The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 163 **Awkward…**

Sahara sighed, thinking that maybe her thoughts were wrong but…Why would the spiritual essence state things like this? Weren’t they saying that Matthew should become the Golden Emperor? Then if they weren’t saying that, then what were they saying?

Besides, it was probably good anyway, if Matthew didn’t want to become the Golden Emperor.

From reading books in her prior life with all the royals, she knew that it would be a lot of work and drama that she could do without! Well, actually, hadn’t she already had royalty give her problems!

Perhaps it was a good thing, that they will stay free this way, without any real attachment…Unless they attached themselves on purpose.

They were free at the moment, they were deciding nearly everything on their own. Why should they pass that off for more work?


After a small silence, Sahara found that they still hadn’t finished their last conversation, “Did you want to see him or not?”

Hearing Matthew sigh but not move, Sahara looked up at him and chuckled, “He’s still your father! Your mother is there too, at least go and see her! We have to introduce Kin…”

“So be it! We will visit them!” Matthew stated firmly but Sahara could see that he was pouting.

It wasn’t like he hated his real family, far from it, but even if he went there, wouldn’t he just be invisible? Would they even notice him!?

What was the point!?

Sahara moved to be in front of him, and smiled, “You are mature on most accounts, Matthew. Yet, when it comes to the attention that your father gives you, you’re like a child!”

“I’m not a child! I don’t need his attention!” Matthew stated in a higher voice.


Putting her hands up to his cheeks and squishing them together, Sahara laughed, “A little boy that wants his daddy’s love! Awe! So cute!”

Matthew slapped her hand away and Sahara giggled.

He tried to take her cheeks, as she had his, but Sahara took a few steps away, in which he followed. Then…They ran around, sometimes earth coming up to stop a person’s path, sometimes Matthew could glide down from the wall and sometimes…Sometimes Matthew could fly for more than one minute…

Now that Matthew could fly for a short amount of time, Sahara had to try harder, so that she wouldn’t get caught!

It was an interesting hour, as the two had fun trying to run or catch the other. One was using their instincts, coming up with ways that would just get her out of the other’s hold in the neck of time, while the other used their head and even tried to use the other’s tricks against them!

In the end, Sahara was indeed caught but…There was an interesting area in the wilderness now where it may look like a maze, but it was filled with traps, mud, water, vines and even a place that looked like a way out, but it was not…No, it was just another trap with a bit of a kink in it…From someone running directly into it!




It was two days later, further down the track towards Purple Haven, when Matthew finally relented to Sahara and accepted to go and see his real father. He may have already consented earlier, but he had made no real plan to leave, which seemed to be left up to Sahara to plan all by herself! Was it because he really didn’t want to go or because she was the ‘lady in charge’ and it was her that had to make the plans? Well, it was both…Matthew was uncharacteristically worried about seeing his father again, that was for sure, but he had to also remember to make sure that Sahara knew she was indeed his lady!

Then, grumbling through hearing his thoughts through his spiritual essence, Sahara spoke of words of ‘lazy’ and ‘responsibility’…

Sahara wanted to make a big deal about how they can both be in charge but ended up sighing! So, she wondered what to do to get ‘ready’ for this ‘trip’, only, she still wasn’t too sure how to get ready!

They knew it was something bigger than just a family reunion, as not only was Steven going to see his father again, but a new addition was there as well, and Matthew had not met this newborn sibling of his either.

Steven had been in shock for a few hours, now knowing that he was indeed the real half-brother of Matthew, but he was also willing to come anyway…With the excuse that Kin was going and that he was the ‘godfather’, Steven stated bluntly that he had to go whether he wanted to or not but…The Bands…The Bands were mystified!

Their Prince…Their Prince was not the child of His Majesty!? Instead…He was a Golden Heir’s child?


Matthew knew that this news was going to be huge, so he had stated that if they didn’t want to stay with him any longer, that they were free to do as they pleased but…

As much as they were astonished, both Band One and Band Two wanted to stay with their Master…Especially when they found that the Green Emperor himself already knew about this secret and how he had still acted the way he had…

Matthew also told them, that for him, the Green Haven Emperor was still his father and that he will still protect him, so it didn’t matter if they stayed with their Master, as they will still be loyal to the Green Haven Emperor.

But…Some things that may have not made sense earlier, especially to Band One who had known Matthew longer, now sorta did! Like when Matthew had disappeared for a certain amount of time after he had turned sixteen! Like the strange time not once but twice Band One was sure that his master had golden eyes!

Just some small things, seemed to finally fit in place to what he now knows!


With no one from Green Haven to be teleported on this day, as the Empress Dowager had seen Kin the day before and Felix had come the day previous to yesterday, Sahara teleported them to the ruins of Golden Haven, seeing it with her own eyes.

It really was a ruin!

There was only one place, in amongst quite a substantial amount of land, that had been started to be rebuilt.

…There was an anti-beast barrier but that seemed to be the only thing that was good and working!

And there, where the only rebuilt place was, was the father that Matthew hadn’t seen since leaving Green Haven to find Sahara, all that time ago. That man was also the one that Steven had only seen once, when he was sixteen…

To Sahara, the father looked busy, moving a big piece of ‘block’ with vines, to look as though it was to be placed above his head in height.

Putting a hand out, to stop her party from going closer to the man at work, Sahara wanted to watch.

Curiosity got the best of her, and all the others could only wait patiently, while the man finished placing down this big block and infusing the vines to have them connect to the other placed ‘blocks’ together with his power.


“Mmm.” Sahara stated, unconsciously, as she blinked and continued to see that another block was sitting there, ready to go next.

“My Dear, are you just going to watch all day?” Matthew asked. She had been the one so eager to come here and now look at her!

Sahara turned to Matthew, then smirked, “Let’s see what his face will look like!”

Going to the ground and putting her hands upon it, Sahara visualized what the Golden Haven used to look like, from when she was shown from the spiritual essence, and started on a wall that wasn’t too far from the man.

Once he realized that something was happening, the block that he had vined up, never got into flight and the man stood there stock still, as he watched an entire wall get created right in front of him.


With nothing there previously, earth came up and then the earth noticeably changed into that of ‘blocks’, that looked similar to what the man had been moving and they became tough and then got stuck together. Sahara didn’t know what they used here, but it wasn’t cement, it was something else…Whatever it was, she did have the power to change spiritual essence and was able to picture it. With the spiritual essence knowing of what she wanted, a new solid wall was created, one very much like that of the past…

Upon the wall finishing, Sahara watched as the man looked at his hands, then look at the wall. In a strange manner, he walked to the wall, looking like he was unsure, then he pushed against it…Probably to see if it was real…

“What the hell!?”

Sahara then laughed, gaining the man’s attention and he gained even more shock, seeing not only Matthew suddenly appearing here, but that of Steven as well.


Being the first to start walking towards the man, Sahara nodded towards the wall, “Yeah, I did that! You should have seen your face!”

“Father, don’t mind my wife, she’s…Cheeky…” Matthew stated, not only to say who she was but also to somewhat apologize in a small matter.

She hadn’t changed! Sahara was playing tricks with an elder, she had done it with their royal father, and now she was doing it with his real father!

Looking at the woman in front of him, Matthew suddenly wondered if this was how Sahara gained the respect she had but…That would not make any sense…

Finally, the rest of the party followed after Sahara, and the man, having been forced to introduce himself to Sahara, was now known as ‘Christian’.



Sahara chuckled to the silence and took Kin out of Steven’s hold, “This, this little man here is Kin! Kin, meet your grandfather!”

Christian looked at the small bundle and then looked at Matthew, “Is it yours?”

Matthew frowned at his father but when he went to speak Sahara laughed and interrupted him, “He has a name! K…I…N…Kin!”

Christian looked from Sahara, back to Matthew, and had questions in his eyes.

Rolling her eyes, Sahara walked right to be in front of him and made him take the baby. “Ah, look…He likes you!”

It was pure mockery, as Kin had suddenly started to cry.

“Take him!”

Sahara took back her little man, upset that Christian didn’t seem to want any type of relationship with him. “If you’re so upset that I can do something better than you, just say it! Don’t treat your grandson like shit!”

Christian looked back in a rush and humphed, walking away.


Matthew walked up to Sahara, “My Dear, aren’t you being a bit…”


“Nope!” Sahara stated, seeing that Steven was just watching his father walk away.

She felt upset, not just to Matthew, but Steven as well!

If they weren’t going to vent at all to this man that was selfish, then she was going to do it for them!

With that thought, Sahara followed after Christian and within no time, they found Madeline jumping around, all by herself.

Why, why was this man here with his children, when it seems he doesn’t even care for them?

So weird, Sahara thought.

Knowing the name of this little girl, through Matthew’s spiritual essence, Sahara gave Kin back to Steven and smiled.

“Madeline.” Sahara stated, bending down not far from the girl.

The girl looked up at Sahara, then to the side of her, seeing Matthew, “Brother!”

Matthew took the girl in his arms, and smiled at her, “Sister! How are you!?”

Madeline nodded her head, but Sahara could feel through her spiritual essence that she too, was being slightly neglected. Her mother treated her well, but her father seemed to not give her the time of day.

So weird, Sahara thought once again.


“Is it, did I hear Matthew was here?”

Coming outside of an area, we all saw a woman holding onto a baby. “Matthew!”

“Mother!” Matthew walked up to her, still holding Madeline, and they all hugged.

“How…How did you get here?” She asked.

Matthew put Madeline down and looked over at Sahara, putting out his hand, “Mother, I’d like you to meet my wife and your daughter in law, Sahara.”

“Oh! You, you really did get married! Congratulations!”

Another cold humph interrupted them all, as Christian took the woman into his arms.

“Oh, stop it, you!” Matthew’s mother stated, hitting the man.

Seeing the man only have eyes for the woman, Sahara was introduced to a different type of love.

Why was he completely doting upon only the woman and not his children?


Blinking rapidly to a connection that probably no one ever knew about, and seeing a distant, forgotten memory, Sahara took a moment of silence as she considered the information just given to her.

…If she had never accepted the spiritual essence she would have never known!

I will think of that later, don’t be rude and do what I did to Imperial Grandmother!

Except, Sahara found herself instead looking at Steven, and she started to wonder if it was a good idea that he came here, considering that he was not this woman’s child.

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