The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 172 Yule Moon

Supernatural Territory, Vampire Kingdom.

Solomon is sitting on his throne with a smile on his face, his fangs poke out of his mouth because of how wide his smile is.

There's Nezera beside him with an excited expression,

One can know how excited Nezera is just by seeing her wings twitch and flapped a couple of times, it seems she can't contain her excitement.

In front of them, there's a vampire kneeling on the ground, it is Seth.

"Repeat your words one more time, I want to hear it again", Solomon said with a grin.

Seth bowed his head deeper but his lips are also quirked up, "Because of the ritual you did, our number increased a lot"

"Out of 4,000 humans we have kidnapped, 700 of them survive the ritual and became a vampire. Many of them only have rank four power, but some of them exceeded our expectations", Seth continues making Solomon and Nezera smiles wider.

Both Nezera and Solomon look at each other, they still can't believe what Seth is saying.

"This is great news King, we can send each of them to the battlefield and reinforce all of our camps", a vampire said from the side.

He wears full plate armor with a red cape attached to it, there's a vampiric crest on his chest.

From the look of the vampire compared to Seth, there is a clear distinction between the class of the vampire and Seth.

Solomon glance at the Vampire before he said, "Yes, you will arrange that matter, Valerian. Make sure to send them directly to our camps, and no other races should know of them"

Hearing this, Valerian bowed deeply before he steps back into the shadow and vanish.

After Valerian left, Solomon waves his hand before Seth also bowed once more and left the throne room.

While they are feeling satisfied with the ritual,

"RAARGHH!!", a high-pitch scream was heard from underground, it makes the happiness on Nezera and Solomon's face vanished instantly.

Nezera looks at Solomon with soft eyes, her lips tremble slightly.

"Let's go check on her, she became out of control lately", Solomon said before both of them also left the throne room.

They both walk along the hall before they stopped in front of a wall on their left,

Solomon's ring glows red before a wooden door appears on the empty wall, it's a hidden passage to go downstairs.

He then opens the door before both of them walk downstairs,

The stairs lead them to a spacious room with four royal vampires guarding it, there's a vampire in the middle that is chained to the ground.

Solomon nodded his head before the four royal vampires left the room.

He and Nezera then approach the chained vampire before Nezera's eyes started to tear up, she cannot bear to see the chained vampire.

The chained vampire is Calidora,

Since she awakened the Eyes of Terror, she has been unstable since making Solomon chained her up in this room.

Nezera visits Calidora daily,

But every time she met Calidora, she always tears up.

Her baby that always has these curious eyes and can sometimes make her angry is now gone, all that is left is a monster that is always thirsting for blood.

"I will find him..."

"I will find him..."

Calidora's whispers without an end, she didn't even glance at Solomon and Nezera.

Her lips are already dry and her body is becoming stiff, it seems it has been some time since she drank blood.

"Solomon please, she will suffer if you don't give her something to drink", Nezera pleaded with watery eyes, Calidora is very weak right now.

Hearing this, Solomon approach Calidora and said, "Are you going to behave? or Are you going to be controlled by your eyes?"

"I will find him..."

"I will find him..."

Even after Solomon squats in front of her, Calidora didn't answer.

She didn't even look at Solomon's face as if she considers Solomon doesn't exist.

Seeing Calidora's behavior that is still controlled by the eyes of terror, anger started to engulf Solomon, "ANSWER ME!!"


His shout is loud and heavy, it was full of the authority of a king.

But instead of answering, "I WANT HIS BLOOD!!!"


The ground rumble as Calidora shouted back, her eyes glows red as it shows off the power of the ancient vampiric eyes.

It makes Solomon felt a little suppression but he shakes it off,


With a flick of his finger, Calidora's chains broke as she got sent crashing to the wall creating a booming sound.

"Huakh!!", Calidora spat a mouthful of blood.

Solomon's eyes are full of fury, he can't believe that Calidora shouted back at him even though he knows that Calidora is under the influence of her eyes.

"SOLOMON! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!", Nezera cried out in shock.

She tries to grab Solomon's arms but she got flung away by Solomon,

He then walks to Calidora who is still stuck on the wall, the anger inside him finally erupted, "YOU ARE MY DAUGHTER AND A PRINCESS!! IT IS NOT YOUR PLACE TO TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!"


Calidora got pressured even deeper into the wall, Solomon's blood energy is crushing her.

Solomon then takes a deep breath to calm him down, he then continues, "If you want to get his blood, then you must treat me with respect suited for a king AND a father. Until blood for you"

After saying this, the blood energy vanished as Calidora fell to the ground.

He then left the room with heavy steps,

Nezera got back on her feet as she looks at Calidora with teary eyes, "I'm sorry", she mumbles before she too leave the room.

Not long after they left, the royal vampire guard got back in the room.

They healed Calidora of her injuries and chained her again,


It is currently noon right now,

Rex is caging himself inside his room meditating, he doesn't want to go out in the condition he's in right now.

The closer the Yule Moon, the worst he felt.

He then looks at his stats,

<Rex Silverstar>

Pack: Silverstar (2/2)

Level: 26 (7,244,000/10,000,000)

Race: High Werewolf

Full-Moon: 7 Hours 13 Minutes - Yule Moon

Berserk: 43%

Sanity: 58%

Mental: 51 (+32)

Strength: 115 (+60)

Agility: 59 (+2)

Endurance: 46 (+26)

Intelligence: 108 (+20)

Attributable Stats: 0

'My sanity stats is still low, and I doubt I will be able to increase it some more', Rex thought before he sighs, his only hope is his high mental stat.

After looking at his stats, he then went outside to check on the others.

Rex found Adhara in the kitchen sleeping on the table, she looks drained and even her body is colder than before.

"Adhara, are you alright?", Rex asks weakly.

Adhara looks up slowly with her drained eyes and said, "Yeah, Can I sleep for a little more?"

Rex nodded his head before he went to Kyran's room, out of all the things that would happen he fear Kyran's state the most.

He didn't tell Kyran about his power, and he just hoped Kyran will accept it and be done with it.

Arriving in front of Kyran's room,

"You're sick! Let's go to the infirmary right now!"

"I'm not sick! Stop touching me!"



Hearing the commotion, Rex immediately busts into the room to check on it.

In the room, he saw Ryze on the ground weakly while Kyran is on the bed looking at Ryze with an annoyed look.

Rex checks on Ryze in worry, he found that Ryze's back is bruised.

"What are you doing? You're supposed to look out for each other", Rex said, he looks at Kyran with a warning gaze.

Kyran then replied, "I didn't mean to! I don't know where it came from"

Rex frowns when he heard this, he looks at Kyran and found something weird about him, 'Why is he full of power when I can hardly use any?'

The Yule Moon was supposed to weaken all Werewolves, so why did Kyran not affected by the Yule Moon like Rex and Adhara.

Sure Kyran is also pale and felt cold, but aside from that, he seems to be more lively and even more powerful than before.

'Does Half-Blood not considered as Werewolves?', Rex thought.

<Half-Blood has Werewolf bloodline in them. Half-Blood is considered as a different kind of Werewolf, not human>

Reading this, Rex becomes even more confused as to why Kyran acts this way.

"Control your power, you're not a normal human anymore unlike Ryze", Rex said before he takes Ryze out and gives him to the butler.

They will take Ryze to the infirmary,

At night,

Rex and the others already got back to the canyon but this time, they come without Edward because this is the day the Yule Moon arrived.

"Ari, keep a lookout like before", Rex said.

Ari nodded his head before Rex and the others get inside the canyon.

They then went to the hidden cave with black spiders in it, Rex decided to go to the right side because yesterday there's no black spiders on the right side.

In front of the cave, Kyran hesitated for a moment.

Adhara saw this before she grabs Kyran's hand and said, "It's okay, stay close to me and don't think about the cave"

Hearing this, Kyran nodded before they went inside the cave.

While they're walking inside the cave, "Why are we going here again? Are we going to fight the black spiders?"

"No, we're here to take a shelter", Rex said nonchalantly.

He doesn't want to answer Kyran because all of his body felt weak, it feels the same as if he didn't eat and drink for days.

But he has to answer Kyran,

Kyran frowns before he said, "Taking shelter from what?"

"That", Rex points at the mouth of the cave, the moonlight turns light blue as the Yule Moon finally arrives.

<The Yule Moon will start in five minutes!>

Reading this, Rex then shouted, "Let's hurry to the end of the cave!"

They then started to run to the end of the cave where the writings and drawings are located, despite Adhara and Rex's bodies are weak they still kept running.

<Checking the user's stats...>

<Adding Mental Stat to the user's Sanity...>

<Decreasing the user's berserk stat using the excessive Mental Stat...>


<Transformation will begin! The user will maintain consciousness during Transformation State>

Just after the last notification,

Adhara and Kyran fall to the ground as they can feel the changes in their bodies.

Rex is also started to transform as his body makes a cracking sound, he fell to the ground with bulging eyes as he tries to endure the pain.



Adhara started to shout in pain, "ARGHH!!"

"WHAT'S HAPPENING?! RARGHH!!", Kyran shouted with panicking eyes, he can see the bones on his hand moving and his nails grow longer.

Kyran and Adhara's scream is so loud, but thankfully they're near the end of the cave.

With no training in physical pain endurance, Adhara and Kyran succumb to the pain of the transformation as they scream and shout.

"Rrghh!", Rex gritted his teeth, he started to get used to the pain.

All of their bodies started to be covered by fur, and their mouths turns into a muzzle filled with razor-sharp teeth and fangs.

Not long after, Rex and Adhara finished their transformation.

Rex slowly stood up with his Werewolf body, his fierce red eyes look at Adhara and found that she's also finished her transformation.

​ She still felt the pain, so it will take time before she can stand back up.


A scream was still heard as Rex looks at Kyran, he already transformed into a half-Werewolf but somehow his bone is still making a cracking sound.

'Hmm? Isn't his transformation finished?', Rex thought.

He remembers the first time when he turns into a half-Werewolf during the blood moon, and his transformation is exactly like Kyran's.

But Kyran is still transforming, this makes Rex frown.

'System, what is happening to Kyran?', Rex asks, he looks at Kyran who is still rolling on the ground in pain.

<Please touch Kyran's body to scan>

Reading this, Rex held Kyran's body from rolling on the ground.


After a few seconds, other notifications appeared.

<Scan Complete!>

<Kyran's Werewolf bloodline is evolving>

'His bloodline is evolving?!'

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