The Journey To Find The New Golden Emperor

CHAPTER 165 **Christian’s life…**

Christian had been one rank higher than his half-brother, Greg, but his half-brother had been older and more experienced. Christian may have one or two kills under his belt, purely made in defending himself, but this half-brother of his had been the one to severely cut down a lot of the Golden Heirs around on the planet!

From having about forty or fifty Golden Heirs, several years ago, to this fight that Christian had with Greg, there were then only close to twenty. In those twenty Golden Heirs, their own Golden Heirs were involved, who were still little children or had only been just been conceived…And the links between golden heirs only seems to become known at sixteen, so…Most of the ones with known links, because of their age, had perished!

This…This was the cycle of the Golden Heirs…


Depending upon who their father is, whether they were wanting power, surviving or already gone…It was how the message was sent when a Golden Heir becomes that of the age of sixteen.

If the father had perished already, the child may be brought up never knowing upon who they are yet…They will still be linked to the other Golden Heirs and if one doesn’t think about it and cultivate…There is no chance for survival…Some with fathers may be told that if they get the approval of all the Haven’s, they could become the Golden Emperor! And that meant any other Golden Heir could be someone in their way!

Then, those with father’s who are just surviving, would tell their Golden Heirs to become strong! Become strong and live!

To each child a different type of lesson and message is learnt.

Christian may have been different to that of Matthew and Steven, even though both of them got more of the ‘survive’ message. It was indeed Greg who had the far future in mind when giving his son’s a message of the Golden Emperor. And that was why, as early as sixteen, Nate had continued his father’s journey to lower the numbers of Golden Heirs with dreams of becoming the Golden Emperor!


Christian’s father had told him to be strong and live, one that he never saw again after he had turned sixteen. He doesn’t know which Golden Heir had killed him, but someone had! He assumed it to be Greg, even though Greg would have been quite young by then but…With how many Greg ended up killing, Christian wouldn’t be surprised if it were him…

Yet, his life was already a mess to begin with, not having much chance to learn to cultivate at a younger age then ten, and he had been quite poor too. It wasn’t like his father choice poorly, as his mother had been part of a rich family and did have the means to have more protection and Sum to help someone cultivate but…He was indeed a bastard… His mother got kicked out of her family and then after all was said and done, she finally got mad at the reason why she got kicked out.

Sadly, Christian’s case was not the only one that happened. Women who get pregnant out of wedlock were not treated very nicely.

On some occasions though, Golden Heirs did go for the women already married and that did not make such a dramatic change. The women, if they could keep a secret, would not be found out, unless the child looked nothing like to the husband. On the small times, that the child has been found out to not be the husband’s, the child was then kicked out, or a couple of children had even gotten killed in the past.


It wasn’t like a child in each haven would survive the means till they become an adult, no…On average, two children wouldn’t make it to sixteen, then after that their odds were even less on surviving until twenty. Running, hiding, cultivating…Their lives were full of surviving and finding enough power to make sure that happens!

But, in Christian’s case, he had to start learning how to survive from a young age. He was neglected often and fended for himself for food, clothes and shelter, while his mother…His mother would disappear for a few days at first, then a week or two, then a few months till she was no longer coming back to him at all. She had first hit him whenever she was angry, then made him do all the work, while she tried to look pretty. Christian, being young, endured all this and it helped him want to cultivate at ten, which helped him release his frustrations…

And thus, Christian’s cold manner had begun even before he was sixteen…Then it only became worse upon seeing such threat to his life afterwards…

Only the lovely Lavender brought him back to feeling like he could actually mean something to someone…


In the few years that Matthew was born and started to grow up, Christian had killed his half-brother and had told himself not to return to Green Haven many times!

Of course, he had to return!

Christian hadn’t wanted another woman since, and he hadn’t thought his life so empty before.

Before her, his life was always on the line and looking back to make sure no one was going to attack him! He’d travel often and not bothered to have left anything behind. There were always no attachments, no sentimental reasons to return…But having seen what it was like to worry about small, needless things, life had seemed somewhat easier…

He tried to forget that life with her felt simpler, even though it was harder in some other respect. She would make him angry, all the time, she would make him worried and feel incompetent but…He also had never felt more alive and he had also never regretted staying with her all that time…


This all didn’t make much sense to him, he didn’t understand why he would want a life that revolved around a woman. He didn’t understand why it mattered so much!

He hadn’t thought that she had gotten to him this much, but since she had, he wanted to see her and perhaps put her in his past somehow. If he could go back to the life that he had before he met her, a world that he was used to, it would be worth visiting her once…

Thinking that if she was having a good life, he should be able to move forward. That if she didn’t think of him, he’d be able to let her go but…He had never thought in a million years, that the child that she had gotten pregnant with…Was indeed his…


Shock had overtaken him very much into the knowledge of Matthew being his son and he seriously did not believe in it fully until not long after Matthew had turned sixteen!

No, instead, he decided to ‘forgive’ her for having another man’s baby and be with her once again, as he just couldn’t stay away.

Seeing her once again was like he finally understood something. He didn’t know what he understood, but it felt right.

Everything else in his life were like small, little pieces that put together his being, but her…She was the biggest piece and since he couldn’t let her go, he could only stay…

And before he knew it, he might have been getting angry again, but he felt his world was full and worthy…


Christian’s life became hard again, but he wanted to chase her!

He wanted to be with her and feel complete once again, as only she could do!

Coaxing her, all over again, simply because Lavender knew that he didn’t believe her, she made him her secret servant, making him secretly take her out of the palace every now and again and getting her things that she couldn’t get normally.

Of course, her love for him hadn’t dwindled down to nothing. With his many devoted and doting looks, she slowly lost all reason to keep him at arm’s length and saw that if she didn’t take advantage of this man, she may not have another chance!


Lavender grew up to take chances, as if she hadn’t grown up as such, her and her lover wouldn’t had made it as far as they had in the first place!

No, she was afraid…She was afraid that she didn’t trust him so much anymore, which was a hindrance already to their relationship but…She was more afraid that he could leave at any time and that she wouldn’t see him again. He had been gone for a while and who’s to say that he leaves again and that he will return back at all…It was a chance. A chance to have a last time with him, just in case he was to leave again. A chance to give her heart what it wants, even if it never obtains what it wants again…

At this time, she still did not know that he was a Golden Heir, nor did she know that Matthew was a True Golden Heir, no, all she thought was, he could disappear again, and would she regret not being with him again!?



This time, Christian stayed with her for five years, which was the longest he spent in any one Haven. Previously he had gone from Haven to Haven, to stop from being killed, to kill, or to produce an heir, just like all other Golden Heirs.

On two occasions, Christian found that two of his children had turned sixteen and had gone to see them, but he returned to his lover, back in Green Haven, each time.

Sadly, for Lavender, she did not expect the stupid man to do the same thing twice!

How could he doubt her!?

When she got pregnant with Madeline, she did all she could to stop Christian from murdering the Emperor, whom hadn’t seen her for a long time…

She told him many times that the baby was his, but he never believed it!

He was angry, yet he knew in his heart that the Emperor had not seen his woman and knew that she could be in big trouble.

Before he left her once again, he made the Emperor, much to his dislike and jealousy, go and see his woman!

He might be angry, but he knew that harm may come to her if the Emperor had not seen her and she was pregnant…


Of this story, that Sahara can easily find and see for herself through the spiritual essence, Sahara finds the connection that no one knew about and perhaps was the reason why Lavender was able to produce so many True Golden Heirs and so easily…

Being the ancestor of the True Golden Heir daughter of Golden Emperor Marcus and Empress Mandala, it was almost fate that seemed to bring the two together. What were the chances of Christian not only finding Lavender but also falling for her?

There had to be another greater power, planning some type of destiny here…

Through Lavender and Christian came Matthew, who was reincarnated, as was Sahara…Who then came together to have a night of unavoidable passion to have conceived…Kin…

Was Kin the precise ‘fate’ that this place was waiting for? Or was it Matthew?

…Sahara needed time to think about this!




Going back into the past, where Christian just left his woman, another two years went by and Christian finally understood what he wanted in life. He wanted his woman!

Not a woman that was married to another man, but a woman that was married to him instead!

And…He no longer cared about keeping the secret of his status as a Golden Heir away from her now.

As much as he wanted her, that niggling feeling when being with her previously, finally made sense to him and that was keeping a secret from her all this time.

So, giving up everything he was, again he went back to the only woman he ever loved and tried to get in her good graces once again!

He told her the truth, sought after her smiling face and finally, they both arranged for them to go elsewhere…

Lavender wouldn’t leave without her children, yet Christian didn’t want another man’s children with him, the problem was…It seemed that they really could be his!

Even though Matthew had turned sixteen, Christian didn’t believe it until that golden sword was seen!

A True Golden Heir!


All those years, Matthew had always been his!

Seeing that Matthew was indeed his child, what instead became very important to him, was that Lavender had indeed been loyal to him all these years. That she had been truthful and that...Well, if anyone was going to have children with his woman, it was him!

Yet…He couldn’t seem to find a way to treat his children any different to how he was treated. To him, whom hadn’t been with a normal family to know what it was like to be a real family, he didn’t know any other way…

He did change though and did not do as his mother did and smacked and bullied his children, but he had no idea upon how to show anything else to them.

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