The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 45 Basilisk Poison

After talking, they both go back to the table.

Rex sits beside Rosie and got questioned instantly by Rosie, "What did you guys talk about?"

"You'll see", Rex replied calmly.

Muji is glaring at Rex the whole time,

Even Rex got confused as to why he's this mad, 'It's not like I will kill your daughter, why are you so mad', Rex thought as he stares back at Muji.

Feeling the intense vibe, Cinta clears her throat and said, "Rosie dear, I accept the bet from Rex. He will fight with Kevin Luc and he has to put up a fight in order to win this bet"

Hearing this, Rosie's mouth went round.

She tugger Rex with her elbow and said, "Kevin Luc is not an easy opponent, don't gamble using me", she said while pouting.

Rex smile wryly, "Don't worry, I'm strong", he said while flexing his right bicep to Rosie.

Rosie rolls her eyes in annoyance, she can't comprehend how Rex still has the time to joke around.

"What?! But dear, Why?!", Muji shouted looking at Cinta helplessly.

Cinta rubs her hand on Muji's shoulder as she whispers something in Muji's ear.

Muji's eyes turned into shock, he glances at Rosie worriedly before meeting Rex's eyes.

His eyes show reluctance but eventually gave up, "Fine, when will this tournament begin?"

"It's most likely a week or so from now, you can come and watch if you want", Rex said while sipping the drink on his side.

"What if you can't give Kevin a fight?", Muji asks, his eyes look at Rex before falling to Rosie.

Rosie held her head low, she doesn't have the courage to look at her parents right now.

Rex raises his hand and patted Rosie's head, "That won't happen", Rex said confidently.

The words that came out of Rex's mouth bring a dependable feeling to Rosie,

She looks at Rex worriedly but Rex's smile seems to assure her that nothing will go wrong, Rosie decided to trust Rex on this one,

Muji and Cinta look at each other as a faint smile appears on their face, 'This kid...',

After clearing the urgent problems,

Rex claps his hand and said, "Okay that's that, now let's eat!"

Rosie shakes her head,

Unknown to Rex, Rosie just found a new goal in her life and that goal is him.

She is filled with motivation to help Rex when he's in need and become the girl he wants. In her eyes, Rex becomes one of the most important people in her life.

The four of them eat and talk leisurely, the intense vibe before vanishes suddenly as if they're just a happy family from the start.

After eating, Rex and Rosie got back to the university.

The night is already late, the city street is devoid of people, only a couple of cars passes by.

Inside the car, Rosie is watching the beautiful night sky while feeling the breeze of the night air.

She smiles as she looks at Rex who is focused on driving, "Thank you...", she mutters lowly.

Rex with his Werewolf sense hears Rosie's words, he unconsciously cracked a smile while driving through the city street.

Zrolis City,

Jarvald the huge werewolf with a red glowing rune on its right shoulder is commanding its pack,

The Zrolis City is already flattened by the Werewolves, the place is in ruin as no building survives their berserk. Jarvald's Werewolf pack consists of roughly 30 Werewolves, for a city with little to no defense, this is an impossible lineup to beat.

In the middle of the city lies a hut made of bones, It is where Jarvald's place.

Zrolis City is full of Supernatural, not only Werewolf but also all kinds of Supernatural like Ogres, Trolls, Liches, Ghouls, and even Grendels.

These lower-ranking Supernaturals have just arrived at Zrolis City, they are numbered in the hundreds and emits a terrifying aura that makes even ants ran away from them.

There is a couple of humans restrained in the middle of the city beside the bone hut, they are all shivering in fear.

Jarvald walks out of the hut, many restrained humans piss themselves just as they look at the menacing Jarvald.

He looks at the horde of Supernatural and said loudly, "Clear out the perimeter, Defend the city walls and send out scouts to inform us if any humans approach"

The Supernatural move obediently under Jarvald's command, the Ogres and ghouls go to the city wall, the Trolls and Liches went to the nearby places to clear out the place, and the Grendels scout the area.

Jarvald nodded his head before he walks towards the restrained humans, he lowers his body and stares at the guy that has no expression on his face.

The guy is wearing armor and he has a black crow tattoo on his neck,

"Where is the Silver Mooncress?", Jarvald said right in front of the guy's face.

The other humans besides the guy shuddered in fear, just being near Jarvald brings a lot of pressure, especially for a normal person.

The guy throws his face away, he has no trace of desire to answer Jarvald.

Jarvald was angered, it grabs the guy's neck with its gigantic hand and lifts him up.

"Akh!", The guy grunted feeling his neck choked, he struggles to break free but It is no use, Jarvald's claw is poking his neck making it bleed.

Jarvald brings the guy closer to its face, "Let me ask you again, where is the Silver Mooncress?"

The guy's mouth was closed shut, it didn't even waver in front of Jarvald.

"TELL ME WHERE IT IS!!", Jarvald roar right in front of the guy's face, the roar was so loud that even the guy's ears started to bleed but his expression is still the same.

Jarvald raises the guy and slams him down,


"Huakh!!", The guy spat out a mouthful of blood, he felt all the air on his lungs disappear instantly.

Then suddenly while Jarvald is fuming with anger because of the guy, another grey-furred Werewolf appears behind Jarvald.

The Werewolf looks womanly, it then held Jarvald's shoulder.

Jarvald glances at its back with bloodshot eyes, but after seeing the Werewolf behind, Jarvald immediately calms himself down.

"Vivian? What're you doing here? I told you to lead the pack to mine the Elemental Stone", Jarvald said.

Vivian didn't answer Jarvald as she stares at the guy with the black crow tattoo, "Isn't it the famous Black Hand, you become quite a pest for us these days", she said with vicious eyes.

Hearing this, Jarvald intervene, "Black Hand? So this guy is one of the Black Hand that the normal humans are talking about?"

Vivian nodded her head, "Tell us where it is, if you don't I promise it will hurt", she said with a smile on her face.

The guy was like a mute, he didn't even talk back or even change expression, if he didn't grunt before maybe Jarvald will think he is a mute.

Vivan smiles turned vicious in the blink of an eye,


She kicks the guy on his chest sending him screeching away, from the looks of it, Vivian is not that weaker compared to Jarvald.

She then like a phantom appear in front of the guy,

Vivian squatted down as her claws got longer, without thinking much, she slashes the guy's right arms.


The guy's right arm is sliced off cleanly, he gritted his teeth in pain but no sound came out of his mouth, as if he's trained for this kind of situation.

Vivian frowns, she looks at the guy and notices that his body is full of scars, and his eyes turned pitch black.

Jarvald walks forward and said, "I can tell he's gifted from his unusual strength during his struggle, usually a gifted has little to no bad odor but this one has a strong odor just like an Awakened"

"He's an enhanced human, his gift is enhanced by something", Vivian said as she creeps closer to the guy.

"Do you know Basilisk Poison? they said if someone got poisoned by it, they will bring pain worse than death", Vivian said with a sadistic tone.

Hearing this, the guy didn't even flinch and just stare forward blankly.

Vivian noticed the guy is reactionless, she lowered her body to the guy's level and held his chin, "The poison will torture you from the inside", she said while touching the guy's chest with her long nail.

Her fingernail ran through the guy's chest slowly and scratching it, "and your internal organ will go poof!"

Vivian signal to Zegrath who is standing on the side, Zegrath gives Vivian a bottle with a purple substance in it.

She held the bottle in front of the guy's face and said evilly, "The fun part is that the poison will not only poison you, but it will fly away finding your blood relatives and kill them all"

Hearing this, the guy started to sweat profusely, his lips started to tremble, "P...Ple..asee, Don't bring my relative to this, It's there...", the guy points in a direction.

Seeing this, Vivian smiled viciously, "Too late", she forces open the guy's mouth and pour a drop of the poison into him.

The guy struggles but with his body restrained by magic, he can't do anything but see the poison drop into his mouth.

Immediately after the poison enter the guy's mouth,

The guy's body started having seizures, his eyes roll to the back exposing only the white, blood started to bleed from all of the holes on his body, and foam started to come out of his mouth.

The restrained humans passed out watching the scene,

The guy's body tremble violently then suddenly,


His body burst into a meat paste, the inside of his body exploded as his body become flat.

Even Jarvald turned his head away unable to watch the gory scene but Vivian is watching it closely still holding the guy's chin and staring into his eyes.

After the guy died, a purple mist seeped out of his skin.

The mist then hovers around the guy's body before flying away, based on what Vivian said, the mist will probably find the guy's blood relative and kills them all.

After it all ended, Vivian got up from the place and said, "There, search for the Silver Mooncress there"

Jarvald sigh, he then commands the other to search for the Silver Mooncress there.

Vivian lean her hand on Jarvald's shoulder and said, "After getting that Silver Mooncress, you will become one of Royalty just under the Origin"

Jarvald smiles evilly, "And you will be there by my side as queen"

Back to Ochyra University,

Rex arrived at Ochyra University late at night, Rosie is already asleep in the car.

Her beautiful face looks mesmerizing even when she's asleep, she is so defenseless right now but Rex can only sigh thinking about before.

'Can't believe this girl almost wanted to kill herself', Rex thought, he then caressed Rosie's hair before carrying Rosie.

He walks to the university while carrying Rosie, the university didn't have any rules limiting the student's love life so the security let Rex in with an understanding nod.

Rex was speechless knowing that they're misunderstanding the situation but Rex is too lazy to explain.

After arriving at the dormitory section, Rex wanted to put Rosie in her room but he just can't find the keys.

He felt tired because of the day and wanted to meditate, so he decided to bring Rosie to his room.

Arriving at his room,

Rex lay Rosie down on his bed, he looks at Rosie briefly and got tempted instantly but he shakes his head.

'Calm down, I know I haven't seen much during the military but this is not right', he thought trying to calm himself down.

After mustering his willpower, he forced himself to start meditating,

2 minutes into the meditation, Rex glance at Rosie, he saw Rosie's exposed stomach before closing his eyes again.

5 minutes, the same sequel happened again, but this time his eyes fall to her steady breath that makes her breasts heaves up and down.

10 minutes, he gritted his teeth and finally slept beside Rosie, 'I won't do anything funny but don't blame me for sleeping on my bed', Rex thought as he closes his eyes.

Sometimes, Rationalizing is what people do to fool themselves into doing things, and that is exactly what Rex is doing.

Unknown to Rex, his decision will lead to a loud morning.

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