The Interstellar Male God

Chapter 284 - Program changes

After receiving the notice from Junling Entertainment, the eight regular guest brokers and brokerage companies also had their own worries.

At that time, in order to participate in “All Challenges”, the brokerage company pushed all the announcements of the guests within two months, just to shoot this reality show. As a result, the shooting process of the program is now twice as slow. Speaking of which, it must have caused trouble.

However, this kind of result was caused by their artists, because the artists ’bodies could not be supported, so they were postponed. It stands to reason that the guest company should cause trouble for Junling Entertainment, and should give Junling Entertainment Beiyin compensates for the loss.

However, Junling Entertainment first proposed to postpone the shooting of artists, so that they can get enough rest time, and quite generously avoid the loss of guest brokerage companies, which makes those brokerage companies feel worried at the same time, but also feel very Happy, the impression of Junling Entertainment is also better.

In any case, such a program group and company responsible for artists are absolutely rare. Basically, many companies go for the benefit, and rarely pay attention to the physical conditions of the stars. If this is the case, Junling Entertainment continues Asking the artists to complete the shooting on schedule, the brokerage company can’t say anything, but the loss caused to their brokerage company is not just a delay of the shooting time, resulting in the announcement after two months. It is so simple. If the artist’s If something goes wrong with the body, it will definitely take time to recover afterwards. Then, the exposure rate of the artists will be much lower.

Moreover, during the nine days of the artist’s rest, they can also receive some not-so-hard announcements from the artist. Overall, they made a profit.

The previously invited guests, except for one or two that ca n’t be adjusted, all others expressed their willingness to cooperate with the adjustment of the schedule. Even if hesitated before, I saw the effect of the first broadcast. After that, they all became firm one after another. Such a good program that can **** fans, they are silly to let the artists push it away.

As a result, “Everyone in Challenge” was smoothly changed, and then you can continue to shoot as planned. Because it is now a two-week shooting period, the time of Ye Luohan and Luo Lingxing has become more ample, and the company There is no other job for them, so these two are currently a bit idle.

“Jun Zhan, when can my concert be held?” Luo Lingxing asked, but he kept thinking about it. It happened that the spiritual power transformed from the power of faith he had absorbed recently was almost saturated. If there was a music Yes, maybe it’s about to break through a realm.

“Do you want to play any music by then?” Han Junzhan asked.

In fact, if Luo Lingxing wants, their company can hold it at any time, but he privately doesn’t want such an excellent glowing Luo Lingxing to be noticed by too many people.

Luo Lingxing now shows that he has attracted too many people, the most important thing is that he attracts people from different fields.

First of all, as a star, Luo Lingxing itself has a huge number of Luo Fan supporters.

Then because of painting and Go, and joined the art community group, which led to attracting another huge fan of art lovers.

Next, his performance in the army and his contribution to the army, now almost all of the people in the military department are his brain fan. That degree of crazy worship is even more than his own worship, so that he goes every time The military department couldn’t help but want to beat the group of people who “coveted” his Lolo.

In the end, after he lost Luoshen ’s vest at Station B, those food fans were also incorporated into Luofen, and even many passers-by searched for B because they were interested or curious about these report posts. In the station video, as a result, some passers-by turned into fans.

Although Luo Lingxing also has black powder, especially because his comments about the system have attracted a lot of black powder, but compared to fans, the amount of black powder is almost negligible.

In this way, the total number of fans in all fields of Luo Lingxing is absolutely unmatched by any star in the entertainment industry. Even he must add Han Junzhan as an attracted fan to barely lead Luo Lingxing. One thing, it is conceivable that if Luo Lingxing is holding a concert, it is bound to attract a large number of music fans.

Alas … The partner is too good, it is also a worrying thing.

To compete with many people for the attention of a partner can hardly be more disturbing.

However, in spite of this, Han Junzhan is still very proud. After all, such a good person is his lover, his partner, and only he can see Luo Lingxing every day, holding Luo Lingxing every night, other people are even worshipping What about his lover, it is not only visible through the light brain.

“Hmm … not yet, how many pieces of music will I play then?” Luo Lingxing asked, he didn’t know much about this.

Han Junzhan’s eyes flashed and said, “Lolo, which instruments do you know?”

Han Junzhan felt that he had to understand this first. If it was someone else, he might not have asked about it like this. After all, people in this era are very good at being able to learn one. There is still room to learn other things. Basic The above are all focused on a specialty, but Luo Lingxing naturally cannot be regarded as an ordinary person.

“I’m good at Guqin, but flute and flute are also good.” Luo Lingxing said while recalling.

Before comprehension, he always learned Guqin, flute and flute, but also because the emperor gave him a very delicate jade flute, so he went to learn a few songs.

He learned all these sentiments and sentiments, unlike everyone ’s boudoirs at that time who used this as a talent. He learned proficiency in guqin. Han Junzhan had seen it before. Even he had never heard of it. Presumably, if Luo Lingxing took it out, it would cause a sensation again.

How could his Lolo be such a big baby? The more he digs, the more amazing he is. He really wants to hide people from anyone.

“We will talk to Chen Hongliang about the concert, but you just play Guqin at the concert.” Han Junzhan said.

“Good.” Luo Lingxing did not have any objections. For him, as long as he can face the fans on the spot, it doesn’t matter what he plays, not to mention, he is obviously more confident of Guqin than flute and flute. .

When Chen Hongliang heard that Luo Lingxing was going to hold a concert, the expression of the whole person froze, and it took a long time to recover.

“You, what did you just say?” Chen Hongliang asked again uncertainly.

He always thought he was used to Luo Lingxing’s surprises from time to time, but he only found out that he was not used to it at all. After all, Luo Lingxing gave them more surprises than they thought. many.

Xiao Ming, who was listening to it, had just recovered, but he shut his mouth cleverly, because he was worried that he would hear “surprise” from Luo Lingxing.

You said, the same people who were raised by their mothers, why the gap between people is so big, some people can spend a lifetime of mastery for a little skill, but Luo Lingxing has mastered at the same time With n kinds of skills and proficiency in everything, even a leader in various fields may not be able to have the strength of Luo Lingxing. It can be said that the existence of Luo Lingxing is just to attack people, and it is also a miracle. If he didn’t know him, he would have thought it was an old monster with a young appearance.

After all, where do humans have so much energy and time to learn so many skills at the same time.

I have to say that Xiao Ming has the truth in a certain way.

Although Luo Lingxing is not an old monster, but there is a soul of thousands of years inside, so many skills are only necessary for him.

Fortunately, Xiao Ming and Chen Hongliang didn’t know the truth, otherwise it would be more than just such an expression.

“I want to hold a concert, just like Yuanyuan’s concert.” Luo Lingxing said again.

Chen Hongliang heard clearly, but also clearly. Luo Lingxing said it was a concert, not a concert.

“You can just go and prepare him.” Han Junzhan did not like Chen Hongliang staring at Luo Lingxing, stepped forward to block Chen Hongliang’s eyes, and then said to him.

Chen Hongliang couldn’t help but twitched his mouth, and was very speechless about Han Junzhan’s increasingly perverted possessiveness.

“Lolo, can you support your spirit? You are still shooting” Everyone is Challenge “, it takes a lot of energy, and preparing for the concert also requires frequent practice, and there are many things to do, I Worry about your spirit … “Chen Hongliang said worriedly.

It is absolutely no problem to hold a concert, even he is happy, but if it will damage Luo Lingxing’s body and spirit, he will not agree.

“Otherwise, let’s wait for the show to be over and prepare for the concert?” Chen Hongliang suggested, “No, my spirit is okay, and there will be a long rest after each shooting.” Luo Lingxing Said to Chen Hongliang.

Although he hasn’t played Guqin for a long time, the last time he played Han Junzhan, he felt okay. After all, this is what he learned from a young age. As long as he practiced it several times, there is no problem.

But since they all said this, Chen Hongliang naturally had no objections, and he would naturally follow suit. Although he just had doubts, it was also caused by too much surprise. In fact, he had inexplicable confidence in Luo Lingxing, Since Luo Lingxing said he wanted to hold it, he would not doubt it.

The news that Luo Lingxing was going to hold a concert spread across Junling Entertainment. After all, to prepare for him, it is impossible to hide people from the same company, but now everyone who can work in Junling Entertainment is right. Ling has a strong sense of belonging, so before this news was made public, even many employees couldn’t help but want to find someone to share the good news, but they all suffocated.

In Junling Entertainment, not only Chen Hongliang has inexplicable trust and confidence in Luo Lingxing, but also others.

Although Luo Lingxing rarely comes to the company’s headquarters and rarely manages the company’s affairs, the company is almost always a brain fan of Luo Lingxing. Many employees still come to apply because of Luo Lingxing, and even many of them are A high-level company or a very capable person in a large company.

Even if Junling Entertainment has expanded its scale, but there are only a few positions in the senior management, and some core members occupy positions, even those seniors who have the ability or large companies have entered Junling Entertainment, there is no way to like before. They generally get very high positions and powers, but even so, they still insist on joining Junling, so that Junling has many available talents. Of course, Luo Lingxing has never treated them badly and now they Hearing such a news against the sky, everyone’s mood can be imagined. It’s almost exciting that the employees of the whole company are proud of having such a powerful boss. Even outside, in front of friends, they all take I am proud of Junling ’s employee status and more proud of their boss Luo Lingxing.

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