The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 69 Cursed Creature

Rex and Devan was shivering while looking at the murky water,

The water becomes a volcano in their eyes, something that they need to absolutely avoid.

The creature inside it is so scary, from the looks of it the creature only attacks if they disturb its peace.

"What should we do?", Devan asks, his face is still pale from the incident before.

His chest heaved up and down in fatigue, 'He has telekinesis ability so he can probably lift the both of us to avoid the water but...', Rex thought before he looks at Devan.

'In his state, it's not possible unless...', Rex opened the system's shop and try to search for an elixir that can recover someone's mental power.

He scrolls in the shop before his eyes lock onto something,

< Low-Grade Mental Elixir - 100 gold>

Recover mental fatigue by a bit, it can be made by combining Ailaqloot and Pleasant water. it is useful for people with mental prowess.

After reading the description briefly,

Rex puts his hands inside his robe as if he's grabbing something, he takes out two Mental Elixir before he glances at Devan.

"Can you fly both of us? I got these to help you", Rex said while holding two bottles of Elixir.

The Elixir is made of translucent glass, it has a spiral symbol on the side that is carved beautifully. The liquid inside of it is light grey in color, and it doesn't have a smell.

Devan turns his head, "I probably can but I can't maintain it for long", he then looks at the Elixirs with a questioning look.

"It is an Elixir to recover your mental power, with these you can take us at least there", Rex points towards a direction where they can walk on the ground again, about 100 meters away from them.

Devan takes the elixirs with care, "There's such thing as this elixir? I never knew about it"

Hearing this, Rex was ransacking his brain trying to find an answer, "*Ekhm* It's classified so please don't tell anyone"

Devan nodded his head with shining eyes,

He then inhales slowly before exhaling slowly to stabilize his breathing, he musters his telekinesis power wrapping both him and Rex.

Rex felt something enveloping his body, he let it covers his body before his feet started to lifts off the ground.

Devan scrunched his forehead, he's trying his best to stabilize both of them.

Slowly but surely, both of them started to fly away leaving the tree behind. It takes quite a toll on Devan to fly, especially adding Rex's into it.

If it's just him then it's probably not this hard,

They levitated on the air slowly passing meters by meters,

Rex is looking to the ground with extreme caution, he doesn't want to get suddenly bitten off as the blue Haltija did.

While they are slowly leaving the murky river, suddenly a figure slowly appeared from the water.

The figure is jet black and it is very big, bigger than any creature Rex has ever seen.

It slowly emerges out of the water, there is no sound coming out of it as if it's just a frog coming out of the water.

Even Rex who is cautiously looking down didn't realize the figure behind it, the figure got closer and closer towards Rex and Devan. It is only a couple of inches away from Rex and Devan.

Rex and Devan didn't notice anything when suddenly,


They felt something blowing coming out of their backs, there is subtle breathing behind them and they felt it clearly.

The both of them were stunned, they are frozen on the spot.

Their eyes widened in fright, they can finally feel the figure's presence behind him. They felt the gaze of something behind them.

Rex and Devan look at each other, they then look to their back together.

Just as they are turning their bodies, they are frightened shitless when the corner of their eyes saw the figure behind it.

Their body started to tremble, that tremble comes from pure shock!

The creature behind them is the same creature they met underwater, it is black in color and its body emerges on the water all the way to the same level as them who is mid-air!

It is a snake-like creature with glowing green eyes, it is very huge at least as wide as a house and as long as a normal train! Its body is black covered with black scale, there is a black substance coming out of its body.

The murkiness of the water turns out to come from the black substance!

The creature is so big that even the black substance coming out of its body turned the water murky, it is simply shocking in size!


Rosie is chilling on her bed, she can't go to sleep for some reason, 'Why am I feeling uneasy? I hope Rex is okay', she thought before she decided to leave her room.

She left the room with going to the rooftop in mind,

She walks leisurely while playing with her phone, the university is quiet because it's already past midnight right now.

Just as she was reading the latest news, she suddenly bumped into someone.


"Ah!", she screamed as she fell to the ground.

She already readied her butt to land on the ground when suddenly, a hand wrap around her waist preventing her from falling.

Rosie looks at the guy who is wrapping his hands around her, they both locked gaze for a second.

The guy looks dazed as he gazes at Rosie, they held eye contact before Rosie breaks it off.

She tidied up her clothes before saying, "I'm sorry"

The guy in front of them then smiles faintly, "It's okay, I'm at fault here"

After apologizing, Rosie can finally look at the guy properly.

The guy has red messy hair that looks perfect on him, his eyes are burning red with a red tattoo peeking out of his collar. He is good-looking, to say the least, and there is a charismatic attraction in his eyes.

Rosie nodded her head before she went past the guy but suddenly,


"Yes?", Rosie asks meekly.

The guy zoned out for a while before he snapped out his daze and asks, "May I know your name?"

Rosie blushed a little, "It's Rosie"

"Rosie huh? What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl like you", he said teasingly, his smiles are bright and confident making Rosie felt uncomfortable.

Rosie puts her head down, "Thank you", she said before she pulls back her arm and left him.

The guy still gazes at Rosie's running back, he then mutters, "Rosie..."

Arriving at the rooftop, she saw Adhara on their usual spot.

Adhara is practicing with her fire mana alone, she looks focused on training under the moonlight without a care for the world.

Rosie approached her and sits on the bench in front of Adhara.

Adhara looks up and saw Rosie with a flushed face, "Why are you blushing about? You sick?", she asks leisurely.

Hearing this Rosie pouted, "Do I look sick to you?", she rebutted.

Adhara laughs, "You always look sick to me, especially when Rex favors me more than you", she teased.

"Hmph! There's no way Rex favors you more than me!", she answered back.

Adhara laughs once more before her expression turns into a worry,

Looking at this, Rosie then asks, "Why are you worried? Did something happen?"

Adhara glances at the moon briefly before replying, "Me and Rex are linked with each other, I suddenly felt uneasy. I hope that Rex is not in danger"

Hearing this, Rosie's face drowns from all colors, "I felt it too..."

Back to Rex,

Rex and Devan look at the creature helplessly, they lose all hope after seeing the creature especially after Rex looks at its stats.


Race: ???

Power: ???

Mental: ???

Strength: ???

Agility: ???

Endurance: ???

Intelligence: ???

All of its stats are unknown! which means the creature in front of Rex is too powerful!

The creature exhales a rough breath to Rex and Devan's face, it looks at each of them with its green fierce eyes, "You...", a low baritone astral voice comes out of the creature's mouth.

Rex and Devan gulped their saliva, 'a Cursed Creature, so powerful, and able to talk', Rex thought dryly.

They were in the mercy of the creature,

"Green Messenger...", It said with a hint of hatred in its voice.


It growled in anger,

Rex looks at the murky water and he can see the creature's body is long that he can't even see the end of it, "What do you want?", Rex musters himself and asks.

The creature approaches Rex's face, "Where is he?"

Hearing the question, Rex thought, 'This creature seems to have a history with the Green Messenger, and it is a bad history if I must say. The uniform is probably the thing this creature recognize'

The all-black and the crow mask is the same mask as the Green Messenger and it is a trait of the SCO, the difference is that the Green Messenger has a green mark on the side.

Devan's lips were closed tight, his face was pale and full of helplessness. His telekinesis power is wavering, if this goes on then Rex and Devan might fall to the water again.

"I don't know where he is!", Rex answered decisively, he has to stay strong to survive this.

The creature looks at Rex with its questioning gaze, its eyes are filled with countless lost souls that are swimming inside of it.

It looks eerie and terrifying to describe,

The aura it emitted is different than the Supernatural, Mutated Animals, or even Awakened.

Its aura brought a depressing vibe to it,

Rex felt his heartache so much it started to turn into pain, the heartache is worst than when he remember Kyle's sacrifice. It can even rival the heartache he felt when he saw his parents died.

It hisses madly before asking again for the second time, "Where is he?"

"I don't know!", Rex answered again.

The creature slams its tail that is so far away from its current body madly, the ground and water shake because of it.

"Then die!!", the creature opened its mouth that reveals its two sharp and poisonous fangs as it pounces at Rex and Devan.

Rex gritted his teeth as he wanted to get out of the way but he can hardly see its movement, but suddenly,


The creature got pushed away by a green smoke that comes out of nowhere, the green smoke is thick and it emits powerful energy.

Rex notices a familiar aura from the green smoke, 'Green Messenger!'

"Back off Prichnaa! Don't be annoying by killing my juniors", the Green Messenger said lazily, even now he still gives off a lazy aura around him.

The creature called Prichnaa hisses madly, its eyes become fierce, "Green Messenger! You came", it said with immense killing intent.

Green Messenger ignores Prichnaa as he turns his body, "Leave this to me, go finish your mission"

Hearing this, Rex sigh in relief before Devan also resumes.

They both went towards where Liliya went, the both of them runs as far away from Prichnaa fearing that it might want to eat them.


Rex and Devan left the river,

Just after they left, they can feel the ground trembling and a booming sound was heard occasionally, they are already hundreds of meters away from them but the fight impact can still be heard from here.

'They started fighting', Rex thought in shock, he can't believe the Green Messenger looks calm in front of that creature.

'Thankfully the Green Messenger came, I on't know why he's here but thank god!', Rex thought.

He felt thankful that God still gives him mercy and didn't let him die today.

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