The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 166 Transferring To Faraday University

Edward puts his head down while fidgeting his hands under the table, he then said, "I got better in the past couple of weeks after the session, I even thought that I've already recovered"

"But this couple of days, it's starting to come back to me", he added with a trembling voice.

The usual Edward that is always like to tease Rex and joked as if he has no worries vanished, he's currently looking scared and trembling.

If Rex was to see him like this, he will definitely be surprised.

It's not normal for Edward to have this kind of expression, it's like he's sick and helpless.

"Did you do something that might trigger this? Perhaps seeing old photos, getting a call from someone you knew", Dr. Velma asks.

Hearing this, Edward lowered his head deeper.

Seeing his reaction, Dr. Velma squinted her eyes, "If you want me to help you, you must tell me everything Edward"

After deliberating for a moment,

Edward finally opens his mouth, "I met my old friend, he didn't change at all from the last time I saw him", he said with teary eyes.

His tone is on the brink of tearing down, but he desperately tries to hold it in.

"I'm jealous of him, his will is like steel. Even after almost dying, he didn't change at all", he added while gazing at Dr. Velma.

Dr. Velma sighs looking at Edward's condition.

Edward already meet him a couple of times, and Dr. Velma already did her research through her links and found about Edward's past.

She's surprised that Edward turns out to be the Heroes of Dwight City.

This realization makes her understand where Edward's condition comes from,

Many of the veterans that got dismissed from the military have PTSD, and for a teen like Edward to go through such a moment will certainly spark this condition.

"Edward, for the sake of your well-being", Dr. Velma said while holding Edward's hands.

She then continues, "You must avoid meeting this old friend of yours, his being will bring back your memories which will make your condition worse"

Hearing this, Edward mumbles, "I can't"

Edward kept repeating the words 'I can't' a couple of times, it's like he's convincing himself that he can't do it.

Dr. Velma frowns, "Why can't you do that? It's for your own sa-"


Edward slams his hand on the wooden table making Dr.Velma startled, he then shouted, "HE SAVED MY LIFE!"

This sudden outburst makes Dr. Velma make a distance between her and Edward, she can see that Edward is in an unstable condition that might accidentally hurt her.

Edward realized his behavior before he sits back on his chair, "Without him, Dr. Velma, I wouldn't be here talking to you"

After hearing Edward's outburst, Dr.Velma nodded her head in understanding.

"Okay, I understand your feelings. Let's move to the therapy session, it'll help you calm your nerves", Dr. Velma said before she guide Edward outside.


"Have you seen the university's website? There's a rumor spreading", a girl said while licking a popsicle in her hand.

Another girl beside her then said, "What rumor?"

"Some said that Rex and Adhara left our university for Faraday University, they got scouted during the tournament before", the girl said with a sad expression.

Hearing this, the girl beside her sighs, "Without Rex, our university will not perform well anymore"

The talk between the two girls was caught by Rosie who is walking to her room, her expression turns to shock when she heard this, 'They transferred?!'

Rosie stopped on her track with teary eyes,

If Adhara and Rex transferred to Faraday University, this means that she will never see them ever again.

Although she tries to cope with herself, the news still devastated her.

Before the tears on her eyes were about to fall off, she resumes her walking but this time it's even faster than before.


Another day passed,

After leaving Ochrya University, Rex and Adhara went to Adhara's father and cured his hand based on the promise Rex makes to Adhara.

Her father was ecstatic when his arm grew again.

It makes him hug both Rex and Adhara in joy, he can't believe that Rex decided to heal his arm for the sake of his daughter.

Because of that, Adhara's father started to open up to Rex.

They then eat at a restaurant while chatting with each other,

Eating together with her father and Rex makes Adhara happy, one can even look by the way she smiles genuinely.

Adhara's father turns out to be a man called Bryan.

Bryan introduced himself when he realized Rex doesn't know his name amidst their conversation, he even told Rex that he's also once in the military.

But Rex already knew this from Adhara's story before.

Back to the present, Rex is currently training inside the training ground at Faraday University.

Arriving at Faraday University,

Vargas decided to hold a little party for him where he treats all of the students one mid-grade Elemental Stones, it's a welcoming party for Rex.

Many of Faraday University's students try to get closer to Rex.

Rex was instantly greeted by a new feeling that he never got in Ochyra University, it's the feeling of acknowledgment but in a good way.

At Ochyra University, the students acknowledge him as the strongest.

But they did it in a way that Rex finds unpleasant, they give way to Rex and never talks to him as if he's a plague.

He's more feared than respected in Ochyra University.

But here at Faraday University, his power gives him the respect of all other students.

Even Kevin decided to approach Rex when Vargas told him that Rex didn't cheat, the cheater is the jury that he already killed.

Of course, Vargas didn't say he killed the jury.

And turns out Kevin is salty towards Rex because of the cheating incident, it's not like he doesn't accept that he lost to him.

It's purely a misunderstanding, and Rex finds it amusing.

Currently, Rex is training inside the quiet room with Adhara also on his side.

The quiet room he's currently using is different from the quiet room he used before, this one is reserved for top rankers of the university.

Upon entering the training ground, the orb above Rex is gold in color.

Because of the tournament before, all of the students agree that Rex will be the person who will hold the first rank of the first year.

Some even argued that he's stronger than the third-year top ranker.

But Rex didn't want to take the third-year seat, it's not worth his time to think about meaningless ranks that he didn't need.

Adhara on the other hand got second place too,

She has already done a sparring match against Kevin Luc the day they arrive, and she surprisingly won after fiercely fighting against Kevin.

It completely shocks many of the students, they didn't expect Adhara to be stronger than Kevin.

Because of this, Rex and Adhara got the nickname of the Invincible Duo.

Right now, Rex is currently meditating.

There's a High Lightning Stone in his hand that is gradually dimming, and there're also piles of used High Lighting Stone beside him.

His body emits an aura different than his usual mediation.

With the upgrade of his Lightning Affinity into high rank,

Not only a black circle appeared behind his back that is sparking with black lightning, but his absorption of mana is also increased tremendously.

It's at least three times faster than when he still has mid-rank Lightning Affinity.

The High Lightning Stones and High-Rank Mana Charm Elixir are also notched his mana absorption by another three times, his absorption of mana becomes as easy as breathing right now.

There's no resistance Rex can felt from pulling the lightning mana, it becomes terrifyingly smooth.

Rex opened his eyes slowly, he blinks his eyes a couple of times to adjust.

He then looks at the rune on his shoulders, almost half of it is glowing with immense energy.

The process he felt from just one session of meditating greatly shocks him, 'In a couple of weeks or even days I'll reach mid-rank four', Rex thought.

Rex also upgrades his Force Manipulation skill.

He now can assess the yellow bulb of force that can grant him a 20% increase in stats, it will shock the entire humanity if they saw Rex comprehend a higher form of Force.

Mastering the first layer of Force is a feat not many can achieve, nonetheless the second layer.

Only a handful of people can comprehend the second layer of Force, even Supernaturals doesn't have that many creatures that comprehend the second layer.

With this, Rex becomes even more powerful.

'System, What do you suggest I should do during the Yule Moon?', Rex asks the system.

The next full moon, Yule Moon will arrive in four days from now.

Based on the Yule Moon's warning he will turn to ash if he got exposed to the Yule Moon's moonlight, so he will certainly find shelter.

But he just wonders if there's any benefit he can get during the Yule Moon.

<Nothing, The Yule Moon signifies the judgment of the cursed Werewolf, it will act as a judgment for a cursed creature like Werewolf and will completely make a Werewolf weakened and defenseless upon getting exposed to it before the exposed Werewolf finally turns to ash>

Hearing this, Rex frowns, 'Nothing eh, let's find shelter then'

Rex looks to his left and found Adhara still meditating,

Adhara's affinity is also upgraded by Rex into high-rank, a whirling circle of fire materializes on her back as it emits a horrifying degree of heat.

Thanks to the glass box, it got nullified.

'Transferring to here is the right choice, it will be bad if she did it in Ochyra University', Rex thought in relief.

If they were to meditate using their high-rank Lightning Affinity in Ochyra University, the place will not hold onto their fierce energy and it might even hurt the other students.

But that's not a problem here at Faraday University because of its advanced tech.

After seeing that Adhara is still not finished with her meditation, Rex decided to leave her be and went back to his room.

Rex's room is located on the first floor, but he has an alley for himself.

It's the privilege of a top ranker to have this room, the room is reserved for the first ranker and it is spacious and even has a personal assistant in it.

Rex walks to his room while greeting the students passing him.

All of them are friendly to Rex and so he decided to play along, it doesn't feel bad to be in this kind of situation once in a while.

Arriving at his room, the guards open the door for him.

Inside the room, there are Ryze and Kyran there that Vargas accepted after Rex asks for his permission to let them stay.

Rex told Vargas that he has a debt to pay to both of them, and Vargas believed it.

There are four personal assistants there, two butlers and two maids.

The room has another four-room inside of it,

One of the rooms is used by Adhara and Rex, while another room is used by Kyran and Ryze who will be staying here most of the time.

The other two rooms are empty.

Rex opens his uniform before the butler takes it, he then went inside his room and laid on the king-sized bed that is imbued with a rune.

The rune will help anyone lying on it to relax, it's warm and comfy because of it.

As he was thinking about a place for their shelter, the room opened revealing one of the maids with skin-tight uniforms bringing a drink on a tray.

Looking at this, Rex felt weird because he felt like a king.

He never get this kind of treatment before, and he sure is enjoying it right now.

The maid put the tray on the drawer beside the bed carefully, but when she was about to leave Rex called her, "You, What's your name?"

"My name is Clarice, What can I help you with sir Rex?", the maid said gracefully.

Rex rubs his chin in thought before he asks, "Do you know a place underground around here? Inside or outside of the university"

The maid thinks for a moment, she shakes her head and said, "I don't know any of such places sir"

After getting her answers, Rex waves his hand signaling for her to leave but just when she's in front of the door.

The maid stopped and said, "I remember a canyon is found nearby, I don't know if anyone is allowed to go there yet"

Hearing this, Rex thanked the maid before the corner of his mouth quirk up.

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