The Interstellar’s Expert Plant Tamer

Chapter 87: coma

Xu Da’s eyes widened when he saw the octopus: “Asen, be careful, there’s a big monster behind you!”

Xie Sen was stunned for a moment. When he looked back, he saw the big octopus looking at the screen with great interest. The tip of a gray tentacle was placed on his shoulder very humanly. Hearing Xu Da’s words, he stared at the screen with wide eyes: “I’m not a big monster, I am, a super invincible big octopus!”

The octopus has a big head, and its eyes occupy a large part of the head. It is very terrifying to stare at people, and the barrage screams: “Ah, ah, the anchor, run!”

Xie Sen only opened the communication, but did not start the live broadcast, so he didn’t see the barrage, his expression was very calm, and he calmed the octopus in his mind: “The big monster means that you are very big and imposing.”

The big octopus blinked: “Have eyesight.”

Xu Da’s hand trembled when he saw it: “This is too scary!” He glanced around Xie Sen, “Where’s A Teng? Did something happen?”

Xie Sen quickly said: “No, we are all fine, he is by his side,” in order to reassure Xu Da, he turned around, enlarged the video, and let Long Teng sitting on the flying dragon beast not far away into the mirror, “Look, We are all well…”

Halfway through his words, he choked up. He originally wanted to say, ‘Everything is fine’, but when Long Teng saw Long Teng’s current situation, he couldn’t continue.

Long Teng stretched out his feet, with a big smile on his face, he didn’t know what to say, the long-necked sea monster stretched out his head and opened his mouth to bite him, he retracted his feet, and the flying dragon beast also flew high at the same time, when the sea monster shrank his neck, he It lowered the dragon beast and stretched out its feet to tease the long-necked sea monster.

The back and forth speed of each tease is very fast, so although Long Teng has a smile on his face, it still makes people look terrified, as if Long Teng will be bitten in the next moment.

The audience in the live broadcast room screamed again. The more calm people began to guess where Xie Sen was, and some people who liked exciting adventures swiped the screen.

“Anchor, how much do you say! Take me out on an adventure!”

“It’s so handsome, I always feel that wherever the anchor goes, there will be thrilling and fun things, and there will always be windfalls.”

“Yes, I seem to have seen the flying lion beast just now!”

“I saw it too! Maine is also there, he must have formed a contract.”

“Today, I am still a lemon essence!”

Xie Sen didn’t know anything about the barrage, and laughed a little embarrassedly, and said to Xu Da: “It’s really okay, A Teng is just joking.”

Xu Da knew Long Teng very well and laughed: “Haha, I see it, stinky boy, you are restless anywhere!”

Xie Sen smiled, thinking about recovering the water energy. He didn’t say much. He instructed the contracted beasts to listen to Xu Da’s words, and called on the audience in the live broadcast room to love the contracted beast, and then hung up the communication.

He reached out and tapped the octopus tentacles on his shoulders: “Take it away.” The octopus monster retracted the tentacles and watched his next move curiously.

Xie Sen pulled Maine slowly to the edge of the back of the Megalodon. Maine held his left hand back and held it tightly. Xie Sen turned back and smiled at him: “With you here, I’ll be fine. .”

Maine nodded cautiously: “Well, I will protect you.”

Xie Sen squatted down, looked at the dark water surface, clenched his fists, then opened his hands and put his hands into the water.

The temperature of the peony on his shoulder rose suddenly, and the temperature of the position where the hand and the water touched also rose rapidly, and the energy quickly rushed into the shoulder through the arm.

Xie Sen’s face was tense, and he looked at the water nervously. The sea water moved quickly in the direction of his palm, but neither the wave wall nor the huge waves were provoked, and it looked extraordinarily calm.

In the past, the speed of energy recovery was very fast each time. This time, because the energy is too scattered, the recovery speed is very slow.

Megalodon had a slippery back, and Xie Sen used his feet when he stepped on the edge. As time passed, his feet became more and more sore.

After the energy entered the five-color peony on the shoulders, the temperature of the shoulders became higher and higher, and even reached the scalding temperature. At the same time, the heat spread from the shoulders and slowly swept the whole body.

Xie Sen frowned and was a little flustered. He wanted to withdraw his hand, but found that the water seemed attractive, and he couldn’t get it back.

“Adan, what’s going on?” he asked in his head.

Adan explained: “Most of the water energy has been recovered, the energy of the five elements has gathered, and the cycle has begun, and it cannot be stopped in the middle.”

Xie Sen said: “My body is getting hotter and hotter, and I feel a little abnormal.”

Adan said: “Don’t be afraid, this is a normal reaction, the fit between you and this body is getting higher and higher under the operation of the five elements, but…” He pondered, “Your body may not be able to stand the stimulation and fall into coma.”

It said the voice and immediately raised: “But don’t worry, this is a good thing, you will definitely be fine! When you wake up, your body will be much better than before, eh…”

When Xie Sen heard this, he didn’t immediately ask Adan what he was saying. Instead, he turned to look at Maine, wanting to tell Maine that he might be in a coma so that Maine would not be worried.

As a result, when his head turned, it seemed as if an iron ball rolled to the left, and a strong dizziness struck him. Before he could speak, he lost consciousness.

Maine’s face changed suddenly, holding him back: “Assen!”

Xie Sen lay softly in his arms and did not respond.

Maine’s eyes vibrated violently, hugged Xie Sen tightly, and kissed all over Xie Sen’s face: “Assen, Asen, wake up!”

Bai Jiao has been paying attention to their situation, and seeing this, he quickly said to Long Teng, “Come over.”

The flying dragon beast was extremely fast, and soon reached the top of the Megalodon. Long Teng jumped onto its back with Bai Jiao in his arms, ran to Maine and squatted down, anxiously asking, “What’s wrong with Asen?”

Maine stared at Xie Sen closely, as if he hadn’t heard him speak.

Bai Jiao stretched out his hand to grab Xie Sen’s hand. Maine grabbed his wrist and looked at him coldly. Bai Jiao said, “Don’t worry, I’ll check his condition.”

Maine’s eyes moved and he let go of his hand: “He suddenly fell into a coma.”

Bai Jiao nodded to show that he knew, and checked Xie Sen. He said: “The pulse and heart rate are normal, and there is no sign of poisoning, but the temperature is too high. It is best to go to the hospital for a detailed examination.”

Maine’s expression softened slightly, he stood up holding Xie Sen, the flying lion beast flew to his side, he said: “Go to the hospital now.”

The Flying Lion Beast and the Flying Dragon Beast took the four to the nearest hospital in Blue Star. The three sea monsters and the long-necked monster followed them in the water for a while, making various calls, but did not get any answer.

The big squid stretched out a tentacle and slammed the octopus monster: “You must have poisoned Asen accidentally just now!”

The octopus monster rolled his eyes and entangled the tentacles of the big squid: “Impossible, it’s none of my business, didn’t you listen to his friend? There is no sign of poisoning!”

The squid continued to smoke the octopus with its other tentacle: “His friend is comforting, it’s your fault, you idiot.”

The octopus monster waved its tentacles and hit back: “It has absolutely nothing to do with me,” it dragged the squid out, “you go out with me and wait for the result, it has nothing to do with me, you are an idiot.”

Soon after, Lenny received a report: “Prince, they came out of the sea of ​​death, and one of them seems to be in a coma.”

Lanny frowned: “The video is here.”

Soon, Lanny saw the two fast-moving contracted beasts and the people on them from the video, and his eyes fell on Xie Sen, who had his eyes closed and was embraced by Maine.

“What’s the situation in Dead Sea?” he asked.

“The sea monster that crossed the edge has returned to the dead sea, and the blue whale has been staying in the edge sea.”

Lanny’s expression moved slightly, so it seems that the return of those sea monsters to normal is very likely related to Xie Sen.

Lanney said: “From today onwards, we will increase the patrolling of the border of the Dead Sea.” After giving the order, he said to Simai, “Let Long Teng follow them and keep an eye on their actions.”

Simai: “Yes.”

When Xie Sen woke up, it was three days later in the evening. He opened his eyes and saw Maine, who was sitting beside the bed with a cold and pale face.

Maine is like a delicate and emotionless statue, his eyes are looking straight at him, his eyes are unfathomable, the light in the room is a little dim, Maine is sitting in the backlight again, his facial features are in the shadows, at first glance, Pretty scary.

Xie Sen’s heart jumped, and he quickly calmed down. Seeing Maine’s bloodless face, he was very distressed. He was about to speak when he saw Maine closed his eyes.

Xie Sen was stunned, and then he thought that Maine might be tired. I don’t know how long he had been in a coma. Judging from Maine’s appearance, he must have been guarding him.

He raised his hand to look at the time, and only then did he raise his hand and was tightly grasped by a big palm, and then it was dark in front of him. He, his voice was dry: “Are you really awake?”

Xie Sen blinked, and when he heard the word “really”, he instantly understood something.

Maine just closed his eyes, not because he was tired, but because he saw him open his eyes and thought he had an illusion!

He felt even more distressed, raised a smile and reassured: “Yeah.” He couldn’t help frowning after saying one word, his throat was too dry.

Maine asked nervously, “Where is it uncomfortable?”

Xie Sen cleared his throat: “It’s okay, just a little dry mouth.” He reached out and touched Maine’s face, “You look ugly, are you injured? Did something happen later? How long have I been in a coma?”

Maine looked at him deeply, leaned over and hugged him in his arms, not daring to exert too much force: “It’s okay, you’ve been in a coma for three days.”

Xie Sen frowned, stretched out his hand and pushed him: “Since it’s nothing, why are you like this, don’t tell me you haven’t eaten in the past few days!”

Maine didn’t move at all, just hugged him and rubbed the side of his neck.

Xie Sen was helpless, he felt a little strange: “I don’t feel hungry.”

“You will be injected with nutrient solution every day.” Maine said.

Xie Sen moved his hands, and always felt that his body was full of strength. He thought of Adan’s words and laughed. It seemed that after the energy recovery, his physical fitness improved.

Thinking of A-Dan’s previous “Huh”, he was a little concerned. He called A-Dan in his head, but got no response. He glanced at his right shoulder. The five petals were all bright. He felt relieved and guessed that A-Dan might be sleeping. , decided to contact it later.

He raised his hand and squeezed the back of Maine’s neck: “Get up, I want to take a bath, you have to eat too.”

Maine let go of him, his hand still resting on the side of the bed, his eyes darkened: “Why were you in a coma before?”

Xie Sen said: “The five energies corresponding to the petals gather. My body couldn’t stand the stimulation, so I fell into a coma.” He smiled, “Don’t worry, it’s a good thing, my body is much better than before.”

As he said, he reached out and squeezed Maine’s chin: “I’m sorry, I made you worry. I didn’t expect to be in a coma before. At that time, I turned my head to tell you, but I fainted without saying anything.”

Maine grabbed his hand and bit it lightly, then reached out and picked him up: “It’s fine, let’s go back to the hotel, I hate it here.”

Xie Sen kicked: “Put me down, I’ll go by myself.”

Maine refused quite simply, hugging his waist tighter: “Don’t let it go.”

When he arrived at the door of the ward and met Long Teng and Bai Jiao who came to visit, Xie Sen looked a little embarrassed.

Longteng spoke very fast: “Great, Asen, you finally woke up!”

Bai Jiao asked, “Is there anything uncomfortable?”

Xie Sen shook his head: “I’m fine, sorry for making you worry.”

Long Teng smiled brightly: “It’s fine.”

Bai Jiao glanced at Maine and jokingly said, “If you don’t wake up again, you’ll be fine, other people will have something to do.”

Maine’s expression remained unchanged: “I’ll take him back to the hotel.”

Bai Jiao said: “Well, you can take Asen directly, I will go through the discharge procedures.”

Maine looked at him: “Thank you.”

When the two of them left, Long Teng put his hand on Bai Jiao’s shoulder, and his heart lingered: “Fortunately, Asen is awake, Maine has been terrible these days!”

Bai Jiao walked to the place where the formalities were going through, and when she heard the words, she said with a smile, “Are you still afraid?”

Long Teng said: “Of course there is,” he tilted his head. “Actually, it’s not that I’m afraid of Maine, it’s just that I feel very uncomfortable looking at him.”

Bai Jiao heard the words and smiled: “Because he loves Asen very much and is worried about Asen.” He said, his eyes couldn’t help showing an envious look.

Long Teng laughed: “Yes, my father also loves Dad very much. Maine treats Asen just like my father treats my dad!”

As he spoke, he revealed doubts again: “What is love? Dad will know when I meet him, but how would I know?”

Bai Jiao’s feelings were completely blank, and all his understanding came from relatives and virtual works. Hearing this, he thought subconsciously: “Probably always want to be with that person, want to be close, want to protect, and will be emotionally affected by the other person.”

Long Teng blinked and turned to look at him. His black and white eyes were extraordinarily clear, and he showed a bright smile: “That’s how I treat you, so I say, have I fallen in love with you?”

Bai Jiao was stunned, his heartbeat accelerated inexplicably, his fingers unconsciously rolled his hair over his shoulders, and after a while he said with a smile: “No, we are friends, friends and lovers, it’s different.”

Long Teng then asked, “What’s the difference?”

Bai Jiao thought for a while: “Love is more intimate,” he coughed dryly, “I don’t understand very well, I’ll go through the formalities.”

Long Teng looked at his back and muttered, is it more intimate?

Back in the hotel room, Maine directly carried Xie Sen to the bathroom. Xie Sen proposed to go by himself several times, but Maine simply refused. Seeing his pale face, Xie Sen had to follow him.

When he got to the bathroom, Maine finally put him down and went to run hot water. Xie Sen turned around and walked out, only to take a step when Maine hugged him tightly from behind: “Where are you going?”

Xie Sen pointed to the washstand behind the frosted glass: “Brush your teeth,” he turned his head, saw Maine’s face tense, and patted Maine’s hand, “Don’t be nervous, I’ll tell you where I go.”

Maine hummed, but didn’t let go of her hand. She took him to the washstand and watched him brush his teeth.

After Xie Sen brushed his teeth, he turned around and kissed the corner of Maine’s lips: “I’m going to take a bath, you order a dinner, and we’ll have it together later.”

Maine looked at him, hesitated, and nodded. Xie Sen took a shower and had dinner with Maine again. Seeing that Maine’s face was bloody, he patted his face with a smile: “You are an adult, you must know how to take care of yourself, and you are not allowed to skip meals in the future. have no idea?”

Maine stared at him for a while: “As long as you’re fine.”

He said, got up and went to the bathroom, he didn’t close the door, Xie Sen could see his figure clearly, such a hazy vision and the sound of the shower made people more reverie.

Xie Sen blushed slightly, coughed lightly, and started to clean up the dinner garbage into the bag, then opened the door and put the garbage bag at the door so that the waiter could take it away in time.

He closed the door and was about to turn around when he was suddenly hugged by Maine from behind, he was startled, turned his head and saw Maine’s lightly wrapped chest, he glanced down and his face turned red: “Why did you come out like this? already?”

Maine did not speak with a sullen face, and threw him directly on the bed. He rested his elbows on the bed, and his upper body leaned forward a little, but Maine pressed him down, and then ushered in an overwhelming kiss.

Xie Sen was forced to raise his neck, Maine held the back of his head with one hand, and pulled the bathrobe on him with the other, and cleaned him in three or two strokes.

After a long time, the room became quiet. Xie Sen lay on the bed and slowly eased his breath. He and Maine had done it many times, but it had never been as intense as today.

He also really felt that his body had really improved a lot. He would be very tired after the first two times. Now that the third time is over, it’s just a sore back and a slight pain somewhere.

He didn’t care much about the dense itching coming from behind him. He was used to Maine’s behavior, and could even be comforted by his kisses easily, but the smell of the room was so strong that his heartbeat couldn’t help speeding up.

He bent his feet, not knowing where he touched Maine, and said in a slightly hoarse voice, “Turn on the vent in the room.”

Maine grabbed his foot and kissed his ankle, got up to turn on the ventilation, went to the bathroom to put hot water, then picked up Xie Sen and put it in the bathtub, looking at the marks on Xie Sen’s body, he frowned slightly, He blamed himself: “I’m sorry.”

Xie Sen tilted his head and bit on his chin: “Is this the one who should apologize? You forgot to wear a condom for the first time!” Obvious.

After the embarrassment, he couldn’t help but look at his stomach again, shivered, and grabbed Maine’s arm: “What if I get pregnant? Go and buy contraceptives!”

Maine cleaned him up and kissed his cheek soothingly: “Don’t worry, the possibility of a pregnancy is zero, contraceptives are illegal, the birth rate of each star is declining, and it is against the law to harm young children.”

Seeing that he was so sure, Xie Sen thought that the physique of the females here should be different from that of modern women, so he relaxed and warned: “You must pay attention in the future, otherwise you will not be allowed to do it.”

Maine assured: “Okay.”

The next day, the four of Xie Sen had just finished their breakfast when Simai came to them and said that Lanny had something to do with them.

Xie Sen just wanted to talk to Lanny about the deal that was interrupted before, and followed Xi Mai to the lobby on the 87th floor.

Lanny’s eyes flickered across his face, and after the four of them sat down opposite him, he asked, “What did you do in Dead Sea?”

Xie Sen said with a smile: “I didn’t do anything, just restore the sea of ​​death to its original state.” He changed the subject, “How about we continue to talk about the transaction we talked about last time?”

Lanny said: “I can agree to your request and make the trade of contract beasts illegal. Blue Star prohibits the trade of contract beasts, but I need more food.”

Xie Sen thought for a while: “In addition to watermelon and peppers, I can also provide potatoes and rice. I can tell you their approximate growth conditions. As for the rest of the plants, there is no such thing for the time being.”

He didn’t know much about black fungus. It is not considered a plant, but a fungus. It has no seeds and grows on wood.

Lanny said, “Temporarily?”

Xie Sen thought really keen: “The Brant Star Botanical Research Institute has been researching various plants, and there will be more and more edible plants. If you are interested, you can establish a foreign trade relationship with Brant Star and wait for the Brant Star plant. After mass production, priority will be given to selling to Blue Star.”

Laney narrowed his eyes: “Edible plants of all stars have been studied for many years, and progress is slow, but you seem to be very confident that plants can be produced in large quantities.”

Xie Sen smiled, and he couldn’t say it in the system, so he gave a more credible explanation: “I am a plant-type beast master, and I am very sensitive to plants. Believe me, this is the era of the fastest development of plants.”

Lanny watched for a while, then nodded: “I promise, I will contact the upper level of Brant star later.”

Lanny said, opened the wristband, and sent an order to go out. It didn’t take long for the professional to send him a contract. He turned it over to make sure it was correct, signed his name, exchanged contact information with Xie Sen, and passed it to him. shesen.

Lanny said: “If there is no problem, just sign it.”

Xie Sen turned on the screen, and the four of them looked at the contract together. The contract was in duplicate, each with a legal clause at the end, which was about Blue Star prohibiting the sale of contracted beasts.

Xie Sen asked, “You can call the shots?” After all, Lanny is only the big prince. This kind of legal provision always felt that it would take a lot of formalities to be finalized.

Lenny raised his brows lightly: “Of course, you are questioning my ability?”

Xie Sen said: “No.” He made sure the contract was fine, signed it, and sent one of them back to Lanny.

Shesen saved the contract, took out the potatoes and rice, and told Lenny the growing conditions and cultivation methods.

Lanney asked the relevant personnel of Blue Star Plant Research to take the plants away, and said to Xie Sen: “In view of the cooperative relationship, a friendly reminder, the number of people who have been photographed by Blue Star in the past two days has skyrocketed. When you travel, pay more attention.”

Xie Sen was puzzled and pointed to himself: “It has something to do with us?”

Laney said: “It seems that you haven’t read Interstellar News.”

Xie Sen turned his head to ask about Maine, and Maine shook his head. He has been guarding Xie Sen for the past few days and paid no attention to the rest.

Long Teng immediately said: “I’ve seen it, Asen, your live broadcast room is red to the stars. You still have a nickname, it’s called – the man who talks and laughs in the sea of ​​​​death.”

Bai Jiao added: “This is the headline of the day you were unconscious.” He said, turning on the wristband to call up the report of that day.

Xie Sen’s mouth twitched, what the **** is this? He looked at Bai Jiao’s screen, the title was the same as what Bai Jiao said, and there were many screenshots in the content.

The first few pictures are of him standing on the black ground with a giant octopus emerging from behind him. In the photo, the tail of the flying lion beast and the tentacles of the overlord squid are circled in the blank area, and the name of the body is also noted.

Behind him is a screenshot of Long Teng teasing the long-necked sea monster after he turned around. One of the photos has a low field of view, revealing the sea surface and at the same time exposing the head of the ‘black ground body’ megalodon he was standing on.

Megalodon was also circled, and a note was added.

The comment with the most likes is: “That’s awesome, the anchor is waiting, I’ll find you!”

“The anchor makes a bid! I also want to stand on the back of the Megalodon!”

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