The Irregular Maker Rewrite

Arc 4: Awakening – Chapter 6

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 4: Awakening - Chapter 6

The next day*

"You seem to be in a better mood lately, Master." Esdeath eyed Daisuke for something that might be the cause. "Did something good happen with you and Scathach last night?"

"Somewhat." Daisuke smiles a little, causing Esdeath to squint her eyes at him. "Why, you ask?"

"Because you're more positive than you were at dinner last night." Esdeath replied. "Not that I don't like you being happy; I just can't help but notice the chance is bigger while you were trying to see if being a foodie was your true calling."

"It's because Master and I had a little chat." Scathach spoke up, giving Esdeath a slight grin and not giving away the details of what that little chat was about. "We bonded more because of it."

"Is that why you've been hugging Master's left arm the whole time?" Justeaze blinks and takes a sip of her cabbage juice. "I thought it was because Master and Scathach had sex that he was in a good mood. After all, Scathach must have satisfied him enough to be the way he is now."

"Well, you're not wrong about the sex part." Scathach leaned in to kiss Daisuke's cheek to show her affection.

"I request that you use me next to satisfy your sexual urges." Artoria said with a stern look, which made things somewhat awkward as her expression did not match what she had just said.

"Alright." Daisuke agreed anyway, causing Esdeath and Scathach to roll their eyes while Artoria finally smiled.

"Then I ask to be next after Artoria. If that is how things are going to be." Justeaze's face did not change, nor did she seem to be joking.

"Anyway, why did you send Altera and Setanta ahead of us to kill the monsters? By the time we get there, with our presence speed. They would have killed everything by now." Esdeath looks at Daisuke, confused and suspicious.

"Because those two would easily get bored with us walking so slowly." Daisuke replied. "As for why we're walking and not rushing. Mainly because there was no point for all of us to deal with such weak monsters; each of us could do the job efficiently in a few minutes. I just got the job for these two while we're just lazing around and checking out the place. We haven't found all the interesting places in Axel yet."

"Well, you're not wrong." Esdeath nods slowly in agreement. "Are we just going to wander around all the time?"

"Pretty much, unless you have a better idea of what we can do?" Daisuke asks, quickly saying the next thing on his mind before Esdeath can answer. "Other than a fight between us. We can do that whenever we want, but now isn't the time."

"Fine." Esdeat huffs as she looks around for something that could catch her interest.

"Actually, Master. How come you let Altera and Setanta go on a killing spree while preventing Esdeath from doing the same?" Justeaze suddenly asks, causing Esdeath to stop looking around and stare at us now that this topic of conversation has piqued her interest.

"Because she will end up killing everything else in the vicinity once she is done with the previous ones." Daisuke answered, then looked at Esdeath, who was staring at him coldly. "Esdeath, you would have gotten even more bored and found a way to cause a civil war if it meant that you could torture people and cause more deaths around you."

"Again, you're not wrong." Esdeath sighs before frowning; no doubt she would have done such a thing if given the chance.

"We could spar in a few hours." Scathach offers to Esdeath, who has a pensive look on her face.

"Alright." Esdeath agreed. "What about you, Artoria? Do you want to join us?" She gave Artoria a sharp grin, her eyes filled with battlelust.

"Not until my hunger is satisfied." Artoria replied. "After that. If there's time, I'll join you two."

"Are you hungry again, Artoria? But you just ate." Justeaze stares at the fake maid before she nods slowly. "Oh, you meant you're hungry for Master to fill you up."

Artoria nods firmly, causing everyone else to sweatdrop how horny she is right now.

"You might want to take care of her needs before she ends up doing something crazy to arouse you, Master." Scathach gave Daisuke a look.

Daisuke looked at Artoria, who felt his gaze and looked back at him with eyes filled with determination and desire.

"Except for Setanta, I'm pretty sure we all had sex this morning." Daisuke raised an eyebrow, wondering if he really had neglected Artoria, but he could have sworn that he had made sure to give Artoria a good time this morning and last night, just as he had done with the other girls.

Even Altera, whom he had been putting off for some time, decided to give it a try. However, it got extra crazy and exhausting when he did.

"We did." Artoria admitted. "But, I still hunger for more." She gives Daisuke a small smile.

"For a petite girl, you and Altera have really strong sex drives. Then again, I can understand Altera a bit, but you, Artoria, on the other hand. Not so much." Scathach pokes Artoria in the shoulder.

"I think you're forgetting the legends of Artoria. I think one of them was where Merlin implanted a dragon core or something like that into Artoria to make her stronger than normal to be a king." Justeaze said to Scathach. "And you know what some dragons are like."

"Actually, I was born with the Magical Energy of a Dragon. Just by breathing, my body generates tremendous energy. However, that doesn't mean that it doesn't come with a weakness. For example, the moment I run out of energy before my body can generate more Magical Energy fast enough. Then I won't be able to access my Magic Core temporarily without a proper 'starting key' to get the extra energy flowing again." Artoria explained.

"When you meant starting key, do you mean our usual method with Master to regain any Magical Energy?" Scathach smirked at Artoria, who blushed but nodded.

Daisuke knew that this was an excuse for Artoria to get fucked by him. But he can't really complain, not with the way he remembers how she acted in the canon timeline. Especially in the Fate/Stay Night timeline.

"You... girls are more horny than the ones I know back in my world." Esdeath shakes her head in disbelief at how pretty much all the girls summoned by Daisuke are horny as hell when they are in the mood.

"Hey, it can't be help. One of the methods to transfer Magical Energy to any of us is through sex. Of course, we could have used other methods, but why would we do that? Especially with someone like Master?" Scathach locked her fingers with Daisuke's, smiling at him.

"Whatever." Esdeath looks everywhere but at everyone again, showing so much affection that even Justeaze tries to get more attention from Daisuke. "Hey, look at this." Something catches her attention.

Everyone stops and looks in the direction Esdeath is pointing, where they can see a small, remote magic item shop.

"Hm. Maybe we can check this place out. Who knows, maybe we can find something good." Daisuke's eyes seem to light up a little, filling with curiosity as he looks at the shop.

As they enter the magic item shop, they see many potions and magical equipment displayed in the open. The place seems small, but there is plenty of room space for everyone to enter without being crowded.

The shopkeeper/owner at the front of the store is a beautiful, well-endowed woman in her early 20s with light skin and a curvaceous figure. She has brown eyes and straight brown hair that reaches to the front of her shoulders and further back and is slightly curled at the ends. Her bangs cover her right eye. She also has a single ahoge that arches from the top of her head. She wears a long light purple dress under a dark purple hooded gambeson robe with gold props and dark purple boots.

Daisuke looks at Artoria, who also has a single ahoge that arches from the top of her head—protruding from her white maid's brim.

"Greetings! I am Wiz, the owner of this magic item shop!" Wiz introduced herself, giving everyone a bright smile. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask me!"

"You wouldn't happen to have guidebooks for sale, would you?" Daisuke asks Wiz, hoping to find something like the Paper Talisman Theory and convert it into a Stand.

"What do these do?" Esdeath asks Wiz, picking up one of the potions on the shelves.

"Hm. What does this spear do?" Scathach picks up a spear that seems to be made entirely of some unknown metal.

Justeaze looks around, looking for anything of interest, but so far, nothing.

Artoria picks up what appears to be an ordinary-looking longsword but puts it back where it was a second later, showing that she must have found some flaws in it. Other than that, it might be a magical sword, but she didn't like it.

"Yes! I have some guidebooks here." Wiz quickly ducks down to grab the guidebooks from under the counter. "As for the potions, they cause explosions if you shake them hard enough. The spear makes whoever is stabbed with it pee."

Esdeath carefully puts the potion back and looks at the other potions with complicated eyes.

"That... is an interesting magical effect..." Scathach stares at the spear she is holding, stunned by what it can do.

Justeaze and Artoria look at the spear in Scathach's hand. Then they take a few steps back, not wanting any accidents.

"I take it." Scathach grins. There is no doubt she will have a good time with the spear and those who face her. Not so much.

Daisuke looked at Esdeath out of the corner of his eye, and he saw the frown and the twitching eye that Esdeath would not be having a good time if she got even a single scratch from Scathach's new spear.

He feels kind of bad for Esdeath, but he wonders because Esdeath is technically not flesh and blood most of the time. Would the spear's magic work on her?

"That would be 100,000 eris." Wiz's smile widens further upon selling the magic spear to Scathach. "Here are the guidebooks on Throwing Aim, Golem Creation, and Explosion Magic. That will be 1,000 eris for each. Is there anything else you are interested in?"

"I'll take them all." Daisuke paid for the guidebooks and Scathach's new spear that makes stabbed targets piss themselves.

He has no idea why that's a thing, but Scathach seems to like it. So he might as well buy it and hope that at least she won't use it on him.

"Are you serious?" Esdeath looks at Daisuke in shock.

"Hey, Wiz. What does this one do?" Scathach picks up another spear, causing Esdeath to flinch.

"This will temporarily cause whatever you stab to only bark like a dog for an hour without being able to speak normally until then." Wiz happily explains what the magic spear Scathach just picked up can do.

"That one is just weirder than the first spear." Justeaze said what was on everyone's mind, except for Wiz, who flinch upon hearing this from Justeaze. "I say we should buy it and use it on Setanta later."

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