The journey of an angel for dominate the world! Or something like this…

Chapter 7 – Finally going to town!

"Good morning, Saint"

"How are you, Saint?"

Two men who are part of the gang walk past me greeting me. Yes, after my introductory talk people started calling me "Demon Saint", I swear one day I will blow up whoever started that nickname!

"Eehh, how long will I still have to stay in this position?" Mio is now in seiza while having a log on his knee, you can tell his eye is slightly watery.

"That's for what happened at the lecture, what the hell were you thinking calling me a goddess just then?!" I cross my arms and a vein appears on my forehead as I talk to Mio.

Apparently people have begun to elevate me to the level of a god and a saint for having resurrected that man with the club that tried to attack me.

Marina, the sexual woman who was at the meeting, explained to me that there are many good healers around the world but the number of them who can easily resurrect someone can be counted on their fingers, most of them working in church headquarters or in hospitals in capital cities. And to this day she has never heard of anyone who can use a spell that can heal hundreds of people at the same time, "this is already at the level of fairy tales," she added.

By the way, taking the chance I better explain the ability I used: [Circle of Mercy] is a high grade ability exclusive to the [Archangel] class that creates a giant dome around me that heals everything in range, not differentiating friends from enemies and can even resurrect if the person has been killed minutes before. Since the ability does not differentiate between friends and foes it is a powerful ability if used right, but very dangerous if used wrong.

I had used the ability thinking it would help slaves who were captured from having to wait for healing to return to their homes but I didn't imagine that people would kneel, some out of respect others simply out of fear of what would happen if they didn't kneel like the others.

It has been several hours since Mio's punishment and now the two of us are having a meeting in the main tent along with the usual members: Dan, Kent, The assistant and Marina.

"So assistant, after my presentation how many people are still around?"

"My name is Raphael..." Says the assistant who seems to be named Raphael being a bit depressed.

"... 70 people of the people in the gang decided to support you, the rest either ran away or resigned saying they want to have a more peaceful life now that they know they won't be persecuted or tried to rebel being quickly suppressed, and after releasing the slaves there are still about 4 of them who decided to stay, outside 20 children who have nowhere else to go back to because their relatives were killed." Completes Raphael.

"94 people in total, huh" That's still a pretty significant number.

"Shall we continue the plan we had before? You know, it's been a while since I've been to town~" Marina asks.

"I think now that's the best thing to do, let's leave tomorrow"

"Master, you said we were going to do some research but what exactly are we going to research?" Mio says this tilting her head.

So cute!

I unconsciously end up stroking her head a little. After I finish relieving my thirst for cuteness I answer her:

"We are just going to see what the market is like around here, depending on how it goes we will sell things to survive or do some service"

"Unfortunately, I won't be able to go with you" Kent says crossing his arms.

"Why not? I don't even know where the town is around here"

Kent takes marina's head by the back of her head and points to her.

"She will, I have a bounty on my head in the empire so if I go it will only cause confusion"

"How cruel Kent-kun, is that what they call love~ Hey stop squeezing my head, it will break! I am bleeding?! Stop it!"

What are these two doing?

A few minutes later they sit back down and Marina has her usual smile again, it would be pretty if it wasn't for the blood dripping from her head.

We talk about the supplies and some other discussions and wrap up.


We were walking along the road and could see the town from afar.

"Come on, what are you waiting for? We are almost there"
Marina calls me and Mio who were admiring the view.

In the end it was just me, Mio and Marina. Seeing us like this, we look like country girls that their mother takes to the city for the first time.

"Oh, what beauties, do you have a card? If not, it's 5G for each adult, children don't pay"

A guard in armor meets us at the gate, he was young but holding a spear and seemed to have considerable strength.

Marina then takes some coins from her pocket and hands it to the guard.

"Thank you very much, ma'am! Welcome to Ancas City!" Says the guard opening the passage

We then pass through the gate and finally arrive at a town.

Walking around looking at the surroundings the city reminds me a bit of those medieval European paintings but there are some differences here and there.

People are using magic for everyday life, some people who look like stereotypical magicians are flying over the town and you can see a man lighting what looks like a cigarette with an ember on his finger.

The biggest difference for sure are the people, in the camp there were only humans except for Mio and me but just by looking I can see people with long ears that look like elves, some dwarves and people with animal parts, there is even a small fairy talking normally in a store.

Mio seeing this starts to cry, it is obvious why but it is better to ask.

"Hey, Mio are you okay?" I speak wiping the tears on his face

"M- Master?! Of course I am, it's just that..." Mio starts to turn red with embarrassment but keeps talking.

"When I was king this kind of view would be almost unthinkable, it's great to see that the world has improved in these thousands of years that I've been sealed"
Mio says with a smile on his face

We started to do our market research to find out how this city works.

Walking around we checked out various items from dolls, clothes, food and some services such as a library, hospital and real estate.

With our research I discovered that the currency of the entire continent and places that have a trade guild are copper, silver and gold coins that are just called "Gs".

A copper coin is 1G, a silver coin is 10G and a gold coin is 100G, apparently from the silver coin there are paper notes that are also used representing the same value only deposited in a bank.

A loaf of bread costs about 5G and a night in a hostel costs about 60G.

But what bothered me the most was the writing, it's not as if I didn't understand, the problem is precisely that I do understand, as if I had been educated to read those notes that look like scribbles since I was a child.

Stopping to think in which language am I speaking now? Until now I have been speaking as if I were still on earth.

"Hey, Marina what language are we speaking now?" I walk up to Marina who is walking in front of me and ask her.

"Well, what kind of question is that? It's runic language, of course" Marina answers me as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

Although if someone fluent asked me what language we were speaking I would have the same reaction.

After asking a little more she told me that this was the universal language in this world since all magic is chanted in runic language, so all intelligent races in the world end up learning the same language.

"I understand, thank you very much"

"But you know, medaka is strange, you seem to be much more mature than a child but you are strangely ignorant about common sense" Marina says looking at me with curious eyes.

"It's complicated..."

"Hey, don't just talk to each other!" Says Mio who is eating a skewer of meat we just bought.

While we were having this conversation we came to a huge building, at the entrance there was a sign with a helmet along with a sword carved on it.

"It's the mercenary guild, it's been a while since I've been here" Marina looks at the building with a nostalgic expression on her face.

"Were you once a mercenary?" Mio asks.

"It's been a long time, my registration must have been extinguished by now from all the time that has passed"

We then entered the building out of curiosity.

Inside there were several people, swordsmen, mages, thieves, priests, archers, marksmen and more, if I still had any doubt that this was a fantasy world this is where I would be sure.

The place looked like a mixture of a bar and a government office.

I already wanted to come to this guild and register anyway, why do you ask me?    There are several thieves who ran away from the gang after I took over and they are probably still out there in the forest and along the border, many of them have rewards even if low that will make good money if accumulated. Kent's money will not last forever.

 I still want to travel this world and going as a mercenary will be much easier.

But first I want to know how this guild works and how much freedom I would have, if not it's better to go to plan B.

"Hey, you came to register, right? go there and I'll wait for you, okay?"

Marina leaves us and goes drinking along with some mercenaries without even having time for me to respond, I put my hand on my head and give up on her.

We then went to the counter where there was a muscular woman attending.

"Welcome to the mercenary guild, what would your request be?"

"Actually, we would like to register"

"Eh? are you sure? little girl this place is no joke, being a mercenary is a job that can easily get you killed you know~" 

She then looks at me and Mio and lets out a slight killing intent, it's something so small it almost feels like a light breeze and Mio ends up yawning in boredom seeming not to care.

"Oh, looks like you guys aren't so bad" Is obviously the woman was trying to suppress her anger seeing that we didn't even move.

The clerk then hands us two contracts to sign, one for each of us

Basically they tell us that they are not responsible for any damage that happens during our services but the guild is willing to provide legal support to ensure that the contracts between the clients and the mercenaries are fulfilled.

They also give total freedom to the mercenary affiliated to the guild with the only exception that all contracts signed by them earn a commission of 5% to 10% depending on the service.

"If we become affiliated with the guild all the services we perform as a mercenary would have to be done by the guild?" If that happened I would leave here on the spot.

"No, our motto is that mercenaries should have full freedom as long as they follow common sense, but if anything unforeseen happens we will not help either"

Having read everything I nod to Mio and we both sign the contracts.

"Now come inside that our instructor is waiting in the basement" 

The woman then guides us to a door that led to a staircase down to the underground.I turn to mio as we are walking down the stairs 

"Let's get this test over with and become mercenaries soon"

"Yes!!!" Mio answers excitedly.

As you can see, I have used some Japanese expressions from time to time, why? Well why is this easier way.

If anyone is wondering why it is a guild of mercenaries and not of adventurers, well the title already gives you a spoiler

Thanks for continuing to read this novel. 

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