The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 935 Unabated Persistance

Chapter 935  Unabated Persistance

'No... Not again!'



'It should never happen, ever. I need to regain control, somehow!'


'I- I can't do it! Flunra... He's keeping the Slave Mark active!'



Demon Lord Kirgil could only complain and shout inside his head, unleashing the frustration and helplessness that he was forced to experience. His body wouldn't listen. No matter how much he tries, the carnage wouldn't stop.

Five minutes have passed, and the damage to the legion was catastrophic.

In a breeze, his own force was scattered.

Contrastingly, the enemy forces ran to the safety of the walls, letting him run rampant freely.

Even though his willpower is still burning strong, blazing with the desire to regain control and stop the massacre he was committing, his claws were now coated heavily with the blood of his own kin that he had killed.

All of the fallen ones would be revived back in Caraptaros, but will it be the same?

It was true that none of the Rastrikan Demons he killed would die permanently, however, that doesn't mean their view of him wouldn't change. Having their own leader sabotaging their assault and even killing them is not something that can be shrugged off easily.

None of them would forget about this.

Demon Lord Kirgil wouldn't be surprised if they become hesitant to follow his leadership.

Because of that, he was struggling with all his might to resist this damned ancient power. A curse that was engraved into him by a Magus, the evil priest who was cruel enough to disregard sanity and punish him in this cruel way.

Killing enemy forces should be a natural thing in war.

Regardless that he killed more than 10,000 people, they are at war, it should be normal.

However, the priest, pompous in supremacy punished him through torture.

Giving him a swift, permanent death would be the honorable route. But the priest wasn't going to give him that grace and decided that forcing him to kill his own kin in return would be the best possible punishment for him.

His vision is now dripping with killing intent, the desire to kill is like a natural hunger.

In the next moment, powerful Rastrikan Demons, four of them that were Demon Captains take hold of his limbs and restrain him in place. 'Yes! Stop me! Use everything you have to stop me! I don't want to do this!' Demon Lord Kirgil shouted inside his head excitedly.

But sadly, their collective might wasn't able to hold him for long.


A blast of demonic energy exploded from Demon Lord Kirgil's body, freeing himself.

Similarly, the Demon Captains were propelled away.

Each of them screeched across the snowy ground before crashing into the walls, the forest, and even rocks. It was a devastating blast that none of them could hope to endure, even with their own demonic energy protecting them.

It was at that moment that Demon Lord Kirgil's countenance grew ghostly.

After millennia of existence decorated with countless battles against a myriad of foes, Demon Lord Kirgil found himself in an unprecedented situation. It was the first time for him to encounter a situation where his power became a disadvantage.

He regretted not heeding the plea of the other fellow Demon Lords.

Had he listened and cast away his pride, regrouping into one, this wouldn't happened.

Even if it did happen, three Demon Lords would be enough to restrain him.

Now that there were no Demon Lords here aside from himself, there was no one stopping him. Naturally, this frustrating situation triggers his Sin Epicenter of Wrath and Envy which in turn sends an excruciatingly painful electric wave from the Slave Mark.

But despite this, his body couldn't stop attacking other Rastrikan Demons.

Demon Lord Kirgil is in a perpetual state of torture.

It was a horrifying thought to be in Demon Lord Kirgil's shoes, his body was tortured with pain and his mind was also tortured as more and more Rastrikan Demons fell to his absolute might that couldn't be stopped.

Only about another ten minutes later, the entire battlefield had become emptier.

All of the Dwarves, Awakened, Tigerman, and Dark Elves that were now inside the safety of the walls sucked in a cold breath as the entire legion was reduced to a fraction of its size with Demon Lord Kirgil kneeling at the center.

His body is riddled with wounds and spasming a couple of times in pain.

Even though he was quite strong, the Demon Captains were able to hurt him for quite a bit.

Numbers also played a big role as the entire Rastrikan Demon legion turned against him, attacking him in order to somehow snap him out of his rampaging state. But in the end, only a handful was left before Demon Lord Kigril fell to his knees.

At this moment, his body has already exerted everything to the point of exhaustion.

"My Lord..." One of the remaining Demon Captain utters.

Currently, half of his torso was gone, and was limping forward before falling to his knees right beside Demon Lord Kirgil with rigid breaths, "What happened? How did your Slave Mark get activated when we're only facing- facing small Dwarves...?"

"Defeat against them shouldn't... be... possible..." He added before falling face-first.

Like an ember, the Demon Captain's body burns and disappears.

But unlike what the Demon Captain thought, Demon Lord Kirgil couldn't hear him as he was still assaulted by the excruciating pain until suddenly, he blinked his demonic eyes a couple of times and took in a huge amount of air into his lungs.

Prostating on the ground, he then started panting as the Slave Mark dimmed.

"It- It stopped... Finally..." He uttered silently.

Raising his gaze weakly, Demon Lord Kirgil was faced with the hauntingly empty battlefield and realized that he was the one who caused this. In the end, he could only grit his teeth and assemble his remaining strength to dash away.

With Flunra still around, he could stay idle here or else he would be killed.

Even though he would be reborn if he died, he would be weakened for quite some time.

Demon Lord Kirgil doesn't want that, so he needs to escape from this place.

Upon seeing that Demon Lord Kirgil attempts to escape, a couple of leaders including Sir Daniel and Lady Lauren command those under them to chase after the wounded Demon Lord, with no intention of letting him go.

It was true that the fight ended as their victory.

However, leaving Demon Lord Kirgil alive would've been a dangerous move for them.

One day he would come back again, seeking revenge if he managed to escape.

With an unstoppable tide of determination, the defending forces poured forth from the safety of the walls, sweeping across the entire battlefield and mercilessly dispatching the remaining Rastrikan Demons, who were now scattered.

Having no chance of winning, they attempt to flee the desolate battleground.

The Dwarves, Dark Elves, and Tigermen were the ones most excited about this situation.

None of them expected that the day of them chasing the infamous Rastrikan Demons who were fleeing a battle would come. But it did, and the sense of superiority and triumph fueled them with unabating endurance.

Despite their fatigue, all of them sprinted without the care in the world.

Just then, a figure landed at the very front of the charging force, halting their stampede.

It was Flunra who saw what happened from start to finish.

"Focus on chasing the remaining demons. Don't underestimate Demon Lord Kirgil, I'll be the one to chase after him" Flunra said with a stern tone, seeing that many of them were getting ahead of themselves to chase Demon Lord Kirgil.

Even though he's weakened heavily, he's still a Demon Lord.

After saying that, he turned around before dashing into the snowy woods once again.

Leaving the battlefield to chase the main leader of the enemy force, Flunra sniffed the air and followed the bloody and ashen scent that was coming from Demon Lord Kirgil. It's easy to keep track of him now that the Slave Mark is deactivated.

'His Slave Mark is unique, the others shouldn't have that kind of effect' Flunra pondered.

Witnessing the scene from earlier, it became quite obvious.

Flunra doesn't know fully about the Slave Mark as much as the Magus of the Ancient Humans, but he does know that Slave Marks are capable of suppressing a Supernatural's power, and its suppression varies depending on the category of the Slave Mark.

Just like his Slave Mark, he would be severely weakened if that happened.

But this should be the only effect it has.

Surprisingly, the Slave Mark that was branded on Demon Lord Kirgil has more effects.

It was a special Slave Mark capable of also making him berserk.

Although it was not the time, Flunra couldn't help but feel curious about the Slave Mark.

'If I could get my hands on the configurations of his Slave Mark, the intricate combination of ancient runes, and their powers, it would undoubtedly provide us with a significant advantage in the final showdown. If Rex were here, I'm sure he would have considered the same" Flunra thought, nodding his head with determination.

No matter what, he would need to capture Demon Lord Kirgil.

However, since Demon Lord Kirgil is weakened already, it wouldn't be hard to capture him.


Picking up his pace, he could already see Demon Lord Kirgil not far from him.

Flunra's eyes flickered with a dark hue, leaving a trail of dark energy that followed him as his body turned into a blurry shadow, closing in on the unsuspecting Demon Lord Kirgil who was desperately trying to escape.

But then, his eyes darted to the right seeing a blur appeared right beside him.


A powerful punch landed on his face, forcing out a groan.

'There's no end to his persistence!' Demon Lord Kirgil gritted his teeth tiredly.

Under the sheer force of the punch, the demonic armor-like skin on Demon Lord Kirgil's face cracked. With the agility of a striking snake, Flunra pressed his advantage, digging his claws into the skin and seizing Demon Lord Kirgil by the collarbone directly.

Gripping him in place, Flunra coated his claws with dark energy and slashed him in the face.


Demon Lord Kirgil got propelled to the side, and his collarbone shattered.

Even though he was weakened, he managed to enlarge his arm and punch Flunra's entire being with all his might, sending him also crashing away to the opposite side and destroying multiple trees that obstructed his path.

'I must make a swift exit out of here!'

Seeing a chance, Demon Lord Kirgil used the momentum to escape once again.

However, Flunra's lightning-fast reflexes and battle instincts honed through countless battles kicked in. He seized a nearby tree as he was being propelled and with a swift manipulation of his energy, transformed it into a sharp, lance-like splinter.

Charging it with power, he hurled it directly at Demon Lord Kirgil.


Like a bullet, the infused splinter broke the sound barrier and pierced through the air.

Startled by a piercing sound from behind, Demon Lord Kirgil quickly turned to look over his shoulder. In a fraction of a second, he spotted the sharp object heading toward him, but he couldn't react in time thanks to his weakened state.

Nothing obstructed its way as the splinter impaled him from behind, jutting out of his chest.

This sent him stumbling across the snowy ground like a ragdoll.

When he recovered, he struggled to rise, hacking up a mouthful of blood painfully.

As he examined the jagged shard embedded in his body, he became acutely aware that his regenerative powers had been completely compromised, and his strength would rapidly diminish if stayed here and kept fighting.

Demon Lord Kirgil manipulated his remaining energy and outstretched his right hand.

In a second, a reddish portal slowly materialized.

But his eyes widened in horror as the portal neared completion. In a gruesome spectacle, he witnessed his own right arm cleanly severed and propelled out of his field of vision, splashing a daunting arc of blood in its wake.

Flunra, crouching in a stance appeared in front of him with a grisly grin, "Leaving so soon...?"

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