The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 1057 Stuck Together

Chapter 1057  Stuck Together

Some time has passed.

It was complete darkness at the start, there was nothing there to see except the empty void.

Pain was the first thing that came to reality, followed by a ripple of disorienting dizziness.

Eventually, the world seemed to be opened.

Due to the blur in the mind, knowing what to expect was impossible, but what came greeting, in the initial phase of adjustment was some kind of room. Cold stone walls surrounded every direction in a small square-shaped confinement.

Shifting to the side, there was someone lying on the bed, looking at the ceiling blankly.


Groaning at a sharp sting, the person lying on the bed turns.

"Oh—you're awake? If I were you, I wouldn't move too much" the person said warningly.

Blinking her eyes a couple of times, Calidora woke up and realized that she was lying on the soft bed beside Adhara. Her mind jolted at this realization, but another hiss escaped her, as she could feel a sharp sting coming from her chest.

Looking down, she found that there was a blade penetrating through her chest.

It was dripping with a thick, fluid substance.

One look is enough for Calidora to realize what it was, 'Linzite? No, this is even stronger'

Calidora was not expecting to wake up with a sword covered with Linzite, lethal to Vampires, piercing through her chest. It was the source of the pain she was feeling earlier, now that she was awake and aware, the pain became even more painful.

'How did I get into this situation?' She questioned inwardly.

However, right after she thought that she remembered what had happened to her.

Rex suddenly attacked her.

Even though she tries desperately to fend him off, she is caught and trapped in water.

After that, she didn't remember anything.

'Guess he managed to knock me out,' Calidora pondered, sighing as she should've prepared better for that to happen. She then looked down at the small wings at her waist, 'At least, I'm glad that he didn't aim for my stomach. Had he aimed at my stomach, I would've been forced to tell him the truth'

Calidora rubbed her stomach while she thought of this.

During the fight, out of sheer worry, she was on the brink of telling Rex the truth.

Her worry triggered a heightened demand for blood energy from the child within her, causing her to be severely weakened. It was only because of that she was easily incapacitated by a mere combination of spells.

But then again, her worry is completely justified.

Knowing what Dimitri told her, she was extremely fearful that Rex might aim for the kill.

Since in his perspective, he wouldn't be able to kill her for good due to the Eternal Curse that binds them together, it was a highly likely possibility that he would aim to kill her, all to make her pass out.

Fortunately, he was not quick to resort to that dangerous method.

"Who did this?" Calidora asked, glancing to her side.

Adhara seemed to have recovered from her previous injuries, at least appearance-wise, she didn't seem to be wounded—showing that it had been quite some time since the incident at the temple. However, she had a sword piercing her chest, it seemed she was trapped in the same situation as Calidora.

Instead of being covered by Linzite, her sword is made of pure silver.

Chuckling lightly, Adhara traversed her eyes back to the ceiling and replied, "It was Kyran, of course. He recovered way faster than any of us, and managed to bring me, you, and Flunra back into the castle and make sure we're stuck here"

"Just like Rex's ordered, he planned on keeping us here for a few days" She sighed heavily.

Upon hearing this, Calidora clicked her tongue.

Spending time with Rex in training his cursed source, Calidora could feel that her bond with Rex had grown more and more. But in the midst of that, she came to a realization that along with this growth came another side effect.

Rex has always been protective over those he cared for.

A natural trait that he developed from the loss of both his biological and foster parents.

Due to that, Calidora anticipated that if Rex cared for her even for a little bit, then there was no way he was going to let her join the fight with the Executor. It was troublesome for her if he did that because aside from wanting to give him a surprise, she kept the child inside her a secret from Rex because she wanted to participate in the fight.

Killing the Executor is going to be a legendary moment, and she wanted to participate.

Moreover, she also wanted to see Rex complete his plan.

Having to know a little about his plan to take out the Executor, she was extremely curious.

But now, doing that might be quite hard, considering her situation.

"What's the deal with him? Why is he hell-bent on listening to Rex?" Calidora asked again.

Upon hearing this, Adhara closes her eyes for a moment.

She reminisces about all the times in the past that Kyran had done which ended up in a very big problem for Rex, starting from stealing the wrong crate from the Platchi Family. He might not look like it, but Kyran must've been frustrated at himself.

Especially knowing that Rex was the one who saved him from the slums.

Had Rex not come to his small town by chance, Kyran believed that he might already died.

Committing suicide is a tantalizing prospect, considering he was helpless to save his family.

Due to that, Kyran was the perfect person for this.

"Kyran is extremely gullible for his past wrongdoings—all the troubles he caused Rex surely haunts him. Now that he has grown strong, and the circumstances are dire, nothing would dissuade him from doing exactly what Rex told him to do" Adhara replied.

Biting her lower lip, she continued whisperingly, "He wouldn't even listen to me..."

Earlier, Adhara tried to reason with Kyran.

However, despite her impassioned plea, saying that Rex needed their help, he didn't listen.

Kyran remained stoically silent and brought them back to the castle.

All he was focusing on doing was what Rex told him to do, his mind had only that inside.

Following that, the room became silent once again.

None of them could have foreseen a scenario where they found themselves confined to the same bed. It's fair to say that the two don't share a particularly amicable history, especially given their less-than-pleasant previous encounter.

But nevertheless, they were stuck here together.

"I know that the only thing Rex fears is losing more, but this was too extreme" Adahra mused.

She then turns her face to look at Calidora, "You were with him, so do you know something?"

Calidora nodded firmly, knowing exactly what caused this.

Going back to a couple of days ago when she forced Rex to stop training his cursed source, she distinctly recalled Rex having a nightmare. She thought at first, the reason that Rex was training like a maniac, and had no spare time was because of the Executor.

Although it was true, she learned that day that it was only half of the truth.

She now understands the other half.

Rex was drowning himself in worries and problems all to escape from the painful nightmares that plague him every time he closes his eyes, and the only reason this goes unnoticed was thanks to him being a Supernatural.

Having no requirement to sleep, he kept himself awake with problems.

He was lying to himself, thinking that he had no time to sleep because of all of the problems.

Calidora recounted this incident to Adhara from start to finish.

"He kept mumbling the same words on repeat, saying that this time will be different, and this time he will not fail," She said, the incident vivid inside her mind. "I don't know about you, but I'm quite sure that he was afraid that he would lose against the Executor, and put all of us in great danger"

"I'm positive that the nightmare is about that, which led him to be like this" Calidora added.

Upon hearing this, Adhara's eyes became watery.

Even though Calidora was only recounting the incident that she thought caused Rex to react like this through words, she could really see Rex actually doing that—it was very palpable in her eyes, almost as if she was watching Rex do that through a video.

Despite him being reliable, there was no doubt that deep inside, he was completely broken.

To say that Adhara was fine listening to this was a lie.

She could feel a tear forming in her heart. realizing that Rex was severely struggling inside.

He might even barely be able to make do.

'I know that he's being like this because he still doesn't trust us, but that won't be for long,' Adhara pondered, clenching both of her fists. 'Living life the way he was right now will be miserable, and I can help him by showing that he can trust us, and also help him realize the peace he yearns for the whole entire world'


Just then, Adhara and Calidora snapped their heads to the door at a loud sound.

Muffled voices could be heard from the outside.

Based on the voice, tinted with desperation and anger, Adhara could assume one thing.

"It's Kyran, he came back with Evelyn, I suppose," She chimed.

Since Evelyn was not in the castle earlier, Kyran quickly forced Adhara, Flunra, and Calidora to stay inside their rooms before he went out. Considering that he was brutally wounded in the fight with Dorlus, not stopping to rest before going is incredible.

His resilience was terrifying, even for a high-rank Werewolf's standard.

Due to that, Adhara didn't doubt that Kyran would be able to take Evelyn back easily.

Eventually, the voices receded when a loud bang resounded, presumably coming from a door closing shut forcefully, and only then that Calidora ask, "Are you planning on staying here, in this room, just like what Rex wanted?"

Upon hearing this, Adhara puts on a peculiar smirk.

"No, of course not. I'm not going to stay here, knowing full well that Rex might die out there"


Out of nowhere, Flamy leaped and landed right on Adhara.

Looking at this, Calidora raised an eyebrow.

Flamy wouldn't be able to get them out of here, it was too weak to pull the sword out.

"Is that Fire Elemental your plan? It's not strong enough" Calidora mused.

Now knowing that Kyran is determined to keep them here, he surely sees Flamy and decides not to restrain it and let it roam about. Just from that, it was evident that Kyran deduced that Flamy was not worth restraining.

It was too weak to help Adhara or the others to break free.

Had Kyran recognized it as a threat, there was no way that he would let Flamy loose like this.

But this made Adhara smile as that is precisely why Kyran was fooled.

"Flamy, take it out," Adhara instructed.

Upon hearing this, Flamy smiled cheerfully before it opened its mouth wide open.

Calidora had her eyes opened wide when she saw something big, bigger than what Flamy's mouth was able to devour coming out. Eventually, her eyes landed on a mythical, levitating object above them.

"A spellbook? From the way it glows and levitates, it's definitely not normal" Calidora mused.

Nodding her head, Adhara replied, "With this, I will be able to break free"

Spellbooks are not supposed to glow or levitate.

While Calidora was familiar with several spellbooks emitting a faint glow, none could rival the brilliance of this particular one. Despite lacking a distinct aura, the fiery red glow suggested its affiliation with Fire-element magic.

Realizing that Adhara had hidden this abnormal spellbook, Calidora smiled inwardly.

"Do you have something to break free?" Adhara suddenly asked.

She expected Calidora to also want to break free, which is why she blurted her question.

But when she was asked this question, Calidora stuttered, and her hand instinctively rested above her stomach, "I can do something to get out of this situation, but that would hurt me. So I'll be counting on you in this one, Adhara"

'Huh? That's weird... I didn't expect her to rely on me' Adhara pondered with a frown.

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