The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 940 Worse Than Death

Similar to the stream of blood hastened with adrenaline, the black lightning mana inside of him coursed from his heart media to his arm in an instant and also got mixed with his spirit energy, amplifying its power.

It gathered quite an intense aura despite the First Breath.

During the time of waiting for Demon Lord Kirgil, Rex was thinking of an effective method.

A method that would remind everyone about his strength.

Being doubted by the Dwarves to take down the Rastrikan Demons is a good thing for me.

Even though many would be angry when their power is being doubted by others, Rex didn't feel furious at the very least, taking this as a learning lesson instead. Because of this incident, he realized a significant problem that he wasn't aware of.

Despite his feats, there were some forces that still found him foreign.

Additionally, including the recently awakened Superanturals Elders, his feat diminishes.

Rex thanked the Dwarves secretly for helping him realize this problem as if this happened during the fight against the Executor, then the consequences would be catastrophic. It would plummet the morale of his forces if they didn't have full faith in him.

If there's no certainty that he would be able to beat the Executor, then why fight?

Taking this incident as a valuable lesson, he resolved to achieve more astounding feats in order to measure up to the accomplishments of the Executor from ancient times. Various accomplishments of the Executor were ingrained severely in the minds of Supernaturals and survived the test of time.

And to get to that level, he would start with dealing with the Rastrikan Demons.

But defeating them alone is not enough, Rex needs something more.

Just then, it suddenly hit him out of nowhere, and he thought of the perfect method to use.

Rex's eyes glistened ferociously as he eyed Demon Lord Kirgil who was overwhelmed with pain due to the red souls' relentless attacks, to the point of his eyes rolling back. A chant then escapes his mouth, "Ultimate Spell, Sky Imprisonment..."

Instantly after his chant, the sky rumbled thunderously.



Following that, the sky which was covered with dark clouds for miles suddenly spat four intertwining black lightning strikes, four lightning strikes that took the form of a slithering dragon spiraling straight down to Demon Lord Kirgil.

Not regarding Demon Lord Kirgil's condition, the four lightning dragons bite his limbs.

Back then, Rex used this spell to restrain others.

However, due to the power of his opponent and the First Breath, he rarely uses this spell.

Knowing that the surrounding area is covered in water, and Rex did a lightning-based spell, Adhara grabbed Ryze and leaped away, landing on a tree branch to also being hit by the spread of the lightning spell.

On the contrary, Demon Lord Kirgil was hit by the full brunt of the force.

An unfathomable amount of volts invades his body, electrocuting him from the inside severely to the point of seizure. It was a horrendous sight as Demon Lord Kirgil was already in a bad state, weakened badly.

Horrifyingly enough, Rex with his perfect control of energy limits the power output.

He limits it to just enough so that Demon Lord Kirgil will not pass out.

Rex raised his hand as Demon Lord Kirgil got pulled into the sky by the four lightning dragons. While he was being lifted, the red souls didn't stop and chased after him from behind, like a spiraling supernatural phenomenon.

It was only when he reached a considerable height that he stopped.

Due to the relentless attacks from the malicious red souls, swarming him in the sky and constantly attacking, it looked like a red beehive. But Rex ignored the sight and focused on feeling the power of the rune he engraved on Demon Lord Kirgil's chest.

Just then, a radiant glow appeared from within the red beehive.


Following that was the echoing, loud roar of pain coming from Demon Lord Kirgil's mouth.

Visible to the onlookers below, the red souls got propelled away as the Soul Shattering Rune was activated, exploding with a gush of energy before Demon Lord Kirgil's imposing soul also let out an astral scream of pain.

Numerous cracks appeared across its body, the pain was unimaginable.


A moment later, Demon Lord Kirgil's soul was stretched into a couple of fragments.

Each of the soul's limbs was torn from its torso including the head, connected by a single thread of energy that is shaped like a T-pose, a crucifixion of the soul. It was also after that, a notification from the System appeared.

<Killed a peak seventh-rank realm Supernatural, obtained 1 billion Exp>

Upon seeing this, Rex couldn't help but frown.

I did not intend to actually kill him, but it seems the Soul Shattering Rune is too much.

Even though he wanted to make Demon Lord Kirgil a living testament of his might, he couldn't do anything if he could actually endure the Soul Shattering Rune's effect with the condition he was in right now.

But then again, it's not the end of the world.

Just then, another notification from the System appeared.

<Demon Lord Kirgil's body is rendered dead from the excruciating pain, but Demon Lords such as himself will not actually die if his heart and Sin Epicenter are not damaged. Thus, he's technically still alive, but he couldn't revive because his soul was held hostage by the Soul Shattering Rune>

Rex's eyes widened for a second before he smirked deviously. I forgot about that.

For a moment there, he forgot about that.

Demon Lords are unkillable through regular means, and so this has turned even better.

Gazing at Demon Lord Kirgil's fleshy body that was still held by the lightning dragons, and his soul being stretched by the Soul Shattering Rune, Rex smiled as this is exactly what he had depicted in his mind earlier.

With time, his soul would reattach itself back together.

However, the Soul Shattering Rune would intervene again whenever it was almost finished.

A perpetual soul torture method that Rex thought as he browsed through the System's shop earlier. Observing his own barbarity, Demon Lord Kirgil's corpse clamped by the black lightning dragons as well as the stretched-out soul, he was quite satisfied with the sight.

No doubt, anyone who came across this would be terrified.

Even this sight alone, thanks to its height, could be seen from miles and miles away.

Many Supernaturals or even Humans would see this, and if they did, they would remember this incident when Rex Silverstar slaughtered the notorious Rastrikan Demons who dared to face off against him.

It will act as a constant reminder of Rex's incomparable might.

But in order to finish this, he would need to do one more thing to make it perfect.

Last thing, I'll need to create a formation so that the Sky Imprisonment spell would be constantly supplied by lightning mana and wouldn't need to me directly supply it. In that case, this will be automatic, and will never disappear until at least someone as powerful as me decides to take it down.

Although that might happen, Rex doubted it.

With permission from Elder Tilrith, the Demon race wouldn't take it down.

As for the other Supernatural races, they wouldn't go on their way just to take this down.

Rex strode forward and began drawing the formation with the help of the System's guidance, he would need to finish this before he could move on. He has more things to take care of after he's done with the Rastrikan Demons.

Some needed a big decision that he would need to consider carefully.

But making the formation wouldn't take long as the formation is not that complicated.

It'll probably take only about five minutes or slightly longer.

However, while he was doing this, Adhara and Ryze were completely stunned at the sight.

Both of them watched what Rex did to Demon Lord Kirgil from start to finish, and now, both of them still had their eyes fixed on Demon Lord Kirgil's corpse and tortured soul in the sky, constantly letting out an astral groan of pain. None of them expected that Demon Lord Kirgil would end up with this fate.

A fate that is way worse than death itself.

At the very least, if he was killed, the pain wouldn't last that long.

His entire life and story would end, and the world would eventually forget about him. On the contrary, now he was tortured for essentially all eternity, and the world will not forget about him as he would be known as the testament of Rex Silverstar's power.

It was a humiliating fate beyond what anyone can comprehend.

Snapping out of her surprised trance, Adhara shook her head and looked down at Rex who was making the formation in silence. A conflicted feeling arise inside of her, "Just when I thought I've already seen it all, you keep on creating new heights of brutality"

"From time to time, I wonder if I should tell you to tone down that side of yours" She sighed.

Even though it's needed sometimes, this also terrifies Adhara.

But she knew that in this particular situation, this kind of brutality was quite effective.

Now everyone would see the fate that Demon Lord Kirgil suffered and words would spread to every corner of the world. It wouldn't even take long before the words reached back home, Dargena City where the people would have more confidence in Rex.

After all, he was quite kind when he was in the city except for the shocking introduction part.

Nothing is more loved than a ruler who acts fierce and brutal to his enemies but is kind and loving to his people. With this display of might, Rex has already started to establish his presence more and more.

On the other hand, Ryze muttered a question, "Does it have to be as bad as this...?"

"Hmmm...?" Adhara raised her eyebrows. "Of course, the Rastrikan Demons are savages and need to be punished. Also, it's the logical route as with this, the incident like the Dwarves undermining his power would not be a problem anymore" She continued, explaining the effect to Ryze clearly.

She then shrugged her shoulders, "Though it has a bad effect, it's still necessary"

In response, Ryze turned his head and exposed his troubled look.

Clearly, he was not used to seeing such a brutal sight that the enemies suffered.

"I think there will always be other better ways for this, a more humane one that has no need for something like this. Why does Rex always takes the harsh way?" He asked, expressing his emotions out.

Upon hearing this, Adhara felt a chill running down her body.

Not that she felt that Ryze was right, but she was afraid that he would say this to Rex.

Adhara quickly turned to face him and said, her voice stern, "Listen to me carefully, Ryze. I don't want you to say something like this in front of Rex, okay? Can you first promise that you'll be careful for me?"

Despite his confusion, Ryze nodded his head, making a promise to Adhara.

"Well, now to answer your question, there's a good reason for that" Adhara sighed lightly, wiping the sweat on her forehead. "Everything that involves our lives or the lives of many must be done with logical reasoning, not emotional reasoning. I learned that from Rex the hard way. If you ask why, then I'll say this"

Pausing for a second to make sure Ryze was paying attention, she then closed her eyes.

A flash of memories went past her mind for a brief second.

Numerous faces were amongst them which brings clarity and gravity to her answer. Her gleaming white eyes opened, revealing the stark reality. She continued with a somber, warning tone, "The Delarosa Vampire Family consumed by their lust for power and the folly of underestimating Rex, all of them died. The arrogant Atkins Family, once again miscalculating Rex, shared a similar fate, meeting their demise. Zero, in a desperate bid, took the life of Rex's parents, sealing his own doom"

"Do you understand? If you are guided by emotions, you'll die..."

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