The Journey That Changed A World.

51. Brownies.

The bandit cleared his throat before speaking.

"Our camp is located in a cave about 10 miles away from here, you got to follow the river until you come to a waterfall, the cave is behind it."

Archer nodded, committing the directions to memory.

"But you got to be careful the cave is well-hidden, and there are traps and guards all around, If you're caught, they'll kill you. So be smart...''

He used his tail to finish off the bandit by piercing his chest.

Archer flicked his tail to get rid of the man's blood, he glanced westwards, his eyes scanning the horizon.

Before taking flight, he made a quick round and managed to gather a total of 11 hearts.

Without any delay, he spread his wings and took off, feeling the wind rush past him as he soared over the river toward his destination.

As he flew through a small wooded area on the east bank, Archer spotted a group of small creatures dressed in ratty clothing running towards a small cave nearby.

They were chattering excitedly amongst themselves, their tiny feet barely making a sound as they scampered along the woodland's leafy ground.

Without hesitation, Archer flapped his wings even harder to increase his speed and swooped down in front of the creatures, blocking their path.

They stopped in their tracks, their eyes widening in fear as they gazed up at him.

He could see the fear in their eyes, and he knew that he had to be careful.

Archer slowly crouched down, bringing his body closer to the ground.

He spoke in a calm, reassuring voice, trying to ease their fear.

"Hello there, little ones,"

The creatures looked at him skeptically, still trembling with fear.

But as Archer continued to speak in a soft and gentle tone, they began to relax.

"You don't have to be afraid of me, I won't hurt you."

Slowly, they inched forward, their curiosity getting the better of them, he saw what they looked like and his eyes went wide as he recognized them.


They were small and mischievous creatures from Scottish folklore, standing about two feet tall, with wrinkled faces, pointed ears, and shaggy hair.

They wore ragged clothing made from leaves or moss and were known to be shy and elusive.

Despite their helpful reputation, brownies could also be unpredictable.

They are mischievous creatures who enjoy playing tricks on humans, such as moving objects or hiding things.

But they are generally really friendly and are believed to bring good luck to those who treat them kindly.

Archer was shocked that he found such a creature on Thrylos, he was wondering what they were up to out here, so he asked.

''What are you little guys doing out here?''

One of them stepped forward and started speaking but when it spoke it was in a sing-song voice, it relaxed Archer, which he found strange.

''Gathering stuff for the winter or home will be cold''

Archer nodded, impressed by the brownie's resourcefulness, and offered to help them carry their scavenged belongings.

''I can help you if you'd like?''

The brownies gratefully accepted his offer, and together they walked towards the cave.

As they walked, they kept looking up at Archer with curiosity and a hint of fear in their big eyes.

Finally, one of them gathered the courage to ask.

"What are you?"

With a smile on his face, Archer told them.

"I'm a white dragon, but I won't harm you, I'm here to help."

The small creatures exchanged nervous glances before gazing into his kind eyes and gradually relaxing.

The brownies smiled as the same one spoke for them all.

"Thank you for your kindness."

As Archer followed the brownies into their cave home, he felt a sense of wonder at the cozy and inviting atmosphere.

The smooth, warm stone walls and soft, plush cushions gave the space a comforting feel, while the natural materials used in the furniture added a touch of rustic charm.

The delicate, sparkling crystals hanging from the ceiling cast a gentle glow over the room, creating a magical ambiance.

Archer couldn't help but break out into a smile as he took in the scene before him, feeling grateful for the brownie's hospitality and the chance to experience their world.

He examined the intricate carvings on the walls and the detailed tapestries hanging from them, he was amazed by the skill and artistry of the brownies.

Despite the small size of the space, it felt full of life and warmth, a testament to the creatures' creativity and resourcefulness.

The brownies beckoned him to come further inside, gesturing for him to sit down on a small cushion near the center of the room.

Though Archer hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to expect, the brownies warm smiles and friendly demeanor put him at ease.

He settled onto the cushion, feeling excited for the opportunity to learn more about their way of life.

As Archer settled onto the cushion, the brownies bustled around him, making sure he was comfortable before offering him a cup of their special brownie drink.

He took the drink and looked at it, the drink was a rich golden color, and as Archer took a sip he was struck by the delicate floral flavor.

It tasted like fresh flowers and sunshine, and he couldn't stop himself from smiling in delight.

The brownies chattered and giggled around him, pleased with his reaction to their drink.

Despite his initial skepticism, Archer found himself genuinely enjoying the experience, and he again felt grateful for the hospitality of the brownies.

He couldn't wait to learn more about their culture.

The brownie who spoke up earlier came shuffling over and filled up his empty cup, he looked at the little creature and asked for his name.

''What's your name?''

It looked back at Archer and answered in a low voice.

''I'm Twigg, white dragon.''

While Archer was about to ask another question, his Aura Detector suddenly alerted him to the presence of someone nearby.

He quickly instructed his companion to stay inside and rushed out of the cave, only to find a group of 40 dark green goblins waiting outside.

The goblins stood menacingly about 10 meters away from the cave entrance, and Archer felt confident that he could handle them.

However, he knew that his new friends, the brownies, were in danger.

Suddenly, a small brownie appeared behind him and warned him that the goblins were dangerous.

Archer looked down and saw the little creature trembling in fear.


Archer's draconic features appeared with powerful wings, white shining claws, and sharp teeth that were showing as he smiled.

He told the brownie to return to the cave.

"Go back inside and stay safe,"

Twigg, one of the brownies, quickly scurried back into the cave to comfort the others.

Archer turned back to face the goblins, with a determined smile and his violet eyes shining, he pointed at the goblins as he declared.

"They're mine."

He took a deep breath and let out a roar, unleashing a stream of violet flames that burned everything in its path.

Archer continued to move the flames, burning dozens of goblins before the flames eventually died down.

The remaining goblin stood frozen in shock, unable to comprehend what had just happened.

They were caught off guard as Archer unleashed a barrage of wind bolts, striking them with deadly accuracy.

The goblins fell one by one, their bodies crumpling to the ground in a lifeless heap.

But just as Archer thought he had emerged victorious, his Aura Detector pinged, warning him of an imminent attack from behind.

Reacting quickly, Archer turned around and brought his claws up to block the attack.

The sound of metal clashing against metal echoed through the air as Archer was sent flying, crashing to the ground.

He looked up to see a muscular goblin wearing homemade metal armor, its eyes fixed on him with fierce determination.

Despite feeling a bit wobbly on his feet, Archer steadied himself and Thunder Stepped in front of the goblin.

Archer slashed the goblin tearing its stomach open, guts spilling on the floor as he Thunder Stepped behind it.

Jumping up he used his claws to puncture the beast's back, taking hold of its heart he tore it out, making the goblin drop to the ground.

Archer leaped off the corpse and began collecting the hearts, managing to loot a total of 28.

As he made his way back to the cave, he dismissed his draconic features and approached the 16 brownies huddled up in a corner.

Walking towards them, he spoke to them in a friendly tone.

"Hello, my friends. I know of a safe place where you can go if you'd like to come with me."

Twig stepped forward and spoke in his sing-song voice.

"Where is this place, white dragon?"

Archer opened his Domains portal and invited them to follow him.

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