The Journey That Changed A World.

47. Southlands 2.

Archer pulled out 6 bottles of Fizzle Fig's, and 6 Dragon Tears placing them on the table in between them.

''Where is the route to the north?''

Raymond stroked his chin as he held up three fingers.

''Well boy, there's three route's to return back north which is controlled by the Zenia Empire, ruled by Emperor Amkhu Sharifi, it is the only place you can buy imported goods.''

''The Empire specializes in agriculture, spice's, mercenary work, and the magical item markets''

''They employ many beasts, Demi-Humans and Humans in their armies, as they guard the three routes.''

Raymond picks up a Fizzle, and downs it quickly as he turned back to Archer.

''The first route is The Scorching Desert Road, dotted with ancient ruins and caravansaries, leads straight to the northern plains once you pass through the Jagged Peaks and cross over the Misty River.''

Raymond stops speaking and holds up two finger's as Archer started to eat chocolate.

''The second route is The Grasslands Passage, this expansive route stretches through numerous hostile tribes territories and a small human kingdom who practice some strange dark arts.''

He gets a concerned look on his face because that wasn't the worse bit of news but spoke anyway.

''But trader's have told me many things about the route, like it runs through The Darkwood forest, this vast forest is shrouded in a perpetual gloom, with huge trees that are gnarled and twisted like arthritic fingers.

The branches of the trees hang low, creating a thick canopy that veils the forest in darkness, even in daylight.

Thick brambles and briars carpet the forest floor, making travel treacherous and difficult.

Strange noises are heard in the distance, like the low growls of unseen beasts, and the trees themselves seem to shift and stir like they have a life of their own.

Most travelers hire mercenaries and adventurers when they travel through The Darkwood forest.''

Archer didn't care about that, he will deal with it when the time comes.

He motioned for Raymond to carry on as he started eating even more chocolate.

The man wondered if everything is alright with this strange boy.

He sighed before continuing.

''The Coastal Route on the way north is a perilous journey that only the bravest travelers dare to undertake.

The route hugs the rugged cliffs and sheer drop-offs of the coastal mountains, where the sea roars far below.

The narrow path is treacherous, with jagged rocks jutting out to catch the unwary.

The route is well known for its unpredictable weather, with sudden storms that can whip up waves that lash against the cliffs, threatening to sweep travelers away.

In some parts of the route, the path vanishes, leaving travelers clinging precariously to the sides of mountains.

Despite the dangers, some travelers choose to take the Coastal Route for its unparalleled views of the ocean.

But they must constantly be on guard for sudden obstacles and sea beasts, that have been known to attack people who travel the path''

Raymond stared at the boy who's eyes were shining, he could tell he was excited.

Archer nodded as he smiled at the man.

So the man started telling him about the Kingdoms.

''There are four Kingdoms, the Aquarian Kingdom in the South-East, the three other Kingdoms are the Nethania Kingdom in the East, Kheesara Kingdom in the South, and lastly the Kagia Kingdom in the west, where we are now.''

Raymond stopped talking and looked at Archer.

''Are you listening boy?''

He nodded at the man.

''I'm going to tell you about the geo-politics of the Southlands.''

''The Kagia Kingdom hates the Nethania Kingdom and the Zenia Empire who're allies, they try their best to undermine the two, so they can take control of the northern passages but the Zenians push them back every time.''

He sat there for hours listening to Raymond telling him all about the Southlands, after a while he went off to help his wife cook when she called out to him.

Archer learned the main way the people earn coin here is through spice, precious gems, magic Items and agriculture.

Raymond told him that the people as a whole refer to themselves as the Ra'sah people after their god of the same name who is the god of agriculture and happiness.

The Southland's economy is built on the trading of exotic food, spices, herbs, gemstones and magical items that are found only in the Arabian-like peninsula.

All those goods pass through the northern trade routes or by ship at the many port cities

He stood up and quickly left the house, as he was getting annoyed by sitting down for so long.

Archer leaps into the air and quickly flapped his wings and takes off, looking for a tree to rest in.

Not long after starting, he found a tree that was still on the farmstead so he made his way over to it.

Landing on the biggest branch, as he dismissed his wings and sat down, his tail was swaying in a lazy manner behind him as he pulled out some meat wraps and started eating.

He realized that he only had two left and needed to find more, he may have to ask Raymonds wife to make something.

Archer started gazing out at the Rolling Hills that stretched out before him.

In the distance, majestic mountains rose up, their peaks shrouded in mist.

To the west a dense jungle loomed, the trees whispering in the wind.

And to his right, the endless expanse of the grassland-desert shimmered in the blazing sun.

He couldn't believe he found himself in these exotic lands.

Everywhere he looked, there were new sights, sounds, and smells to discover.

Wondering what kind of magical beasts might dwell in the lush jungles, or rocky mountains.

He pondered the mysteries of the ancient ruins scattered throughout the land and imagined the tales of the people who had lived there.

But he was determined to face it all, for he knew that the greatest adventures awaited him in this magical Arabian-like land.

He started laughing as he knew trouble would find him sooner or later.

Archer couldn't wait to explore all that this new land had to offer as he made his way north.

Ella randomly popped into his mind causing a smile to break out across his face, as he was sitting there eating.

Those light blue eyes and her short blonde hair, Archer loved her smile and the way she was always nice to him.

'She's so cute.''

Smiling as he remember his little maid waiting for him back in Vassia City, Archer missed her but knows she is safe due to the necklace he has never taken off.

Another hour passed by as Archer was laying on the branch mesmerized, his eyes fixed on the sky as the sun illuminated it with a dazzling array of colors.

Shades of pink, orange, and purple blended together to create a stunning canvas of beauty above him.

He was lost in the spectacle, unaware of anything else around him, until a small voice suddenly caught his attention.

Looking down, he saw a tiny figure below him, its voice barely audible amidst the rustling of leaves and chirping of birds.

Archer saw a green haired little boy staring up at him with big brown eyes,

''Papa said dinner is ready, you must come now.''

The little boy ran back to the house as Archer jumped to the ground and made his way there.

He entered the house and saw three children sitting at the table while Alima and Raymond were preparing the food.

Archer looked at the long wooden table it was lined with a vibrant array of dishes.

A sizzling roasted bear leg, bathed in savory gravy, was the centerpiece of the feast.

Next to it, a bowl of crimson-red cherry cobbler glimmered with sugary sweetness.

The family of five and Archer took their seats at the table, filling their plates with a selection of exotic meats, succulent fruits, and aromatic vegetables.

A simmering platter of fish the likes of which he had not seen before was passed around, and the children eagerly piled their plates.

A platter of magical vegetables brought a burst of color to the table, with carrots, turnips, and beets looking things, all shimmering like jewels.

A salad of greens, peppered with nuts and Moon Milk cheese.

As the meal progressed, more fantastical delights were served as meat from a unknown beasts was placed at the center of the table.

Archer was eating when a little girl with brown hair and blue eyes asked him in an innocent tone.

''Who're you?''

Turning to the girl while smiling.

''Archer, what's your name?''

The little girls blue eyes sparkled before speaking.

''I'm Aiza, why do you have four horns on your head?, are you a goat?''

Archer stared at this little Loli who called him a goat and started laughing.

The girl didn't know why he was laughing but she started giggling.

Once he calmed down he answered.

''No I'm not a goat Aiza...''

''He's a dragon.''

He saw the boy from earlier, he looked to be 15-16.

She quickly turned to Archer stars in her little blue eyes.

''Are you really a dragon?''

Aiza was excited, but her brother was angry because he expected her to react badly.

But instead she was happy and wanted to see.

Archer nodded his head at the girl.

So Archer stood up and backed away from the table as he held his arms up and whispered his favorite word.



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