The Irregular Maker Rewrite

Arc 4: Awakening – Chapter 8

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 4: Awakening - Chapter 8

10 minutes later*

Daisuke yawned and watched the fight, or rather, three girls beating a guy to death. Well, dead again since the Dullahan had technically already died once.

"Would you like another cup, Master?" Artoria asked Daisuke while holding a teapot filled with honey green tea. Freshly made by Omnifabrication for the best in quality and quantity everywhere.

"Sure." Daisuke replied. "Are you sure you don't want to join them, Artoria? What about you, Setanta?"

"I'm fine, Master." Artoria refused to join the so-called fight. "I'll let the three enjoy themselves."

"What she said." Setanta agreed with Artoria. "Frankly, I find it unfortunate that the Dullahan have to deal with all three. Scathach, Esdeath, and Altera are troublesome enough on their own, let alone having to deal with all three at once."

"Ah, I think they got bored." Justeaze points out, causing everyone to look back at the fight.

Sure enough, as Justeaze said. The Dullahan was killed by Scathach, who delivered the final blow that ended the undead knife's life. Once more.

All three walk back to rejoin everyone. Just in time for a crowd to rush over and see the three kill the Dullahan in front of them.

"By the goddess, Eris! These three killed the Dullahan!" Someone shouted.

"Aren't these three the servants of that one rumored nobleman?" Another person shouted, causing the people in the crowd to whisper to each other.

"Hey, look! There he is! And he even sat in a chair and drank while his servants fought the Dullahan!" Someone pointed at Daisuke. "And he had other servants beside him as well!"

"Well, technically, they are not wrong about us being your servants." Setanta grinned at Daisuke, who didn't seem to care about the crowd pointing at them. "Although, I think they had mistaken you to be a noble in this world."

"I don't care." Daisuke stood up from his seat, making it disappear along with everything else. "So, did you three have fun, or did everyone want to find another Dullahan to fight?"

"We had a game of subtly getting in each other's way while trying to land the final blow on the Dullahan. As you can see, Scathach won." Esdeath scowls at Scathach, who has a small smile on her face.

The crowd split apart, not daring to get Daisuke's group way.

"By the way, what have you done with the two goddesses?" Setanta asks Scathach and Esdeath after they have moved further away from the crowd.

"Not much; we let them go. They were useless in every way." Esdeath's eyes filled with disappointment and anger. "Frankly, we wasted our time dealing with those two."

Setanta looks at Scathach, who rolls her eyes.

"What Scathach didn't mention is how their divine powers are suppressed in this world. The thought of killing them came to mind, but we didn't do it because we would cause problems for Master here. We're still staying in this world so that Master can find his true calling, and to be thrown out of this world before that would cause problems for Master. So we just leave the two goddesses alone. There is no point in killing them if the price is too high for us to pay," Scathach explained.

"Anyway, I think I have an idea of what my true calling is now." Daisuke said to everyone, almost causing everyone to stop in their tracks. "Hey, keep moving." This made the rest who had stopped to continue walking with everyone.

"Are you sure you have found your true calling, my lord?" Setanta looks at Daisuke with interest.

"No, just an idea." Daisuke shakes his head. "Just like the previous attempts. I'm not too sure if the one I have in mind would be it."

"You wouldn't mind telling us, would you?" Justeaze wraps her arms around Daisuke's left arm and presses herself against him.

"I think my true calling is to make anything I desire while traveling the multiverse for materials." Daisuke uses his free hand to pull Scathach closer to him. Surprised by this sudden action, she looks at him in shock. "As well as having everyone here join me."

"Someone feeling bold today." Esdeath stares at Daisuke with an eyebrow raised. "Also, aren't you already doing that anyway? Furthermore, the Holy Grail alone should provide you with all the necessary materials."

"Don't forget, Master also has access to the Fifth Magic to work with in case the Holy Grail doesn't have it." Artoria reminded everyone. "Anyway, we should be happy for Master. He has figured out what to do now." She paused for a moment to consider something. "Do you have a goal, by any chance, or are you just going to keep doing this without an end goal?"

"Don't have an end goal, or I'd rather not have one." Daisuke remembers the time when he was growing up; he always followed the instructions of his family's control over his life to fulfill the family's end goal, aka replacing the old generation with the new generation—something he doesn't want to go through again.

"Wouldn't be the first time I did something without a goal." Scathach chimed in, trying not to accidentally trip Daisuke while being so close to his personal space. "And it won't be the last."

"My ultimate goal is always to conquer new lands and fight new enemies." Esdeath smiles, subconsciously releasing a murderous aura that causes those nearby to shiver and freeze momentarily.

"Don't look at me, I'm still in training." Setanta notices the looks he gets.

"I am here as a maid for Master. Nothing else." Artoria said firmly before anyone could look in her direction.

"I've already achieved my end goal before I died." Justeaze said calmly, giving everyone a blank stare in return.

Altera shrugs her shoulders, showing she has no idea, as she gives everyone a blank stare—matching Justeaze's black expression.

"So, other than killing, eating, and causing the crowd to be in awe of our actions. How long will we remain in this world?" Esdeath asks Daisuke, giving him a bored look while she crosses her arms under her breasts. "Sure, killing is great and all. I get to torture some of them, but they don't give me much of a thrill in the long run."

"What is the point of us leaving this world for another? It's just a repeat, but maybe with a little more restriction in our actions due to different cultural rules that force us not to do our usual thing. Instead of being praised for killing a hostile enemy, we would be punished for simply killing. Justeaze said to Esdeath. "Besides, it hasn't even been a month since we came to this world."

"Also, we have barely scratched the surface of this world. Why leave it so early?" Setanta followed with a question of his own.

"Everything here is too weak." Esdeath scoffs, then leans over to Daisuke. "How about we leave this world for another? I bet the next world would be full of battles and strong enemies for us to deal with."

"I mean, technically, we're not here to fight. We're here because our Master wanted us to be here. Nothing else." Scathach said to Esdeath. "Unlike you, I am tired of fighting. I'm just enjoying this new life where I can do whatever I want without worrying about responsibility. Of course, a few fights here and there, I won't mind."

"Wake me up when there's fighting involved." Esdeath didn't wake for anyone's response as she melted back into Daisuke's shadow.

"I guess she was upset about losing the game." Scathach smiled at everyone. "So what do we do now, Master?"

"I'll get some more cabbage dishes for myself. I haven't found all of them yet." Daisuke swallowed a little when he remembered all the tasty kinds of cabbage dishes he had eaten so far. "You can do whatever you want before you return to the Throne of Heroes."

"In other words, Altera and I are going to hunt monsters." Setanta begins, giving Daisuke a dull look. "While everyone else goes, have a nice meal and maybe some nightly activities in the bedroom. Do you want me to stay out all night again?"

"Actually, I want to stay with Master tonight." Altera refused to join Setanta in killing monsters today.

"Man, you really are addicted to sex, aren't you?" Setanta's right eyebrow twitched, then he sighed. "My lord, just send me back to the Throne of Heroes. It's boring hunting alone."

"You could join us for dinner before you return, Setanta." Daisuke couldn't help but feel sorry for Setanta, as Altera seems to find sex too good not to have it every day whenever she gets the chance during the night, while during the day, she does whatever comes to her mind, except causing destruction wherever she goes as she is trying her best not do that.

"No, it's okay." Setanta's face turns a little green. "I think I've eaten too many cabbages in my life."

"Alright." Daisuke gave the mental command to the Holy Grail, causing Setanta's body to collapse into a golden glitter before disappearing from existence a few seconds later.

"I smell something good over at that food stall." Artoria points to everyone's left, where they've entered the market street, mostly selling food than anything else. "And I see many of them making cabbage-type food."

Daisuke's eyes light up as he moves toward the food stall, eager to replicate all the cabbage-type food.

"I feel like you've become more of a foodie than anything else, Master." Justeaze said to Daisuke as she watched him and Artoria order a ton of food without stopping with just one food stall.

"Well, there's nothing wrong with being a foodie. After all, I still have to eat." Daisuke replied.

Of course, he could easily make something that would allow him to survive without food and water, but that would make his life even more depressing than it was before the conversation with Esdeath and Scathach.

Hours later*

Daisuke looked at the window with a blank expression while doing his best to ignore what he saw outside. It was getting a little difficult, though, as he couldn't look away from how strange this was.

"What's wrong, Master?" Scathach asks Daisuke as she sits on his lap. "Huh, is that Darkness?" She stares out of the window. "Shouldn't she be at her home for the night?"

"Yeah..." Daisuke has mixed feelings about Darkness and her behavior. "Do you think she hopes to see Esdeath or something while waiting outside our house?"

"It wouldn't be the first time and it won't be the last." Artoria answered Daisuke's question and stood beside them with a plate of fruit as a late night snack. "I saw her outside almost every night, waiting for Esdeath to come out and punish her. At least, I think that's what the masochist girl out there is hoping for."

"Is that right?" Daisuke narrows his eyes at Darkness, who is giving off a stalker-like feeling right now.

"Do you want to have sex with her, Master?" Scathach asks Daisuke as she waves at Darkness, who waves back. "I bet Darkness out there would like that."

"I honestly don't know." Daisuke said truthfully. "I mean, I already have you girls and adding Darkness... seems a little weird, but I could ignore it due to how beautiful she is. However, I don't know if I want to deal with everything that comes as a package with her. In addition, would she even accompany us while traveling the multiverse? Too many what ifs."

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