The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 152 Yule Moon's Warning

Rex cleans up his bloodied hands while going out of the studio.

The stalker from before already left the place,

Rex already takes his left eye to be an example for the Atkins Family, although he's still a student he can't be taken lightly.

That is what Rex trying to remind them.

He then went out of the mall after eating, his stomach is full and now he's on his way to his house to check on Kyran.

Edward and Adhara are doing what he is told so there's nothing left for him to do.

He didn't want to fetch his family himself because he's afraid that he's being followed by someone, and turns out his hunch is correct.

'I'll check on the detective again tomorrow, he has to give me something', Rex thought as he stands at a bus stop.

Rex looks up to the sky while knitting his eyes,

The sun is shining brightly right on top of him, Rex can feel the sunlight warmth penetrating into his skin when suddenly,

His vision suddenly blurred.

Rex blinks his eyes a couple of times but when he looks at his surrounding, all of the people are gone and the crowd sound is gone.

'Hmm?', Rex looks at his surrounding in confusion.

There are many people in his surrounding just a couple of seconds ago, but now they all vanish as if they got swept by the wind.

Rex looks to his left and right feeling something is wrong.

He then suddenly felt the warm sunlight also gone, his surroundings turn dark blue as the sun got replaced by something else.

On top of him, there's a dark blue ball that replaced the sun.

Rex looks at the dark blue ball and deduces it is the moon, but it's different from usual.

Then suddenly,

Rex felt that the light coming from the dark blue moon stings his body, the stings started to get worse as he can feel his skin burning.

'What the hell happened?', Rex thought in confusion.

He then saw his skin turns ashy black because of the light from the moon,

Little by little, Rex's skin turns into ash.

Rex panicked as he tries to catch the ash to no avail, he can only helplessly look at his body turns into ash bit by bit before he suddenly woke up.


The cars in front of him honk snapping Rex back to reality, his surroundings turn to normal.

Rex lets go of the metallic pole he grips on his side, he looks at the metallic pole and saw that the pole is bent because of his grip.

"Mom, is he an Awakened like the people on the TV?", a boy asks his mother while pointing at Rex.

They're both sitting at the bus stop before his mother covers his mouth, "Stop it Michael, it's not polite for you to point at a stranger", his mother scolded.

Rex looks back and saw the mother smiles with a sorry expression.

He then looks back to his front and opens his stats tab,

<Rex Silverstar>

Pack: Silverstar (2/2)

Level: 26 (2,481,000/10,000,000)

Race: High Werewolf

Full-Moon: 8 Days - Yule Moon

Berserk: 62%

Sanity: 33%

Mental: 51 (+32)

Strength: 115 (+60)

Agility: 59 (+2)

Endurance: 46 (+26)

Intelligence: 82 (+20)

<Average Human Adults have 5-7 points for each stat except for Intelligence>

Looking at his stats,

Rex realized that the next full moon is in a week's time, he hasn't really prepared for it because of the problems that come stacking right on him.

'My Sanity is too low, I need to find a way to raise it', Rex thought.

The Sanity stats will be calculated during the full moon and he doesn't want his sanity to be this low, it should be at least 70% or above.

While thinking, Rex suddenly felt uneasy because of the sunlight.

He saw the bus already close to him, but instead of waiting he runs towards the bus and knocked on the door roughly.

"Be patient young man, I'm not going anywhere", the bus driver said while shaking his head.

Rex already sits down on the back of the bus, he felt better after entering the bus when his skin is not directly exposed to the sunlight.

'Is the weird dark blue moon in my vision, the next full moon?', Rex thought.

<Yes, the user saw a glimpse of the Yule Moon's power>

Reading this, Rex frowns, 'Why is this full moon shows me its vision? I never experience something like this with the other full moon'

<It is not a vision, but rather a warning from the Yule Moon>

Rex becomes even more confused, he only knows that a full moon will make a Werewolf stronger.

He's thinking silently on the back of the bus with a frown, 'Does that mean the Yule Moon is bad for me? Is there a connection with the uneasy feeling I get from the sunlight?'

After thinking for a while, Rex then opens the system shop.

He tries to find a breathing technique for the Yule Moon but to his surprise, he can't find any.

Rex search with 'Yule Moon' as the keyword in the shop, but the shop only shows him a bunch of locked items because he's doesn't meet the requirement.

He then widened his eyes in realization, 'If there's no Yule Moon Breathing Technique, that means the full moon is not the moon where Werewolf can use to strengthen themselves'

'Just like my vision before, it will turn my body to ash if I got exposed to it', Rex thought.

If the system said that the vision Rex got before is a warning, then the Yule Moon is directly warning him that it is not a good idea for him to be exposed by its light.

The non-existent breathing technique for the Yule Moon confirms Rex's theory.

'Should I find a place underground?', Rex thought as he looks at the sun, he can still picture the dark blue moon from his vision before.



Edward arrives at Rex's mother's house, it's not that far away from Ochyra University so he got there rather quickly.

He knocks on the door a couple of times before he tidied his clothes.

Not long after, the sound of a person approaching the door was heard before the door opened revealing a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man has grey sleek back hair with grey eyes, his posture is quite good despite his age, and there's a tattoo peeking out of his sleeves.

He's wearing a white shirt and wears black reading glasses.

"Who are you?", the middle-aged man asks while looking at Edward top to bottom.

Looking at the middle-aged man in front of him,

Edward smiles politely before he stretches out his hand, "Sorry to bother you, my name is Edward a friend of Rex. I'm searching for Mrs. Greene, Is she home?"

The middle-aged man shakes Edward's hand before he said, "I'm her husband, Robert. She's currently not home, she'll probably be back in a bit"

Hearing this, Edward wanted to ask where did she go but Robert already signals Edward to come inside.

Edward can't refuse in polite, he then excuses himself inside.

After entering the house, Edward is greeted by a cozy house that is too spacious for two people living inside it.

The smell of new items instantly snuggles inside Edward's nose.

He deduces that all of the furniture inside this house is probably new, 'Rex has been giving them quite a bit I see, all of this is new'

"Please, sit down", Robert said while signaling Edward to sit on the sofa.

Robert then glance at Edward and said, "Coffe or water? My wife bought a good coffee, I recommend you to try it"

Edward smiles politely, "Then coffee it is"

Hearing this, Robert smiles before he went to the back.

After a couple of minutes, he brought two cups of coffee and put one in front of Edward.

Edward politely takes the cup of coffee before he puts it closer to his nose, he can smell the richness of the coffee before he sips it under Robert's gaze.

"How's it? Good right?", Robert said proudly.

Edward nodded his head agreeing with Robert before his eyes fall to the backyard.

In the backyard, Edward saw workers building something.

There're four workers on the back that are cementing and hammering, they work diligently despite the bright and sunny day.

Robert notices Edward looking at his back,

He then said, "It's our new pool, my wife is hectic with pools so she decided to make one"

Edward can only smile awkwardly hearing Robert's remarks.

Then, Robert asks, "You're a friend of Rex right? Where did you meet, the university?"

"Oh I'm an old friend of Rex, we meet in the military when Rex is still serving in the military", Edward replied feeling nostalgic as he said this.

Robert nodded his head, he then continues, "I'm surprised Rex has an old friend like you, he's really a silent kid. I can even count with my fingers how many times I talked to him"

He shakes his head remembering the first time he tries to talk to Rex but got ignored.

After chatting for a while, Robert invites Edward to his garage.

There he shows off his collection of motorcycles that he's so proud of, there are four motorcycles and their types are different from each other.

Robert boasts about his old times when he's still a teen,

He told Edward that back in the day, he can pick up girls easily with these kinds of motorcycles and he also told him that he got pretty girls lining up for him.

"You should play around while you're still young. Once you get older, you'll be stuck with one girl for the rest of your life"

Robert told this story with a laugh, he's having a fun time telling the stories.

But then, Edward's expression changed before he excuses himself to the bathroom.

Upon arriving at the bathroom, Edward instantly turns on the sink and instantly washes his face with heavy breaths.

The water splashes on his face but his expression is still troubled.

His breathing is heavy for some reason even though he's not doing anything physical, his body started to sweat as his expression turns blank.

Edward then looks at the mirror with a blank look, 'My teen times huh...'





"You are the medic! Go and save more lives!"

"MY ARM!!"

"I don't want to die"

Flashes of Edward's past memories suddenly rings on his brain, the reflection in front of him turned into piles of humans that are bloodied and crying for help.

He's standing still while looking at the humans that are injured and near death.

In his vision, he's wearing a military uniform with a medic band on his arm.

He looks at the many people that are crying for help, and he started to sweat as he can't choose which one to save first.

Edward slowly slides down on the wall as he gripped his head.

The sound of guns firing, people crying for help, and the smell of war completely engraved on his head as he started to cry.

He stayed in the bathroom for about five minutes before he washes his face.

Edward never told this to anyone as he thought that he needs to be strong, even Rex didn't know about this side of him.

After going out of the bathroom, Edward's expression turns to normal.

He went towards Robert who is already sitting on the sofa with a smile,

But then suddenly, the door opened just when Edward wanted to sit down in front of Robert.

Mrs. Greene came inside with shopping bags all over her hands.

She's wearing top designer clothing looking like a very wealthy woman,

She halts her steps before she puts down the shopping bags in her hands, she takes off her black glasses revealing her surprised expression.

Edward stands up and looks in Mrs. Greene's direction.

Seeing Edward standing in front of her, Mrs. Greene stretches her hands to the side and said delightedly, "Edward! Come and give me a hug!"

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