The Interstellar Male God

Chapter 299 - One more powder

Liu Guangmin is a very common one among the thousands of Luo Fans. She starred in Luo Lingxing when she appeared in “Witch Allure” from Luo Lingxing. When Luo Lingxing went through a series of events, she has been determined The unstoppable support of Luo Lingxing is a true love fan who has been in Luo Fan for a long time and has never left.

However, Liu Guangmin has been silently supporting Luo Lingxing. She does not love management, so she has not entered the core of the fan circle, nor participate in any activities like some fanatics, so she is very popular in the fan circle Normal, just silently supporting your idol on the periphery.

Liu Lingmin didn’t go to the scene of Luo Lingxing’s concert. After all, the price of the tickets is still a bit high for ordinary people, but she bought three music albums released by Luo Lingxing, ready to be collected.

That day, she was listening to Luo Lingxing’s playing in the room, and the voice of her father came from outside the room: “Xiao Min, your brother is back.”

Liu Guangmin heard the words, his eyes lit up, and immediately ran out of the room without even having time to turn off the music.

Liu Guangmin ’s elder brother Liu Guanghui is a soldier of the empire. He rarely returns home in the First Army of the Ministry of Military Affairs. Generally, he only comes back during the Chinese New Year holidays, and this time he should also come back on annual leave.

“Brother.” Liu Guangmin was very happy to see his brother and stepped forward to give him a big hug.

Liu Guanghui is also very happy. After all, this is his sister he loved since childhood. However, he hasn’t had time to give his sister the same big hug. A burst of familiar music sounded, and his expression suddenly excited.

“Brother?” Liu Guangmin shouted in doubt when he saw that his brother had not moved for a long time.

“Xiaomin, is music playing at home?” Liu Guanghui tried hard to control his emotions, but he couldn’t control it. He believed that if other people in the First Army heard this music here, it would definitely be the same as him The response is even greater.

Liu Guangmin listened for a while and found out that it was sent from his room. When he remembered that the music had just been turned on, he nodded and said, “Well, I just listened and forgot to turn it off.”

“You … where did you get this?” Liu Guanghua felt a tremor in his voice, and his heart was full of anticipation.

He will not feel wrong. The music his sister listens to is exactly the same as the music that Luo Shao gave them. Even the effect he heard is the same. Although the effect in this music is already weak, he still feels it. Arrived.

“Are you talking about Little Wang Ye’s music album? I snapped it online.” Liu Guangmin said, thinking that her brother was also very interested in Luo Lingxing, and he was very happy to share with his brother, “Brother, I tell you, The little prince is really powerful. He not only plays well, but also plays the piano very well. BALABALA … “

Speaking of his idol, Liu Guangmin seemed to be lit up, but Liu Guanghui only heard the keywords of music albums and snapping up.

“You mean this music is available online?” Liu Guanghui asked uncertainly.

“Yeah, the music album of Xiao Wangye can be seen on the official website. Originally, there were a certain number of albums, but many people did not grab it. Later, with everyone’s efforts, Junling released a lot more. “Liu Guangmin said happily because she was one of the first people who did not grab it.”

“Can you show it to my brother?” Liu Guanghui is excited now, but calms down. If these albums can be bought and the effect is the same as the music that Luo Shao gave them, is he not? Can you buy more, and then you can listen to training in private?

Thinking of this, Liu Guanghui felt very hot in his heart and wanted to try it now, but the effect of the music he had just heard was already very weak, even if he listened to training there would not be much improvement.

He didn’t know if this album was like this at the beginning, or because the listening time was longer, so the effect would be weak.

Liu Guangmin heard that his elder brother was also interested, and was very happy that he had added a “same person” and naturally took a new unopened album without hesitation.

“I bought three at a time. This one is new. I have n’t heard it yet. I gave it to you. Brother, you do n’t know. Listening to this music always makes people feel good. You can also listen. Listen to it. “Liu Guangmin offered a treasure and said Liu Guanghui holding a brand-new album, looking at the photos printed on it, suddenly stunned. Isn’t this Luo Shao?

Why is Luo Shao printed on this album?

Liu Guangmin saw that his brother had been staring at Luo Lingxing, and he was sure that his brother liked Luo Lingxing. He could not help stealing music quietly in his heart. He didn’t expect that his brother would also chase the stars, and he still liked the same idol with her. .

“Brother, this is the little prince. Isn’t he handsome?” Liu Guangmin teased.

And Liu Guanghui was fooled by the information he had obtained at the moment, and his head was a bit overwhelmed.

“Little Lord?” Liu Guanghui murmured, is it just someone who looks like Luo Shao? But I think it’s Luo Shao.

Just listening to Xiaomin’s introduction, it seems to be acting and playing, it should be a star, he will still go online to check it out, if it is a star online there should be information.

So, Liu Guanghui greeted his sister, his parents, and went back to his room. Then he opened the terminal and searched for the name of Luo Lingxing. As soon as the search was over, the huge information came out and scared Liu Guanghui. He never I don’t know, Luo Shao was so famous in the entertainment industry.

As a soldier, except for the time of returning home throughout the year, they are basically in the military department or in the execution of missions. They pay most attention to the affairs of the military department and the country. They rarely pay attention to the entertainment industry, so naturally I don’t know that Luo Lingxing is so famous. Of course, they will not know that the public news that Ye Luohan is Han Junzhan.

The more Liu Guanghui looked down, the more he admired Luo Lingxing, and at the end, the light shining in his eyes was almost the same as that of his sister, and it could be seen that Luo Fan was going to add another member.

Originally, Liu Guanghui, like the people in the military department, worshipped Luo Lingxing, but the knowledge of him was the second lieutenant, major general Han’s partner, and holder of martial arts, but now there are many more, including him He is a star with many fans, a master of Go, painting and calligraphy, superb piano skills, and even a member of the art society group. For every point of recognition, the worship of Luo Lingxing is almost speechless, and he has become the star of Luo Lingxing. Brain powder is gone.

“It turned out that Luo Shao was so powerful. It was a great honour to know Luo Shao and to be close to him.” Liu Guanghui smiled innocently. Fortunately, he was in the room, otherwise he was seen by his sister, his tall brother The image will definitely collapse in an instant.

Liu Guanghui looked at the album his sister gave him, opened it into the player, and listened to soothing familiar music. The kind of inspiring power surged up, and it was exactly the same as when he was training in the army.

Liu Guanghui feels that this is the biggest reward for going home this time. They had thought that if they could get such music in private, would n’t they be able to continue their efficient training after the training? But they didn’t know the source of the music, and even everyone thought it might be Luo Shao’s own collection, and then took it out selflessly for them.

In fact, Luo Shao’s collection is also true, because this is basically recorded by Luo Shao’s own performance, and it is also the first copy of the empire, is it not a collection?

After Liu Guanghui was excited, he had not forgotten to open the terminal, found Junling Entertainment’s official website, looked at the same album on his hand, and immediately placed an order to buy fifty copies.

Although Luo Shao said that he would provide them, he knew how much Luo Shao did for them after seeing the price of the album, even if he had been selflessly instructing them to train, and it would have been Luo Shao ’s selfless dedication. Can’t make sense.

And just now that he learned that buying these albums can also help Luo Shao increase sales, then he is more happy, anyway, these music is just listening, it can inspire people’s mood and enhance spiritual strength.

Ordinary people may not have a deep understanding of mental power, but as soldiers, especially mecha divisions, value mental power very much, and these music can make their mental power grow, although not much, but only a little It’s enough for them to rush.

After Liu Guanghui placed the order, he immediately passed the news to the leaders of the First Army. He believed that everyone would make the same choice as him.

As a result, all the employees of Junling Entertainment found that after the initial explosive sales of Luo Lingxing ’s music albums, the sales volume gradually stabilized and remained at a number around a day. However, in recent days, suddenly As a blowout, sales continue to soar. If they didn’t do anything, they would have to wonder if someone had brushed sales.

“Mr. Chen, what’s going on?” Someone asked worriedly.

If only one day’s sales soared, it could be regarded as a local tyrant and bought a lot of them all at once, but for several days, this situation is a bit weird.

Although they all know that there is no sales for Luo Lingxing, such a situation is easy to cause suspicion, especially those black powders, they will certainly not let this “handle” go.

“Don’t worry, as long as we don’t brush, we’re not afraid of others talking.” Chen Hongliang replied. Although he said so, he was also worried.

Just like to confirm their concerns, there has been much discussion on the Internet.

The sales of the albums released by the singers are public throughout the network, and there are even rankings. This is also to allow fans to see the data more intuitively and openly. Of course, if there are local fans who are willing to brush sales to idols, It will be stopped, this is just to prevent the company from billing artists.

But the music album is the first time, but after Luo Lingxing was released, some people soon made a sales chart. Although there is only one album of Luo Lingxing alone, it can be clearly seen anyway.

Therefore, the sharp increase in sales in the past two days has caused some attention.

Black Powder 1: Ha ha … Jun Ling Entertainment is not satisfied with the current results, has it started to pay someone? Is this too obvious?

Black Powder 2: The data growth in the past few days is obviously not right. Is Junling Entertainment going to talk about what is going on?

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