The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 1020 Three Phases

Chapter 1020 Three Phases

Initially, the news of Rex being aimed at by the Executor reaches the Elders' ears.

Almost instantly, all of them trembled in utter fear.

Even though they were also educated in the Silverstar Pack's standing by the chosen Dark Elves that King Jorik assigned, none of them believed that Rex would win against a being that is depicted as pure evil.

He would not win against the Executor.

Naturally, the Elders told King Jorik that siding with the Silverstar Pack was a bad idea.

If Rex lost, the Dark Elf Kingdom would crumble alongside him.

All of the Elders harbored a collective hope that King Jorik would go along with their heavy but reasonable demands, severing ties between the Kingdom and the Silverstar Pack. But surprisingly, he staunchly and unequivocally refused to do that.

Unlike the Elders, King Jorik is a visioner, desiring a bright future.

From the dawn of time, the Dark Elf Kingdom has always been a servant to other races.

King Jorik doesn't want his people to live a life like that anymore.

On the bright side, emerging as a formidable force in the new era, the Silverstar Pack brings a promising avenue toward realizing his vision. Forming an alliance grounded in equality was the path King Jorik had long sought.

To reach his goal he must take a risk, and the Silverstar Pack is his bet.

Albeit the tension was present between them from the start, with King Jorik as King, this act of refusal to comply with the Elders' demands started a bigger conflict. Now, the conflict has grown into a severe one.

The Elders took him as a madman and vowed to drag him down from his throne.

But even with their strength and experiences, the current situation greatly favors King Jorik.

He has most of the resources as the King.

Korvak found it hard to get his hands on King Jorik.

Most of the military forces were comprised of Dark Elves from the new era.

Due to that very reason, the military force of the Kingdom leaned to King Jorik heavily.

Even though the noble families from the ancient era had quality with their higher realms, they were severely lacking in terms of numbers against King Jorik's force, the quantity was simply too much for them.

Thus, they were waiting for an opportunity to assassinate King Jorik.

It was also a part of the Elder's plan to somehow reconcile with the high-rank Supernaturals.

Having come from the ancient era, their bias leaned to that side.

Unlike the high-rank Supernatural races, they don't know the Silverstar pack personally.

Fortunately, Evelyn arrived at the opportune moment, prompting the Elders to swiftly enact their plan to eliminate King Jorik. It was also perfect timing as they could capture the Luna and offer her as a conciliatory gesture to the high-ranking Supernatural races.

Most of the noble families were on Korvak's side, albeit some were not fully on board.

But they were now regretting their decision.

Looking at Flunra, beads of cold sweat could be seen tracing down the side of Korvak's face.

He was concerned as Flunra's appearance was a surprise.

'With the Alpha attention to the Executor, and the rest of the pack members occupied with preparations for the impending battle," Korvak mused, swallowing nervously, "why has this thing reached here this fast? I assumed we'd have time to escort the Luna to the Vampires and seek their protection'

Sweeping his eyes around the room, Flunra closed his eyes and took a deep whiff.

When his eyes opened, he fixed his gaze on Korvak.

Korvak felt an inhuman chill running down his spine, the wrathful gaze that Flunra is wearing right now influenced his body physically, 'So much killing intent... How many creatures has he killed? Is he from the ancient era?!'

After thinking that, he turned to look at his black dagger, smeared with blood.

It was obvious that Flunra was looking at him for a reason.

During his banter earlier, he used his dagger to scratch Evelyn's cheek.

Obviously, Flunra, with his sensitive Werewolf senses was able to pick that up quite easily.

'Shit! I need to get out of here!' Korvak yelled inwardly.

But when he was about to cast another spell to escape, his vision got swept to the side.



In a split second, Flunra was able to close in the distance, grab his head, and slam him to the wall. He pressed Korvak's head against the wall and a few cracking sounds could be heard, depicting the damage he caused within Korvak's skull.

Grabbing Flunra's unbudging arm, he struggled to break free.

Korvak looked at Flunra with immense fear, the speed that was depicted terrified him.

However, there was still survival light in his eyes.

Despite the pain of his skull being crushed, Korvak made a move.

Not wanting to be killed right here, he made a hand sign to cast a chantless spell.

Cloaked in bronze energy, Korvak executed a rising knee, targeting Flunra's arm or head to disorient him. However, Flunra effortlessly blocked the strike with his other arm. Seizing the opportunity, Korvak's eyes flashed as he swiped his black dagger towards Flunra, compelling him to defend with the hand he had previously used to grip his skull.

Surprisingly, it worked, Flunra let go of his head.

But it didn't last long as after blocking the attacks, he once again slammed Korvak's head.

It was a humiliating sight for the Elder as he was pinned by Flunra.

"Raaarrghh! Don't underestimate me!!"

In a fit of rage, the third eye on his forehead blazed with intense light, unleashing a powerful laser beam aimed at Flunra's hand. It was his strongest spell, able to induce a curse of pain, and also possessed the capability to cleave even an unsuspecting ninth-rank realm into two.

Korvak even laughed maniacally as none in the same realm would be unscathed by this.

Not even someone like Flunra could shrug this off easily.

Just as he was anticipating being let go before he could make his escape, his smile gradually faded as he observed Flunra's hand, which still tightly gripped his face, becoming enveloped in an ominous shroud of dark moonlight energy.

Out of sheer horror, Korvak witnessed his laser did nothing to Flunra's hand.

It only left behind a superficial heated trail on his hand.


Once again, Korvak shouted at the top of his lungs out of pain.

Flunra didn't waste any time and stabbed the third eye with his claws, rendering it useless.

Pressing Korvak's head stronger into the stone walls, he then grabbed the black dagger and shattered it with one hand. Flunra knows the source of Dark Elves' strength, their weapons are a direct source of their connection with the Dark Nature.

Now that it was shattered, Korvak was weakened severely, his aura diminished visibly.

Leaning his face forward at the pinned Korvak, shaking uncontrollably out of fear, a menacing growl escapes Flunra's mouth as his eyes glistened ferociously. His warm, wrathful breaths brushed against Korvak's skin.

"Tell me, Dark Elf... Where is your confidence now?" Flunra asked raspingly.

Upon hearing this, Korvak's expression softened.

His plan was completely in the garbage with Flunra's arrival, he now sought for mercy.

Gripping his face tighter, Flunra continues with a devilish expression, "Where is it? Where is your confidence that made you dare to attack our Luna? Show it to me! Let me see the root of that confidence!"

"SHOW ME!!" He roared angrily, his aura climbed so high that the entire castle trembled.

Even the floor was starting to sink under his might.

Flunra looked to be possessed right now, his mind degraded into the essence of anger.

At the sight of this, the onlookers unconsciously stepped back.

To think that a couple of ninth-rank realm entities were stepping away from Flunra's vicinity is quite a shocking sight. But then again, despite sharing the same realm, Flunra clearly outshone them in every conceivable aspect.

It was not a contest.

His freakish strength coupled with his Herald Mark made him a fearsome beast.

"I-I'm sorry..." Korvak muttered, and regret started to settle in.

Upon hearing this, however, made Flunra even angrier as he opened his mouth and dug his canine teeth into Korvak's shoulder. He started munching on Korvak's flesh, savoring the taste of blood in his berserk state.

Meanwhile, Evelyn jumped back into the dining hall and witnessed what had happened.

She saw Flunra was tearing Korvak apart with his sharp teeth.

Knowing that it would be bad if Flunra kept becoming more berserk, and potentially taking out the other Dark Elves in the room, Evelyn's body flickered with a beautiful violet light as she turned into her Luna form, albeit incomplete.

Making a quick dash, she focused her Luna energy onto the tip of her index finger.

Using that index finger, she shot the energy into Flunra's body.



Flunra glanced over his shoulder in annoyance when he felt the Luna energy infiltrating his body. But at that exact moment, Evelyn moved closer and directly injected her Luna energy with a touch, overwhelming Flunra's berserk mind.

It takes a couple of seconds for the Luna energy to take effect, tensing Flunra's body.

Eventually, Flunra started panting heavily.

Now that he has snapped out of his berserk trance, he lets go of Korvak.

Calming down for a solid second under the gazes of the people present in the room, he then raised his gaze and looked at Korvak again. He reached out his hand and lifted Korvak by the head, still filled with malicious intent.

Seeing this, Evelyn shook her head, "No, you shouldn't kill him"

"No chance, Lady Evelyn. I could spare the others, but not this one" Flunra replied firmly.

He will not let Korvak live after what he has done.

Although she was still reluctant to let Flunra kill Korvak, she decided that she wouldn't press further, seeing Flunra's gaze that was as sharp as a blade. Since Korvak has crossed the line, there shouldn't be a problem in killing him.

But to be sure, Evelyn turned to look at King Jorik.

Noticing her gazing at him, King Jorik nodded his head, gesturing that he was fine with this.

Losing Korvak is more of a favor for him at this point.

Flunra went over to the other end of the table, right in front of the hole in the wall before he raised the half-dead Korvak—half of his body torn to shreds, and made eye contact with the Dark Elves present in the room.

He made sure to look every single one of them in the eyes.

"I don't know what is going on inside your Kingdom, or what the Luna said to you. But let me make myself clear," Flunra said, the Herald Mark on his arm still glowing with power. "Doing anything to the Luna, no matter how small the harm will be, is punishable by death. There's no exception. Also, I need all of you to understand that there are three phases"

"The first phase is when we send an emissary to handle whatever the problem is. Second, if the problem escalates, I will be the one to come. I am the warning of the Silverstar Pack. For your own sake, let it end at me as if you still search for problems, the Alpha will be the one to come,"

Putting on a serious expression, he continues, "If he comes, your lives will be forfeited"

Upon hearing this, the onlookers gulped.

Just the thought of the Alpha, Rex himself coming here makes their blood run cold.

Flunra's appearance alone single-handedly dealt with the fight breaking out rather easily, and none of them wanted to know how terrifying Rex would be if even Flunra said that he was a lot worse than him.

After explaining that, Flunra turned to Evelyn.

"Please, come with me for a second. I need to talk to you, Lady Evelyn" He said softly.

Frowning in confusion, Evelyn nodded before the two of them left.

A moment later.

Right in front of the castle gate, a crowd was gathered, blending individuals from both the new era and the ancient era. Despite their disparate origins, a unanimous reaction swept through the crowd.

Each one of them fixed their fearful eyes at a wooden stake.

On that wooden stake was a crucified individual with all his limbs detached from his torso.

It was Korvak who was already punished with a gruesome death.

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