The Invincible Full-Moon System

Chapter 952 Vampire's Preparation and Acting

Chapter 952 Vampire's Preparation and Acting

Meanwhile, the abandoned Vampire Kingdom.

Since the emergence of the Executor, the entire populace of the Vampire Kingdom has been evacuated into a temporary safe haven, turning the capital city into a military stronghold crawling with battle-hardened Vampires.

None of them are civilians, none of them made an oath to the Origin for no bloodshed.

On this night, the capital city seemed to be bustling.

A couple of thousand Vampires adorned in reinforced red armor could be seen going around preparing weapons and equipment in preparation for war, they were distributing black rings that would protect them from sunlight, and blood supplies.

Most of them are mainly Vampires from the older generation.

Furthermore, the average power of these Vampires is around the fifth-rank realm.

Due to the suppression of the First Breath, these fifth-rank realm Vampires were rendered incapable of using their blood energy, essentially, very weak. It was hard to believe that they were going to war, but there didn't seem to be fear in their eyes.

As the power of the First Breath bore down upon them, these fifth-rank realm Vampires were rendered incapable of using their blood energy. All of them are significantly weakened. It was hard to believe that they were going to war in their current state.

Oddly, despite their diminished strength, there was no trace of fear in their gazes.

In fact, most of them looked like homunculus. Mindless dolls.

Looking down at them from the high balcony of the castle was Elder Nolacula, his gleaming red eyes seemed to bore thoughts as he watched his people preparing for the upcoming war against the Executor as planned.

"Elder, I've done what you asked" A figure behind him, Solomon said solemnly.

Upon hearing this, Elder Nolacula asked without turning back, "What's the settled ratio?"

"3 out of 10 of them are a Blood Homunculus, the Enchanter settled that this ratio is the best without making it too obvious. If you think it's not enough, should I tell him to lower the ratio?" Solomon shot back another question, wanting to know whether this is enough or not.

If Elder Nolacula found this ratio too risky, then he would lessen the number of Homunculus.

However, that would mean more casualties for them.

Pausing for a moment, Elder Nolacula observed the Vampires below with his probing eyes.

"No, it's fine, the Executor wouldn't notice" Eventually, he shook his head, finding that he would miss that the legion contains Homunculuses if he was not attentive. "What about the Demon, have you heard from them about the preparation?"

"Yes, the Demons is ready to depart. We'll meet up along the way" Solomon replied.

Elder Nolacula exhaled roughly when he heard this, there was a hint of hesitance in his eyes but he knew that it was too late to pull back now. Since it has come to this, he would need to follow through with this until finished.

'I don't think it would be convincing with only us and the Demons' He pondered silently.

Recently, he tried to contact the others to no avail.

During this time, the Storm Prince is probably busy copulating with his pack members in anticipation of the Hare Moon. On the other hand, the Undead and the Shapeshifters haven't gotten back to the message he sent to them.

Obviously, the three don't want to be involved and rather prepare themselves.

Pausing for a second, Elder Nolacula turned to look at Solomon and asked, "What did you tell them the war is about? Have you fed them a fitting agenda? It's important for old Vampires like them to have purpose more than anything"

In preparing for a big war like this, the morale of the soldiers couldn't be neglected.

Morale is just as important if not more than weapons and rations.

If the cause and objective of the war were not clear, the soldiers wouldn't fight as rigorously.

Solomon nodded in response, "I told them that the fight is about the future of all of us" 

"I told them that the war is about giving hope to our people and encouraging the Werewolves, Undead, and Shapeshifters who were fearful of the Executor to fight" As he said this, Solomon stepped towards the edge of the balcony, also gazing down at his people. "We and the Demon race would be doing the entire Supernaturals a favor, and our sacrifices would be remembered for generations"

"Hmm... No wonder most of them are fired up" Elder Nolacula nodded with a smile.

But then, Solomon couldn't help but ask, "Elder, are you sure about this?"

"Do you mean about using more of the older generations instead of the new generation?" Elder Nolacula asked back, followed by a self-assured chuckle. "The majority of them have likely hit their peak and can't grow any stronger. Weeding out the weaker ones is hardly an issue. After all, they've lived for thousands of years, and their potential is likely depleted by now"

"It's good for them to sacrifice their lives for our future" He added, seemingly nonchalant.

Out of nowhere, their attention was pulled away.

Both of them saw two figures stepping out of the castle with steady steps.

A pair of figures walked into the forecourt before making their way to the gate and exited.

Leading the way at the very front is a figure draped in a regal ensemble, a striking amalgam of black and red that elegantly covers her chest down to her feet. A ribbon of the same inky shade graces her midnight-black hair, adding a touch of youth to her visage.

Alongside her is another figure, exuding a more mature and dignified aura with pinkish hair.

One glance is all it takes to recognize the two. Nezera and Calidora.

"Solomon, what are the two of them doing?" Elder Nolacula asked with a deepening frown.

Upon hearing this, Solomon shook his head, "I don't know..."

It was surprising to see Calidora leaving her bed chamber, the place she cramped herself in ever since she came back from Origin knows where. However, it was obvious that she had something to do based on her expression.

Keeping a watchful gaze from above, the two saw Calidora head to the legion compound.

"To my knowledge, she has never adored her noble position and established herself as the Vampire Princess of this new era. She had no presence amongst the people, so what could possibly motivate her to go there?" Elder Nolacula uttered, voicing his curiosity.

Despite it felt bitter to hear about that, Solomon knew that Elder Nolacula was right.

Calidora has never embraced her royal position.

Most of the time, she complained about the fact that she couldn't go out of the castle.

Although she started to change, and it was evident since the obsession passed down by the Eyes of Terror, she still remains the same in wanting to do anything she wants. So seeing her heading to the people like this, especially since most are from the older generations, is surely a surprising sight.

It didn't take long for Calidora and Nezera to reach the legion compound.

Upon seeing their arrival, the generals and captains turned to look at them in confusion.

All of the Vampires that were busy preparing the logistics of the war also stopped for a second, gazing at the two in silence. Even though some don't recognize Calidora, they recognize Nezera standing behind her.

Calidora scanned their eyes before she bowed her torso politely.

"I don't mean to interrupt the war preparation" Calidora started, her voice dulcet and soothing to the ears. "I know most of you don't know me, so I'll introduce myself first. I am Calidora Blodirra from the Blodirra Family"

"I don't intend to interrupt the war preparation," Calidora began, her voice dulcet and melodious, soothing to the ears. "I realize that most of you are unfamiliar with me, so allow me to introduce myself. I am Calidora Blodirra from the Blodirra Family. But I'm here not as myself, but as a representation of the new generation"

"Please, accept this gift of gratitude for what you all are doing" She added.

Handing out the basket in her hands, the Vampires around looked at it and saw a couple of roses, filled with blood energy inside. "I awakened the Eyes of Terror and wanted to help, even a little. I can't make a lot, but I hope this will help"

Upon hearing this, the Vampires in the main hut looked at each other in surprise.

One of them then stood up and approached her.

It was the general, General Kurt from the Morelli Family who was tasked to lead this army.

"We really appreciate your gesture, young Calidora. I, Kurt Morelli, on behalf of the others, accept this generous gift" General Kurt takes the basket filled with roses and pats Calidora on the head. "Thank you, this will certainly help"

Obviously, the general was touched by this gesture. 

Knowing Calidora from the rumor, he was surprised that she was not as the rumor said.

Just as he received the gift on behalf of everyone, the general noticed Calidora's teary eyes and saw her sobbing. Nezera, ever supportive, gently rubbed her back to offer comfort, while General Kurt was completely taken aback by this sudden emotional shift.

Similarly, the others were also experiencing the same.

Watching her, who most of them thought to be a brat was not and is not crying softened them.

"Young Calidora, what's wrong?" General Kurt asked in concern.

Upon hearing this, Calidora attempted to wipe away her tears, but they were swiftly replaced by fresh ones. "I... I'm sorry, I wasn't going to cry, but it's hard. I'm such a baby, I'm sorry" She put on a sad smile and continued. "Remembering what the Executor had done in the past, I'm scared..."

"I'm scared that the Executor will rule the world again" She added before her cry intensified.

Nezera quickly held her, intending to bring her away, "I'm sorry, I'll take her back"

Despite the suddenity of the situation, it doesn't resolve the effect it brought as General Kurt and the other Vampires feel a pang in their hearts as they watch Calidora's back going further away. It also brought their minds back to the time when the Executor enslaved them.

A time that none of them wanted to happen ever again.

Unconsciously, the Vampires including General Kurt have their fists clenched tightly.

"Young Calidora!"

Hearing her name called, Calidora turned and realized that it was General Kurt.

Compared to earlier, when his eyes had been quite indifferent and slightly exhausted, they now blazed with a rekindled fire of resoluteness. General Kurt clenched his hands tighter and kept his gaze fixed on Calidora before eventually saying, "Don't be scared, you have nothing to fear. We will do everything we can... We will make sure that never happens, and that's a promise"

Following that, the other Vampires there also nodded in affirmation.

Upon seeing this, Calidora's face brightened up as she gave them a smile and left the place.

A moment later, Calidora and Nezera are now in the balcony.

"Since when are you so good at acting, daughter? Is that a new skill you picked from playing too much with Queen Shanaela?" Solomon asked, eyeing his own daughter warily as he was surprised by her feat earlier.

With one move, she increased the morale of the soldiers very high.

It was also specifically tailored to the agenda he told the people about, making it effective.

Calidora's visit gave them the purpose of securing the future.

Keeping silent while making eye contact with her own father, Calidora ignored his remarks and turned to look at Elder Nolacula who was also eyeing her with interest. "How is it, Elder? Do you think what I did increase their morale, even for a bit?"

"Yes, indeed. I suppose your act is quite effective" Elder Nolacula grinned excitedly.

He was not expecting Calidora to be this manipulative.

Moreover, he was aware that she had an ulterior motive behind her actions. It seemed improbable that she was doing this solely to assist them. "So," he inquired, "what do you want in return? Is it the freedom to go wherever you please, with no interference from your parents?"

Upon hearing this proposition, Solomon frowned.

If Elder Nolacula gave her permission, then he couldn't do anything to rebut it.

Surprisingly, Calidora shook her head, wearing a mysterious smile, and turned with the intention of getting back inside. However, she maintained eye contact with Elder Nolacula as she spoke, "No, actually. I want a castle of my own for solitude, anywhere will suffice. Is that a possible request, Elder?"

"Now why do you want that?" Elder Nolacula asked, trying to peer through Calidora's mind.

However, in response, Calidora's smile stretched wider eerily.

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