The Irregular Maker Rewrite

Arc 1: Broken – Chapter 3

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1: Broken - Chapter 3

20 minutes later*

"Do you really have to bring that with you?" Daisuke looks out of the corner of his eye, where Gilgamesh is carrying a stuffed duck in a butler's outfit. To be precise, it's the one he won for her in the arcade.

"Of course, after all, I'm trying to make myself look like I'm not a Servant." Gilgamesh scoffs, "If anything, you need to dress like one. Carrying that sword of yours isn't going to cut it."

Daisuke raises an eyebrow, "I'll have you know that there was a Servant in a black suit."

"Right, a Servant I didn't notice." Gilgamesh rolls her eyes.

"Can't you just use your Noble Phantasm: Sha Naqba Imuru to find out if what I said is true or not?" Daisuke squints his eyes at Gilgamesh.

"I can, but I won't." Gilgamesh huffs. "Using that Noble Phantasm will give me a considerable headache if I use it for too long. Besides, knowing everything would take all the fun out of things."

He wonders if this is Gilgamesh's arrogant ego talking.

"Besides, the moment I use this Noble Phantasm. I'll know everything in an instant. Including the many different outcomes of your plans." Gilgashment continued. "If anything, I would also try my best to ignore most of the information given to me and focus on the ones I want. But that would take too long and make it impossible for me to do anything in combat other than fully activate it."

Daisuke didn't bother to follow up with another question and just thought about what outfit he should wear to disguise himself as a Servant. Or if he shouldn't even bother since it wouldn't matter much in the end. After all, no one would think that Gilgamesh is a Servant by the way she dressed and acted. Besides, that stuffed duck bulter toy isn't helping her image, either.

"By the way, what's with the suitcase you're carrying?" Gilgamesh points out.

"Something I should have done eariler." Daisuke crouched down, then put the case on the ground and the nodachi aside.

Gilgamesh leans over to see what's inside the suitcase.

Inside the suitcase is a futuristic design that resembles a transparent slab, but it's a smartphone. Next to it are three metallic spheres the size of golf balls.

"And they are...?" Gilgamesh frowns. You can hear how confused she is.

"This is a smartphone and spy drone." Daisuke introduces them, then gives a short explanation about them. Especially the smartphone since it's from the Watch Dogs: Legion video game.

Of course, such a high-tech smartphone is pretty much useless at this point in time when technology is just advancing. Especially since it's right now 1994 and the smartphone came out in 1992. But it can't be compared to the smartphone in front of them. Same with the spy drones, originally made connected to the smartphone.

Picking up the smartphone, Daisuke threw it to Gilgamesh, who caught it, and the smartphone activated itself. After that, the spy drones activated and a blue glowing halo appeared at the top, all three moving on their own and hovering around Gilgamesh.

"Why?" Gilgamesh asks, staring at the smartphone, which has four screens for the three spy drones. Along with the fourth screen that gives instructions on how to use the smartphone and the spy drones. "Not that I mind the sudden gift, but you must have a reason for giving me this?"

"What better disguise than a smartphone in your hand when we reveal ourselves?" Daisuke closed the suitcase, then picked up his nodachi from the ground and continued on his way to the harbor, the first place where all the Servants had gathered in the canon timeline.

"Well, with these spy drones, I can say for sure. We'll have an easier time finding everyone. Including the Masters." Gilgamesh grinned as she played with the spy drones. "By the way, what are the chances of a seventh Master appearing? After all, if I remember correctly, you mentioned how you decided to use the remaining empty slots for Masters in the Holy Grail War to allow me to move around without Command Seals binding me?"

"Zero." Daisuke answered without hesitation.

Of course, he didn't mention how he did this to remove an unstable variable that would make this Holy Grail War follow the canon version of Fate Zero. Forget about using the whole canon. He has his own way of doing things, and Omnifabrication will make it happen.

40 minutes later*

Daisuke watches as Saber and Lancer fight, complimenting each other on their skill and chivalry. He tries to spot anyone else from his position in one of the many buildings overlooking the center of the harbor where the battle occurs.

"I don't think that knight over there was pretending to be a man by wearing a black suit." Gilgamesh said to Daisuke, who looked like he was about to say something, but thought twice and decided to remain silent. "I must say that Lancer is pleasant to the eyes, even with that cursed love mark on his face. But for a queen like me, I have seen many better-looking men. But they are all half-breeds in the end."

He starts to pay less attention to Gilgamesh's monologue and decides what to invent next to fix his lack of ability to find the servants and masters, unlike in the past when he made people do the searching for him instead. This makes him realize that he has more weaknesses that need to be found as soon as possible. So he can get rid of them.

"Are you listening to me, Maker?" Gilgamesh stares at Daisuke coldly. "If I only wanted to hear my own voice. I don't need you here."

And just like that, Daisuke remembers who Gilgamesh is; female or male wouldn't matter. Fortunately, he has many ways to deal with Gilgamesh without risking his life.

"I am, but I am also trying to find out if there is a chance that others like us are watching nearby." Daisuke replied while his grip on the nodachi tightened a bit. Something that did not escape Gilgamesh's notice. "And I have found the first one." He stared blankly into the sky, not showing that he was bluffing. Of course, he wasn't wholly bluffing when he knew that a pair of Servant and Master were watching the fight between Saber and Lancer from on top of a bridge nearby, according to the canon timeline.

Before Gilgamesh can say a word, the battle between Saber and Lancer seems to end due to an interruption from Lancer's Master, as Lancer tries to convince his Master, who should be in one of the nearby buildings watching from afar, that he can take on Saber without using his Noble Phantasms.

This part shouldn't have occurred in the canon, as Lancer would gladly use his Noble Phantasm, the long red spear, first before using both spears entirely. But that doesn't seem to be the case here.

Daisuke finds it funny that Saber is standing and waiting for Lancer to finish his conversation with his Master. Others would take advantage of this and strike Lancer while his guard is slightly lower. That if they can move faster than Lancer's speed in movement and reaction.

"Hm. Your prediction of almost all the Servants coming here seems true. Most of the Masters are here, with a few wise enough to be further away." Gilgamesh comments on what has happened so far.

He didn't feel like correcting Gilgamesh. Since this world is close to the canon timeline, at least going by the characters, almost all of the Servants would be the same as in the canon, except for maybe a change in who would be Gilgamesh's replacement. She'll be disappointed when she finds out why one of the Masters wasn't trying to be smart, staying far away from the battle between Saber and Lancer to gather information on them by other means that other Masters couldn't do.

It's because Berserker's Master is on his last legs, yet he still keeps moving forward through sheer willpower. And even that won't last long unless something helps the guy, but Daisuke wasn't a saint by any means, nor would he help Berserker's Master—more than one reason why.

"Tell me, Maker. When shall I reveal myself?" Gilgamesh no longer gave Daisuke a cold look and continued to watch the fight.

"Not yet. Besides, I have found the next Master. There. On the roof of the warehouse northeast of Saber's Master. Should be Lancer's Master." Daisuke replied, making Gilgamesh look in the direction he pointed.

"Hm." Gilgamesh looks away from Lancer's Master and sees in time for Lancer to drop his short yellow spear in exchange for wielding his long red spear with both hands.

A strike from Lancer's long red spear momentarily reveals Saber's invisible sword to everyone who can see it.

"Excalibur." Daisuke said the name of the sword that Saber wields.

"Indeed." Gilgamesh takes an interest in Saber.

Soon they see Lancer wound Saber on her right side, bypassing her armor and drawing blood. Saber is forced to withdraw from the fight and is quickly healed by Irisviel, who poses as Saber's Master.

"Looks like Saber made a mistake." Gilgamesh comments on Saber's reckless attack.

"Lack of information about the enemy would do that to you." Daisuke says calmly.

"Agree." Gilgamesh nods in approval. "Who do you think will win? Saber or Lancer?"

"It depends on the situation and if the other Servants watching would interfere." Daisuke answers.

"That's true." Gilgamesh continues to watch the fight.

Saber said something to Lancer before removing her armor, leaving her in just her battledress without much protection.

Daisuke glances over the battlefield, trying to find something for a few seconds before frowning as Lancer retrieves his short yellow spear that was buried in the ground and counters Saber's sword strike while she uses Mana Burst to increase her speed beyond what she usually does. But it wasn't enough against Lancer.

"Well, it looks like Saber's out of luck. Lancer severed the tendon in Saber's left wrist." Gilgamesh shook her head and let out a disappointed sigh. "Perhaps her Master can heal it. Ah, it seems Saber's injury can't be healed. All because of that yellow spear."

"So, have you figured out Lancer's identity? Saber is King Arthur, also known as the King of Knights, but she could also go by another name." Daisuke asks Gilgamesh.

"The First Spear of the Knights of Fianna, Diarmuid of the Love Spot. Bearer of the Gae Buidhe, a spear that makes all wounds caused by it unhealable, and the Gae Dearg, a spear that renders magical defenses powerless by piercing them." Gilgamesh smiles as she reveals the identity of Lancer to Daisuke, not realizing that he already knew all along.

"Do you think we can steal his spears? I don't mind having spears that can inflict unhealable wounds and bypass magical defenses." Daisuke blinks a few times. "Actually, I should be able to make a pair for myself and they don't have to be spears either."

"You know, Maker. Suppose I didn't know how you make so many impossible things before this queen's eyes. I would have told you to give up such an impossible dream, but I wouldn't be surprised if you could recreate all the Noble Phantasms in history." Gilgamesh praises Daisuke's craftsmanship. "Now, let's see how well Saber will fare against Lancer without being able to wield her sword with both hands."

Daisuke didn't say anything. He was too busy thinking about all the Noble Phantasms he could recreate in his versions. Unlike Shirou Emiya, he didn't have many limitations when recreating Noble Phantasm weapons.

The people of this world will have a hard time dealing with him.

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