The Interstellar Male God

Chapter 331 - Discover Ling Zhi

This time, the two did not take out the mech, but climbed the mountain on foot. The more they climbed, the steeper the road became, and no traces of man-made destruction were seen at all, not even traces of human activities.

The two also felt more and more strange, especially Luo Lingxing, even had a vague feeling, always felt that there was something attracting him like this, this feeling is not clear, but vaguely able to feel it.

“We are walking up.” Luo Lingxing suggested, but he wanted to see what attracted him above.

The two continued to go up. Although the road was very steep, it was not difficult for the practitioners.

The feeling that attracted him became stronger, and he could even feel a familiar breath.

Luo Lingxing released his consciousness and diverged to the Western Zhou Dynasty, searching the surroundings carefully, but found nothing.

“Lolo, what’s wrong?” Han Junzhan sensed Luo Lingxing’s solemn expression and asked.

“Do you feel any special feeling?” Luo Lingxing asked.

Han Junzhan is also a cultivator now, so he feels more sensitive to the atmosphere around him.

However, Han Junzhan shook his head and said, “No, did you feel anything?”

Han Junzhan is very nervous because he knows Luo Lingxing’s ability. Although he has made rapid progress, he is still a little worse than Luo Lingxing. The other party felt it. He didn’t feel normal, but looked at Luo Lingxing’s expression To make him worry that something bad will exist in front of him.

“Lolo, let’s go down first, don’t go up anymore.” Han Junzhan pulled Luo Lingxing and wanted to take him down, he was very worried, if there was something bad on it, it would be dangerous.

He didn’t worry about himself, but he worried that he could not protect Lolo. Anything related to Lolo, unless he was 100% sure, he would never be in danger easily.

This is the first time to realize that his ability is weak, from small to large, he is the best among his peers, even for people older than him, he is not without the power of a battle, not to mention, from cultivation After Luo Luo handed him the exercises, his abilities were greatly improved, and his peers were invincible.

Although he has always known that his cultivation base is lower than that of Luo Lingxing, he has not clearly recognized the gap between the two, but now, he has realized it and felt it for the first time.

He never felt that he had a certain premonition of those dangers, and he could detect them in time. However, Luo Lingxing felt it, but he did not feel it. He could only say that his cultivation had not yet reached home, and had not reached a certain level. The feeling of “ignorance” made him very uncomfortable and uneasy.

Han Junzhan decided that he would work harder and more diligently when he went back. After his cultivation became better than Lolo and he could protect Lolo, it was not too late to come and investigate.

“It’s okay, let’s go and see again.” Luo Lingxing comforted Han Junzhan. He could feel that the thing was not malicious to him, and his solemn expression only felt the familiar breath for a while and felt uncomfortable.

Since coming to this world, everything he has encountered is strange, including the power of faith, and he needs to get used to it slowly before he becomes familiar with it, but for the first time like this To a familiar feeling similar to the previous life, he did not react for a while.

He had a hunch, maybe the things in front could give him a big surprise.

But Han Junzhan couldn’t feel anything. He felt it with his heart, but he still couldn’t feel any special feeling, so he was still not at ease.

“Jun Zhan, I feel a familiar breath. Maybe there will be something in front of us that is beneficial to us. Let’s go and see.” Luo Lingxing advised.

Han Junzhan could n’t feel it and could n’t say it was because his cultivation level was low, but because he did n’t learn how to use spirit to feel the surroundings, and these, Luo Lingxing decided to teach him when he went back, and now the main thing is It was the thing in front of him that kept attracting him.

Han Junzhan saw that Luo Lingxing was so determined that he no longer stopped, but he was always alert to the surroundings. As soon as he saw any danger, he immediately took out his mech and took Luo Lingxing away.

The two came to a cliff, and there was no way ahead, but the feeling that attracted him was clearer, and the familiar breath was clearer.

Luo Lingxing expanded the scope of the consciousness a little further, including to the bottom of the cliff, because he had a hunch that the thing that attracted him was below.

Luo Lingxing carefully looked at every inch of land covered by the consciousness, until he touched a certain place on the bottom of the cliff, his body shuddered suddenly, his eyes wide with unbelievable, and his face was rarely surprised.

Han Junzhan, who is always following Luo Lingxing at any time, naturally found out that he hurriedly surrounded Luo Lingxing, but he did not dare to touch him easily, very anxious.

“Jun Zhan, let’s go down, there are good things below.” Luo Lingxing finally smiled and said excitedly to Han Jun Zhan.

Although Han Junzhan does not know what good things are below, but can make Luo Lingxing smile, he can also be relieved, as long as it is not a dangerous thing.

Han Junzhan took out the mech, took Luo Lingxing into the mech warehouse, and then turned on the flight mode. After a few minutes towards the bottom of the cliff, the two were at the bottom of the cliff, looking at the scene in front of them. The two with strong self-control can’t help but be stunned by the sight in front of them.

I saw that the bottom of the cliff is flat, and various flowers and plants echo each other. The green grass is lush, and the beautiful flowers are blooming at will. Occasionally, one or two petite animals sprout from above, interweaving into a very beautiful picture, saying that this is a paradise. For ever.

Before the two came down, they absolutely could not have imagined that there would be such a beautiful place on such a primitive planet, without the cover of tall trees, without the destruction of huge beasts, and so quietly at the bottom of the cliff, forming a small self world.

However, these are not the most attractive to Luo Lingxing. Luo Lingxing took Han Junzhan through the bushes and walked to the other side of the flowers and grass, where it seemed to be isolated from here to form two worlds.

Here, the flowers and plants are lush and densely grown, but there are a few sparse and beautiful grasses there, but there are no flowers around them, not even weeds, and the small animals seem to prefer places like paradise. , And did not come here, the contrast between the bleak here and the previous prosperity, but the two are still in the same place, more puzzling.

“What’s the matter?” Han Junzhan couldn’t help but say that they all have the same land and growing environment, so how can they grow such two different places, if the bottom of the cliff and the outside of the cliff can be understood, but the same place Separating different environments is more puzzling.

“Can you feel anything now?” Luo Lingxing did not answer the question.

Hearing Luo Lingxing ’s question again, Han Junzhan put away other thoughts and felt it carefully. A kind of friendly atmosphere was skipped from his side, which made his head sober and the whole person was refreshed. Too.

Upon careful examination, the source of that breath can be felt from the land that he considered barren.

“These …” Han Junzhan looked at the sparse plants in front of him in surprise, and no longer looked down on them as before, Luo Lingxing looked at the Lingzhi in front of him, and his face was rarely excited.

That ’s right, these sparse and sparse plants are exactly spiritual plants. Although they look different from those known in previous life, that kind of breath ca n’t be wrong. No wonder he feels familiar, because he feels the trace The familiar breath is the weak aura from these spiritual plants.

He came to this world for the first time and felt the aura so close. He was just too far away from the Lingzhi, and the aura exuded by the Lingzhi was very weak, so he couldn’t discern it carefully for a while.

“What is this?” Han Junzhan asked the plants in front of him again.

It seems to be an ordinary plant, but it gives him a very different feeling. Staying beside these plants will make you feel very comfortable.

“These are Lingzhi.” Luo Lingxing replied while gently stroking Lingzhi.

“Ling Zhi?” Han Junzhan heard this term for the first time.

“They are all made up by absorbing spiritual energy.” Luo Lingxing’s voice became softer and softer.

If it is in the previous life, he will certainly not be so happy when he meets Ling Zhi. After all, on the continent full of spirits, although there are scarce advanced spiritual plants, there are many ordinary spiritual plants, even some spiritual food in his space. There is a hint of Reiki in this world, but it is different in this world. There is no Reiki in this world, and naturally it will not be able to breed a spiritual plant. It is conceivable that if he encounters a spiritual plant under such circumstances, how can he not feel excited? What?

“Aura?” Han Junzhan repeated it, and suddenly remembered what Luo Lingxing had told him about the magical cultivation continent.

In Luo Lingxing ’s previous life, on that cultivation continent, did n’t cultivators rely on absorbing aura to transform into spiritual power? In other words, the breath he just felt is actually called Reiki?

But didn’t Luo Luo say that this world has no aura?

“I don’t know why there are spiritual plants here, but these are indeed spiritual plants.” Luo Lingxing said softly, his eyes never left these plants.

He did n’t know how these spiritual plants were cultivated. There were no humans on this primitive planet, and they would certainly not be cultivated by humans. There is no aura in the air. Naturally, it will not absorb the aura in the sky, and it ’s the same place. In an environment, this small piece gave birth to a spiritual plant, but the sea of ​​flowers next door showed no signs of spiritual planting. It can only be said that only this small piece can produce a spiritual plant. As for the reason, it needs further understanding. In order to practice replanting, if there is no aura, or if it is provided, it can never be formed.

Moreover, the spiritual energy emitted by these spiritual plants is very weak, and even when they are in the air, they are quickly diluted by the air, so when he came to this planet, he did not feel the existence of the spiritual energy, this time because he was close The mountains felt like nothing.

In fact, it is not impossible for a planet to have no aura to be full of aura. If there are too many plants, when they absorb the aura, a trace will be scattered, and the accumulation will be less, and there will be more aura in the air. This planet may become a planet full of aura.

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