The Interstellar Male God

Chapter 294 - Idol effect

Luo Lingxing ’s concert was very successful. It can be said that it was an unprecedented success. It was originally expected to be an hour. As a result, everyone was too involved, and even included Luo Lingxing, impromptuly played several tracks that were not in the performance. , Extending the duration of the concert to two hours.

But even so, at the end, the fans were still unsatisfied. They screamed “Encore” and “Another Song”, and even the fans who stood for two hours were beaten. I do n’t feel tired at all, and I feel even more energetic. There is a posture that is absolutely fine even if I stand for ten hours.

In fact, they didn’t even realize that they were unwilling to stand for half an hour at ordinary times. As a result, they stood for two hours in a row. They even wanted to continue to stand in order to hear good music.

“Thank you all for your support and support today. I haven’t played it in such a long time. Today I am very happy and satisfied. Thank you all.” Luo Lingxing said to the audience with a smile.

The audience responded very enthusiastically to Luo Lingxing, especially when they saw their idols talking to themselves, and their emotions were even higher.

“All the ticket income for today ’s concert will be donated in the name of the Junling Foundation to help the orphans who are homeless. At the same time, thank you all for your contribution. I thank all the children who received help. Everyone. “Luo Lingxing said, bowing deeply to the audience.

The Junling Foundation has actually been established a long time ago. It was established together with Junling Entertainment. All income of Junling Entertainment will be retained as the foundation’s start-up fund according to a certain percentage.

Other companies or artists set up foundations ca n’t wait for everyone to know, but Junling Entertainment has always been very low-key, and has always been doing public welfare activities in silence, because Luo Lingxing feels that there is no need to tell the public, nor need it. Clamorous and favored.

However, this concert was attacked by many black fans. It is a tool used by Junling Entertainment to circulate money. Although Luo Lingxing can ignore it, many ignorant passers-by are likely to have a low impression of Junling Entertainment. Sometimes The public opinion is also terrible, especially in the complex entertainment circle.

Therefore, with the persuasion of Chen Hongliang and others, Luo Lingxing decided to take the concert as an opportunity, like the public to disclose the existence of the Junling Foundation, and donate all the ticket income today, sometimes just a sentence, just It can change many people’s misunderstandings about Junling Entertainment, and even more support Junling. If so, why not do it.

All the audience at the scene didn’t expect Luo Lingxing to make such a decision. You have to know that it was not millions or tens of millions, but more than a billion, so all donated at once, all the audience All touched, and even some emotional fans cried directly.

“Lolo, our Luofan will always support you, will be your strong backing, we will learn from you, and will do our best to help those who need help!” A fan couldn’t hold back, loudly Speaking, the voice still choked.

This is like opening a certain valve, Luo Fans have spoken one after another.

“Lolo, we will do our part to help those who need help, we will always support you, and please take care of yourself, don’t worry us.”

“Lolo …”

Many fans at the scene were crying while making up their minds to follow in the footsteps of idols, to do charity and charity activities, and they were willing to do it in their hearts.

The reason why idols are called idols is because idols will set a correct benchmark, guide those fans who like him to support him, and spread positive energy. If all idols can do this, then the entertainment industry will say It is a main backing pillar for the empire. Perhaps the stars themselves are not strong enough. After all, their appeal is very strong.

“Thank you, I am playing the last song for you, I hope everyone can be happy.” Luo Lingxing said with a smile, he did not expect there will be such a good effect.

At this moment, he more agrees with Chen Hongliang to let him make a public decision. If his behavior can drive fans to help others as much as possible within the scope, then he is very happy to do such a thing.

Luo Lingxing sat down again, slender fingers placed on the strings, the scene also automatically quieted down, listening quietly.

Luo Lingxing puts more spiritual power into music and passes it on to everyone. His spiritual power can appease people’s emotions, but if the spiritual power is used directly, the coverage is not large, but if it is with the help of music , But can almost cover all people who listen to music.

I have to say that Luo Lingxing has found a good way to help mankind, and this method should also be applicable to those in the military department. He plans to try it in the military department after he has time.

The concert was over, but the sensation and shock caused by the concert did not dissipate with the end of the concert, but became more and more intense, and Luo Lingxing they continued non-stop “Full Challenge” Shooting, so I don’t know about these.

“It ’s so wonderful to listen to the performance of the little prince on the spot. Forgive me for the lack of words. I really ca n’t express the 10,000th of my feelings in words. Only the people who listen to the scene can understand my inner feelings. I really I really want to say that this concert did not come in vain. If there is another chance, even if I spend more money to buy tickets, I must be here. This feeling is really great. “

“After a concert, I feel that my entire body and mind have been washed and reborn. All my previous worries have disappeared, even some negative emotions are gone. I think I am full of hope for the future. “

“I am also me, I am full of energy now, even the harshest and most critical supervisors praise me.”

“Don’t smell upstairs, don’t be nian, you know that this way of hanging our appetite. It was already a sad reminder that you didn’t grab the ticket. In the end, you were still showing off there and dragged out and killed!”

“I have to say, I admire you very much, you Luofan really spare no effort to add luster to your master, if you can get so many changes after listening to a concert, wouldn’t everyone have to listen to it? Has no one ever been to a concert? “

“I am a passer-by and a music lover. I only went to the scene this time when I heard that there was a concert, but I have to say that after hearing so many concerts, this is the first time I remember Concerts, that kind of feeling is not felt in other concerts. Those who have n’t been there, those who have n’t heard it, it ’s unfair to judge them arbitrarily. I suggest you can listen to it. I believe there will be different. Felt.”

“I don’t know if Lolo will put the concert performance on the Internet, I am sure to download it first.”

“If Lolo can directly produce a music album, I will definitely buy it and collect it very much, rotating it every day to listen”

“Music albums are a very good suggestion. Hey, let’s all go to the official blog and make suggestions to Junling Entertainment. Maybe there are too many suggestions, maybe the album will really come out.”

“Add me one, and I will go.”

The fans discussed and discussed, and went to the official microblogging version of Junling collectively. It is magnificent. It is conceivable that the official blog is expected to burst again this time, but Chen Hongliang looked at it but he was only happy. Don’t shut your mouth, don’t mind at all, and even if this is the case, you are more than happy to welcome fans to the edition.

“Mr. Chen, will Luo Shao produce a music album?” Xiao Chen, a staff member of the management official, asked.

This time he also went to the concert site, and he was very shocked to hear the music. Not only did he never listen to the music, but he felt like it was magical, which made people unable to resist being intoxicated. The main thing is, After listening, the mood will become very good, I feel like everything will be very smooth.

If Luo Shao really produced a music album, he would definitely buy more.

So you need to check the news in advance to see if the money on hand is enough. If it is not enough, you will save a little money this month.

Although Junling Entertainment has always been generous to employees and has good wages and benefits, young people nowadays basically like to play in time, so they are often from the Moonlight family. Now that they have something they want to buy, they will naturally save it. flower.

Before attending the concert, they originally saved a part of their money to buy tickets, but in the end, Luo Shao generously gave the staff one ticket each, so the ticket money was saved, even if Luo Shao still gave one ticket this time They will still buy a few more, not only to support Luo Shao, but also to send friends and family members, I believe it will be a very good gift.

“This requires the company to make a decision after consultation.” Chen Hongliang did not give a definite answer, but he himself supported Luo Lingxing’s music album. After all, this concert was an unprecedented success. Ling Xing also attracted a large number of fans, who just happened to hit the iron while it was hot.

And all the tickets were donated. The final income of the concert is negative, because the cost is not low during the preparation, and naturally needs to be paid back in other ways.

However, these were not his own decisions. Naturally, he needed to discuss with everyone before making a decision, so Chen Hongliang decided to make this matter one of the topics of the meeting.

At the weekly regular meeting, Chen Hongliang raised the matter of the music album, and finally got everyone’s support. Now the only person who still needs to ask for advice is only Luo Lingxing, who is still shooting “All “Challenger”, this matter was temporarily suppressed for a few days.

After the first three episodes and six episodes of “Challenge Everyone”, the ratings have stabilized. It is the champion of ratings for all reality TV shows during the same period, and it is far ahead. It makes many people watch the eyes, and they are usually The entertainers who have participated in the “Challenge Everyone” have finally gained popularity. Even the popularity of Li Yuanbo and Wu Yaxu has increased, but the increase is only small.

Therefore, “All Challenges” is currently the most wanted show of all artists, no one.

Artists who did n’t push the schedule because of the change in the shooting time of “All the Challenges” had even regretted it. Unfortunately, there is no way to come back, even if they have exhausted the methods before and want to participate in the “Full Staff” “Challenge” was also directly rejected by Chen Hongliang.

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