The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 154 **This Child will never be Yours!**

Before Matthew fell asleep, they had a little talk and Sahara was happy that it seemed that they were even more perfect for each other then she had thought before. It felt like she should be angry, but she wasn’t as much as she was even just half an hour ago…

Shouldn’t she be angry that this had happened?

It was all because she knew his feelings, even without him talking, and she knew of the circumstance, almost like she hadn’t been sleeping, that she felt ok with it…

Nonetheless…Just like her, Matthew was going to do as he wished and that was not caring what others would want to punish them for. And for the woman that was in the same estate as them, since she has already lost 'her baby', they agreed to do as what had been done to Sahara, by stabbing her and then leaving her for dead...

For the Empress, they were going to do the same...Just because we didn't want to think of her beyond that. Then for the few who helped, they will miraculously disappear...One by one...

And soon, after all would be accomplished, they were going to leave, not calling either Purple Haven or Green Haven ‘home’…Perhaps they would come back to specifically meet with the Emperor and Felix but that might be it…

Silencing their conversation at one point, they heard steps rushing from place to place, but neither Matthew nor Sahara cared to inform them that not only are they there, but they do indeed have their son...Not hers...

They didn’t want to clarify to anyone anymore, as they were no longer people that lived here in Green Haven…


Sahara did worry for Steven and when she checked up on him, he was still currently looking for her, so she sent him a message, stating that she was with Matthew, at his estate, and to keep it a secret. She told him quickly afterwards that he and them will be leaving again soon, so don't make himself at home and to be ready!

She didn't want Steven to do anything stupid, because he still felt like he was bringing trouble to her, so she made sure that he knew that he was involved in her decision completely. It was an obvious fact, that if he had a choice to leave with her or to stay here, he would obviously want to leave with her, so why wouldn’t she tell him to that he was coming with her?

When she felt Steven was on his way towards where they were, she made another note to state that he was on his way to one of the bands hanging around, just so that he would not be left outside of the estate. Sahara could feel that Steven would only feel better if he saw her safe and sound, but he was just going to have to wait! At least she gave him a direct message, which was the next best thing that she could have done, as he at least knew that she was alive and with Matthew.

Sahara was then able to focus once again upon Matthew and their son, seeing that one of Matthew’s fingers was being held by a little hand, making her smile.

They are both so cute! I want to take a picture so badly!

Not game enough to sleep, just in case she puts her little man in danger, Sahara stayed awake and listened to both of her boy's breathes and heartbeats...But, since that was sending her to sleep as well, she was glad that the little man woke up and gave a little cry, making her astonished that hours had passed!


It was already time for another feed! Which also led to having to clean up any small mess that the little man created in the process…Luckily a towel was there to catch it!

There was no incubator here, and Sahara had no idea on how to work it either. Not only that but she wasn’t completely in her right mind to attempt to try making a nappy for the little man to stop any of this liquid from escaping onto her. But…She does indeed learn her lesson and uses her meditation to empty his bowels for this moment at least. So, the mess had been bigger, but she lessened it.

She really had to start thinking more about what was going on right now! Mistakes can’t be made with such a small child! That was why she was staying up, because she was the ‘heart monitor’, the warmth…It was actually quite a taxing job when so much had happened and anger was threatening to take over her thoughts and feelings.




Sahara, after feeding and burping her son for the second time...And cleaning herself up from a little mess her little man created, she then put him in some 'homemade' clothes from the 21st century and made a cot for him to lay in.

The cot Sahara had for her girl was second hand, but it had done the job. The cot she made for her little man looked great and she was so glad that she had a power that could create items. In her previous life, she had not been able to afford much and wished that she had been able to obtain a few things extra for her daughter. All those baby rooms in magazines held such nice things and she had wanted to give her daughter the best but just like her own parents, Sahara could only give her daughter what she needed with a few extra’s for her birthday and Christmas. It was all different now, she could possibly make whatever she wanted with the spiritual essence, as long as it wasn’t selfish.

Seeing that the spiritual essence liked her little man, it was easy to do such a thing and it seemed that no aftereffects were going to happen because of it.

The tiny, new addition did play up for a minute or two, when she had put him down, but not long after, he was asleep in his own cot.


It seemed that the little man was pretty tired and lacked the strength to cry for the arms of his mother…Ah, it must have been hard for him to be born into this world…

Taxingly hard!

Perhaps children are so tired when they are born because they tried so hard not to be!? Haha, could they already know that life sucks and not want to exist?

Sahara fondly looked over her little man, thinking how special he was as he slowly fell into a sleep. She knew that if she were to always hold him, he would always expect it and so none of the little whimpers from the boy phased her, as she knew he was doing fine with another short check-up and a nice warm blanket around him.

No, she couldn’t pamper him too much, he needed to be strong in this world…

It was a sad fact because…Sahara had not gotten enough cuddles yet! But she knew that she will have a lot of time to get in cuddles without pampering him too much.

She felt giddy with happiness as she finally felt like her life was getting full again.


Since Talon’s, Samuel’s and Zeus’s death, this was the first time that she felt like she had gained something to fill in those little gaps. Matthew was someone that was now completely included into her heart, and she was not thinking about this unconditional spot just for him…What she thought about, was something more to fill in her life.

Sahara always had trouble talking to people, so she was sure that she was not going to gain anymore friends, just like her last life…But now, she had a son that she could love, cherish and teach. A son that she will unconditionally love, just like Matthew.

Yawning, Sahara felt like she really should get in some rest, as it’ll only be a couple of hours before the little man wants another feed.

With the cot beside the bed, Sahara snuggled into Matthew, and they slept for another couple of hours.




Upon waking to the little man's cries once again, both Matthew and Sahara sleepily awoke and smiled at each other...Sahara wasn't sure how long they would keep this up, considering a child would be waking them up so often...And Matthew might get annoyed...

But, before Sahara could get out of bed, Matthew got up and picked his son up, who grabbed his finger and clearly showed that he wanted to suck on it with his eyes still closed. There was a look that Matthew gave Sahara, because of the cot and clothes, but stranger things had happened, and he was glad that his son looked well and had a place to sleep. It wasn’t time to speak of these things as all the little fingers held only one of his…

Matthew laughed and just as he looked at Sahara in pure joy, the doors opened and that...Woman...Looked at the two of them in astonishment…Especially when she saw Sahara!


As far as she was aware, Sahara should have been dead…Perhaps…Maybe she was seeing things…

In the next moment, forgetting Sahara’s presence, she was glad to see the child that had disappeared abruptly from her room! And, the person carrying him was her husband!

Not only did he look particular handsome holding her baby, but if he sees that baby in her arms, wouldn’t he not leave her alone! Yes, she thought, this boy was mine, and my son will be the first heir! Perhaps in the future, he may even be an Emperor!

"Oh, you found him. Thank you! I'll take my son back now. He must be hungry! I can bring him back to His Highness later!"



Sahara could not believe her words! She was shocked to how much guts this woman had! Within just a day, the red radish completely believed that this child was hers! It really was amazing that she felt this way, and this reminded Sahara on what the Empress Dowager had already started to plan a few days ago…

…Your baby!? Did you hold this child in your womb did you? Did I imagine him wanting vegemite and McDonalds, did I? What a load of bullshit! This child will never be yours!

The red radish went forward and went to take the boy, already cooing at him with no idea upon whom she was getting closer too!

Matthew put out his hand and a golden sword appeared in it, and it directly stabbed at the woman in the belly, stunning even Sahara! It happened so fast that silence entered the room. Literally, she walked right into it! Only a small thrust was needed to the sword to make it go all the way through her…

Was the human body so fragile or did the woman have more punch in her step! But really, the golden sword formed slightly inside of the woman, so basically it was already inside of her before becoming an actual object.

Matthew made the sword harshly move to the side, to make the stab wound bigger, before exiting the wound and wiping the blood off the sword on the woman’s clothes. The ruthlessness about it was something that Sahara hadn’t seen as of yet, but she wasn’t scared. It wasn’t like he was killing for no reason…No, she could feel his anger…


Watching the sword disappear and seeing the woman bleeding out, Sahara slightly nodded, nearly tearing up. This woman had stolen her little man and had no remorse to having known that Sahara had been left for dead. None…

The spiritual essence inside the woman urged themselves out and connected to Sahara’s spiritual essence and Sahara could not find any sympathy for her, even though humanity was one step closer to possibly becoming nothing once again.

Sahara, feeling slightly better for her little man, was even grateful that Matthew held such rage. Not really knowing how she would have handled this woman, if she were on her own.

Matthew was somewhat saving Sahara from completely getting lost in revenge for what had happened to her and her baby boy.

Silently, Sahara thanked her man for helping her through this, helping her obtain justice in the same way that injustice had been received…

Matthew then stated coldly, "Get out!"

How could he ever forget his beloved in the state that she had been in the night before! How could he forget where his son had been and with whom!?


The woman wasn’t able to turn and walk out, and instead fell to her knees. Before she fell further, a Band appeared and caught her, looking at Matthew.

Matthew cuddled his son closer to him and nodded to the Band, "Take her to bleed to death."

In just a moment, two bodies were gone, and a son let out another little cry, "My boy, you mustn't cry all the time!"

Sahara laughed and continued to sit there, having put the covers higher when the woman came in, now to let the sheets go and put out her hands for her son.

Oh, how she was already so happy in the morning!

Matthew turned, bringing his son to the glorious sight of his beloved, and sat on the bed afterwards. He looked like he was pouting, watching his son suckle on his beloved’s breast.

There was absolutely no shame in his intense gaze upon her breasts…None…


A hand to his face brought him out of his solemness, "Yes, my dear?"

"Are...You jealous?"

"No!" Matthew looked away and got up. He would never admit to it! In fact, he really didn’t want to drink milk…Perhaps it was just because his son was closer to his Princess then he was…

Before he left for his own room, he turned back to her, to see her kiss the air towards him again, and he smiled at her.

Giddily, he left and quickly cleaned up and changed.

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