The Jiang Family's Little Girl Has Magic Powers

Chapter 57: The Plan of Bitter Meat

Chapter 57

The scene was extremely quiet for a moment.

What exactly was this once-in-a-lifetime spectacle...

No one knew who it was, but someone finally couldn't help laughing out loud, and the scene suddenly burst into laughter.

Even the Imperial Guards present were laughing so hard that they couldn't stand upright.

After a long time, the people from Mu En Marquis Mansion finally reacted and several maids came over to help up Madam Mu En.

A maid was wiping the cow dung off her face with a handkerchief. After two wipes, she finally couldn't stand it and turned her head to one side to vomit violently.

Madam Zhong had eaten a mouthful of feces. After being helped up, she was both ashamed and angry. Tears streamed down her face, and she cried out a ditch of feces on her face...Then she started retching violently.

For a while, the masters and servants suddenly vomited together.

Old Lady Zhong almost fainted from anger. She shouted loudly, "What are you staring at? Hurry up and take them back. Are you waiting for others to laugh at you?"

It was only then that everyone came to their senses. They clumsily carried Madam Zhong away.

Jiang Yuqing suddenly sat down on the ground and cried loudly. Her voice cried intermittently, "Nanny, I can't move my feet. It hurts so much, wah wah~~"

Nanny Yan was shocked and immediately rolled up her trouser legs to take a look. The ankle was swollen red in a large area. Her face changed instantly.

Nanny Yan was furious and scolded, "A fourth-rank marquis’ madam actually dared to injure the second-rank magistrate. Mu En Marquis Mansion really has the guts. This slave will go to the Ministry of Justice right away to ask what crime this inferior offending superior is. If that doesn't work, I'll report it to Her Majesty the Empress! I don't believe there is no place for justice in this big capital."

Old Lady Zhong didn't dare to admit this crime. Her old face was swollen and red, "Don't talk nonsense. She obviously fell by herself. Don't try to blame it on us."

The wife of the village chief next to her couldn't stand to listen anymore. She interrupted and scolded, "Nonsense! If it wasn't for her starting the fight and beating people, how could my magistrate have fallen?"

The wife of the village chief was completely illiterate. Naturally, her curses were not very elegant. Everyone laughed again when they heard this.

Didn't Madam Mu En just eat sh*t? If it wasn't for the occasion, Jiang Yuqing really wanted to jump up and give her twelve thumbs up.

Old Lady Zhong was so angry that her eyes were round and glaring. She pointed at the wife of the village chief, shaking like a leaf in the wind. Her mouth opened and closed, "You, you this, this..."

The wife of the village chief was not afraid of her at all, "What do you mean by ‘you’? Truth is not determined by who yells the loudest. Everyone present has eyes. Do you think you can shirk responsibility?"

"It’s too obvious that a small marquis mansion dared to bring people to attack blatantly. Isn’t it because you saw our magistrate was not in the capital and thought our young county magistrate would be easy to bully? What a madam, pah! Just a group of cowards who bully the meek and fear the strong." Now their face was truly stripped bare.

Old Lady Zhong really couldn't stand it anymore. Her eyes rolled back and she fainted. The maids and servants were in chaos again...

Mu En Marquis Mansion lost face badly. Knowing that they were in the wrong, they didn't dare to stay any longer. They carried Old Lady Zhong and Madam Zhong onto the carriage and escaped as if their lives depended on it.

After driving away these annoying people, everyone let out a sigh of relief. When they looked at the wife of the village chief again, their eyes were full of admiration, as if she was the triumphant general who had won a victory.

Indeed, it takes someone of her caliber to deal with shameless people like the Zhongs.

What a battle prowess.

Jiang Yuqing was in a good mood. Enduring the pain in her foot, she rewarded the wife of the village chief with ten taels of silver on the spot. The wife of the village chief was so happy that her smile reached her ears.

Bai Xiaoshi even had the mood to mock her on the side.

"In order to pit Mu En Marquis Mansion, you even used your usual pretense. You really went all out."

Jiang Yuqing said, "Mu En Marquis Mansion bullied people too much. How could I let them off easily? Otherwise, anyone in the capital could come and step on me, Jiang Yuqing and step on Qing Prefecture Marquis Mansion.

My Qing Prefecture Marquis Mansion has just arrived. I was just worried about how to establish prestige. With such a ready-made scapegoat delivered to my door, how could I miss this opportunity?"

Bai Xiaoshi suddenly felt some sympathy for the two women just now. The one in front of him who pretended to be weak but was ruthless, was the real sinister Little Red Riding Hood, the smoky kind.

When Doctor Qiu heard that his little apprentice was injured by the people from Mu En Marquis Mansion, he became anxious and angry. He hurried to run to the entrance of the village.

On his way, he happened to meet Nanny Yan who was carrying Jiang Yuqing back. He quickly took over his apprentice.

Just as he was about to check her injury, he saw his little apprentice blink at him. Doctor Qiu understood instantly. He carried her quickly back to the room and said he was going to treat her injury and no one was allowed to enter.

Jiang Yuqing had tripped Madam Zhong earlier and felt exhilarated at the time. But now her foot really hurt.

When Doctor Qiu saw her face turn pale from the pain, he checked it carefully and immediately changed his face, "Good girl, it may really be a bone fracture."

Jiang Yuqing was also shocked and said, "No way! I just wanted to scare them."

Doctor Qiu patted her lightly in anger and frustration, "What do you mean no way! It looks like a crack! Exactly where the crack is located, how wide and long, I can only estimate roughly."

For such a bone injury, pulse diagnosis does not work. For her own health, Jiang Yuqing decided to go to the hospital to take an x-ray of her leg and see.

Jiang Yuqing organized her words and said, "Master, I'm going to take you somewhere later. That's where I got my medical knowledge.

There is a special machine inside that can see the internal structure of the human body.

The place is a little different from the outside world. Don't be afraid or too surprised.

Of course, you have to keep it a secret for me after you come out.

As soon as the old man heard it, his eyes lit up instantly like lanterns, nodding like pounding garlic.

Jiang Yuqing ordered Er Yu and Nanny Yan to guard the door. She said that the master was going to check her injury. Without her order, no one was allowed to break in recklessly.

Then she pulled Doctor Qiu and brought him into the hospital in a flash.

Jiang Yuqing used her spiritual sense to manipulate the machine to take an X-ray of her injured leg and printed it out to put on the view box. Indeed, it was a minor bone fracture.

She felt relieved and said, "It’s fine. It’s just a minor bone fracture. It will heal after recuperating for some time. Master, Master?"

"Hmm, hmm, ah?" The old man's soul was wandering!

Jiang Yuqing had called him for a long time before he only responded with a few single-word replies like “hmm”, “okay”, “okay”.

His attention was completely on the equipment and X-ray films around him. He didn't even listen to a word she said.

Angrily, she slapped the table several times. The little antennae on her head even trembled a few times before she finally pulled Doctor Qiu's eyes back.

Jiang Yuqing felt like she was back in the classroom in her previous life.

The naughty student not listening in class, the teacher slapping the table and roaring angrily, while Doctor Qiu was that naughty student.

Jiang Yuqing yelled angrily, "Master, I'm talking to you. Can you listen to me first before checking it out?"

Doctor Qiu was also afraid that he would really anger his little apprentice and get kicked out. Then it would be bad. He still hadn't figured out what those things were anyway.

Jiang Yuqing pointed to the fracture site on the X-ray again and repeated her diagnosis.

Doctor Qiu said it was completely correct.

Since the injury was slightly above the ankle, an area with a lot of movement, it was very necessary to apply a splint in the early stage.

When Jiang Yuqing pulled him out of the hospital, Doctor Qiu was still reluctant. He kept asking his little apprentice what was that machine, what was its use.

What were those magical black films, why could they draw out fractures and other conditions so clearly without surgery?

While sending someone back to the capital with a letter, Jiang Yuqing patiently and meticulously explained to him the purpose and imaging principles of X-ray machines.

Doctor Qiu kept exclaiming in surprise, calling it a divine object.

Since they had decided to fix Mu En Marquis Mansion to death, it was also an opportunity to deter everyone in the capital by killing the chicken to warn the monkeys. This play must be performed realistically.

Master and disciple started acting behind closed doors.

Jiang Yuqing cried with tears in her big eyes. Her voice even shook (actually a large part was from laughing), "Master, be gentler. It hurts, it's killing me."

Doctor Qiu stroked her head and said in a rough voice, "How can it not hurt? It’s already injured to the bone. Damn evil woman, bullying a child like that, have you no fear of heavenly retribution?"

While shouting at Nanny Yan, "Nanny, bring two maids in to hold her down. I need to put splints on her calf."

When Nanny Yan heard this, her face turned pale with fright. She immediately called Er Yu in.

Doctor Qiu, Jiang Yuqing and two others pressed Jiang Yuqing's arms and legs as instructed by Doctor Qiu, to prevent Jiang Yuqing from struggling due to pain when putting on the splint.

When putting on the splint, Dumpling sweated profusely as expected and her little face turned so pale without a trace of blood. Tears kept rolling down her cheeks.

Jiang Yuqing instantly felt that Oscar owed her more than one little golden man.

Several women couldn't help crying. Nanny Yan felt very sad and guilty.

She thought she was going to die for letting the young master get hurt right under her nose and failing the empress's entrustment...

After the "bandaging", Doctor Qiu wrote a prescription and asked someone to get medicine from the capital, while sending a letter to his senior disciple.

Jiang Yuqing then directly asked Nanny Yan to take the post from the Qing Prefecture Marquis Mansion to report the case to the Ministry of Justice.

Since it had to make troubles, it would rather make a big fuss and let the whole capital see it.

Jing Yan had just left the court when he received the news that Jiang Yuqing was injured. He didn’t even have time to change his court clothes and went straight to Zhuangzi after telling his father.

Seeing the little guy who was still lively and active yesterday sitting in the chair now with pale complexion, languid spirit, and a heavy splint on his left foot, his heart almost shattered.

Er Yu took the opportunity to tattle. Jiang Yuqing almost couldn't help laughing.

After listening to the whole story, Jing Yan got furious directly and slapped the table heavily. "What a gutsy Mu En Marquis Mansion! They actually dared to bully you!"

He was afraid that his emotions would frighten Jiang Yuqing, so he suppressed his anger and said gently, "Qingqing, focus on recuperating. Leave the rest to me. I will make sure the Mu En Marquis Mansion won't get away with it."

Then he hurried back to the capital with his men.

It is said that the Ministry of Justice received people from the Qing Prefecture Marquis Mansion reporting that the Mu En Marquis Mansion failed to seek medical treatment and then assaulted the Magistrate of Linghui County.

As it concerned two influential aristocratic families, the ministers of the Ministry of Justice did not dare to neglect it and quickly ordered the fastest investigation into the cause of the incident.

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