The Irregular Maker Rewrite

Arc 5: Seeking Answers – Chapter 2

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 5: Seeking Answers - Chapter 2

Hours later*

"So, what can you do?" Riza asks Daisuke as they stand on the balcony with many gasoline-filled glass bottles sealed with a cloth wick.

"This." Daisuke has Rashomon coming from the back of his collar to form into a giant hound with many sharp teeth, glaring down at Riza and everyone else on the balcony.

"How can you not be known by the world with something like that?!" Riza looks at Rashomon in shock.

Even Hime and Flandre stop what they are doing and stare at Rashomon.

"Because I have no reason to reveal myself to the world?" Daisuke looked at Riza as if he had just met someone stupid, making her grit her teeth.

"I suspect there's more than what you just showed." There is a hint of interest in Hime's eyes before she starts coughing again. "I swear, having a cold is just annoying."

Daisuke didn't say anything but didn't deny Hime's comment either.

"Hey, guys. I'm back." Hiro closed the door behind him as he joined everyone on the balcony. Just in time to see many mummies crawling out of the ground.

Riza lit up one of the Molotov cocktails as she threw it at one of the mummies, then grabbed another one from the ground and lit it up.

"That's a mummy for you. They burn really well!" Riza shouted as she threw it at another mummy, burning it to death.

"Hiro, you had Sawawa evacuate the mansion, right?" Hime asks her blood warrior.

"Yeah. I had a hard time convincing her... But." Hiro looks down at all the mummies making their way to the mansion.

"But?" Hime raises an eyebrow.

"This was definitely a mistake! We should have all evacuated!" Hiro shouted in horror at the sight of so many mummies below.

Hime snorts, "It's too late for that now."

"Yeah, the party has already started!" Riza grins at Hiro as she throws more Molotov cocktails at the mummies below.

"Is that all we're going to do? Throw Molotov cocktails at the mummies until we burn them all along with the forest surrounding the mansion?" Daisuke asks everyone while debating whether to just kill all the mummies single-handedly with Rashomon or to go for the overkill, not that it wasn't already with Rashomon. He could use Fifth Magic or even the recently updated The World.

"I mean, this way, we won't end up getting exhausted from fighting so many of them. I don't know how long you would last with your bizarre ability, but I might not last too long with this cold." Hime coughs again. "Anyway, just start throwing after you set them on fire first."

Just as Riza threw another Molotov cocktail, it suddenly started to rain.

"This is not good. They don't burn as well anymore." Riza said to everyone as she held another burning Molotov cocktail.

"That's because their bandages are all wet from the rain." Hime commented while she had already changed her position to protect herself from the rain.

"And why are you standing under the awning?!" Riza shouted angrily, more out of annoyance at the rain falling on her.

"Because I would get sicker standing out in the rain?" Hime gives Riza a look like she is talking to someone with a mental problem, causing Riza to scowl in anger.

"Hey, are you going to help or what?!" Riza directed her anger at Daisuke, who just stood there watching the mummies below.

The sound of the mummies hitting the front doors causes Hiro to lean over the railing and look at them in panic.

"This isn't good! They're going to get in!" Hiro exclaims loudly.

Just in time for the sound of shattering glass below, where the mummies broke through the windows instead of just focusing on the front doors.

Daisuke finally made a move as he caused Rashomon to split into several tendrils, each capable of striking down the opponent in numerous whip-like attacks. Within seconds, several mummies were struck down, mowing them down without moving a finger.

"Couldn't you have done that earlier?!" Riza shouted at Daisuke as she made her way back inside to deal with the mummies that had entered the building.

Hiro quickly follows Riza. At the same time, Flandre is standing next to Hime, who shows no signs of leaving other than standing inside with the door still open, letting in the cold air.

"Not going follow those two?" Daisuke turned his head to look at Hime out of the corner of his eye.

"They can deal with the mummies inside the mansion themselves." Hime replied calmly. "Though I wonder if Hiro forgot that he hasn't taken my blood lately and would expire soon if he doesn't get back to me in time."

"Shouldn't you have told Hiro before he left?" Daisuke made all the tendrils expand into several large jaws to crush a bunch of mummies with one bite.

"He left before I could get a word in." Hime replied. "Honestly, with how often he chases after Riza. You'd think Riza was his master instead of me." She tried to sigh, only to cough again. "Anyway, he will come back here sooner or later."

"Well, you might as well sit down instead of standing around. I should have the army of mummies destroyed before the night is over." Daisuke said to Hime as he turned his head to look back at the mummies being killed by Rashomon.

"Alright." Hime sat down in her seat and looked at her android maid. "Flandre, bring Hiro back here. I don't want him to die while I still need his services as a blood warrior."

"Fuga." Flandre nodded as she left the dining room.

20 minutes later*

"Come on!" Riza shouted in exhaustion as she clawed one of the mummies with her partially transformed large white wolf arms. "There's no end to this!"

"I'm wondering more about why you guys decided to come to the end of this hallway with such a small space when you could have easily chosen any other room with more space." Daisuke smashes several mummies with Rashomon, giving everyone else more time to rest.

"Because you're not doing your best to deal with them all at once, and instead, you're just lazy by just killing a couple whenever one of us can't avoid it!" Riza yelled at Daisuke, who looked more carefree than everyone else. Even Flandre is working her butt off with a sledgehammer, and she could only do so much with her size before her battery ran out.

"Isn't that good though?" Daisuke smiles at Riza. "I've saved you from being stabbed several times now."

"Yeah, that's great and all, but couldn't you just kill them all and save us the trouble?" Riza kicked one of the mummies away before it could stab her in the shoulder. "I think even Hime here would rather have them all dead and done with so we can all go to sleep for the rest of the night!"

"As much as it hurts to say." Hime begins.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Riza yelled at Hime, almost getting stabbed in the butt by a mummy if Hiro hadn't cut off its head with his axe.

Hime ignored Riza's outburst and continued as if she wasn't interrupted just now, "I agree with Riza. Could you clean up all these mummies? I feel like I'm going to faint."

"Alright." Daisuke stops using Rashomon, and then The World appears behind him. Floating with a menacing look on its face, the powerful Stand glares down at the mummies before stopping time.

Everything stops, but Daisuke and The World.

The World charged at the mummies, slaughtering each one with a single blow that shattered their bodies into a bloody mess. In an instant, The Stand rushed out of the building and soared into the sky, eliminating the leader of the army of mummies. The World then struck a pose in the moonlight before disappearing, and time resumed.

"Huh?!" Riza's jaw dropped as she looked at all the mummies. Suddenly, they were all dead, smearing the floor, walls, and even the ceiling with their remains.

"Flandre is going to have a hard time cleaning the ceiling." Hime said dryly.

"Fuga?" Flandre looks at the ceiling.

"Forget about that! How about we focus on the fact that this guy could have easily destroyed the mummies in the blink of an eye?! I don't think I even blinked, and it was all over!" Riza points at Daisuke while staring at Hime in shock.

"I don't know what you want me to do about it. Besides, weren't you the one who wanted Daisuke to deal with the mummies in the first place?" Hime smirked at Riza, who was growling now.

"So, does that mean we can go to bed now?" Hiro let out a yawn. "Because I'm feeling tired myself."

Hime coughs then bite the back of her right index finger until she bleeds and shoves her finger into Hiro's mouth to allow him to drink her blood, extending Hiro's temporary immortality further again.

"Of course, you're tired. My royal blood flowing through your body is nearly gone." Hime said tiredly, then slowly made her way to her room with the help of Flandre. "I'm going to bed; you guys can do whatever."

Daisuke looks at Riza and Hiro, "So, you guys want to do anything, or we're all going to bed?"

He notices Hiro's blushing face and remembers how Hiro has a crush on Hime and even tries to kiss her once. Only to be denied, not out of any refusal to reciprocate Hiro's feelings, but mostly out of embarrassment at doing it in public. However, he's not sure if that was in the manga or the anime.

"I'm going to bed..." Riza frowned as she made her way to her bedroom, leaving Daisuke and Hiro alone in the hallway.

Daisuke looks at Hiro, and Hiro looks back at Daisuke. Silence falls over the two. Making things uncomfortable between them.

Hiro looks like he is going to pass out at any moment or just wants to chase after Hime and Riza. Too bad that's no longer an option.

Deciding not to cause any problems with Hiro, more out of pity than anything else, Daisuke left silently and went to the bedroom he had chosen, hoping it was not damaged.

10 minutes later*

The bedroom is undamaged, and even the door was not broken in the battle with the army of mummies.

Daisuke lay on the bed and thought about what he should do in this world besides finding materials for the taken. He is also curious about what kind of butterfly effects he would cause in this world just by being here.

No matter, he will just go with the flow and not think too much about it.

Daisuke opened the Gate of Babylon to get the best pillow and blanket, as the bed itself was good enough, but the pillow and blanket weren't up to his standards.

He sighed happily, feeling better than ever. Although he could use one of the girls to join him in bed, now was not the time.

Looking out the window to his left, he blinked a few times and then let out a groan as he realized that the window had somehow been shattered.

However, with a quick application of Omnifabrication, without having to get out of bed. The window is repaired, as it was never broken.

He wonders how it was broken.

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