The Journey That Changed A World.

29. The Beginning.

Archer thunder stepped out of the castle, appearing near the gates.

He noticed his hair was really messy, taking out some string that came with the baskets, he tied his hair into a man bun.

He started to walk off when he heard someone call out to him from behind.

''Hey Arch, wait there for a second.''

Turning around he spotted a red headed woman wearing kaftan-like clothes, she had bright blue eyes as she stared at him.

This woman was one of his mothers.

''I thought I'd never see you again, how have you been?''

It was Janna his fathers third wife.

''I've been fine, why?''

She looks at the boy and gets a sad smile on her face.

''It's wrong what you're father has done, even if you lost the fight, your still an Ashguard.''

''I'm not anymore mother, I was thrown out of the family remember, I'm just Archer now.''

A sad look appeared on Janna's face when she heard the boy speak.

''Sorry for what you've gone through.''

Archer smiled, she has always been kind towards him, his half brothers and sisters from her didn't bully him, but they stood by and watched.

''It's okay, I'm enjoying my current life.''

Janna was happy when she heard that.

''So Arch why are you here?''

He looked away not wanting to answer her, but she knew why he was here.

''You met little Ella didn't you?

Archer looked at her.

''How did you know that? ''

She smiled at him.

''Well she walks around with a beaming smile and is always in a good mood, and you're the only one who could be responsible.''

He shook his head and told her he has a quest to go to.

''Mother I have to go now, I got an escort quest to attend to.''

Janna grabbed him and hugged the boy against her chest while whispering something to him that made him happy.

''I know what has happened to you, and I think it's completely wrong but Arch never forget I'm also your mother.''

She pecked his forehead and walked off while waving at him.

Archer stared at her as she walked back into the castle, the only memories he has of the woman were good ones, she always treated him like a son.

Janna has never wronged him so Archer wouldn't disrespect her.

He made his way to the southern gate to meet with the guild caravan.

As he was walking along, he pulled out some dwarven flat bread and started eating.

When he spotted the southern gate he started walking towards it.

Archer noticed a stall on the right side of the road.

He walked over to ask a question and saw a boy his age standing behind it waiting to serve any customers.

''What is in the bottles?.

The grumpy looking boy answered in a dead pan voice.

''Fizzle Fig, Moon Juice, Dragon's Tears, Rune shine, Honey brew, they are travel drinks, 3 silver each.''

Archer liked the sound of them and bought some.

''I'll take 20 of each.''

The boy looked at him with wide eyes and whispered.


Archer nodded, the boy then told him the price.

''3 gold for 20 of each.''

He gave the boy the coins and stored all but a bottle of dragons tears, popping the cap he took a swig.

Its flavor burst onto his tongue like a symphony of magical sensations, it tasted like the juice of a freshly picked summer berry that has been enchanted with a hint of citrus.

The other flavors are more complex, with hints of spices he's never encountered before, dancing together in a warm and inviting balance like an intricate spell.

Leaving a comforting warmth that seemed to spread throughout his entire body, bringing with it a sense of calm and contentment.

It seems to be made from a blend of rare and exotic ingredients that only a skilled and experienced potion maker could craft.

But he knows one thing for sure, he's never tasted anything quite like it.

Shortly after Archer arrived at the southern gate to see Sarah ordering people around.

There was four people standing by her, and there was another group sitting off to the side.

As she turned around she saw him walking towards her and called out.

''Come over here.''

He walked over to her as she motioned for a group of four, two men and two women.

''Archer this is Tiefel, her husband Baradar, and Isaiah and his wife Jaen.'

He looked at the four, two were elves and the other two were human, Sarah then started speaking.

''The caravan is waiting for two more groups then we can leave.''

Archer spoke up.


''I am accompanying you as a representee of the guild, we are travelling to a different kingdom after all, and the civil war is getting bad''

She motioned at the groups sitting around.

''That's why there are four adventurer groups, and 30 guild guards, so we will be fine.''

'She jinxed us.'

Archer got a bad feeling but ignored it.

Not bothering with anything he went and found a place to chill, pulling out some of the gummy like sweets he started eating again.

An hour later everything was ready, the missing groups arrived.

Archer started walking alongside the caravan while drinking some dragon tears, He started checking the new spells mana cost.

[Thunder Wave- Level 0- Mana: 400]

[Call Lighting- Level 0- Mana: 3000]

[Fire Ball- Level 0- Mana: 600]

He decided he needed a radar like skill to track incoming enemies, it would be useful.

Selecting the spell he needed.

[Spell Creation Activated]

He thought about earths radar system and wanted a version for himself.

Nothing happened while he was walking, until he heard a click.

[Aura-Detector skill created]

[Aura-Detector: A skill that allows the user to detect all aura signatures]

[Spell Creation cool-down activates until user ranks up]

Archer was happy with his new skill, he wanted to try it out and activated it.

Sensing everyone who was in the caravan, where they were and the random beasts coming close to them, after testing it, he kept it on for a while.

He checked his status after he ate the 13 hearts when he was with Ella.

[Experience: 300/3000]

[Level Up: 43>44]

[SP: 2>15]

[Aura Detection Learned]

That's when he recalled a memory from the old Archer, aura is the energy formed from one's achievement of spiritual power through extreme mental focus and strong emotions.

Everyone has a aura but only those powerful enough can use it.

Archer pulled out some chocolate and started eating it, that's when the human of the group that Sarah introduced earlier approached him.

''Hey boy, what's your name?''

He looked at Isaiah's brown eyes staring back at him, he had short brown hair, with stubble on his face.


Isaiah smiled hearing the boys answer, then tried to start a conversation with him but Archer wasn't in the mood to talk, so he gave up and left him alone.

He walked back to the group as his wife laughed.

Archer was minding his own business as he walked along when dozens of pings sounded from aura detection showing him that loads of beasts were surrounding the caravan.

That's when he recognized what they were.


Casting cosmic sword as one rushed at him, it was covered in black fur and has glowing red eyes.

He was prepared to fight, but he noticed three more pairs of red eyes behind the first wolf.

Archer pointed his hand and cast three fireballs at the incoming wolves.

Three massive balls of violet colored flames appeared out of nowhere behind him and shot towards the wolves, smashing into three of them.

Causing three massive explosions, he quickly rushed towards the last one and sliced it down the side of its body, dropping it to the ground.

The guards managed to kill the rest.

Archer cut out the four hearts and stored them alongside the bodies.

They didn't encounter anything else as they continued on their way.

Archer kept getting odd pings here and there from his aura detection but couldn't find anything.

He shrugged it away when he heard a shout from the carriage that carried members of the guild.

''We will rest here for the night people.''

The caravan pulled off onto a patch of grass that was next to a river, it looked peaceful.

Archer looked around at the grassland they decided to camp on, it was bordering a forest on one side and a river on another, allowing only one way in and out.

He saw some rocks and made he's way over to them while pulling out the troll thigh he bought cutting a big piece off meat as he sat down and started to eat.

While sitting there he watched the tents being set up and Sarah directing the people cooking.

Sarah looked over to him and waved.

She made her way to the group that was gathering the water that the camp needed and started barking orders.

Archer stood up as he finished eating the troll me he cut off, spotting the tree he wanted to sleep in.

It wasn't far from the river bank bordering the forest, he made his way over to it, and jumped up using the spell body enhancement to give him more power.

Landing on a branch, he sat down and started eating the 4 wolf hearts.

Once he was finished with the hearts he checked he's status.

[Experience: 1300/3000]

[SP: 15>19]

He was still getting the strange pings but couldn't see anything even with his dragon eyes.

After scanning the area one last time, he settled down and tried to sleep, a couple hours later Archer felt something on his leg.

He's eyes widened in shock at what he saw.


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