The Irregular Maker Rewrite

Arc 2: Experiments – Chapter 7

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 2: Experiments - Chapter 7

A week later*

"I have to say, this is much more fun than I expected." Scathach smiles at Daisuke as she tries to stab him. Something she has not been able to do for the last few hours.

Thanks to Flawless, Daisuke can easily see all his future actions and their results. Therefore, all he had to do was take the steps that wouldn't cause him too many injuries and wouldn't use up too much of his stamina while still avoiding being stabbed to death. So many fast spear thrusts and spear swipes have already numbed him at this point. It is risky, but it must be done as soon as possible.

It's a good thing that Omnifabrication makes this possible and makes it a one-time thing. There is no way he would ever put himself into a risky training method again.

Of course, this doesn't mean he came out unscathed initially. But as time went on, his body could follow all the steps that Flawless gave him without many problems, especially when he would partially summon The World through his body, which vastly increased all the physical aspects.

A golden portal appears above Scathach. A massive ballista-like weapon emerges from the portal.

True Nine Lives: True-Shooting the Hundred Heads. This is the name of the weapon and the prototype version of the Nine Lives in the Gate of Babylon. It uses an automatically guided nine-laser Anti-Phantasmal Beast ability. Or, in this case, turning a single bolt into nine laser beams with an auto-lock homing function to stall long enough to give himself some breathing room.

Scathach didn't even have to look as she destroyed all the projectiles before they could touch the fabric of her bodysuit.

Seeing this, Daisuke stopped using the True Nine Lives, but it gave him enough time to breathe and do what was necessary to survive.

"Okay, no more!" Daisuke saw enough with Flawless that if he didn't stop now. His death rate would go from 0% to 1% in the next few seconds as he saw no other steps to survive besides relying on The World and Rashomon afterward.

"Haah?!" Scathach glared at Daisuke in anger. "Who says you can give up?! I was just finished warming up here!"

What the hell does she mean she just finished warming up? He knows for a fact that it has been more than a few hours. But then again, for someone like her and the time she spent in the Land of Shadows, this could just as well be a warm-up.

Daisuke quickly pulled the nodachi out of the Gate of Babylon, causing Scathach to grin as she lunged at him with reckless abandon. But she promptly retreated when she saw seven wires coming out of the sheath, splitting into thousands to surround her and nearly cut her if she had continued her frontal attack.

"All right, seriously. Unlike everyone else here. I'm not an endurance freak." Daisuke dropped to the ground tired, drenched in sweat and blood. "I gave you your spar, which took too long for my comfort."

Of course, he didn't want to say outright that he only wanted to test the limits of his own body with Flawless and, at the same time, improve his body beyond its limits through Omnifabrication as a side quest. After all, why not?

"I don't like being teased, Daisuke." Scathach slowly walks around the barrier made of sharp wires, which are not just wires, as they sprout sharp spikes that would almost poke holes in her if she didn't dodge them after probing them with the tip of her spearhead. "I've waited quite a while to spar with you after you promised me."

Daisuke begins to regret allowing Justeaze to summon Scathach, but she is a damn good warrior, that's for sure. He just wishes he hadn't stupidly risked his life when he could have easily created something that would have given him the same result without risking death to himself instead of being a hot-headed madman who wanted to test his limits against the famous Scathach.

Well, lessons learned. He is aware of his reckless behavior. But he wonders if he is willing to change it. He knows that if he doesn't change it, he will have a very short life.

"One move." Scathach demands as she slowly walks a few feet away. Both of her spears are covered in a crimson aura that screams death.

Seeing this, Daisuke sighed but stood up anyway and used the Third Magic for infinite Magical Energy as the materials for Omnifabrication to completely repair all his injuries, repairing his suit and returning him to his previous state before facing Scathach as if he had never fought Scathach for hours.

"Your way of thinking is bizarre, but fascinating. But it's also dangerous." Scathach comments on Daisuke's crazy healing. "It makes me even more interested in you, Daisuke."

"I'd rather have you be interested in others." Daisuke said dryly as he partially summons The World through his body, followed by fully wrapping himself with Rashomon in an exoskeleton-like armor using the wires around him.

"Why do you have to say that? Isn't it good that a beautiful woman like me is interested in you?" Scathach takes a step forward, signaling to Daisuke that she is about to attack.

"It is." Daisuke also steps forward while adjusting to a sword drawing stance. "But your way of showing your interest in men seems to involve stabbing them to get your blood flowing. I don't feel like being stabbed in any way."

"Well, no one is perfect." Scathach lung with the right spear would rob Daisuke's movement by pinning him to a spot in the air, and the second demonic spear would pierce through everything once thrown with all her might.

Or it would have been the case if Daisuke hadn't foreseen this. Using the exoskeleton-like armor of Rashomon as a decoy to take his place while stopping time with The World so that he can slip out of the exoskeleton-like armor without giving away that he has changed location. He then moves quickly as he appears behind Scathach, the blade of his nodachi resting against her neck as time flows again.

To Daisuke's relief, Scathach did not continue with her next attack. Or at least she didn't throw her second demonic spear like the first one, pinning Rashomon for a few seconds before the exoskeleton-like armor disappeared.

"I knew you were holding back, but I had no idea you were holding back this much." Scathach smiles at Daisuke with massive bloodlust.

"Setanta, it's your turn." Daisuke stopped time again, grabbed Setanta from the side along with the rest who were watching the whole thing for entertainment, placed him next to Scathach, and then walked to the side before starting time again.

"Wait, what?!" Setanta cries in panic and runs away quickly, not wanting to face Scathach in the state she is in.

"Why did you summon Setanta again?" Justeaze asks Daisuke as they watch Setanta run for his life with the bloodthirsty Scathach chasing after him.

"No reason other than a random thought to summon someone." Daisuke lies through his teeth.

"Right." Justeaze didn't show it on her face, but Daisuke could tell that she didn't believe him for a second.

In a short time, Scathach calmed down and Setanta was lying on the ground, exhausted.

"Master, it seems we can act again." Justeaze brought the Holy Grail over to Daisuke to see the moving engraved symbols that he couldn't understand, but he knew once again that it was time for him to act in this world again.

"Right, let's move. Today might be the last day we stay in this world." Daisuke is bored out of his mind, having to wait for the Holy Grail to cover his existence more after he destroyed the Teigu: Spectator to get Flawless. But it was worth it, and today, he is doing his best to get the most important things for the Omnifabrication before he leaves for another world.

"Yay...!" Altera did a small hop to show her excitement.

"I'll go pack the essentials for the journey." Artoria hurried off to get her bag of food, which had grown since the first day, for she had learned that no one would stop her from overeating or prevent her from storing more food.

Hours later*

Daisuke lets Rashomon devour all the soldiers of the Empire.

Scathach didn't see Esdeath as a challenge and instead hunted down nearby danger beasts at Daisuke's request.

Artoria and Setanta join forces to deal with Esdeath.

Altera plunders resources everywhere and stacks them next to Daisuke, which he puts in the Gate of Babylon for later usage.

"You know, I have a feeling that Artoria could have killed Esdeath by herself by now if she hadn't let Setanta be the main attacker instead of being a support." Justeaze said to Daisuke. "Why are you letting Setanta gain combat experience through this when you can just give him all the experience of his future selves through the Holy Grail?"

"Because those are Setanta's future in the Nasuverse." Daisuke replied. "Can you imagine with his potential and experience the multiverse?"

"Hm. Who knows?" Justeaze shrugs. "By the way, why did we come up north other than to let Artoria and Setanta face Esdeath? You didn't bring us here to try your luck with Esdeath, did you? Because if that's all you want, I can easily help you find other women in the Throne of Heroes, or anyone else in the Nasuverse, to have your way with."

"No. And if I wanted to have sex. Then you and the other girls have already ensured I'm satisfied." Daisuke shivered slightly at remembering how rough Scathach liked it.

Well, except for Altera. He still fears that his dick will be broken if he has sex with Altera.

"Then why did we come here?" Justeaze asks once more.

"Esdeath is why we are here." Daisuke replied, then quickly explained why when he noticed Justeaze's gaze. "I want to test something and see the result. Esdeath is the main key to see if the experiment I have in mind would work or not."

Of course, it would work with Omnifabrication. But he wants to see what would happen with Esdeath with strong will and determination.

"I don't know why, but I have the feeling you're trying to prove me wrong, even though there's no point since you can order me to do whatever you want." Justeaze gave off a confused feeling. "Oh, look. The fight is almost over."

True to Justeaze's words, Artoria and Setanta finally take Esdeath down. The unconscious form of Esdeath lies at their feet, showing who won the battle. Though it was an unfair fight, life is unfair, and everyone here knows it.

Daisuke uses Rashomon to teleport right next to the three of them, bringing Justeaze with him. He looks down at Esdeath.

Esdeath is a beauty, even with the injury inflicted by Artoria and Setanta. But right now, he has something more important to focus on than Esdeath's beauty.

Before anyone could ask, Rashomon appeared beside Esdeath. The beast devoured Esdeath in one gulp as the Omnifabrication took effect. This caused Rashomon to undergo a massive transformation as the form became more humanoid until everyone could see it turn into Esdeath's appearance, but she was no longer wearing her general outfit, but was covered in a black-like substance that covered her essential parts.

Unlike before, the white parts of her eyes became black, and they contained a deep, endless hunger to devour everything, but there was also a new emotion in those eyes that Rashomon would not normally have. Instead, they also contain wisdom and greed, along with the sadistic glint in their eyes that wants to wreak havoc on everything and everyone around them.

Of course, as in the original, Rashomon is still connected to Daisuke's clothes, with only a single thin thread connecting them.

"So, are you Rashomon or Esdeath?" Daisuke asks, making everyone snap out of what just happened.

"I am both Rashomon and Esdeath, Master." Rashomon/Esdeath spoke in a soothing, gentle voice.

"Who is in control?" Daisuke continues with his question.

"In a sense, Esdeath is technically the primary controller, as she has greater wisdom and intelligence than Rashomon; however, as Rashomon, I have influenced her on a deeper level so that any thoughts Esdeath has will always have Master as the main priority." Rashomon/Esdeath replies. "I will answer in both names. Master, you may choose by which name you will address me.

"Well, for now, in this form. I'll call you by Esdeath, but when you switch to your original form, I'll call you by Rashomon." Daisuke ignores Altera, appearing with the next pile of loot he stores in the Gate of Babylon.

"As you command, Master." Esdeath bows to Daisuke before disappearing.

"What just happened?" Setanta asks the question shared by everyone except Daisuke, Altera, and Scathach, who has yet to return.

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