The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 81 White Ninja

A couple of hours passed,

The VIP train that Rex and the girls are in finally stopped.

The train stops on the northwest side of Ratmawati, the place is full of people and many of them are wearing white coats.

Rex and the others walk out of the train with their luggage,

They all looks around them and were quite shocked, this place is literally the embodiment of future technology.

All of the things in this part of Ratmawati City are developed to the highest level of technology, even the buildings, and transportation here can even fly!

Hera steps in front and said, "Welcome to Sector 2E also known as the Research Sector, the place where all of the researches about Technology, Supernatural, Weapons, and Awakened are conducted.

Ratmawati can be divided into five sectors starting from 1 to 5, these sectors will then further divided into the alphabet starting from A to E. A means north part, B means east part, C means south part, and D means west part.

E on the other hand is a special place, it is created for a special place just like this place. So 2E from before means Sector 2 - Special part of Ratmawati City.

Rex and the girls nodded their heads in amazement, the place is simply a sight to behold.

After getting out of the VIP train, Hera asks them to follow her.

Because they don't know anything about the place, Rex and the girls decided to just follow her lead.

As far as the eyes can see, the place is colored full white.

Hera said that the materials made in this place are sturdier than in other sectors, it is the same materials as the materials used to make the great wall surrounding Ratmawati City.

Through years of in-depth research, the scientist finally able to manipulate these materials.

"Rex! Look at that! That building is literally flying!", Rosie said excitedly while pointing in a direction.

Rex only replies with a gentle smile, he's touching his temple with a frown, 'Damn, I drink too much. Thankfully my Werewolf body can make me sober up faster, if not I don't know if I can even walk', his mind is somewhere else.

After exiting the train station, a white car stopped in front of them making a screeching sound.

Rex and the others stopped,

The door of the car opened revealing a man wearing a white uniform, he's standing straight like an arrow with a gentle smile on his face.

He approaches Rex and said, "You must be Rex Silverstar am I correct?", he stretches out his hand for a handshake.

Hearing this, Rex was confused, "That's right, and you are?"

"Forgive me for my late introduction, I am Mathias one of the lecturer's assistants of Faraday University assigned to be your assistant during your visit", he retracts his hand before replying politely.

Rex rubs his chin in thought, "How do you know I'm here?"

Mathias points above the train railway, there lies a round object that surrounded the railway, "That thing will scan all the people and items a train brought, it is one of our latest discoveries", he said with a proud look.

'Huh, that's a good security system', Rex thought while nodding his head.

Hera steps forward and asks, "Mathias, Why can't the train go further? this place is still far away from Faraday University"

"There is an accident in the station in front of this one, it suddenly exploded. The FAA is investigating this so we must go by car", Mathias explains.

Rex looks to his side and saw smoke hovering in the sky, what Mathias said was indeed the truth. There seems to be an explosion in front.

After exchanging pleasantries, Mathias offers to give them a ride to Faraday University for convenience reasons.

Rex didn't decline and enter the car.

The train station is quite far from Faraday University,

Unlike Ochyra University that has a train station inside of it, Faraday University doesn't have one because they are not as gigantic as Ochyra University.

They are more of a high-requirement university that focuses only on the best of the best.

The car they are riding is fast, only thirty minutes and they manage to cover 125 miles half of the journey to get to Faraday University.

Rex looks outside and saw that the place they are in is not that crowded unlike before, only a couple of people can be seen walking around.

"Where are we? Why is it so desolated?", Rex asks, his gut is telling him something is wrong.

Mathias looks outside and frowns, "This is not the way to Faraday University, excuse me for a moment"

Mathias glance at the driver and shouted, "Hey! Where are we going? We got direct order to bring Rex to Faraday University"

The driver didn't answer and only keeps on driving like a robot.

"This guy? I'm sorry, let me teach him a lesson", Mathias said before he walks to the front.

But suddenly,



Rex's ears caught something clicking, he focuses on the sound when suddenly his eyes widened in surprise.

He grabs Rosie, Adhara, and Hera before smashing the car's window to jump out.

Mathias was shocked, he doesn't know what Rex is thinking when suddenly,



The driver in front exploded blowing the car into smithereens, it destroyed the car leaving nothing but a pile of metals.

The four of them got blasted away crashing into a building next to the road, they only got minor injuries but it was still quite a shock to them.

Mathias is nowhere to be seen, he's probably dead under the explosion.

'That was close! Who did this?!', Rex thought as he checks on the other.

The girls and Hera were shocked by Rex's sudden movement but seeing the explosion they thanked Rex in their hearts, if Rex didn't bring them out then they will probably die!

Hera was in disbelief, "Who the hell has the guts to do this?! Although Ochyra University is new, our principal is one of the strongest out of all major universities!"

Rex was also in thought, 'Is this Gregg's plan? to kill me in a fucking car?'

Before they can breathe easily,

Rex suddenly felt something approaching them, he can feel it from afar many strong aura is approaching them.

"Guards up! We have visitors", Rex said to the others.

Hearing this, the others were stunned.

After jumping out of the car, they are flung away crashing into an abandoned warehouse nearby.

The warehouse is huge, there are many unfinished vehicles inside of it with many big tractors filling the warehouse.

Not long after, a group of people clad in all white appeared around them like a ghost.

They are numbering twenty plus peoples, they wear clothes like a white ninja with a katana on their backs, and all of them emits a threatening aura.

Even dumb people will instantly know what they are, Assassins!

Looking at the group of people, Hera sucked in a cold breath.

She's expecting a quarrel between students in Faraday University but who would've thought that before even arriving at Faraday University they already got ambushed by a group of people.

Rex looks at his surrounding, there is two peak rank four and three early rank four that can threaten the girls. Hera is a peak rank four while he himself without the full moon is equivalent to a mid-rank four.

The rest of the white ninja is mid or peak rank three, it will be quite difficult to get out of this situation.

'If worst comes to worst, I will use the remaining lunar blessing to massacre all of them', Rex thought as his eyes glisten evilly.


Meanwhile, in the Vampire Kingdom.

The Vampire King is walking along a hallway alone in thought,

He walks with steady steps that are not fast or slow, his eyes are blank as he seems to be thinking hard about something, and not long after he arrived at a huge door.

The door is sealed and there is a huge red glowing rune in the middle of the door.

The Vampire King exhales gently before pushing the door open,

What greets the Vampire King is a black majestic coffin in the room leaning on some kind of throne,

There are many paintings of their Vampire Ancestors on the sides but the painting above the black coffin is the biggest.

It is chilly inside the room, sinister red energy leaked out of the majestic coffin like an endless tide of blood.

The Vampire King approaches the black coffin and kneels in front of it, his kingly demeanor vanished instantly in front of the black coffin.

He claps his hand and immediately a group of Vampire Guard came out of nowhere inside bringing fifty human women, they all have blank gazes as if there's no soul inside of them.


With a flick of the Vampire King's finger, the fifty women burst into blood and twirl above his head.

The mass lump of blood then levitates into the air before approaching the black coffin.

Upon getting closer to the black coffin, the blood suddenly got sucked into the blood coffin and in a blink of an eye, it all got sucked into it without leaving a single trace.


The black coffin's lid opened abruptly,

The Vampire King lowers his gaze avoiding the creature inside of the coffin's gaze, he felt suppressed by the aura of this creature.

"Elder Nolacula, I rejoice upon your temporary awakening", the Vampire King said while kneeling.

Nolacula who just got awakened from his slumber walks out of the coffin, his claw gripped the coffin tightly before he walks outside.

The bats that are sleeping on the roof of the room suddenly flew toward Nolacula, it then hovers on his back before turning into a black robe covering his entire body.

He opened his eyes slowly and looks at the Vampire King in front of him, "Solomon, my child, why have you awaken me?", an astral voice seeped into Solomon's ear.

"My deepest apologies Elder, this lost lamb simply wants to ask a question", Solomon said with a trembling voice.

He tries to raise his head to be more polite while asking but Nolacula's dark red eyes give a natural fear to him, he can't bring himself to raise his head.

Nolacula frowns, "What is it you want to ask? Speak your mind, Solomon"

After Nolacula allows him to ask, Solomon then opened his mouth and said, "There is a weird occurrence, there is a human-skinned Werewolf that emerges amongst the humans. I'm asking if elder knows something about this"

Hearing this, Nolacula's stoic expression becomes a little bit surprised for a second.

He walks to the side in thought before saying, "There is one moment that I remember, my ancestors once told me there are rituals to possess a human body"

Solomon perked up his ears after hearing Nolacula's words, he never knew of this ritual.

"The exact ritual is a secret so I don't know how, but the Werewolves might know it", Nolacula said, he scoffed in despise after mentioning the Werewolves.

Solomon bowed his head deeper and replied, "Based on the Werewolves, they said it is not one of them"

Nolacula's face was etched with disgust while looking at Solomon, "You believe the Werewolves simply because of their statement? Hah! you're too naive, but if it's true then there's only one possibility"

The mockery coming out of Nolacula's mouth makes Solomon's body shiver, he's afraid that he might get slapped to death right this moment.

Nolacula grins showing his two sharp fangs, "There is a forbidden ritual from ancient times, only the demons know of this forbidden ritual. Ask the demon's ancestor about this, tell them you represent me before asking them, tell Tilrith that we will be even if she tells you this ritual"

Solomon nodded his head, he will immediately do as Nolacula said.

But then a frown appeared on Solomon's face, "I'm sorry elder, but what is this forbidden ritual you speak of?"

Nolacula wanted to go back to his coffin but was stopped by Solomon's question, he glances with his dark red eyes at Solomon briefly making him scared shitless before answering, "Possessing humans is temporary, the human's innate power will eventually push us out but, the forbidden ritual can turn human into us..."


Hearing Nolacula's words makes Solomon's heart thump faster, it's like a lightning exploded on his brain making his breathing heavy.

'We...We can turn humans into our kind?!', Solomon screamed inside his head.

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