to change their choices because of the limitations of the system. It ’s a stupid thing to say. In my opinion, I like one thing, then do it hard and work hard to pursue it for your dreams, so that you will be happier, instead of trusting your dreams to a The system of life, indeed, the system has helped many people achieve success, but how many tens of billions of humans are truly successful. This ratio is too small. Instead of being limited by the system, it is better to let go and pursue your dreams. Do n’t be overly dependent on the system. Previous humans did n’t have a system, but many people still became great people. ”

The scene was quiet, only Luo Lingxing’s clear voice rang in his ears, and even reporters did not know what to say for a while.

“The ceremony is over, thank you for your participation.” Zhang Changyi said hurriedly, and then made people cut off the live broadcast. Although he was also shocked in his heart, he also appreciated the boldness of Luo Lingxing. There are such people. Leading Junling Entertainment, I believe that Junling will definitely go further and higher.

The netizens before the live broadcast were frightened by Luo Lingxing’s bold remarks. It was not until the live broadcast was closed for a long time that they reacted. The comments flashed again quickly.

“Gosh, what did Lolo say? What did I hear?”

“This is the first time I heard someone saying that the system is not inevitable. I was so moved. As a person who has loved drawing since I was a child, I grew up but awakened the piano system and never learned piano. I was forced by my parents to learn the piano. It was a very painful memory, but there was no way. Parents told us that only by doing system-related things can we succeed, so I was forced to put down the brush and practice all day. Qin, but that’s not the life I want. “

“I have been interested in machinery since I was a child. I determined to be a master of machinery, but I have awakened the military system. It is a great luck for others to awaken this system, but it is a nightmare for me. You can only go to the military academy and join the army to become a soldier, but that’s not what I want. “

There are one or two people who like things that have nothing to do with the system to talk about their own experience, and three or four of them also start talking. Examples of people like them are too much in the entire empire, probably because they hold back too much. After a long time, it was probably that someone finally spoke their minds and found friends who were sympathetic.

As a result, there are more and more posts on the Internet, and more and more people are following them. Usually, they dare not say this to others easily, but now they are on the Internet, they care about their pains loudly. , My longing.

Of course, not everyone agrees with Luo Lingxing’s point of view, especially the older generation, their ideas are more traditional.

“This is anything. Such remarks are simply anti-national. How can such a person become a star? Isn’t this a bad child? Such a person should leave the entertainment circle, otherwise I will never let me go again. The child is chasing the star. “

“Leave the system to pursue your dreams? It’s easy to think, without the support of the system, do you think that dreams are so easy to pursue? Stand up and talk without backache!”

“Lolo has no system. His current development is better than many star systems. He has always worked hard. This is the best proof.”

“Oh, he has developed well in the entertainment industry, so he pretended to say such a long list of children who encourage others to resist the system? Who does he think he is, the president of the country? Even if he is the president, he certainly will not Can you say these words, what else can you do without the system? Like painting? Without a painting system, do you think your painting will look better than people with a painting system, do you think others will see you? Like machinery, Without the assistance of a system, what kind of good machinery do you think you can make? Don’t dream dreams. “

“If you don’t give it a try, how do you know it’s not possible? Even if there is not much success in the end, but that is what we like, what we are after is just doing these things we like, we already feel very happy Yes, but do things that we do n’t like, even if we succeed in the future, it will not be happy. Is n’t it just to follow the system to do things in a muddled way? Is n’t it so painful, what is the use of success?

Online because of Luo Lingxing’s remarks caused a burst of storms, most young people still support Luo Lingxing’s remarks, but for the older generation, it is simply to challenge their traditional ideas. , I wish he could be arrested as an opposition.

In fact, there are still people in this world who continue to work hard to pursue their dreams under other systems. For example, Yi Chenhao is one, and there are many others like him. However, in the case of a large human base, the proportion is very small. Too.

There are also many actors in the entertainment circle like Yi Chenhao who look at this booting ceremony and are very envious of Yi Chenhao. After all, the other party met a good boss like Luo Lingxing and was willing to give him a dream pursuit Opportunities, and when will they meet such good people and opportunities?

Perhaps, they should work harder to exercise their acting skills and stick to their dreams. I believe that one day, they may also have the luck like Yi Chenhao. When they are ready, maybe they can fly into the sky?

This is really a wonderful vision.

The boot-up ceremony was over, and the reporters were all invited out of the crew, but the words of Luo Lingxing still hovered in everyone’s heart. Many actors in the crew looked at Luo Lingxing’s eyes full of weirdness, as if they were watching a monster Similar.

They are all people who have a star system, and they are proud and proud of the star system they have. In their view, only with the star system can they play a good show, but suddenly one day, they stand in front of them and tell them The system is not omnipotent. Even if there is no star system, it can perform a good show. This is simply against them. Therefore, the eyes of Luo Lingxing and Yi Chenhao are unconsciously unfriendly.

But for other people’s views, Luo Lingxing has always ignored it, and Yi Chenhao has seen too many of these eyes, and has already formed an immunity, but he is now very worried and very nervous and under great pressure.

He knew that the words that Luo Lingxing said were fighting for opportunities for people like him. Only when he played the role well and won everyone’s recognition was the greatest reward for Luo Lingxing. He could n’t survive anymore, even Luo Lingxing could be dragged down to the altar by him, so his pressure was really very, very big, and this time it was the movie emperor Meng Lianggu who played his opponent, he felt even more worried The suppressed breathlessness came.

Because he did n’t have a star system before, he could only play some role of running a dragon. Before entering Junling Entertainment, he never got too many roles. This time he directly played the protagonist and played with the film emperor. He was really nervous. , Lest the TV series will be screwed up.

Junling Entertainment has given him such a chance that he will be able to star in the protagonist and realize his dream. He really appreciates Junling Entertainment and Luo Lingxing.

“Don’t be nervous, your acting is very good, just keep your mentality like running a dragon set before, as hard as you think.” Guan Anhua comforted Yi Chenhao.

During this time, he also ran several crews with Yi Chenhao and played several roles of male five male six. Although the lines are not many, they are much better than the dragon set, and he can learn something, and Yi Chen Hao’s performance is also good, so as long as he can continue to maintain a good mentality, I believe this time there will be no problem.

“Thank you brother, I will adjust my mind well.” Yi Chenhao took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

He knows that this is his only chance, an opportunity to prove that he can go on in the entertainment industry even without a star system. He must not miss it. He must grasp it hard and must perform well, not just for Myself is also to provide myself with opportunities for Luo Lingxing and Junling Entertainment.

“Well, I believe you, I will always be here during this time. Just tell me what you need.” Guan Anhua said gently.

“That Luo Ge over there …” Yi Chenhao was a little surprised because he knew that Guan Anhua was Luo Lingxing’s agent. He had thought that when Luo Lingxing came back, Guan Anhua would return to Luo Lingxing. Being around, but did not expect Guan Anhua to accompany himself until the end of the shooting.

“He still has Xiao Ming over there, don’t worry, all you need to do now is to turn yourself into Zhou Ruiyu.” Guan Anhua said.

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