The Interstellar Male God

Chapter 369 - Cloud Horn Antlers

The night passed without waves. After dawn, everyone all got up, simply ate something, and began to find the goal of the mission.

The objectives on the mission, whether they are cloud horned deer, golden dragon or flamingo, are relatively difficult to encounter and powerful beasts, not to mention cutting corners of others, stealing eggs from others, and pulling hair from others It ’s just a proper way to pull hatred. This is absolutely a tough battle. The college really does n’t want students to be good atAt.

As for red crystal, it is all luck. Red crystal is a very rare ore on the market. A large piece of thumbnail is worth a lot of money. They all doubt that the college takes this as a task. It’s just counting together.

I have to say that everyone inadvertently completely got the truth. In fact, the task that Luo Lingxing and their team got is definitely the most difficult. If the first four were completed, the first place with a good score, but each team There will be five tasks, so in order to make up, so the red crystal is added.

However, no matter whether it is a count or not, everyone still has to do it, and the front is enough to make them worry, not to mention slowly to the later stage, and it is also necessary to guard against the sneak attacks of other teams at any time, the pressure is also great.

“Let’s first study which task to do first.” Lu Yunming summoned everyone and said.

Seven people were sitting together, and the map booth was open to everyone. Some important information was marked on it. “We are here now. If we go this way, we will go past the flamingo ’s nest to the east and walk south. When you reach this cave, if you take this road, you may encounter the group of cloud horned deer. I heard that cloud horned deer prefer to appear in this area, while the sharp shark appears in the southernmost sea area. We can do this later. . “Lu Yunming analyzed various schemes for everyone.

“I think we’ll go find Yunjiao Deer first. Among these tasks, Yunjiao Deer is relatively mild,” Liu Quanming suggested.

“It may be a little easier to deal with the adult cloud horn deer, but what we need is the antlers of the young cloud horn deer, and catching the young cloud horn deer is likely to cause the adult cloud horn deer to have big animal hair. It’s not moderate at all. “Gao Zhiquan said immediately.

“In fact, these five tasks are not easy. I will do it sooner or later, and I have no opinion.” Li Mingqi said.

“The position of the cloud horn deer is a bit far away from the other three tasks, and the direction is also opposite. I think we still go to the cloud horn deer first, after completing this task, we will look for flamingos, golden dragons and sharp sharks in sequence. What do you think? “Jia Yunpeng suggested.

“It seems pretty good, I have no opinion.” Jiang Ceqin stated.

“I have no opinion.” Liu Quanming said.

Li Mingqi nodded directly. He just said to follow everyone, whichever way he takes. His duty is to help the wounded, and his own combat effectiveness is not strong, so he does not express much opinion on these decisions.

“I think so too.” Lu Yunming said.

Gao Zhiquan shrugged, turned his head and asked Luo Lingxing, “Boss, what do you say?”

Luo Lingxing nodded and said that he had no opinion. He did n’t know much about these kinds of beasts, so he did n’t know what to do first. It ’s easier for him to do this. Of course, these beasts may not be difficult for him. The beasts on the Forte planet, Luo Lingxing has never been in the eyes, not to mention the beasts for students to practice.

“Since everyone agrees, let’s go.” Lu Yunming finally summed up, and then a group of seven people began to walk towards the most likely spot where Yunjiao Lu is most likely to appear.

Probably because of the first day, everyone ’s walking distance may not be long, and they were thrown separately before. So on this day, Luo Lingxing and others did not encounter other teams, but they encountered a few waves of small beasts. The attack, but it was practiced for several people.

Soon, seven people came to the most likely and most frequent place of Yunjiaolu-a large beautiful lake area.

This lake is called Moon Lake, because the water at night is very beautiful, reflecting the moon, and the shape of the whole lake is very similar to the moon in ancient times, so it is named.

During the day, this lake area is very lively, attracting a lot of various types of beasts to drink water or play in the water. Everyone is very harmonious. Of course, there are occasional carnivores lurking in the forest, waiting to finish drinking. The prey of water alone.

At this moment, Luo Lingxing and others lurked in the jungle, and then stared closely at Moon Lake, waiting for the appearance of Yunjiao Deer.

Cloud horn deer are gregarious animals and generally appear in groups. Although cloud horn deer are vegetarian animals, the combat strength of adult cloud horn deer is not to be underestimated. It often causes headaches for hunters who use them as prey targets. It is even possible to defeat adult carnivorous beasts.

Luo Lingxing and others waited for more than an hour, but the figure of Yunjiao Deer still did not appear, but none of the seven people moved or was impatient. As a soldier, patience is very needed because sometimes when performing tasks , Maybe because a little of your movements may cause the entire mission to fail, and may even cause the death of teammates, this is a very serious matter, not to mention, they are only lurking in the forest for an hour, even if they are lurking for a day, yes They are not a problem.

However, God still cares about them. At this moment, a large group of animals came towards Moon Lake. Lu Yunming immediately rejoiced when he saw it, and silently gave his teammates a secret signal.

Luo Lingxing saw the secret signal and knew that the target cloud horned deer appeared, and immediately placed his sight on the group of animals that had just appeared. The cloud horned deer looks very similar to the traditional deer, but the antlers are completely different. The traditional antlers are similar Coral tree branches, and the antlers of the cloud horn deer are connected together in a large piece. The shape is like a white cloud in the sky. No wonder they will be called cloud horn deer, which is very appropriate.

“We continue to wait for the under-aged young horned deer to siege, remember to make a quick decision, and try not to attract the attention of the adult horned deer.” Lu Yunming said silently to everyone with his lips.

Everyone’s lip is good, because this is also a military training. After all, sometimes it is not possible to send out movements, but when the eyes are alone and the tacit understanding is not enough, lip language is a very good means of communication.

Several other people gave Lu Yunming a clear gesture, and then continued lurking quietly, waiting for an opportunity. Cloud horn deer usually come to drink water at Yuehu Lake at this time. After drinking the water, a large group of migrants will migrate to another. Place, and at this time, it is easy to have a playful juvenile cloud horn deer order, this is also the best time for everyone to get out, but once there is a single cloud horn deer, the deer herd will soon notice and come back to find However, once encountering the adult cloud-horned deer herd, the difficulty of the task increases a lot, and it can even almost fail.

As Lu Yunming told everyone about Yunjiao Deer, the group of Yunjiao Deer lined up to leave here after drinking water, and the little Yunjiao Deer who was next to the adult Yunjiao Deer seemed to be more curious about the surroundings. There will even be one or two naughty leaving the team to chase things that attract themselves, and when they react, they will already leave the team.

“Go!” Said Lu Yunming, and then the seven of them rushed out as fast as the arrows off the string, and surrounded the small cloud horned deer in the middle. Everyone was quick to decide. After all, there is not much time for everyone. At this time, the antlers are not available, and it will be troublesome to attract the adult cloud-horned deer.

Xiaoyun horned deer was surrounded, but did not seem afraid at all, but the round deer eyes were full of curiosity, and looked at the strange creatures surrounding it. It had never seen such a strange one. What about creatures?

Li Mingqi is from the Military Medical College. He basically does not participate in the battle and stands on the periphery to watch, while several others quickly attacked the Xiaoyun horned deer.

Without any precaution, the little cloud horn deer was hit instantly, and the pain made it unable to call out. The round deer’s eyes contained water splashes, which looked very pitiful, so that the people present almost couldn’t bear to continue to start, especially just Luo Lingxing, who was upgraded to his father soon, couldn’t bear to suffer such a cute baby deer.

Although Yunjiao deer is a beast, such a small Yunjiao deer also has parents. If it is killed, then its parents will also be very sad. Luo Lingxing thought that if someone dared to hurt his child, Then he must be desperate with that man.

In his view, whether it is an animal or a human, it is the same.

“In a hurry, when the adult Yunjiao deer comes over, we’re done.” Lu Yunming saw everyone shaken and said hurriedly, this time they are likely to get antlers once, but if they are delaying for a while, then It’s really hard to say.

Others heard the news and immediately put away the sympathy, intently dealt with Xiaoyun horned deer, and strived to get the antler sooner.

“Wait, is it only necessary to get the antlers?” Luo Lingxing suddenly asked.

Although others didn’t know what he meant, he nodded.

“Well, let me take the antlers, but don’t hurt the life of this cloud-horned deer.” Luo Lingxing continued.

“But …” Lu Yunming frowned, apparently disagreeing. However, before he had finished speaking, he saw Luo Lingxing running towards Xiaoyun horned deer very quickly, almost in a blink of an eye, Xiaoyun horned deer’s There was only one deer horn on his head, and even Xiaoyun’s horn deer didn’t react, and the other people had an expression of brutality. What’s the situation? Why did Luo Lingxing have an antler in his hand? It was just a residual image just now. I couldn’t see the other person’s figure at all. Okay, how fast can this be like this, if it is not seen with my own eyes, Can’t believe it at all?

In the trough, everyone knows that Luo Lingxing is very powerful, but I did not expect that Luo Lingxing was so powerful. This speed alone is beyond the reach of people.

As the saying goes, “The martial arts in the world can only be broken fast.” Luo Lingxing’s speed is so fast. It is estimated that few people can beat him. Does that mean that they will be able to stick to this experience for a longer time?

Suddenly, everyone looked at Luo Lingxing in admiration, and almost almost regarded the other as an idol, especially Gao Zhiquan, who had already regarded Luo Lingxing as an idol.

“Boss, you are so powerful, I adore you too much!” Gao Zhiquan said staring.

Although others are not as obvious and exaggerated as Gao Zhiquan, the look at Luo Lingxing has become very fierce. “Come on, the adult cloud horn deer is coming soon.” Luo Lingxing said suddenly, ignoring Gao Zhiquan’s worship Discourse.

Everyone heard that they remembered that they were still doing a task. It is not a time for worship at all, and they had just got the antlers of Xiaoyun horn deer, which means that they have already completed a task, and they are delaying, maybe It is about to meet the deer herd of cloud horn deer.

So, everyone quickly began to retreat, and finally before the adult Yunjiao deer came back, they completely escaped. As for how angry the Yunjiao deer saw the little Yunjiao deer with one horn cut, it was not their concern for the time being. Too.

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