The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 1006 Drakar the Red Giant

Chapter 1006 Drakar the Red Giant

In the early, somber hours of the morning when the birds were only starting to chirp, Daniel meditated in his bedroom, suspended in tranquil levitation. Meanwhile, his wife, who refused to stay in Dargena City and wanted to accompany him instead, rested on the bed.

She looked very peaceful in her sleep, covered by a furred blanket.

Currently, the two of them are staying in the Tigerman's capital city, Klaigan City.

Being an emissary of the Silverstar Pack, the representative of their diplomatic relationship is hard work. Daniel was required to attend numerous meetings to discuss the current situation with the newly awakened older Tigermen who demanded an explanation.

Finding that they were under a new rule definitely displeased them.

It must've been a tough pill to swallow—the bitter realization struck them hard as they were being treated like expendable pawns, capable of changing masters at a whim, a blow to their code of honor and pride.

Moreover, the unease escalated particularly because the new ruler was someone foreign.

At least with the high-rank Supernatural races, they are familiar with them.

Even more so when they learned that they had lost a King.

King Samobas, the one who took care of the kingdom meticulously in their absence.

Given the sensitivity of the subject, which held the well-being of the entire kingdom and its people, a palpable tension permeated the air in every meeting. Fortunately, Daniel, with his wealth of experience in dealing with such delicate matters could handle it well.

He managed to buy some time for himself until he could think of a solution for this matter.

However, he knew that this matter hadn't been dealt with for good.

Many of them still have their own skepticism.

Daniel knew that the only thing that would take care of this problem for good was to have Rex or any individual from the Silverstar Pack come here. Since the newly awakened elders were old-school, they wanted to meet with the new ruler.

All of them wanted to meet and size up the new ruler directly.

Rex's presence is preferable, but those directly linked to him would also make do.

In addition, these elders of the Tigermen would definitely test the one that came to properly meet with them. Despite the stories they heard, they believed that looking at it first-hand was the only way to build trust between them.

Just like the tradition of the old, they said.

Because of that demand, it's safer for Rex to be the one to come here and deal with them.

Out of every member of the Silverstar Pack, he's the safest bet.

Circulating his own mana, containing a few strands of arcane mana, in peace, his mind was still pondering about the situation of the Tigerman Kingdom which started to look bad when the elders awakened from their slumber.

Then again, it was already anticipated that something like this would happen.

'Anyone that came would definitely be tested, and more than half of the Elders were in the ninth-rank realm. If anything, I believe Rex is the only one that can suppress this tension' He thought amidst his meditation.

Just as he thought of that, the door to his bedroom suddenly got viciously knocked.

A disturbance that made him stop his meditation.

Even his wife who was sleeping soundly was jolted awake by the knocking on the door.

Daniel clicked his tongue as from the way his door was knocked, he already knew who was the one on the other side of the door right now. He quickly heads to the door, there's a clear annoyance on his face before he opens the door.

"Dray! You woke up your mother, haven't I taught you manners?!" He exclaimed angrily.

Standing in front of the bedroom was his son, Dray.

On the other hand, Dray seemed to be drenched in sweat as if he had run here quickly. His countenance is also slightly pale, depicting a crisis that he wanted to deliver. Ignoring his father's anger, he quickly pointed outside.

"Father, you should see what's going on outside!" He said after collecting his breaths.

Confused, Daniel quickly took his suit which was hung on the side.

"Dear, wait here, I'm going to check what Dray is talking about" He gave his wife a slight peck on the cheek before he headed outside. Looking at his son, he gestured for Dray to lead him to what he was talking about to have such a horrid expression.

Soon enough, the pair of father and son reached the street.

As an emissary of the Silverstar Pack, their abode was located in the street for royals.

Nothing hung over this part of the city, but Dray promptly guided him towards the bustling main street for the people. As they approached, Daniel witnessed an unexpected scene—no skirmish, but instead, disciplined soldiers clad in armor could be seen marching in a precise formation down the street.

Judging from where they were heading, it seemed they were heading to the city gate.

It clearly indicates that they were heading out for a fight.

"What's going on here?" Daniel uttered whisperingly.

Despite Adhara's directive to anticipate war, no subsequent communication conveyed the necessity of deploying their army. So there must be another unfolding situation Daniel was not aware of or purposefully didn't get notified.

Looking to the side, he saw a trusted Tigerman who had become friends with him.

He was Rukan, hailing from one of the lower nobility families.

"Rukan, tell me what is happening right now. Why is the army being deployed?" Daniel asks.

Even before being asked, Rukan has already worn a troubled look on his face. He turned to the marching army before he replied, "I don't know who issued it, but there was an order to prepare the army for a confrontation on the border"

"A fight at a border? With whom?" Daniel frowned when he heard this.

Daniel learned so much about the Tigerman Kingdom.

Since he was tasked to deal with them, he learned everything including the geolocation of the kingdom and the territory that was under their rule. He also knows that the races, or at least the only races that would need such a lineup bordering the Tigerman Kingdom are the Dark Elves and the Dwarves.

Both of them were a part of the alliance.

Due to that, Daniel failed to suspect that there would be a fight against one of those two.

However, his thought was shut down by what Rukan said after.

"It's the Dwarves, they are going to fight the Dwarves for territory" Rukan replied hauntingly.

Daniel had his eyes flared wide open when he heard this.

Just when he thought that he had managed to buy some time to search for a solution, the Tigerman already tries to do something blasphemous, 'Are they being serious? Attacking the Dwarves would break their oath to the alliance and will also anger the Silverstar Pack'

Receiving the news, Daniel was flabbergasted.

Surely, this kind of action was reckless from the Tigerman and would return a backlash.

"If it's a scale this big, then I know who the one that ordered it" Daniel muttered firmly before he quickly walked away, leaving Rukan and Dray behind. He headed back to the royal street to meet with the person he suspected to be the cause of this.

Before long, he reached in front of a mansion adorned with sculptures and guards.

Daniel walked inside without being stopped by the guards.

Upon entering the mansion he was quickly greeted by the guest room where the walls were adorned with carved wooden tigers and plush fur-covered furniture. Moving through the corridor with steady and firm steps, Daniel passes lifelike tiger sculptures.

Then, he met with a staircase down, leading to the living room.

Almost instantly, Daniel's nose was filled with the scent of cedarwood and his eyes were drawn to the tapestries depicting hunting scenes line the walls. Soon, his ears heard a cackling sound of fire, and his eyes shifted to a magical fireplace at the center.

Its flames dance with blue and gold, a testament to the Tigerman's connection with nature.

Sitting on the sofa beside the fireplace was the figure he was looking for.

Even though the figure was sitting in silence, his vocal cord was trembling with menacing growls that trembled the heart. "I was expecting you to come, but I didn't expect you to come this soon, Daniel"

Pausing for a second, the figure then stood up, exposing its massive stature.

He then turned to look at Daniel with a peculiar look.

Commanding the room's focal point, a Tigerman with crimson fure stood towering. Deeper in hue than any Tigerman Daniel had encountered in the entire kingdom, it bore witness to the countless kills achieved by this formidable warrior of the past.

Rumors said that this Tigerman is the strongest out of the Elders.

Adopting the strategy that he used whenever he was meeting with an important individual, it was a habit of Daniel to research about the other person. He asked Rukan and learned that this Tigerman had single-handedly blocked the march of two packs of Werewolves.

It also includes two Alphas which definitely speaks for this Tigerman's ferocity.

He is Drakar, also called the Red Giant or the Unbreakable Red.

"What have you come to my abode, Daniel?" Drakar asked, his heavy steps echoing.

Despite the fact that Daniel was intimidated by Drakar's presence, he kept a calm composure and took a step forward bravely, "I know that it was you who ordered the attack. I already told you to wait, and not heeding my warning will incur heavy penalties for your family"

Upon hearing this, Drakar chuckled.

"I don't know what you are talking about, Daniel" He dodged the accusation, shrugging his shoulders as if he had no command in this attack. "But even if I am the one that ordered the march of our army, I don't think I break any rules here"

"Doesn't break any rules? Attacking an alliance member is puni—"

"I've read the oath agreement, and I distinctly remember that it's a collective cooperation against external threats. We, the Tigerman Kingdom had already done our part. We helped the Dwarves when they were attacked by the Demons. However, I fail to find anything that addresses an attack from a fellow alliance member..."

Listening to this, Daniel was at a loss for words.

He already knew what Drakar was about to say, and it made him even more furious.

"So even if we attack the Dwarves, the Silverstar Pack couldn't do anything about it" Drakar continued with a sly smile on his lips. "But of course, if the Silverstar Pack revised the terms of the oath agreement, then we will stop. However, until then, you have absolutely no power to tell us to stop, Daniel..."


Meanwhile, the second they finished their preparation, Flunra and Evelyn departed.

Both of them have settled the matters within the city.

Prof. K and Giana would be the ones in charge of the defensive mechanisms and the city guards while they were gone. However, the three city guard captains, Gelmar, Dindora, and Linthia would be secretly the ones in charge if the city reached a crisis situation.

On the other hand, Ryze would be responsible for the safety of the castle and Kyran.

With the current state of Dargena City, it was self-reliant.

If an attack doesn't have overwhelming strength such as the Executor himself coming to destroy the city, or possessing more than ten ninth-rank realm Awakened, then the city's defensive equipment and barrier would prevail.

So Evelyn and Flunra felt less worried about leaving the city for the time being.

Even if there were strong opponents, there was still the Witch which would definitely be able to stall for time. With a nod, the two zoomed into the distance by foot as using the formation to teleport would waste its energy.

Going by foot, on the other hand, wouldn't waste their resources.

However, when the two reached the edge of the Humming Damned Forest, both sensed an approaching figure from the opposite side. And when they met, Flunra and Evelyn realized that it was an Awakened.

A Mind Elementalist which should be sent here by Lady Lauren.

"Sir Flunra! Lady Evelyn!" the Awakened exclaimed in pleasant surprise. But in the next second, her expression turned serious. "Forgive for my unannounced visit, but I've come here to deliver a report from Lady Lauren, and I fear that it's urgent..."

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