The Interstellar’s Expert Plant Tamer

Chapter 31: In the league (catch bugs)

The four of Xie Sen’s team went all the way. The more they went in, the more lush the vegetation became. There were towering trees everywhere on the island. They couldn’t see the sky when they looked up, and all the birds and insects chirped in their ears, and there were deep forests. The roar of the beast, and the screams of humans from time to time.

If there is only one person, the atmosphere is a bit scary. Xie Sen looked at Maine’s tall back and felt very relieved.

Maine opened the bracelet from time to time to take a look, and occasionally made a sound to remind him to pay attention to his feet, so that people behind him would not step into the pit.

The ground is covered with a thick layer of dead leaves, the soil is soft and moist, and every time I step on it, there is a slight sinking feeling. It is very tiring to walk in this way, and the air in the forest is dull. After an hour, Xie Sen is already sweating profusely. Maine’s back was also wet with sweat.

Xie Sen panted and tried his best to control his breathing to keep up with Maine’s footsteps. He looked back at Bai Jiao and Long Teng. Bai Jiao was still clear and light, and there was no sweat at all. Long Teng was the same as him, and his forehead was covered in sweat. sweat.

Xie Sen looked at Bai Jiao enviously, turned his head and wiped his sweat while looking up at the road ahead.

“Wow! So beautiful.”

Not far from the front right, there is a half-human-high plant in the green bushes. At the top of the plant is a flower the size of a soup bowl. The fiery red color looks particularly dazzling. Xie Sen couldn’t help but praise it.

While talking, Maine walked to the flower, and a wild beast-like mouth suddenly opened in the middle of the petals of the flower, bending the branch to bite at Maine’s arm.

Xie Sen was stunned by this scene, took a deep breath and was about to shout ‘be careful’, Maine took a step back, raised his foot and kicked sideways, Hua fell to the ground with his mouth facing the ground.

The branches of the flower were folded into a thin and tall n-shaped shape, but they did not break. The next moment, it bounced like a spring, and the flower opened its mouth and spit out red juice towards Maine.

Xie Sen’s eyes widened suddenly, this kind of thing must be poisonous if he doesn’t want to know it.

Maine reacted very quickly and jumped forward to dodge. Bai Jiao quickly walked over Xie Sen. When the sap was about to fall on the tree trunk opposite the flower, he held an umbrella-shaped object in his hand and stuck the umbrella to the tree trunk. superior.

When the juice fell into the umbrella, Bai Jiao lifted the umbrella upside down, detached the umbrella cover from the stand three or two times, closed the surrounding area of ​​the umbrella cover, and then took out the string and tied it tightly.

A smile appeared on his Qing Jun face: “I have been interested in carnivorous plants for a long time, and this trip really came right.”

Long Teng leaned closer to his neck to look at the juice collected in his hands. He was about to ask something, and he put his hand on his shoulder. He immediately forgot what he wanted to ask, and looked at Bai Jiao in surprise: “Wow, you are so cool!”

Bai Jiao took his hand off his shoulder: “I’m naturally cold.”

With envy on his face, Long Teng wiped his sweat, and simply stretched out his arms to embrace him: “Let’s go like this, it won’t be so hot next to you.”

Bai Jiao put the collected juice into the space, tilted her head and opened the distance from Long Teng: “No, let it go.”

Long Teng pouted and estimated the height of the two of them: “Are you tired? Otherwise, I can carry you on my back, I’m not tired.”

Bai Jiao rubbed his eyebrows: “I’m a female, so I can sue you for harassment.”

Long Teng blinked and withdrew his hand, a baby face flushed: “I, I don’t have it, don’t talk nonsense!”

Bai Jiao was a little surprised to see him like this, smiled, took out the shovel and shoveled the whole flower out of the ground, put it in the space, and then said to Maine, “Hurry up.”

A few people continued to move forward, and walked for almost an hour. At twelve o’clock, Long Teng finally said loudly: “I’m so hungry, I want to eat!”

Maine looked at Xie Sen. Xie Sen’s black hair was wet with sweat and he was panting heavily. Seeing him look over, he said with a bitter face, “Tired and hungry.”

Maine opened the bracelet and glanced at it: “Hold on, there is a place suitable for rest not far in front of the left.”

Five minutes later, the four came to the place Maine said, a hill in the forest.

Xie Sen took out the spicy jerky, Long Teng approached immediately, and Maine patted him on the shoulder: “I’m going to hunt wild animals, you are here to collect firewood, and at the same time protect their safety.”

Long Teng patted his chest: “Don’t worry, wrap it on me.”

Xie Sen was a little worried: “Are you going alone?”

“It’s okay, I’m not going far.” Maine said, disappearing into the forest in three or two.

Long Teng moved very neatly. After a while, he picked up a pile of firewood, and then continued to look at Xie Sen eagerly. Xie Sen handed him a lunch box and another to Bai Jiao.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s full, it can only be appetizing.”

Long Teng took out a piece of spicy pork jerky and chewed it continuously while shouting, and said inarticulately, “It’s delicious.”

Bai Jiao took a bite and said in surprise, “It’s delicious!”

Xie Sen smiled and said, “Just like it.”

Maine came back with two treated hares not long after, and Xie Sen asked, “Is there water nearby?”

“Well, it’s not safe near the water.” He skillfully strung the rabbits, holding one by himself and throwing the other to Long Teng to roast.

While roasting the rabbit, he operated his personal wristband. Three information prompts sounded from the wristbands of the rest of his teammates. He said, “I have sent you the nearby map. If you get lost, follow the map.”

Xie Sen clicked on the message, and the attachment was a very detailed map. There were four green dots where they were now.

After Maine finished speaking, his brows suddenly wrinkled, his fingers slid twice on the virtual screen above the wristband, and then he looked to the right with a sharp expression: “Someone is approaching.”

Longteng was instantly excited: “I’ll drive them away!”

Bai Jiao stood up and said, “It’s really dedicated to our work while we catch up during our lunch break.” He smiled and turned his head to look at Long Teng, “You roast meat, they gave it to me, just for me to try the medicine.”

Xie Sen was not at ease: “I’ll go with you.”

“No,” Bai Jiao smiled, “I’m fine.”

He let Maine share the real-time position of the future person with him, then scurried into the dense forest on the right, and disappeared into the tall plants in a short while.

He came back in less than five minutes. Seeing that he was fine, Xie Sen was relieved. Seeing that the rabbit meat would be roasted for a while, next to Maine, he sat with his legs bent to rest.

He has to rest between the needles and seams, otherwise his body will be out of control and it will be very troublesome.

Maine tilted his head to look at him, turned his head and continued to roast the rabbit meat, Long Teng nibbled the spicy jerky while roasting, his face full of satisfaction, Bai Jiao sat not far from him and began to close his eyes.

The surroundings are quiet, relaxed and comfortable.

“Ahhh…it’s so itchy!”

“What’s the matter? Was it bitten by a bug!”

Ten minutes later, screams and roars came from the right side. Xie Sen was sleeping soundly. He couldn’t help frowning, turned his head, and asked confusedly, “What’s wrong?”

“It’s okay, you continue to sleep.”

Hearing Maine’s voice, Xie Sen felt inexplicably relieved and let himself continue to sleep.

Long Teng looked curiously at Bai Jiao, who had opened his eyes with a faint smile on his face, leaned in and asked in a low voice, “What did you do?”

Bai Jiao looked at him in surprise, then looked at Xie Sen who was asleep, with a smile in his eyes, and said softly: “It’s nothing, just sprinkled some tickle powder I made on the road they passed, it seems to work well .”

Long Teng grinned, revealing his bright white teeth, and gave a thumbs up: “You are amazing!”

Bai Jiao smiled and said modestly, “I still need to study more.”

Xie Sen slept for half an hour before being woken up by Maine. He glanced at the time and said angrily, “I wasted time.”

Maine handed him a rabbit leg: “It’s alright, the meat is good in the test, and it’s not good to eat raw.”

Xie Sen took the rabbit’s legs and suddenly remembered the screams he heard when he was half asleep, so he asked what was going on.

Long Teng explained to him very quickly, and Xie Sen gave Bai Jiao a thumbs up: “Amazing.”

The taste of the barbecue in the wild is not as good as the one made at home, but fortunately, there is a mixture of spicy jerky to eat, and the four of them are very satisfied.

The farther they went, the more animals they saw on the way. They encountered two long-haired wild boars on the way, and Long Teng dealt with them.

Maine used a dagger to cut the best meat off of them and put them in the space for dinner.

Xie Sen calculated the time in his heart. He only slept for half an hour at noon, and only had four hours of timeliness. When it was almost half past four, he took Maine’s arm.

Maine turned his head: “uncomfortable?”

Xie Sen said apologetically, “Can you carry me for half an hour?” He didn’t want to hold him back at all, but because of his health, he had nothing to do for the time being.

Maine squatted down directly, Xie Sen hugged his neck and lay on his back, guiltily: “Sorry.”

His face was against Maine’s neck, and his breath swept past as he spoke, and Maine’s body froze slightly.

“It’s okay, you are very light.” Maine took a deep breath and said calmly.

Long Teng raised his hand and patted Bai Jiao on the shoulder, Bai Jiao turned his head and saw a big smiling face, Long Teng said, “I’ll carry you!”

“No need,” Bai Jiao smiled, “Thank you.”

Xie Sen set it to five o’clock, and he didn’t care about anything else, and fell asleep directly on Maine’s back. He thought he would have trouble falling asleep because he was uncomfortable, but he didn’t expect to fall asleep soon.

He was woken up by the alarm clock at five o’clock, rubbed his face subconsciously, and when he realized where he was, his face turned red, but fortunately the surroundings were already dark.

He patted Maine on the shoulder: “Thank you, let me down?”

“I can continue to carry you without getting tired.” Compared with a beast of a few hundred pounds, Xie Sen is too light.

“It’s okay, I’ve rested.”

Maine put down Xie Sen, and there was no one on his back. He couldn’t help frowning. He always felt that something was missing. From time to time, he glanced back and was relieved when he saw Xie Sen.

At 5:30, the forest was so dark that they could barely reach their fingers. Several people walked for another half an hour with the lights in hand. The howls of the wild beasts around them became louder and louder. From time to time, they could see green fields from the dark night in the distance. Eye.

Maine said: “I can’t go any more, it will be very dangerous to go any further.”

They are like dazzling targets, and there may be wild beasts rushing towards them at any time.

The four found an open space nearby and caught fire on the spot. Bai Jiao and Xie Sen grilled meat, and Main and Long Teng collected a lot of firewood nearby, enough for one night.

Several people were eating meat, and suddenly there were human screams and the roar of beasts on the right side, and at the same time, the ground shook.

Maine’s expression froze, and she stood up.

After a while, four tall boys ran to their resting place, and the front one shouted: “They ran!”

“The hyenas are catching up right away, what should we do?” shouted someone behind.

“They must be nearby. We brought the beast as ordered, and the mission has been completed! Send a distress signal!”

“Damn, the signal can’t be sent out!”

“Quick, flare!”

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