The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 136 Green Messenger's Gifts

"From now on he will be your King!"

Hearing this, Rex looks at the man sitting on a throne unconsciously.

The person sitting on the throne or the King is a massive man, he's bigger than Rex who is considered a big man by many others.

A black sleeveless combat suit hugged the king's body tightly, his black long robe lies on the ground, and a black crown rest on his head giving him an authoritative pressure over the others

The king's body is much more muscular than Rex's, there's a nine-headed crow tattoo on his shoulder that makes the black crow tattoo on Rex's chest heat up when he looks at the nine-headed crow.

He's sitting idly on the throne, scanning the new recruits.

Rex looks around and thought, 'I thought there will be more people'

There are only about fourteen new recruits including him and Liliya, they're all wearing different color robes. There are blue, red, brown, white, black, and green.

So based on the different colors, there should be 18 recruits if the maxed number is three.

The throne room is spacious enough for two hundred people, it's dominated by dark grey color. The throne is big with its back reaching high, there's a black crow symbol on the back of the throne, and three messengers on each of the king's sides.

The red carpet leads to the throne are where the new recruits standing, there are four bent pillars on each of their sides like a hand gripping on them.

While walking towards this place, Liliya already gives Rex a green robe so his body is also covered by a robe.

"We will now begin the Swear of Loyalty and Secret Promise ceremony", the black messenger said.

After he said that, the four bent pillars move to the side.

The ground is shaking, the new recruits were confused before they move to the side after seeing 30 hand statues holding a bowl came out from the ground.

All of the statues are separated exactly the same as each other.

'What is this? a ritual?', Rex thought in confusion.

He already grasps the gist of the ceremony after seeing the statue.

The new recruits then signaled to stand with the statue on their front, they move in an orderly manner because they can feel the king's eyes looking at them.

After everyone finished moving to the statue, the black messenger then continues, "Read the words stated by the statue, chant it in your heart and remember to obey it for the rest of your lives"

Hearing this, Rex looks at the statue in front of him.

He saw writing carved on the bowl, 'Eka dedicate pomnuria lif SCO, Long lif du svartr crow'

Reading it in his heart, Rex didn't understand it at all but he still read it in his heart without any complaint knowing that the system will always protect him.

'Let's just see how it goes', Rex thought.

After reading that weird words,

Flap! Flap! Flap!

Many crows suddenly appeared out of nowhere and went to each of the new recruits, they're not mutated animals but just normal crows.

The crows landed on each recruit's shoulder, it looks at the new recruits with curious eyes.

Rex also got his own crow and that crow is looking at him while tilting its head to the side, they look extremely normal and docile.

Then suddenly, one of the recruits raised his hand.

The black crow glance at him before the recruits said, "My apologies for interrupting the sacred ceremony, but how come I didn't get a crow?"

Hearing this, the other recruits look at him confusedly.

But then, the black messenger suddenly points at the recruits that asked a question before the red messenger appears beside him.

The red messenger taps the recruit's shoulder before they both turn into red gas.


A loud scream suddenly can be heard from afar, the voice is identical to the recruit that asked a question before.

This makes the other recruits panic, they started to be afraid.

The black messenger then continues, "The crows can sense evil intent from anyone, so you can rest assured if you got your own crow"

Hearing this, the other recruits finally calmed down.

'Is that a spy sent by other parties? Why would he have evil intent otherwise?', Rex thought.

After assuring the other recruits that they will not be harmed, "Take the knife in front of you, feed the crow on your shoulder a drop of your blood"

Rex takes the knife in front of him before he slashed his hand casually.

He is already accustomed to hurting his hand by now because of the amount of blood he needs to give when he turn Adhara and Kyran into Werewolf.

Blood drips from his injury but it's closing at a fast rate, he then immediately feeds it to the crow.

The crow's tongue licks the blood a couple of times before it flaps its wings and landed on the bowl statue in front of Rex.

It then pecks the water inside the bowl a couple of times before it the water started to glow.

<Potentially harmful energy is entering the user's body, does the user want the system to eradicate it?>

Reading the system's notification, Rex nodded his head.

He didn't want to be restricted by something, 'So the words before is a spell? our blood is needed to seal us or that sort?', Rex thought

From the get-go, he already expected something like this to happen so he's not surprised.

After that, the ceremony ended.

The new recruits that finally become an official members of the SCO were told to go back to their rooms where their messengers will explain how the SCO works.

Rex and Liliya are currently on their way back.

"Do you feel any different?", Rex asks, he's curious about what the harmful energy before does.

Liliya shrugs her shoulders and said, "No, I don't feel any different. In fact, I feel the same as I usually do"

Rex studied Liliya's expression before he nodded his head.

They both arrive at the big green door before and opens it again, the green messenger is already inside dissecting a mutated animal.

Inside the room is different than before, it becomes a lab out of nowhere with many scopes, vials, and papers scattered around.

The green messenger is oblivious of Rex and Liliya, even when Rex coughs to get his attention.

After waiting for a while,

Rex and Liliya look at each other, they both nodded their heads as Rex stretches out his hand to tap on the green messenger's shoulder.

But then, "What are you doing?", he suddenly said.

"I thought that you will explain to us about this organization", Rex said.

Hearing this, the green messenger sighs before he said, "I don't have the time to explain but all you know is that you're in the Research Team"

"You both will be doing errands for me, so be sure to get exactly what I want when I told you to", the green messenger said without even looking Rex and Liliya in their eyes.

Rex frowns, he doesn't like it if he can't fight Supernaturals.

He wants to find many Supernaturals so he can level up quickly, errand mission is not something he wanted.

Just when Rex wanted to complain,

The green messenger said, "If you think getting errands for me is easy, you're wrong. I mainly want samples on the Supernatural's territory, so I suggest you both take that", he points at two injections lying on the table.

"It's a welcoming gift from me", the green messenger added.

Rex stopped on his track when he heard this, the green messenger answer as if he can read Rex's mind.

'Going to the Supernatural territory? That's what I want!', Rex thought in delight.

Both Rex and Liliya then look at the injections lying on the table, they approach it before Rex widened his eyes in surprise.

Liliya saw Rex's surprised expression before she asks, "You know what this is?"

Rex pause for a moment, his body is trembling with excitement before he said, "That's the thing the green messenger gives me when we first met, it will enhance your body mutation"

"Oh! I remember you told me that", Liliya said as she looks at the injections again but this time with a gist of excitement.

Just when they wanted to take the injections, "Rex takes the left one"

Hearing this, Rex immediately takes the left one before he immediately scans it with the system.

<Mutation Modifier - Level 2>

A more strong substance is made to activate and enhance the mutation of a gifted person, the substance can increase the gifts and also unlock other mutations.

Reading this, Rex immediately opens the cap and injects it into his body.

Seeing Rex doing it, Liliya also injects the Mutation Modifier into her body copying Rex.

But as soon as Rex inject it, his veins started to throb uncontrollably and he can feel his power leaving his body.

He started to feel dizzy before he shakes his head, "What's happening?"

<The user's body can't neutralize the substance, it's advised to rest>

Reading this Rex shook his head, he forgot to ask the system if the substance is harmful or not because he was too excited.

"Did you just use it now? It's strong, you can't just carelessly inject it to your body", the green messenger said as he saw Rex's body rocking left and right.

Liliya on the side is also dizzy, but she can still handle it.

Rex can feel his body getting weaker but he can still walk properly.

The green messenger then scratches his head and said, "Go back to your home, I don't want to babysit both of you here"

He then turns his back and resumes his research.

The green messenger is quite pissed, it seems that disturbing his research is a no-no for him. Rex noted that amidst his dizziness.

After hearing what the green messenger said, Rex and Liliya bid goodbye before both of them went home.

Rex forgets to ask Liliya where she lives as he instantly goes to his car.

He saw before that Liliya is wearing haggard clothes, it's already tattered so he thought that Liliya doesn't have a home.

But that went past Rex's mind as he takes out his car keys.

His hands are trembling as cold sweat started to appear on his forehead, he can feel the effect become stronger.

The sun is already up, it's about 6 am in the morning and Rex is driving with heavy eyes.

He doesn't feel that bad at first but now it started to become too much, the ringing inside his head, his body felt sore all over, and his vision is starting to get blurry.

Rex pressed on the gas intending to go back to Ochyra University quickly.

Many people honked at him because of his reckless driving but Rex doesn't have the time and mind to worry about others.

If he waited for a while, he knows that he will pass out.

After half an hour of driving, Rex finally arrives at Ochyra University.

He parked his car carelessly as he opens the car door.

Rex touches his head as the ringing becomes unbearable, he musters all his power to get out of the car.

'If I'm about to pass out, at least let me reach my room', Rex thought.

But then, just when he got out of the car, "Ah shi-"

Rex's eyes become blurry, he curses to his carelessness before he falls unconscious on the parking lot right beside his car.

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