The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 1012 Magnetic and Fiery Kiss

Chapter 1012 Magnetic and Fiery Kiss

From the moment the Vampire race awakens in the new era, Calidora is cramped within the castle. Her parents very rarely allow her to come out, at least not until she has reached the optimal strength to defend herself.

It was natural for them to be that strict towards her.

Awakening in the new era without knowing anything is certainly very dangerous.

Countless possibilities could happen if Calidora wanders around when even her parents are not confident in going out themselves. Until the situation has been assessed thoroughly, it'll remain dangerous, and she couldn't wander out.

Despite her boredom, she understands where her parents' worries came from.

But that became intolerable when nothing changed after fifteen years.

Even though Solomon and Nezera finished assessing and establishing their position in the new era, the two of them remained hesitant to permit Calidora outside. She was, after all, could become a prized target for potential adversaries as the Vampire Princess.

Because of that, Calidora focused on increasing her strength to gain her parents' approval.

At moments when she was down, she went to this hill to calm her mind.

It was the only place she was allowed to go to.

"I never thought that you'd be sitting here with me, and I'm glad you did"

Rex who was lying on the grassy slope with both hands behind his head turned to look at Calidora when he heard this. He saw that Calidora was facing away, avoiding eye contact, and the air also instantly felt somewhat tense.

Albeit the chilly night air, it suddenly felt hot for some reason.

What did she mean by that?

Pausing for a second, he quickly shook his head as he didn't want to think about that.

Out of unease, Rex quickly tried to change the topic.

Clearing his throat, he then asked the very first thing that came to mind, "I remember you called Valentina, the Vampire Origin's wife is an unfated spouse. What's the story behind that? Was she not supposed to be with the Vampire Origin?"

Upon hearing this, Calidora looked up and smiled lightly.

Her face from the side made

Looking at her face from the side made Rex notice more details of her facial features.

One that stood out the most was her gently sloping nose. Her vampiric porcelain skin emits an ethereal glow from being kissed by the moonlight, and her seamless jawline which flows into the alluring arc of her neck, perfects her unparalleled refinement.

Anybody that hasn't seen Calidora before would know that she's a princess.

"No, she was not" Calidora replied, affirming Rex's assumption. "I admire her. She's nothing more than a Vampire from a low-class family. But her dedication to pursuing the Vampire Origin, and her willpower to persevere created a miracle where the Vampire Origin proposed to her, out of all the options that he had. He only chose Valentina and her alone until the moment of her death"

Just as she said that she turned to look at Rex.

For a brief moment, both of their eyes locked together with fiery tension.

"If you ask me, she has lived my dream life-" She continued.

Upon hearing this, Rex's heart began to race as the tension that he was trying to dissipate came back again with even more power. He even subconsciously holds his breath while he waits for Calidora to continue what she is saying.

"A dream life that I'm pursuing right now..."

Like fireworks, he could feel his breaths becoming heavier by the second.

A reaction that he doesn't want to happen.

Rex's mind churned with calculated urgency, recognizing that it was for the best to for the current moment, walk away from this conversation lest something unwanted happen. But even though his mind wanted him to go, his body veered in the complete opposite.

He was rooted on his spot, keeping eye contact with Calidora's hypnotic purple eyes.

Similarly, Calidora also experienced the same internally.

Even though her original intent was to momentarily divert Rex's attention from his problems as this is the perfect time to do that with the state of his cursed source, their conversation suddenly took an unexpected turn, leading them to an unforeseen situation.

It was undeniable that the tension in the air was pulling them close together.

Like a weak magnet, the two slowly leaned close.

An unspoken desire filled the space between them, and their bodies moved with an invisible pull, leaning closer, almost as if on their own accord. A subtle hesitation lingered, but their minds were clouded, lost in the unforeseen yet intoxicating moment.

Under the moonlit night, their lips drew near, and everything else faded away.

Rex knew that he shouldn't be doing this, as he had to keep his promise, but Calidora's lips were irresistible right now. Also, there was something about her that led his instinct to want to be close to her and protect her with all he had.

Moving back right now would be defying the command of his own instincts.

Instincts that he trusted in the most dire of battles he had fought in.

An almost impossible feat.

With hearts racing, the duo surrendered to the pull, sharing a kiss that bridged the present gap between longing and fulfillment. An electric shock travels through their bodies when their lips are pressed against one another.

It was a forbidden indulgence, a stolen moment that would certainly leave a mark on Rex.

A sweet taste like the nectar of a ripe, mook-kissed peach.

Rex doesn't understand how a kiss would illicit this kind of sensation, it was as if the very essence of desire had taken a tangible form. On the other hand, Calidora shared a similar feeling to him which made her crave more.

In reality, after that steaming night, she was desiring more intimacy with Rex.

But she knew that she couldn't do that.

Surrendering to her natural instinct will only serve to push her agenda away, and she decides to suppress the burning desire within herself. However, that defense that she created for the sole purpose of doing that broke down at this very moment.

Despite starting in a hesitant manner, the kiss turned fiery and bold by the second.

Oblivious to them, the Luna energy that Calidora had stolen also swirled around them.

An additional effect on the background that represents their emotions.

'How come this feels way different than before? Is it because he's now conscious?' Calidora pondered amidst the fiery kiss, her cheeks tainted with the rose of blush. 'Maybe... Maybe I should tell him. It will be better to do it now rather than later'

'But... What if he decides to not accept it?' She deliberates internally.

It proves to be very hard to think at this moment.

Calidora couldn't compose herself enough to come to a firm decision.

She was battling internally to determine whether she should tell Rex about the product of that night or not. Of course, she said earlier with confidence that he would undoubtedly accept, but now she's not so confident.

Faced with the actual moment, doubts started to appear.

She couldn't help but wonder what if he decided to not accept since he was not conscious fully during the act, influenced by several effects. Nothing is impossible. Rex denying when he learned the truth is a possible scenario.

'I only gave him a light stimulus, and truth be told, he was the one that jumped me'

On the other hand, Rex also had an internal battle.

Within the clear confines of his mind, Evelyn's admonitions about being cautious with whom he spends his time echoed incessantly, and there was also his promise. But despite all of that, he still found himself succumbing to such actions.

However, he really couldn't do anything to stop his body from moving.

Exerting every ounce of his willpower, Rex tries to slowly pull away from the kiss.

But Calidora consistently made it hard for him to back away by leaning forward, unwilling to let his lips go. In that moment of struggle, their kisses produced a hesitant melody, a dance of desire and resistance.

His sighs punctuated the struggle, while her murmurs of invitation depict the opposite.

After quite a bit of struggle, both of their lips separated.

Slowly, both of their eyes were opened and immediately locked onto each other again.

Under their rough breathing and eye contact, the two remained silent.

However, this time, there was a slight frown on Rex's face as he suspected something.

If he failed to realize it even by now, he would've been a fool. It was evident to him that an elusive element, unbeknownst to him, interfered with his instincts. He blamed it on the fact that Calidora's air turned harmless.

It's not only in my mind, something about her is the cause of this.

Rex is now positive that Calidora did something.

He may be a sucker for woman's temptation, but this has gone beyond normal.

Contrary to what he was thinking, Calidora affixed her determination that she would tell Rex.

"I... I have something to say" Calidora said in a hushed tone.

Upon saying that, Rex's eyes narrowed as he assumed that she would be telling him the truth about what had she done or what had happened to her to cause the change in the air around her, making it challenging for his instincts to categorize her as a threat.

Keeping eye contact, he perked his ears, ready to listen to what she was about to say.

Forming a proper sentence inside her head, Calidora is now ready.

Inhaling deeply, she prepared to speak, only to abruptly cease, her brow furrowing as she came to a realization that dawned at her at the last moment. 'No, I can't tell him about this yet. I was worrying about the wrong thing...'

Seeing her stopping, Rex tilted his head questioningly.

But seeing that she seemed to be refraining from saying what she wanted to say, he could only sigh and stood back up, "It's getting late, let's head back to the castle. You told me to rest for the day, so that's what I'm going to do"

After saying that, Rex turned to leave without waiting for Calidora.

On the other hand, Calidora let him leave.

Even though she really wants to tell Rex about her current state, she decides to refrain from doing that for now, 'If I told him about it, then when the fight with the Executor happens, he wouldn't let me come. I know for a fact that he would need me, but would still stop me from coming if he knew'

'So until the battle against the Executor is over, I will keep this from him' She nodded firmly.

Calidora was worrying about the wrong thing earlier.

Knowing Rex's personality and what he had lost, there was no way that he wouldn't accept.

Thankfully, she realized that before the words came out of her mouth.

If that happened, then Rex would be protective over her and wouldn't let her join the fight.

She was concerned that without her help, his chance of surviving would drop.

'Not now, Rex... I'll tell you when the time is right. Maybe I'm being too paranoid, knowing that you have always come up on top against your enemies. But for some reason, I don't think it would be all smooth sailing for this one'

Rubbing her belly with a slightly guilty expression, she watches as Rex's back disappears.


Meanwhile, back to the underground canyon of the Fire Elementals.

A crowd consisting of hundreds of Fire Elementals could be seen gathering around.

Unlike when Adhara and Ugrok came earlier, the Fire Elementals were not scattered around the entire place. Most of them were now created a circle near the platform, seemingly in great interest at what they were seeing.

Numerous explosions could be heard, rattling the entire place.

On top of that, there were struggling grunts of a woman, seemingly in atrocious pain.

Amongst the crowd was Ugrok, also watching the ongoing trial.

Despite his robust physique and intimidating presence, he instinctively covered his mouth and shut his eyes with each resonating explosion. A profound concern etched across his face, compelling him to reach in such an unsightly manner.

But how could he be calm in the face of Adhara undergoing the Fire Elemental's trial?

He could only shiver each time she was injured.

"Ugrok hope Adahra comes out okay. If not, big big problem if Rex finds out" Ugrok mused with a wry smile, fearing for the Fire Elementals' sake knowing that if Adhara was injured severely then Rex would misunderstand and wipe them all.

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