The Irregular Maker Rewrite

Arc 3: Forming – Chapter 3

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 3: Forming - Chapter 3

A Month later*

"Master, I am bored...!" Esdeath groans loudly, not that anyone would hear her now that she has managed to adapt and evolve to change her sound frequency so that anyone and anything can detect her through sound.

"Esdeath, why not switch to Rashomon? At least then you wouldn't be bored to death." Daisuke tries not to let Esdeath influence him as he concentrates on figuring out what to create next and who to have sex with afterward to relieve some frustration.

"Rashomon just sleeps the entire time! Not caring about anything else other than when is needed from Master." Esdeath scowls, looking to the side in frustration. "The moment I switch to Rashomon. I'll be half asleep and monitoring Namimori like always. Even now, I'm monitoring this place, and it's boring."

"You can also do some research on the internet. I built this laptop mainly for researching the level of technology in this world in the public and private databases." Daisuke points to the high-tech laptop on the table next to the bed.

"Too boring. Besides, the moment I look through this... internet that is filled with a lot of information. It will ruin my expectations of what we will face in the future. Not to mention, it would make torture extra boring if I had to learn about different kinds of torture instead of discovering it myself." Esdeath refused to use the laptop.

"Then go mess with Nana. That's what you've been doing for a month now." Daisuke said to Esdeath as he pulled out a nameless Noble Phantasm from the Gate of Babylon to be used as a material.

"Uh, I got bored of it. By the way, you should know that she will have sex with you, Master. If you show even a hint of it, she will throw herself at you." Esdeath explained before quickly shifting into Rashomon and disappearing into the ground to avoid being confronted by Daisuke.

Daisuke rubbed the bridge between his eyebrows, noticing how much Esdeath had changed after a month of merging with Rashomon. She is more perverted than a murderous, sadistic woman. Well, she is still going by the many methods of death she had caused in the past month since their arrival in this world.

Going back to the Noble Phantasm, he will destroy it so that it can be recreated into something new through Omnifabrication.

Soon, the nameless Noble Phantasm was reduced to ashes and turned into a burning katana, with the blade itself appearing as if it hadn't cooled yet and emitting a great deal of heat.

The heat generated by the katana raised the room's temperature very high as if a massive heat wave had just arrived. This didn't last long, however, as cold air blew into the room, preventing the heat from rising. Unfortunately, the cold air wasn't enough to block the heat coming from the katana.

But that didn't matter because it was under Daisuke's control. The heat decreased and the blade of the katana slowly cooled down. Now, it looked like an ordinary katana.

"What did you make, Master? I can barely stop the heatwave." Esdeath stares at the katana in disbelief. "And that was only thanks to a quick adaptation and evolution to make the cold air cope with the heat."

"Tsumukari Muramasa is a sword forged by Senji Muramasa in the Nasuverse that I have recreated. It was used in Shimousa to counter Amakusa Shirou Tokisada's Shimabara Hell Reality Marble. The realization of Muramasa's ideal sword. The sword is one that can purge resentment, cut through bonds, fate, causality, and destiny, and slice through the idea of karma itself. However, using it will cause him to perish because he is not a god." Daisuke paused for a moment to look at the katana in awe before creating a scabbard to contain this amazing sword.

"I only understand half of what you just said, and all I know is that it's a deadly sword." Esdeath comments. "Also, why would you make this when you already have the nodachi that ties to me? Especially when this sword will kill you after you use it once."

"I will continue to use the nodachi. Unlike everyone else, I can switch between the two easily enough." Daisuke placed the Tsumukai Muramasa in the Gate of Babylon. "Also, unlike the original version. I made sure not to include the part about dying after one use."

Of course, what he didn't mention was that he could easily use all of the weapons inside the Gate of Babylon by using The World to give himself all the time to wield any of them and switch between them without putting himself at a disadvantage in a fight.

"Anything interesting going on with Tsunayoshi?" Daisuke asks Esdeath as he decides to put the sex on hold.

"Except that he tried to train on his own, relying on books he bought at the bookstore. Nothing interesting." Esdeath reported. "I know he is important and everything in this world, but why are you ignoring Nana? After what you did last month. You are entirely distancing yourself from her. Is this some kind of neglect play to make her more willing to do whatever you ask? If so, I've already prepared Nana for you. I've been whispering in her ear, pretending to be her subconscious, slowly changing her."

"I don't know why, but it feels like this. You expect to be rewarded by me." Daisuke stares at Esdeath, who stares back.

"Isn't that how it works? I get you a woman to have sex with, and in return, you satisfy my sexual needs as well." Esdeath tilts her head, wondering why she is being asked such an obvious question.

"Not... completely, but for now, anything else happening in Namimori?" Daisuke stood up and changed his pajamas into his suit with the help of Omnifabrication. "And if you do well for the rest of the day, Esdeath. We can have sex."

"Well, I think you told me to watch out for certain types of people, and one of them just popped up on my radar today, but he quickly disappeared before I could do anything to him. For having a tiny body like a baby, he can sure move fast." Esdeath explains how she almost caught the notorious hitman and mafia tutor, Reborn.

The very same Reborn who would change Tsunayoshi's ordinary life to become the next boss of the Vongola Famiglia.

Daisuke suddenly thought of something and a confused look appeared on his face.

Did Esdeath inadvertently prevent Reborn from meeting Tsunayoshi by tricking Nana into hiring him with the whole tutor flyer?

This could be good and bad at the same time since this would give Tsunayoshi more time to develop without being watched by Reborn, who will report this to the current boss of the Vongola Famiglia. And that would also lead to Iemitsu coming 'home' early to see what's going on.

"Did you memorize his appearance?" Daisuke asks, just in case Esdeath saw that it wasn't Reborn but another Acrobaleno.

"A small infant with large eyes that are almost completely black. He has black spiky hair that remains so even under his black fedora with an orange stripe and unique thin curly sideburns. His outfit is a small black suit. His most distinctive piece of clothing is a yellow pacifier on his chest." Esdeath describes Reborn's appearance.

"Yeah, that's Reborn, alright. Strongest hitman in the world, or at least well known to be referred as such." Daisuke nods slowly. "Esdeath, make sure you capture him and if he still escapes from you, then I'll allow you to leave Namimori to hunt him down."

"Sure, I will do my best." Esdeath melts back into the ground and becomes Rashomon again.

Daisuke now waits to see how things will turn out after the most crucial day for Tsunayoshi has been changed thanks to Esdeath. But it does not matter since Tsunayoshi had one month to adapt to the changes given to him by the Sky Flame.

Hours later*

"I would like to ask you a question, Mr. Sato." Tsunayoshi said to Daisuke while they were eating.

Nana stopped eating momentarily to listen to what her son had to say.

"Go ahead, what is your question?" Daisuke puts down his chopsticks and gives Tsunayoshi his undivided attention.

"Can you tutor me?" Tsunayoshi asks in a serious tone. "I tried to ask some teachers at school to help me, but they pushed me aside for other students. So I'm hoping that you can help me since I have no one else to ask."

Oh boy, Tsunayoshi made both the right and the wrong choice. Yes, it's right to ask him for help. But he should have asked his mother before asking him.

"I could, but did you ask your mother if she could help you instead?" Daisuke pointed at Nana, who frowned to show she was not in a good mood.

"Ah...!" Tsunayoshi looks shocked and confused.

Although Tsunayoshi regained Vongola Hyper Intuition, it also comes with a downside. Relying on it too much can be dangerous, especially when it discards the unimportant part because there's a much better option to choose from. Therefore, when Tsunayoshi thought about who could best tutor him at school and show him the results, his next option would be someone he knew outside of school. Too bad he didn't think about the consequences of his choice.

"It's okay. I know I haven't shown much of my educational background." Nana put on a fake smile that wouldn't fool Daisuke or Tsunayoshi. "Excuse me. I have something I forgot to take care of something." She didn't wait for an answer. Instead, she quickly left the dining room and went upstairs.

"I don't have to explain what you did wrong, do I?" Daisuke looked at Tsunayoshi, who looked down at his plate in confusion and horror.

"N-No..." Tsunayoshi quickly finished his plate of food, cleaned it, and left it to dry while he quickly ran upstairs himself, but mostly went to his bedroom instead of trying to apologize to his mother.

"For someone with great instincts, he sure makes a lot of mistakes." Esdeath appeared in the seat where Nana sat, happily playing with the leftover food.

"Well, he regained something he had lost for years, and suddenly, he has no idea what to do with it other than to experience it blindly." Daisuke finished his meal and cleaned the dirty plate with Omnifabrication since he no longer had to physically clean up after himself.

"You know, now is a good time to check on Nana. Now it's 100% successful to have sex with her and she wouldn't care about ruining her marriage, not that it was any good in the first place." Esdeath chimes in as she checks the fridge for anything good, leaving Nana's plate of food behind.

Daisuke used Omnifabrication to take care of Nana's plate, then sat down again when Esdeath sat down as well, but she didn't come back empty-handed, as she brought out a bowl of dry noodles that were cold for a few seconds before getting warm again, thanks to the Omnifabrication that made it possible.

"I could, but I won't. Not when the time isn't right yet." Daisuke continues to reject the idea of having sex with Nana. "Besides, I have an appointment with a lovely female warrior-queen tonight."

"You should let me fight Scathach sometime in the future. I want to see how well I do against her in my current state." Esdeath's eyes filled with bloodlust and excitement.

"We shall see." Daisuke knew that the moment Esdeath and Scathach faced each other, it would be a glorious battle.

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