The Interstellar’s Expert Plant Tamer

Chapter 38: catch up (edit)

Xie Sen ran out as fast as possible, but Maine was no longer in sight. He walked all the way through the corridor and ran out of the Kess house.

A beam of light suddenly lit up in the parking lot on the right outside Kes’s house. It was the light of the shuttle starting at night. He looked over and saw Maine’s shuttle taking off.

He quickly ran to the side of the road and stopped a public shuttle, pointing to the shuttle that was about to disappear from sight: “Master, catch up with the fastest speed.”

The driver immediately drove to the fastest speed and glanced at the rearview mirror: “Why are you chasing him?”

Xie Sen guessed that the driver was worried that he was following people to do bad things, and simply replied: “He was hurt and angry.”

The driver saw Xie Sen’s eyes full of anxiety, and then saw that he was thin, and joked: “I quarreled with my boyfriend”

Xie Sen was not in the mood to joke at all. Thinking of Maine’s injury and his final expression, his heart ached and he couldn’t help but worry.

“Can you go faster?” he urged.

“It’s already the limit speed, don’t worry, he can only drive so fast if he can’t lose it.”

Xie Sen opened the bracelet to contact Maine, all communications and information were lost, there was no response at all, and the speed of the shuttle in front did not slow down at all.

The two shuttles passed countless shuttles along the way. Twenty minutes later, the driver frowned: “Where does your friend live? If you continue to drive forward, you will be leaving the city. The public shuttle can be used. Can’t get out of town.”

Xie Sen was even more worried, and only hoped that Maine could stop in time. Outside the city was a continuous barren forest. It was too dangerous to enter the forest at night.

His hope was lost, and Mein drove the shuttle, stopped at the city gate for a moment, and went straight out of the city, while the shuttle he was riding was forced to park in the parking lot on the border of Star City.

Xie Sen paid the money and got out of the car quickly, ignoring the danger of the driver calling out to the city at night behind him.

He ran to the city gate and was stopped: “You can’t go out.”

“I have permission to leave the city!” Xie Sen anxiously looked out of the city and showed the proof.

“Junior, right? In addition to the permission to go out of the city alone, you must also have the ability to meet the conditions. At least three beast owners of D rank and above are required.” B-level contract beast owner.”

Xie Sen secretly said that it was dangerous, and called out his identity information: “I am a B-class!”

The inspector looked surprised. After reading his information, he looked at him again: “You are sure that you want to go out alone. It is very dangerous at night. The safety of going out of the city is entirely your responsibility.”

Xie Sen’s patience was almost exhausted: “I’m sure, can I go out?”

“Okay.” He was qualified and determined, and the prosecutors had no reason to stop him and nodded.

Xie Sen took two steps out, turned around and asked, “I saw someone drive in the shuttle, where will they park the shuttle?”

The shuttle cannot be driven at all in the forest, there must be a place to stop.

“Go right after you go out. There is a parking lot at the edge of the forest. Hunters are used to parking their cars there.”

“Thank you.” Xie Sen thanked him, turned on the light in the bracelet, turned and ran to the right.

Outside the city gate is a large flat land, which belongs to the protection zone of the city and the forest. If there are beasts coming out of the forest, you can see it at a glance, and there is absolutely no place to hide.

Xie Sen ran for fifteen minutes before reaching the parking lot. There were few shuttles in the parking lot. He saw the shuttle of Maine near the edge of the forest at a glance.

Xie Sen ran over, and Maine was not in the car, leaving only a series of bloodstains on the ground.

Xie Sen panted and walked all the way into the forest along the blood trail. After walking for a while, a bird suddenly flew over him and screamed. He was startled and his heart was beating wildly.

There was a quiet noise in the forest at night, and the strange sound of birds and insects made Xie Sen couldn’t help thinking about it. He walked all the way and called Maine’s name.



The forest was like a big mouth, swallowing all his shouting, and he didn’t get the slightest response.

Xie Sen walked for another 20 minutes and felt very tired. Although there was lighting, it was not as good as during the day. He tripped over tree roots several times along the way.

He walked along the blood trail, suddenly, his footsteps stopped suddenly, his face turned pale, and he subconsciously took two steps back.

Not far in front of him, stood a black-skinned, ferocious-looking beast. The beast was about one meter tall, with a strong body, sharp and sharp teeth, and a pair of green eyes staring at him.

Xie Sen’s heart almost stopped, and he held his breath in a conditioned reflex.

The beast looked at him for a while, lowered his head, licked the leaves on the ground, and moved forward, gradually shortening the distance from Xie Sen.

Xie Sen’s eyes widened, it was licking Maine’s blood!

He bit his lip, restrained from screaming, and moved slowly to the side, the beast glanced at him, lowered his head again, and occasionally raised his head to lick the surrounding leaves, which were covered with blood from Maine’s passing.

The beast walked all the way to Xie Sen along the blood trail, and did not attack Xie Sen.

Xie Sen’s complexion gradually returned to blood, and he returned to his previous position. He looked around for the traces left by Maine, but found that there was no trace of blood.

He turned his head and stared fiercely at the beast that was walking away. If his ability allowed, he really wanted to rush over to grab the beast’s neck and yell at it: You TM, spit it out for me!

He wiped his face, turned his head to look at the dark forest in the distance, put his hands to his mouth and shouted, “Main, Main! Come out for me, come out!”

He shouted, with a little bit of anger in his distress: “Bastard, do you know that I’m worried!”

He continued to walk as he shouted, he knew it was dangerous for him to do so, but he couldn’t control himself, the desire to see Maine was too strong.

He had deeper worries in his heart, and Maine’s frantic appearance at the end fully demonstrated that what happened tonight was the reason for Maine’s blackening.

Maine has been hit, and a person will only become more and more horny, and he is worried that Maine will fall into paranoia.

Gradually, his footsteps slowed down, he looked at the almost identical scenery around him in confusion, and he had absolutely no idea which direction to go.

He lowered his head to open the bracelet and tried to call again, but there was still no response.

Anxious and angry, he sent ten messages in a row.

Looking at the unresponsive bracelet, he lowered his hand in frustration.

Suddenly, the shrill howl of the beast came faintly from the left side, and the sound reached him at a very low level, obviously, there was a distance.

The howling continued, then suddenly disappeared.

Xie Sen looked in that direction, his eyes lit up suddenly, there were lights there!

He ran over there without thinking, maybe it wasn’t Maine, maybe it was a hunter, but even if there was only a slight chance, he couldn’t let it go.

The lights got brighter and brighter, and Xie Sen’s eyes got brighter and brighter. Finally, he ran to his destination out of breath.

There was chaos all around, blood was everywhere, and a huge beast lay silently on the ground, already dead.

Not far away, Maine leaned against a tree trunk, lowered his head, exuding a dark temperament, holding a dagger in his right hand and scratching the ground.

Xie Sen wanted to cry the moment he saw him. He put his hands on his knees and gasped for breath. He slowed down and walked to Maine and squatted down.

Maine, who had been keeping his posture the same, suddenly shot at the moment when Xie Sen squatted down, and the dagger pressed against Xie Sen’s neck. Just a little force could end Xie Sen’s life.

“Maine!” Xie Sen looked at Maine in astonishment. “You’re crazy. I’m worried that you’re worried to death. You ran into the forest like a fool to look for you. What do you mean?”

“Worry about me?” Maine’s delicate face had no expression at all, her eyes were pitch black, and she had no emotion at all.

“Nonsense, otherwise why am I looking for you?” Xie Sen said angrily.

Maine stared at him, his eyes suddenly rolled up, and the dagger against his neck pressed down: “Liar, they are all liars, I saw it, you smiled at him!”

Xie Sen frowned in pain and looked confused: “Who did you smile at?”

Maine sneered nervously: “Who else? They are right, you will regret it when you know his identity!”

Xie Sen recalled: “You said Mr. Qiao? Just laughing, I was pushed to the ground by you, he helped me up, I thank you politely!”

He pointed to the dagger: “If you have something to say, put it down first, if you accidentally use force, I will die.” Seeing that Maine’s face was cold and motionless, Xie Sen was angry, “If you want to kill I still need to hold the dagger all the time? Your hands are not tired!”

Maine hesitated for a moment, put down the dagger, Xie Sen looked at the wound on his shoulder, and his tone softened a lot, “Let’s go out first, your injury must be treated first.”

Maine didn’t respond, just stared at him with no change in his expression.

Xie Sen was helpless and grabbed his arm: “I know you are sad, and it’s hard to let go, but you have to know that you are not alone, and I am with you.”

Maine’s eyes moved slightly, and he put the dagger against Xie Sen’s neck, Xie Sen stared at him.

What’s the nerve? He recalled what he said again, and there was no problem!

Maine leaned forward, his voice soft and dangerous: “Accompany me? It’s all a lie. When he was a child, he also said he would accompany me. Hasn’t it changed? Only when you die will it really not change.”

Xie Sen’s scalp was numb, and there was a sudden chill on his back: “Nonsense, if I die, I will be the biggest liar, and I will accompany a woolen yarn if I die!”

“You are too bastard, I came to you regardless of my life, and you still don’t trust me!”

Maine stared at his angrily face and sneered: “Trust? Ridiculous.”

The two were very close, and Xie Sen’s nose was full of the smell of blood on Maine’s body. Seeing his cold eyes, he didn’t trust anyone, Xie Sen thought of Sokto and wanted to smash people.

He said sincerely and seriously: “I said, we are brothers for life, I won’t lie to you, if you don’t believe me, I can’t do anything about it, but… I think you should give me a chance and wait until you find out that I lied to you. , kill me again, you have this ability anyway.”

“You…” Seeing that his expression was slightly loose, Xie Sen was about to persuade him again, and his right hand lifted uncontrollably and touched Maine’s face.

At the same time, his head moved towards Maine, who was stunned, and the two of them were entangled with each other’s breaths. If they got closer, they were about to kiss.

Xie Sen’s eyes widened, I’m going, why is it suddenly out of control, it’s already 9:20!

He figured it out early, woke up at 1:20 from a nap at noon, and within eight hours there would be no problem.

Before attending the banquet, he and Maine agreed to return to the apartment before 8:30, but who knows, the plan can’t keep up with the changes.

Xie Sen wanted to cry without tears, and four words appeared in his mind: God will kill me.

This time, Maine will definitely kill him!

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